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CTT de los Andes Language Center

Level 4


Name: Doménica Ríos

Date: Sunday, June 25th.

CTT de los Andes Language Center
Level 4

Exercises 2 and 3 – Page 38

Enric Sala is a marine ecologist. Read his article on page 39 and answer the questions.

1. What happened to Enric Sala and why?

The ocean almost killed him a couple of times for not respecting it, it was a stormy day on the

Costa Brava with cold gray waters Enric Sala decided to swim and almost lost his life because

some days the sea loves us and others it doesn't.

2. How has the experience changed him?

He understood that to be in the ocean the surfaces must be calm, the waters clear and diving

easy, Enric Sala was lucky because that day he could die.

Find these expressions in the article. What do they mean? Choose the correct option.

1. A couple of time.

On several / two ocassions

2. My guts jump to my throat.

I feel afraid / angry.

3. I decided to call it a day.

I decided to stop / try again tomorrow.

4. I was having a hard time.

It was difficult for me / it took a long time.

5. I decided to let go.

I decided to stop swimming / try again.

6. I scrambled onto the beach.

I moved quickly / slowly.

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