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Forensics Preproff Viva Questions


1st day 1st shift

● Hammer
● Shoulder+wrist+elbow x-ray
● Poppy plant poison
● Shotgun cartridge
● Spot 5:
○ Dying declaration
○ imp of maggots in exhumation and how are maggots preserved?
○ tram line injury
○ gastric lavage position
○ Rule of 12

1st day 2nd shift

● Knife
● Radius ulna xray
● Nicotine
● Aconite
● Spot 5:
○ Hess's rule
○ changes in eyes after death
○ Difference between negative and obscure autopsy
○ Where to check chronic arsenic poisoning in the body
○ How to record evidence in court

2nd Day
● Femur
● Wrist X-ray
● CuSO4
● Meat Cleaver
● Spot 5:
○ ML importance of mandible in PM examination
○ Precipitin Test
○ Techniques of autopsy
○ which suture ossifies first
○ McNaughtan rule
○ MLI of abortion

3rd Day
● Gastric lavage tube
● Abrus Percatorius seeds
● Strychnine seeds
● Femur
● Spot 5:
○ Principle of hydrostatic test
○ types of autopsy
○ ingredients of crime
○ alkaloids of opium
○ run amok

Dr Riffat
1. Civil vs criminal case
2. How to differentiate between suicidal and homicidal cut throat
3. Mugging
4. Drowning def types
5. Diff in mechanism of freashwater and saltwater death
6. Atypical drowning mechanism
7. RTA def
8. Primary impact secondary impact injururies
9. Driver injuries , driver fractures, drivers face injuries resembles which lesion ?
10. Sub merged syndrome
11. Prevailing
12. Bone injuries ,fracture aur poison deposition k ilawa batayen !
13. Blast injuries with types def
14. Knife injuries
15. Laceration vs incised wound
16. Firearm def
17. Entry vs exit wound
18. Which fractures most common in primary impact rta injury
19. Burking def
20. Smothering vs Strangulation
21. Pick one thing (I picked poppy fruit) What it is?Active components? How can we extract
opium from it? are alkaloids dry or liquid...symptoms.... Treatment, Synthetic
components of opium
22. Pick anything... I picked mandible. Everything related to mandible name of parts,
differentiation according to age and sex. Cause of death mandible saye kesaye pata
chalaye gaa?
23. Phossy jaw kia hota hai..
24. Phosphorus mandible mein kyun aur kesay deposit hoga the whole mechanism.
25. Phossy jaw sab mein milaye ga yaa particular age group
26. Burtonian lines kia hoti hain?
27. Lead poisoning signs and symptom
28. Mercuria lentis
29. Hatters shakes and Danbury shakes
30. Hatters shake how to identify them clinically? Hatters shakes are found in which people
occupation pooch rahi thi
31. Morphine kiya hota hai. Morphine poisoning signs and symptoms
32. Signs of death (Inme se early signs of death konse hoge)
33. What is cattle trucking?
34. How to estimate time of death from pml?
35. What is fixation?
36. Can pml develop on organs?
37. How pml develops on small intestine and stomach?
38. Diagnosis of death. Respiratory and circulatory tests for death
39. Gordon's classification of death
40. Branches of forensic medicine
41. Define forensic psychiatry
42. Insanity related to crime
43. In which poisons does insanity happen
44. Psychosis meaning ( jo bata rahe ho wohi puch rahi hain )
45. Route of excretion of poisons
46. Pick any one (I picked dhatura). She asked about signs and symptoms antidote active
principle. Dhatura autopsy results. Dhatura treatment
47. How to examine abortified material
48. Hess's rule
49. Shotgun cartridge
50. Parts
51. Gunpowder types
52. Wads sy injury
53. Vault and base skull fracture
54. Ring fracture
55. Bore def and calculation. Shotgun main kesy nikalngy
56. Blood collection method
57. Semen collection
58. Chain of custody
59. Death defination
60. Forensic medicine
61. Toxicology
62. Postmortem def
63. Types of postmortem (not autopsy)
64. How to determine age in a living person generally
65. A boy is 14 years old, how to confirm his age
66. Infanticide def, infanticide methods like pithing, smothering...
67. Still born live born IUD child diff
68. Ml importance of 18yrs age
69. Everything about tattooing ,definition. ML importance, method of removing it,how can we
find tattooing on autopsy after removing
70. How many ossification centers are in femur and where? Which age do they completely
ossify at? Normal positioning of femur in the body. Age and sex determination in femur.
Stature estimation by femur
71. All types of bullets
72. Autopsy definition
73. Racoon eye
74. Stab wound and types
75. Choking strangulation and examples
76. How to estimate time of death at autopsy
77. Mechanism of racoon eye
78. Pick anything (I pick mandible) Medicolegal importance? How many centers of
ossification? How would you differentiate between male and female from mandible?
79. Medicolegal significance of 21 years
80. Caliber def
81. Overshot wad function
82. Male female pelvis 1 differentiating feature
83. Hanging and its types
84. 3 month fetus all characters
85. Diff of riffled and shot gun cartiradge
86. Hess and morrison rule
87. Casper dictim
88. Puppes rule
89. Bertillian system
90. Sacrum all features
91. Dathura signs
92. Strychnine signs
93. All about knife and injuries caused by it
94. dagger Vs knife
95. Definition & types of mechanical injuries
96. Def & types of laceration
97. Cocaine symptoms
98. Tactile hallucination
99. Abrus precatorius
100. Bruise Def. Age of wound determined by bruise. Cause of green colour of bruise
101. Bruise Vs contusion
102. Primary relaxation
103. Strong alkali and strong acids mode of action.
104. Maceration
105. Still birth vs life birth difference
106. Nux vomica symptoms kis se differenciate kraingy tetanus
107. D/f bet tetanus and strychnine
108. Delerium?
109. Mc naughten

Dr Wasiq
110. Assumptions of survivorship
111. Eunuchism
112. Gastric Lavage can be delayed in and why
113. Hydrostatic Test ( principle not usage specific gravity, inspired uninspired lung, float
or not yay sb ans nh thy)
114. Most potent form of Cannabis
115. Cartrdiges (Misfired Unfired Fired diff, ranges)
116. Marking nut seeds wali bottle identify kya hota hai, marking nut kis wjh sy kehty
specific substance ka nam btaeyn
117. Arsenic poisoning
118. Mees line kyun banti hai (Mechanism, Reason)
119. Section 82 83 87 89
120. Difference between true insanity and false insanity
121. Sternum body k parts, joints, ossification age
122. Flat bones k name
123. Carbolic acid mechanism of action. Carbolic acid products
124. Other name for formication
125. Difference between zina, rape and fornication
126. Time period when Liquefaction starts
127. Time period when Skeletonization start
128. Hypothermic drug
129. Finding in hno3 poisoning
130. How will u preserve urine blood tissue
131. Corrosive MOA
132. Cognizable offence examples
133. Court kn knsi saza deta hy
134. Offence definition
135. Shariat law of vitrolage
136. Define shariat salayat e udu
137. Medical ethics
138. Medical etiquettee
139. Strychnine identification
140. Barbiturate automatism
141. Cardiac poisons
142. Nicotine findings
143. Nitric acid findings and reason
144. Mass disaster def (Also kitni deaths pe bolengay)
145. At which conc will it resemble drunkeness
146. Tardue spots , conditions
147. Cephalic index, how will we take length, used for?
148. define run amok and how does it end (suicide)
149. Primer composition
150. Assumption of survivorship
151. CO poisoning main blood analysis k liye kaise bhejein
152. Spinal poison k naam
153. Strychnine main kon konsi muscle movements hoti hain (opisthotonos,
pleurothotonus, emrathotonus,) facial grin kia hoti hai (risus Sardonicus)
154. Sexual perversions definition and examples
155. Passive agent of sodomy k features
156. reason of cherry red appearance of skin in CO poisoning
157. PM lividity in H2S poisoning
158. surest sign of intrauterine death
159. surest sign of antemortem hanging
160. Chadwick's sign + what month of pregnancy presents with +ve Chadwick's sign
161. speed ball
162. test for diatoms
163. Cuso4 ko kb as antidote use karty hen?
164. Fetus 3months few charactersticks
165. Inquest
166. Techniques of autopsy and there importance and disadvantage
167. What is finger printing ? Its types ? What is its system called ?
168. When will finger print not appear?
169. Table poison semicarpous anacardium .Its uses ? Special uses.
170. Difference b/w antemortem & postmortem hanging ?
171. Factors required for mummification .
172. Gun powder,
173. difference in post Mortem appearance of wound by mushroom bullet and wound of
normal bullet,
174. rigor Mortis, mechanism of rigor mortis, MLI
175. exhumation,
176. why do we collect soil from around the grave and what do we check in it,
177. aconite poison (it’s signs and symptoms, mechanism of action, ML importance, PM
findings, Why aconite is ideal homicidal poison?)
178. post Mortem lividity
179. Antemortem and Postmortem drowning key feature of each. In case of antemortem
drowning if a person is drowned in a water in which diatoms are not present how will you
find that it is a case of antemortem.
180. fetal age identify and it's features
181. CO poisoning blood percentage that resembles alcohol poisoning and test to differ
CO and Alcohol poisoning in blood,
182. Hegar's Sign,
183. Phossy jaw kis main hta aur kiun hta (mechanism ) ,
184. Human Hair and Animal Hair difference,
185. Antemortem and Postmortem Injury differences,
186. Basophilic stippling kis se hti aur kiun hti ,
187. Finger printing methods
188. Diatoms aur kismein hotey hain?
189. % to diff between CO and Carbolic acid poisoning which can confuse u
190. Asphyxia types NOT SUBTYPES
191. Ante mortem hanging cardinal sign
192. Mercury poisoning -Everything about its terms
193. Blackening kitni range par hoti hai
194. Ice pick & types of injuries
195. Def of injury, offence & its types
196. Position of autopsy of back/Spinal cord & its indications
197. Hegar sign
198. Toxalbumin
199. Speed ball

Dr Roohi
200. Difference between Dying declaration and dying deposition.
201. Process of recording evidence in law.
202. Significance of 3rd Molar Tooth age estimation.
203. Hutchinson teeth.
204. Specimen collected during autopsy lobe of liver and amount of blood.
205. Criminal abortion
206. Hydrostatic test
207. Signs of pregnancy. Conclusive sign of pregnancy
208. Types of bullets
209. Goodell sign
210. Montgomery tubercles
211. Types. Of autopsies
212. what is sunflower contract
213. 3rd month foetus
214. Precipitin test
215. What is a poison
216. Diff bw medicine & poison
217. Somniferous poisons definition & names
218. Hess’s rule, Morrison’s rule
219. 6th month pe fetal length kitni hogi, kese calculate karenge
220. Cartridge parts
221. Gastric lavage position name
222. Exit wound features
223. Cartridge parts
224. Misfire hangfire difference
225. Indentation fracture
226. Parts of bullet
227. Shot gun mein bullet ke aagay kya hota hai?
228. Heat stiffening
229. Tramline contusion
230. Cold stiffening vs rigor mortis
231. Fracture produced by hammer..Where?
232. Putrefaction first sets where? Ideal temperature for it?
233. If temperature is above 100? If it is low?
234. Incisions of autopsy
235. Casper's dictum
236. classifications of poisons
237. Skull fractures
238. Psychiatry def ( delirium delusion )
239. X-ray identifications
240. Sexual offences ( zina and rape section punishment of rape )
241. Black splatter phenomenon
242. Kennedy phenomenon
243. Clavicle ossification
244. Complications of gastric lavage
245. Antidote types,
246. Types of gunpowder. Composition of all
247. Negative vs obscure autopsy
248. Idiosyncracy
249. Delusion
250. Hallucination
251. How did you identified it
252. What is propellant charge definition and what's it other name
253. Sacrum and femur....what you will do if you are a medico legal officer....what things
can you find out
254. Antemortem strangulation features
255. How will you preserve knot
256. Classify corrosives. Corrosive MOA
257. Putrefaction definition. Stages/Signs of putrefaction. Putrefactive gases? Which gas
cause discolouration and which gas cause smell?
258. Classification of irritants
259. Delusion
260. How to check Cooling of body
261. Fixation
262. Bondage
263. Time for livor mortis
264. Firearm entry wound n dum dum bullets
265. Diff between tattooing and blackening
266. Putrifaction mechanism
267. Types of dhatura
268. Types of cannabis indica
269. Lucid interval
270. Types of incision
271. Nux vomica fatal dose
272. Kis form mai strychnine poisoning hoti hai

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