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Poisonous substances that can be acquired through skin

absorption, inhalation, or ingestion.

When diluting acids, always pour acids into water,

never the reverse. Combine the liquids slowly while
stirring to distribute heat buildup throughout the


Radioactive substances such as uranium and plutonium;

isotopes must be kept at their designated storage point.

Solid contaminants or radioactive waste MUST only be

disposed in a designated bin.

Combustible materials may ignite if exposed to open
flame or spark.
Use burners with extreme caution. Keep your head and
clothing away from the flame and turn it off when not
in use.
Be sure no volatile materials (such as alcohol or
acetone) are being used nearby.
Use a fire blanket (stop, drop and roll) to distinguish any
flame on a person.
Substances: (acids like vinegar and hydrochloric acid,
bases like hydrogen peroxide; sodium hydroxide, soap)
that can react with and destroy tissue and other

Safety goggles must be worn during hazardous activities

involving caustic/corrosive chemicals heating of liquid,
and other activities that may injure the eyes.

Always wash your hands after completing an

Keep hands as necessary and wash thoroughly at the

conclusion of the laboratory period.

Potential danger to olfactory tract from fumes:

Make sure there is good ventilation and never smell

fumes directly.
Test for odor of chemicals only by waving your hand
above the container and sniffing cautiously from a


Objects that can burn from an acid or alkali, wash the

affected area immediately with plenty of running water.

To treat a burn from an acid or alkali, wash the affected

area immediately with plenty of running water.
If eye is involved, irrigate it at the eyewash station
without the interruption for 15 minutes.


Operate electrical equipment only in a dry area with dry

When removing an electrical plug from its socket, pull
the plug, not the electrical cord.

Treat all animals humanely, with respect and
consideration for their care. Do not cause pain,
discomfort or injury to an animal. Follow directions on
the proper care of animals.

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