Jesús Avila

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Jesús or “Chú”, is one of the composers and interpreters of popular music from the

East of Venezuela that has most been planted in the heart of the island people. He
was born on August 27, 1930, in the town of Los Robles, state. Nueva Esparta,
He formed the group Cuerdas Espartanas in the 60s and, throughout the following
decade, he dedicated himself to publishing records, which gave projection to the
popular music movement in Margarita. Later, his artistic and personal process led
him to leave the group (which is still alive with other musicians); even so, he
continues to record and edit material on his own, both in LP and 45 rpm
format. Among his best known songs are: Rumbo a Oriente, El guanaguanare
(popularized nationally by Nancy Ramos in the late 70s), Elegía Margariteña, El
gallo de Pascualita, El mar and Cristo del pescador, among many others.
Jesús o “Chú” Ávila, es uno de los compositores e intérpretes de música popular del
Oriente de Venezuela que más se ha sembrado en el corazón del pueblo insular.
Nace un 27 de agosto de 1930, en la población de Los Robles , edo. Nueva Esparta,
 Forma el grupo Cuerdas Espartanas en los años 60 y, durante toda la década
siguiente, se dedica a publicar discos, lo que le da proyección al movimiento de
música popular en Margarita. Más adelante, su proceso artístico y personal lo lleva a
abandonar la agrupación (que sigue viva con otros músicos); aun así, sigue grabando
y editando material por su cuenta, tanto en formato LP como en 45 rpm. Entre sus
canciones más conocidas figuran: Rumbo a Oriente, El guanaguanare (popularizada
nacionalmente por Nancy Ramos a finales de los 70), Elegía margariteña, El gallo
de Pascualita, Rauda, rauda, El mar y Cristo del pescador, entre muchas otras.
1. Where was he born?
He was born in the town of los Robles, Nueva Esparta State
2. When was he born?
He was born on August 27 of 1930
3. Appoint the best performances
His best known songs are: Rumbo a Oriente, El guanaguanare (popularized
nationally by Nancy Ramos in the late 70s), Elegía Margariteña, El gallo de
Pascualita, El mar, Nakarí and Cristo del pescador, among many others.

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