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Creating interactive physics simulations using the power of GeoGebra

Tom Walsh

Citation: The Physics Teacher 55, 316 (2017); doi: 10.1119/1.4981047

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/1.4981047
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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers

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Creating interactive physics

simulations using the power
of GeoGebra
Tom Walsh, Livingston High School, Livingston, NJ 07039;

I have long incorporated physics simulations in my physics

teaching, and truly appreciate those who have made their
simulations available to the public. I often would think of an
idea for a simulation I would love to be able to use, but with
no real programming background I did not know how I could
make my own. That was the case until I discovered GeoGe-
bra, which is an open source software offering “Dynamic Fig. 2. Change the initial conditions and watch the resulting
Mathematics for Teaching and Learning.” GeoGebra is freely changes in the projectile’s motion.
available for non-commercial users. It is powerful, easy to
learn, and versatile. There are versions for Windows, Mac, and pears is dynamic. Move the “m” or “b” sliders and watch the
Linux, as well as tablet and phone versions. It can also be run changes in the line in real time.
directly from a Chrome browser.1 Suppose you want to make a simple projectile motion
The beauty of the GeoGebra software is that you do not simulation, one that will show the motion of a projectile with
need to learn a programming language to use it to create re- given initial horizontal and vertical velocities. Open the soft-
alistic interactive simulations and animations of all sorts of ware and create three sliders, one called v0x, one called v0y,
physical phenomena. Simulations created in GeoGebra run and one called t. The horizontal position of the projectile is
in any desktop or tablet (iPad) browser—they do not require given by v0x*t, the vertical is given by v0y*t-4.9*t2. So, cre-
extensions like Flash or Java. The software also allows for the ate a point A by typing into the input bar: “A = (v0x*t,v0y*t-
easy export of animated GIFs if you are just looking to create 4.9*t^2)”. Now use the sliders to choose the initial horizontal
a moving illustration as opposed to an interactive simulation. and vertical velocities. Move the time slider and watch as
As long as you understand the mathematics behind the phys- point A moves through a perfect parabolic trajectory. You can
ics of something, you can likely simulate it using GeoGebra. also right-click on the time slider and turn animation on, so
that you can watch the projectile’s motion as the time elapses
automatically. Experiment with the software and you’ll figure
out how to enhance your simulation by adding in control but-
tons, check boxes, and representing vector components. (See
Fig. 2.)
To share a GeoGebra simulation, you upload it to the
“Materials” area of the GeoGebra website.2 There are literally
hundreds of thousands of free interactive materials available
on their site. Best of all, they all can be freely downloaded
and opened with the GeoGebra software to see how they
were created. Some will be easy to figure out, others are more
Fig. 1. GeoGebra main window. complex, but all can easily be examined. Once a simulation is
loaded to the GeoGebra site, it is easy to access the “embed”
The main GeoGebra window (Fig. 1) is just a 2D coordi- code so that it can be added to a website or even an iBook. All
nate plane with an x- and y-axis, although 3D graphics also of my simulations are available through the GeoGebra web-
are available. You can add objects using the input bar at the site.3
bottom of the screen or the row of buttons across the top. Type I also created my personal website4 to provide my students
“y=3x+4” into the input bar and that line will appear in your with easy access to all my simulations. I have my students use
graphics window. Better yet, use a button to create adjustable them to help them see relationships and visualize concepts.
sliders that allow the user to pick the value of a number. I use them in my classes for demos, virtual labs, and practice
Make a slider called “m” and another called “b”, and then problems. They do not replace physical demos or hands-on
type “y = mx+b” into the input window. Now the line that ap- labs, but they do a great job allowing students to quickly ex-

316 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 55, May 2017 DOI: 10.1119/1.4981047
talkin’ physics
If I had more class time with my students, I would love to
teach them the basics of the software and have them create
their own simulations.
I am not affiliated with the makers of the GeoGebra soft-
ware in any way. I just find it to be a wonderful free tool for
teaching all sorts of physics concepts. I encourage all physics
teachers to check it out and to experiment with it. The soft-
ware has excellent documentation5 and a YouTube tutorial
Spend a little time with it and you too will be creating use-
ful simulations and animations. I also encourage you to share
your simulations. Even though I create simulations for use
Fig. 3. Visualize the equipotentials and electric field of two charg- by my own students, it brings me great pleasure to be able to
es in two and three dimensions. share them publicly, and to hear from other physics teachers
and students who find them useful.
periment in class or at home, in order to gain insight of many
physics concepts. References
One of my favorite things about creating physics simula- 1. Geogebra downloads, https://www.geogebra.org/download .
tions in GeoGebra is that I often get a deeper understanding 2. Geogebra materials, https://www.geogebra.org/materials/ .
of a topic or phenomenon through creating a simulation of it 3. Tom Walsh Geogebra simulations, https://www.geogebra.org/
(Fig. 3). ukukuku .
Even after having taught a certain concept for many years, 4. Physics: Interactive Physics Simulations, http://ophysics.com/.
I find myself understanding it better after figuring out how to 5. Geogebra tutorials, https://wiki.geogebra.org/en/Tutorials .
mathematically and graphically simulate it. 6. GeoGebra tutorials YouTube Channel, https://www.youtube.
com/user/GeoGebraChannel/ .

Figuring Physics April 2017 Answer

DOI: 10.1119/1.4981048

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 55, May 2017 317

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