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Advanced Review

RNA-Seq methods for

transcriptome analysis
Radmila Hrdlickova,1 Masoud Toloue1* and Bin Tian2*

Deep sequencing has been revolutionizing biology and medicine in recent years,
providing single base-level precision for our understanding of nucleic acid
sequences in high throughput fashion. Sequencing of RNA, or RNA-Seq, is now
a common method to analyze gene expression and to uncover novel RNA
species. Aspects of RNA biogenesis and metabolism can be interrogated with
specialized methods for cDNA library preparation. In this study, we review
current RNA-Seq methods for general analysis of gene expression and several
specific applications, including isoform and gene fusion detection, digital gene
expression profiling, targeted sequencing and single-cell analysis. In addition, we
discuss approaches to examine aspects of RNA in the cell, technical challenges of
existing RNA-Seq methods, and future directions. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
How to cite this article:
WIREs RNA 2017, 8:e1364. doi: 10.1002/wrna.1364

INTRODUCTION Expression (SAGE) method developed by Velculescu

et al. significantly cut down the cost of expression

R NA molecules are essential components of all liv-

ing cells. Understanding the identity and abun-
dance of each RNA molecule in a given cell under a
analysis on a per gene basis,2 thanks to sequencing
only a short tag region per cDNA (15 bp for the
short SAGE method and 21 bp for the long SAGE
specific condition is the ultimate goal of RNA method). However, the emergence of DNA microar-
research. Much of what we know about RNA comes ray technology in the mid-1990s superseded EST and
from studies using biochemical methods, where a SAGE methods for gene expression analysis, largely
small number of specific molecules are analyzed. due to its much better affordability for large scale
High-throughput approaches that enable interroga- studies.3,4 DNA microarray analysis of gene expres-
tion of RNA sequences on a large scale emerged in sion is based on hybridization of fluorescently labeled
the early 1990s. The expressed sequence tag (EST) targets that are derived from transcripts to probes
method developed by Adams et al. examines gene that are attached to a solid surface through printing
expression by partially sequencing complementary or in situ synthesis. However, while the method
DNA (cDNA) clones, revealing both the sequence enables interrogation of transcripts genome-wide, the
and the abundance of corresponding RNAs.1 EST requirement that a priori sequence information or
data played a pivotal role in identification of new reference genomes/transcriptomes be available for
genes in genomes in the 1990s. However, the high designing the microarray probes limited the develop-
sequencing cost of the method limited its use in ment and application of this technology in discovery
expression analysis, and the data is largely believed applications. In addition, cross-hybridization and
to be semi-quantitative. The Serial Analysis of Gene background signals often lead to low specificity or
low sensitivity for some genes.
*Correspondence to:; btian@rut-
The first decade of this millennium witnessed the advent of massive parallel sequencing, also
Bioo Scientific Inc., Austin, TX, USA known as deep sequencing or Next Generation
Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Genet- Sequencing (NGS). Lauded as revolutionary in biol-
ics, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA ogy and medicine for its ability to acquire an unprec-
Conflict of interest: Masoud Toloue and Radmila Hrdlickova
edented amount of data in a short time, deep
work at Bioo Scientific, a private corporation. sequencing quickly transformed RNA research.

Volume 8, January/February 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1 of 17

Advanced Review

RNA-Seq is now the method of choice to study gene and RT in one step, oligo-dT priming-based methods
expression and identify novel RNA species. Com- can exhibit 30 bias, resulting in sequencing reads
pared to DNA microarray-based methods, RNA-Seq enriched for the 30 portion of the transcript. In addi-
offers less background noise and a greater dynamic tion, oligo-dT can frequently prime at internal A-rich
range for detection. Most importantly, RNA-Seq sequences of transcripts, a phenomenon called inter-
directly reveals sequence identity, crucial for analysis nal poly(A) priming,7,11 leading to biased
of unknown genes and novel transcript isoforms. RT. Therefore, poly(A) purification is a preferred
Several different technologies have been developed method to select poly(A) + RNA unless a very low
for RNA-Seq.5–9 Here we review general aspects of amount of RNA is available (see next).
RNA-Seq and applications of RNA-Seq to study spe-
cific problems. We discuss issues and remedies related
to bias and sensitivity in these methods, two para- rRNA Depletion
mount concerns in an RNA-Seq experiment. We also Non-polyadenylated RNAs, such as prokaryotic
discuss specialized methods that investigate aspects mRNAs, fragmented mRNAs from formalin-fixed,
of RNA biogenesis and metabolism. paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples, and poly(A)-
transcripts in eukaryotic cells are often the subject of
investigation. A major issue in sequencing these
GENERAL ASPECTS OF RNA-Seq RNAs is how to eliminate ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs),
While direct sequencing of RNA molecules is which are the most abundant RNA species in the cell
possible,10 most RNA-Seq experiments are carried but of little interest in most studies. Several
out on instruments that sequence DNA molecules approaches have been developed to deplete them
due to the technical maturity of commercial instru- from the RNA pool.
ments designed for DNA-based sequencing. There- One approach to eliminate rRNAs is based on
fore, cDNA library preparation from RNA is a sequence-specific probes that can hybridize to
required step for RNA-Seq. Each cDNA in an RNA- rRNAs. Unwanted rRNAs or their cDNAs are hybri-
Seq library is composed of a cDNA insert of certain dized with biotinylated DNA or locked nucleic acid
size flanked by adapter sequences, as required for (LNA) probes, followed by depletion with streptavi-
amplification and sequencing on a specific platform. din beads. Alternatively, rRNAs are targeted by anti-
The cDNA library preparation method varies sense DNA oligos and digested by RNase H, a
depending on the RNA species under investigation, method also known as probe-directed degradation
which can differ in size, sequence, structural features (PDD). While this approach is less laborious than
and abundance. Major considerations include hybridization, it requires continuous coverage of
(1) how to capture RNA molecules of interest; rRNAs and unique probe sets designed for different
(2) how to convert RNA to double-stranded cDNAs species. A noncontinuous sequence-based method
with defined size ranges; and (3) how to place was recently developed which has addressed some of
adapter sequences on the cDNA ends for amplifica- these issues.12,13 In this method, all cDNAs, includ-
tion and sequencing. These are discussed in the fol- ing those of rRNAs and other RNAs, are circular-
lowing sections. ized, and are hybridized to rRNA probes. The
hybridized sequences are then digested by duplex-
specific nuclease (DSN), making them unusable for
Selection of Poly(A) + Transcripts amplification. However, this approach requires high
Sequencing of polyadenylated RNA is perhaps the input amounts of total RNA, which can be challeng-
most common application of RNA-Seq. In eukaryotic ing when dealing with clinical samples.
organisms, most protein-coding RNAs (mRNAs) and Another approach for rRNA reduction uses
many long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) (>200 nt) specific, not-so-random (NSR) primers which bind to
contain a poly(A) tail. The poly(A) tail provides tech- the RNA molecules of interest during RT, thus avoid-
nical convenience for enrichment of poly(A) + RNAs ing rRNAs. This method, commercialized by NuGEN
from total cellular RNA, in which they account for under the name Ovation RNA-Seq, uses hexamer or
approximately 1–5% of the pool. Poly(A) + RNA heptamer primers whose sequences are absent from
selection can be carried out with magnetic or cellu- rRNAs.14,15 Similar to this approach, one study used
lose beads coated with oligo-dT molecules. Alterna- 44 heptamers to avoid both rRNAs and highly-
tively, polyadenylated RNAs can be selected using expressed transcripts.16 A recent report used only
oligo-dT priming for reverse transcription (RT). 40 primers for RT instead of 700 NSR primers com-
While efficiently incorporating both poly(A) selection monly used in other studies.17 A key advantage of

2 of 17 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 8, January/February 2017


this approach is that NSR primers work well with the RNase III-based method can also introduce bias
partially degraded RNA and low-input samples. because of the enzyme’s preference for double-stranded
However, like other sequence targeting methods, this RNA sequences.24 Thus, uneven fragmentation of
approach suffers from off-target priming, and is spe- RNA can be a source of bias, leading to differential
cies dependent. Nevertheless, NSR primers are fre- representation of specific regions of RNA.
quently used in prokaryotic species, for which Alternatively, intact RNAs can be reverse tran-
poly(A) purification is not an option. scribed, and full-length cDNA can be fragmented. A
In addition to the sequence-based approaches traditional method to fragment cDNA requires the
mentioned above, some methods take advantage of use of acoustic shearing, which is less amenable to
certain features of rRNAs for their elimination. The automation than RNA fragmentation. Alternatively,
C0T-hybridization method is based on heat denatura- full-length double-stranded cDNAs can be fragmen-
tion, re-annealing and selective degradation by DSN. ted by DNases. Recent development in using
Double-stranded cDNAs originated from abundant transposon-based, so-called tagmentation method
sequences are preferentially degraded because of their has made it simple to fragment cDNA and add
more rapid annealing kinetics compared to less abun- adapter sequences at the same time.25 In this method,
dant ones.18 Selective degradation has also been an active variant of the Tn5 transposase mediates the
achieved by using the enzyme terminator 50 -phos- fragmentation of double-stranded DNA and ligates
phate-dependent exonuclease (TEX), which recog- adapter oligonucleotides at both ends in a quick reac-
nizes RNA molecules with 50 -monophosphate, as tion (~5 min). However, it is notable that Tn5 and
with rRNAs and tRNAs.19 other enzyme-based cDNA fragmentation methods
In summary, the selection of an approach for require a precise enzyme:DNA ratio, making method
enriching RNA transcripts of interest for sequencing optimization less straightforward than RNA frag-
depends on the goal of the experiment and many mentation. Consequently, fragmenting RNA is cur-
technical factors. Several studies have compared pro- rently still the most frequently used approach in
tocols for removal of rRNA by depletion- and RNA-Seq library preparation.
priming-based methods.7,20–23 In eukaryotic cells,
oligo-dT bead-based purification of poly(A) + RNA
is the method of choice for most applications, Adapters and Directionality
because of its ease of use and relatively low cost. For In a standard RNA-Seq library protocol, cDNAs of a
low-input samples, however, oligo-dT priming gener- desired size generated from RT of fragmented RNAs
ally offers better results. Both poly(A) selection meth- with random hexamer primers or from fragmented
ods can effectively address intron sequence full-length cDNAs are ligated to DNA adapters
contamination. If an RNA sample is partially before amplification and sequencing. While simple,
degraded or the user is interested in noncoding this approach loses the information about which
RNAs, depletion of rRNAs by PDD or NSR-priming DNA strand corresponds to the sense strand of
is typically necessary. PDD works better for high- RNA. Lack of strand specificity would make it diffi-
input samples whereas NSR-priming is primarily cult to identify antisense and novel RNA species and
used for lower inputs of RNA. cause inaccurate measurement of sense RNA expres-
sion. Several methods have been developed to cap-
ture the directionality of RNA in cDNA libraries.26
Fragmentation The first approach involves attaching different
After poly(A) + selection or rRNA depletion, RNA adapters directly to the 50 and 30 ends of the RNA
samples are typically subject to RNA fragmentation molecule (Figure 1(a)). Originally designed for small
to a certain size range before RT. This is necessary RNA-Seq,27 this method begins with removal of 30
because of the size limitation of most current sequen- phosphate group from fragmented RNA and addi-
cing platforms, e.g., <600 bp on Illumina sequencers. tion of a 50 phosphate group. This is followed by
RNAs can be fragmented with alkaline solutions, sequential ligations of a 50 adenylated 30 adapter
solutions with divalent cations, such Mg++, Zn++, or using a truncated RNA ligase II and a 50 adapter liga-
enzymes, such RNase III. Fragmentation with alka- tion using RNA ligase I. The sequence difference
line solutions or divalent cations is typically carried between 50 and 30 adapters preserves RNA stranded-
out at an elevated temperature, such as 70 C, to miti- ness. While simple to implement, this approach suf-
gate the effect of RNA structure on fragmentation. fers from substantial biases due to the influence of
Nevertheless, RNA fragmentation by chemical frag- both 50 and 30 end sequences on the ligation steps.
mentation is not completely random. Similarly, This issue, however, has recently been mitigated

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Advanced Review

(a) mRNA (c)

Fragmented RNA
5′ 3′
Fragmentation RT

Single tube reaction


RT & 3′ extension
Ligation of 3′ pre-adenylated adapter 3′
3′ CCC
5′ GGG 5′

Ligation of 5′ adapter Template switching

5′ GGG 3′
3′ ccc

Sequencing -ready library
xxx 2nd strand synthesis
3′ 5′

mRNA Sequencing-ready library

1st strand synthesis &

2nd strand synthesis dutf
5′ 3′ mRNA
3′ 5′

1st strand synthesis

Adapter ligation

5′ adapter breath capture

Degradation of labeled strand

5′ adapter incorporation

PCR amplification







5′ 3′


Library preparation

3′ xxx 5′
5′ xxx 3′

F I G U R E 1 | Methods for strand-specific RNA-Seq. (a) Ligation of the 30 preadenylated and 50 adapters. “xxx” indicates barcode. (b) Labeling
of the second strand with dUTP, followed by enzymatic degradation. (c) The Peregrine method involves template-switch attachment of the 30
adapter. (d) BrAD-Seq captures the 30 adapter by taking advantage of terminal breathing of double-stranded DNA.

significantly by using random nucleotides at the liga- Phusion polymerase, making it essentially not ampli-
tion end of each adapter.28,29 fiable. As such, only the first strand cDNA with
A second approach incorporates dUTP into the defined adapter sequences is amplified, conferring
second strand of cDNA (Figure 1(b)). The labeled directional information to the sequencing reads. A
strand can be degraded before PCR amplification systematic comparison of different protocols for
with uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG), an enzyme that strand-specific RNA-Seq indicated that the dUTP-
cleaves the uracil base in dUTP-containing DNA. In based method was the most effective in terms of
addition, the U-containing strand is a very poor tem- evenness of coverage.30 Indeed, this method is cur-
plate for thermostable polymerases, such as the rently the most frequently used in commercial

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directional RNA-Seq library preparation protocols. comprise either defined sequences or random nucleo-
However, since it requires extra enzymatic and purifi- tides. Defined sequences, chosen for their even distri-
cation steps that are laborious and can cause material bution in final libraries, are more technically
loss, it is generally not suitable for low-input samples. challenging to make because of sequence selection
There have been several attempts to develop and manufacturing complexity. By contrast, random
new methods based on adding adapters to fragmented sequences, while easy to implement, give high varia-
RNA. One of these methods, Pedegrine, uses bility among molecular labels. Molecular labeling is
template-switching after priming with a random- particularly valuable in situations where input RNA
hexamer that contains a small tag (Figure 1(c)).31 is scarce and a large number of PCR cycles is
Another method, BrAD-Seq, takes advantages of tem- required for sequencing, such as single-cell RNA-Seq
porary strand separation in double-stranded DNA, (see next).45
called ‘breathing,’ to introduce a tag sequence
(Figure 1(d)).32 A third example is sequential ligation
of tags to RNA that has been fragmented to 200 nt, RNA-Seq METHODS FOR SPECIFIC
preserving even small RNAs.33,34 A DSN-mediated GOALS
normalization step is used to remove rRNA products.
A similar protocol for stranded RNA-Seq libraries Tag-Based Methods for Gene Expression
from all RNA species has also been reported,35 where Profiling
an oligo containing a tag sequence for RT is ligated to
the 30 end of RNA. A second tag is introduced by the DGE-Seq
RT primer. First strand synthesis is then followed by Digital gene expression (DGE)-Seq, or Tag-Seq, is a
circularization of cDNA by DNA ligase and direct deep sequencing method derived from SAGE.46,47 As
amplification of the library using the two tags. in SAGE, the method involves attachment of mRNA
to beads via the poly(A) tail, first and second strand
cDNA syntheses on the beads, and digestion of
Amplification and Molecular Labels double-stranded cDNA with a frequent cutting restric-
Due to the detection limit of most sequencers, cDNA tion enzyme. The remaining 30 fragment attached to
libraries need to be amplified by PCR before sequen- the beads is then ligated to its 50 end adapter with a
cing. While only a small number of amplification recognition site for another restriction enzyme, called
cycles (8–12) are used during PCR, variations in tagging enzyme. The tagging enzyme cleaves the
cDNA size and composition can result in uneven cDNA and generates a short 21 bp tag, which is then
amplification. Amplification of some cDNAs plateau ligated to a second adapter at its 30 end. The cDNA is
while others continue to amplify exponentially. To then amplified by PCR, followed by sequencing.
correct for PCR amplification bias, methods that Because only a short tag is sequenced from the whole
eliminate PCR duplicates from sequencing results transcript, DGE-Seq is more economical than tradi-
have been introduced. In one method, under the tional RNA-Seq for a given depth of sequencing and
assumption of random RNA fragmentation, final can provide a higher dynamic range of detection when
sequencing reads having the same start and stop the same number of reads is generated. By design,
coordinates are considered as PCR duplicates and are DGE-Seq preserves RNA strandedness. This method
merged.36,37 However, a drawback of this approach has been commercialized by several companies and is
is elimination of reads derived from frequently frag- useful especially when simple gene expression profiling
mented regions due to not-so-stochastic fragmenta- is the goal.48 It is also the method of choice when the
tion.38 Another method is to use molecular labels, complete genome or transcriptome is not available for
also known as unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), full alignment of RNA-Seq reads.
to distinguish PCR products.39–41 Molecular labels
are typically introduced within the adapter sequence, 30 End Sequencing
prior to PCR amplification. In a modified protocol A number of methods specifically sequence the 30 end
for making cDNAs from single cells, molecular labels region of transcripts. Most of these methods were
were introduced by the Tn5 transposase during frag- first developed to interrogate alterative cleavage and
mentation of double-stranded, amplified cDNA42. polyadenylation sites, a widespread phenomenon in
However, in some applications, such as digital count- all eukaryotes.49 As in DGE-Seq, the data from these
ing of targeted RNAs, molecular labels are added methods can also be used to study gene expression.
during RT.40,43,44 Molecular labels differ in size Some of these methods use oligo(dT) to prime RT or
(number of bases) and complexity. In principle, they sequencing, such as PAS-Seq,50 polyA-Seq,51 30 T-

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Advanced Review

fill,52 and so on. One concern with this approach is revealed by reads containing fusion junctions or by
that internal poly(A) priming can generate a high fre- differences in expression between the 50 and 30 ends of
quency of truncated cDNA.11 Other methods, such genes that are fused. Regular RNA-Seq methods are
as 3P-Seq53 and 30 READS,54 use RNA-based ligation typically not sufficiently sensitive to detect fusion junc-
to capture the 30 end fragments. While these methods tions. Several methods have been developed, including
successfully address the internal priming issue, (1) enrichment of RNA-Seq reads for genes of interest,
sequence preference of RNA ligases can introduce (2) exon capture, and (3) amplicon sequencing. In a
bias. A more detailed review of these methods can be recent study, exon capture of 467 cancer-related genes
found in Ref 55. Also notable are methods that can was successfully employed for the detection of their
examine both the 30 end region and the poly(A) tail fusion events.66 Amplicon targeting requires primer
length at the same time. TAIL-Seq adds an adapter to design at the 50 and 30 ends of a transcript, and allows
the 30 end of the poly(A) tail and carries out sequen- quantitative analysis of fusion events. This strategy
cing from both ends of the insert (paired-end sequen- was recently employed for the detection of ALK fusion
cing) to reveal both the length of poly(A) tail and the events in lung cancer samples.67 Two similar
sequence near the poly(A) site.56 A related method, amplicon-based methods have been developed and
PAT-Seq, uses Klenow polymerase to add an adapter commercialized by NuGene and ArcherDX,68,69 where
sequence to the 30 end of the poly(A) tail, and uses expected fusion events were examined by two
single-read sequencing to obtain the sequence near sequence-specific primers together with a common
the poly(A) site, as well as part of or the whole primer that targets adapter sequence.
poly(A) tail.57 The ultimate solution to unravel the complexity
In essence, DGE-Seq and 30 end sequencing are of alternatively splicing and gene fusion isoforms is
tag-based approaches that use one fragment to repre- to sequence each transcript from the beginning to the
sent a transcript. While efficient for gene expression end. Two strategies have been established to this end.
analysis, they can have higher variability than ‘shot- Single-molecule real-time sequencing (SMRT) on the
gun’ style RNA-Seq, where one transcript is repre- PacBio sequencing platform offers long reads up to
sented by multiple fragments. Biases from 5 kb.70 However, this method is costly, and has a
fragmentation, adapter ligation and PCR can make high error-rate and low multiplexing capacity.
tag-based data more prone to batch effects. Hybrid sequencing methods have been introduced
which combine SMRT data with short, standard
RNA-Seq reads.71–73 A second approach, named syn-
Sequencing to Reveal Alternative Splicing thetic long-read-RNA sequencing (SLR-RNA-Seq), is
and Gene Fusion based on the Illumina MOLECULO system.74 With
Almost all multi-exon genes display alternative spli- SLR RNA-Seq, an RNA substrate is diluted to no
cing (AS).58 AS plays an important role in regulation more than 1000 transcripts per well so that the prob-
of cellular processes, and aberrations of the process ability that two transcripts from the same gene are in
are associated with many human diseases.59 Some the same well is very low. As such, reads for a gene
RNA-Seq reads cover exon-exon junctions, providing from each well can be assembled to cover the entire
direct evidence of AS. In addition, reads mapped to length of a single transcript of the gene. After frag-
internal exonic regions can be used to predict the AS mentation, barcoding, library preparation, and
pattern using statistical inference methods.60 A more sequencing on the Illumina MOLECULO platform,
direct approach to examine AS is to sequence the the structures of the original transcripts in the pools
exon-exon junction region directly. Using oligo pairs can be delineated. Compared to PacBio sequencing,
targeted to specific exon-exon junction sequences, the SLR-RNA-Seq was found to deliver longer tran-
Fu lab developed RASL-Seq,61 which provides analy- scripts and a greater number of detected isoforms.74
sis of specific splice junction regions. However, prior These methods are particularly valuable for analysis
knowledge of the exon–exon junction sequences is of AS and aberrant fusion isoforms.
required for the oligo design.
Similar to splicing, gene fusion events can place
two noncontinuous genomic regions together in a Targeted RNA-Seq
single transcript. Created by chromosomal rearrange- Selection a specific set of transcripts for sequencing is
ments, gene fusions are present in approximately often desirable when a defined group of genes is of
20% of cancer.62 Fusion events can be detected using interest. Lowly expressed genes that cannot be read-
RNA-Seq data along with specific bioinformatic ily analyzed using whole transcriptome sequencing
methods.63–65 Detection of a fusion event is typically can also be detected using targeted RNA-Seq

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methods. Two general approaches have been used, amplicon-based approach in a recent whole exome
namely, target capture and amplicon sequencing. The study.79 However, target capture methods are more
target capture approach involves selection of specific costly. Therefore, for studies that do not involve
genes using a set of biotinylated probes which bind complex analysis, amplicon-based methods are pre-
cDNA,66,75,76 or RNA77 (Figure 2). By contrast, ferred, as exemplified by analysis of T-cell and B-cell
amplicon sequencing employs gene-specific primers receptor repertoires.78,80,81
for the amplification of cDNA targets (Figure 3).
Approaches differ in the amplicon design, including
two specific primers after cDNA synthesis by tem- Single-Cell RNA-Seq
plate switch,78 nested PCR with one specific primer RNA-Seq of cell populations gives rise to expression
and one common primer for adapter,69 and specific profiles that are averaged across cells. However, a cell
targeting primers in combination with a primer for bulk often contains different types or subtypes which
poly(A) tail priming.45 are impossible to dissect using population-based anal-
The target capture approach has been shown to ysis. In addition, the co-expression patterns between
provide greater complexity and uniformity than the genes in a cell are lost when aggregating cells. Thus,

(a) Capture- Seq

Probes RNA-Seq library preparation




(b) Tardis
Probes RNA

Small RNA Fragmented RNA




RNA-Seq library preparation

FI GU RE 2 | Targeted RNA-Seq by target capture. (a) The Capture-Seq method is based on capture of regions of interest by hybridization of
RNA-Seq libraries to DNA oligonucleotide probes. (b) TARDIS is based on hybridization of input RNA to DNA oligonucleotide probes. The
enrichment step is followed by the construction of a directional RNA-Seq library by ligation of 30 and 50 adapters.

Volume 8, January/February 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 7 of 17

Advanced Review

(a) 5′ AAAAA 3′
(b) 5′ AAAAA 3′

1st strand synthesis 1st strand DNA synthesis

Gene specific primer Gene specific primer
cDNA Target sequence

1st PCR 1st PCR

5′ 3′

Gene Target sequence Gene

specific primer
Ligation of y adapters
specific primer 5′ 3′

Forward primer 2nd PCR Barcoded primer 3′ 5′

5′ 3′

PCR amplification



Gene Target sequence Gene


specific primer

specific primer


5′ 3′

(c) Fusion Target
partner region 3′ 5′
3′ xxxxxx 5′
Reverse transcription: 5′ xxxxxx 3′
1st & 2nd strand cDNA synthesis

(d) Variable region

5′ AAAAA 3′
MBC adapter ligation

1st strand DNA synthesis

Strand switch TTTTT RT primer
Target-specific PCR 1
Forward primer

1st PCR
Forward primer Gene specific primer 1
Gene specific primer 1

Target-specific PCR 2
Forward primer
2nd PCR
Forward primer Gene specific primer 2

Gene specific primer 2

Barcoded primer
Sequencing-ready library 5′ AAAAA 3′
Fusion Target
partner region 1st strand synthesis
5′ AAAAA 3′
Indexed RT primer

1st PCR
Barcoded primer

specific primer 1
Forward primer
Gene 2nd PCR
specific primer 2
Target sequence
Barcoded primer

F I G U R E 3 | Targeted RNA-Seq by amplicon sequencing. (a) PCR method using gene specific primers with overhangs containing sequences for
common primers. (b) PCR methods using a pair of gene-specific primers followed by ligation of adapters with sequences necessary for sequencing.
(c) Archer methods for detection of gene fusion. Sequence for a common primer is introduced by adapter ligation and is followed by nested PCR with
gene-specific primers. MBC, Molecular Barcoded. (d) Detection of the TCR variable region. The sequence of a common primer is introduced during
reverse transcription, and RT is followed by nested PCR with gene-specific primers. (e) Digital encoding of targeted mRNAs. Reverse transcription will
introduce molecular indexes and sequences for common primers. Nested PCR follows, where gene-specific primers capture targeted sequences.

8 of 17 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 8, January/February 2017


understanding gene expression at the single-cell level SEQUENCING OF OTHER RNA

is important for obtaining the full picture of gene SPECIES
regulation in cells. Major challenges in single-cell
analysis include isolation of single cells, sensitive Small RNAs
methods to prepare cDNA libraries with very low Small noncoding RNAs below 30 nt, such as miR-
inputs of RNA, and computational methods tailored NAs, piRNAs, and endosiRNAs, are processed from
for single-cell analysis. Several recent reviews have primary transcripts. miRNAs can be efficiently cap-
summarized these technologies and issues related to tured by direct ligation with adapters (see above).27
single-cell research.82–86 Here, we focus on the Thanks to the 50 phosphate group and 30 OH group
library preparation aspect for single-cell RNA-Seq of miRNAs, no additional processing of RNA is
(Figure 4). necessary before the ligations. As discussed above,
A single mammalian cell contains approxi- this method naturally preserves the strandedness of
mately 5–15 pg of RNA. However, the RNA-Seq RNA but introduces substantial biases due to influ-
methods described above are generally not suitable ence of sequence on ligation. Using degenerate ran-
for sequencing RNA with less than 1 ng. Thus spe- dom nucleotides at the ligation ends of adapters can
cial RNA/DNA amplification or enhanced efficiency effectively mitigate bias.28,29 Alternatively, the 50
for sample processing is needed for single-cell RNA- adapter ligation step, which appears to be more
seq. Some methods, such as CEL-Seq and MARS- prone to bias than the 30 adapter ligation (personal
Seq, introduce a T7 promoter sequence with observation), can be eliminated if the single-stranded
oligo(dT) during RT, which enables linear amplifica- cDNA is circularized by DNA ligase and amplified
tion of input RNA by in vitro transcription.87,88 by PCR.99
Second strand cDNA synthesis has been enhanced by Because of the short insert size of the cDNA
template-switching during RT (SMART-Seq)89 and library for small RNAs, it is necessary to use a spe-
poly(A) tailing of cDNA.90,91 These methods, how- cific method to separate them from contaminant
ever, do not provide strand-specific information, DNAs, such as PCR products without any inserts.
because the cDNA is subsequently fragmented and These methods include electrophoresis separation or
ligated to a second set of adapters. Recently, the mul- adding the RT primer to block the 30 adapter from
tiple annealing and looping-based cycles (MALBAC) ligating with the 50 adapter.
method, originally designed for single-cell genomic
DNA amplification, was applied to RNA-Seq.92
Because of a greater extent of amplification,
molecular labels are particularly important for single- Circular RNA
cell RNA-Seq to detect over-amplified products. In One recent surprising finding has been the discovery
addition, barcoding is typically used to label cells, of circular RNAs,100 which are generated by back-
enabling simultaneous preparation of libraries from splicing.101 Circular RNAs can be sequenced by
multiple cells.40,42,93 On this note, recent high digesting away linear RNAs using exonuclease R, fol-
throughput single-cell methods have used oligonucle- lowed by regular RNA-Seq methods involving frag-
otide beads to deliver barcodes to cells and mRNAs mentation, RT and PCR.
at the same time (CytoSeq),45 or have separated cells
with different barcodes in aqueous droplets (inDrop
and Drop-seq).94,95
State-of-the-art technologies are in development Specifically Generated RNA Fragments
to characterize transcriptomes inside the cells, pro- A growing number of methods have been developed
viding spatial information of RNA expression.96 One in the past few years to interrogate RNAs at different
method, TIVA, is based on introduction of biotiny- stages of biogenesis and metabolism or interactions
lated tags to cells in tissue, followed by targeted acti- with proteins or other RNAs, and RNA structural
vation of these tags by a laser in selected cells.97 The features. Some of these methods are summarized in
laser activates poly(U) tracts on the biotinylated tags, Table 1. While these methods differ widely at the
enabling them to bind mRNAs in the targeted cell. RNA-capturing step, ranging from RNase protection
The bound mRNAs are then selected by streptavidin, to immunoprecipitation to metabolic labeling, the
cloned, and sequenced. Another method, fluorescent cDNA library preparation methods are similar.
in situ RNA sequencing (FISSEQ), combines in situ Most methods generate short RNA fragments
amplification with sequencing by oligonucleotide that are often made into cDNAs using the small
ligation.98 RNA sequencing approach (see above).

Volume 8, January/February 2017 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 9 of 17

Advanced Review


1st strand cDNA synthesis

(a) (b) (c)



Poly A tailing Poly nucleotide tailing 2nd strand cDNA synthesis

by RT

PCR amplification In vivo transcription

TTTT ″Template switching″
TTTTT AAAAA Ligate 3′ adapter

PCR amplification

Standard library prep

Standard library prep
RT-PCR with standard


1st strand cDNA synthesis


19 cycles
Annealing of PCR
Original template
Annealing AAAAA

10 cycles of
malbac-RNA Looping


F I G U R E 4 | RNA-Seq of single cells. (a) Reverse transcription with oligo-dT primers and a universal primer sequence is followed by poly(A)
tailing. After PCR amplifications, standard RNA-Seq libraries are prepared. (b) Reverse transcription incorporates a universal primer sequence.
Template switching of reverse transcription is followed by annealing of the oligonucleotide with the sequence for a second PCR primer. (c) cDNA
synthesis introduces the T7 promoter sequence at the 50 end. After second strand cDNA synthesis, cRNA copies are generated by in vitro
transcription. Finally, the second adapter is ligated to the 30 end of the cRNA and libraries are constructed by PCR amplification. (d) Single-cell
MALBAC RNA-Seq. Primers with seven random nucleotides at the 30 end are annealed to cDNA and extended. Amplicons are looped to protect
them from being further amplified. Ten cycles of quasilinear amplification are followed by exponential PCR.

10 of 17 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 8, January/February 2017


TABLE 1 | Methods to Interrogate Different Aspects of RNA Life Cycle

Purpose Methods RNA Species Sequenced
Transcribing RNA polymerase GRO-Seq Nascent RNA transcribed in vitro
NET-Seq103–105 Nascent RNA associated with RNA polymerase in vivo
RNA synthesis, processing and 4sU-Seq Newly synthesized RNA labeled with 4-thiouridine (4sU)
degradation in vivo
Translational status Ribosome profiling (Ribo-seq)99 Ribosome-bound mRNA fragments protected from RNase
RNA–protein interactions RIP-Seq109–111 RNA in immunoprecipitated ribonucleoprotein complex
112–114 115
HIT-CLIP/CLIP-seq, iCLIP RNA fragments crosslinked to interacting proteins by UV
(254 nm)
PAR-CLIP116 RNA labeled with 4sU and crosslinked to interacting
proteins by UV (365 nm)
RNA structure probing PARS,117 FragSeq118 RNA fragments generated by RNases digesting double-
stranded regions (V1) or single-stranded regions
(S1 or P1)
DMS-Seq119; SHAPE-S120 Unstructured RNA regions labeled with reactive
icSHAPE121 chemicals
RNA–RNA interactions RAP-RNA122 RNA isolated by antisense probe

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE isoforms, including those generated by alternative ini-

DIRECTIONS tiation, AS, and alternative polyadenylation, and
gene fusions. Second, current sequencing chemistry
Since its inception about 8 years ago, RNA-Seq has cannot handle homopolymers well. This is particu-
become a widely used and indispensable approach larly relevant for sequencing the poly(A) tail region,
for studying gene expression and interrogating which plays important roles in transcript metabolism.
aspects of RNA biogenesis and metabolism. As Third, the sensitivity of sequencing needs to be fur-
sequencing technologies continue to advance, many ther improved so that amplification can be reduced
methods have been developed and new RNA-Seq or eliminated. This will also be important for single-
methods are expected to emerge in the future. We cell analysis, where currently only a small fraction of
believe several areas are particularly relevant to RNA genes can be examined. Finally, interrogation of spa-
analysis. First, current sequencing platforms have size tial information of RNA expression in the cell, show-
limitations. Instruments that can handle long reads ing much promise in recent studies, is a new frontier
and offer high read output would be particularly for RNA-Seq.
beneficial for quantitative analysis of transcript

We would like to thank Jonathon Kirkbride for designing the illustrations in this manuscript and members of
BT laboratory and Michael B. Mathews for helpful discussions. This work was partially funded by grants from
the NIH (GM084089) to BT and (GM105178) to MT.

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