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Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285

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Motor imagery EEG recognition based on conditional optimization

empirical mode decomposition and multi-scale convolutional neural
Xianlun Tang a, Wei Li a,∗, Xingchen Li a, Weichang Ma a, Xiaoyuan Dang b
Chongqing Key Laboratory of Complex Systems and Bionic Control, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
College of Mobile Telecommunications, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecom, Chongqing 401520, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals classification plays a crucial role in brain computer interfaces (BCIs)
Received 19 August 2019 system. However, the inherent complex properties of EEG signals make it challenging to get them ana-
Revised 15 November 2019
lyzed and modeled. In this paper, a novel method based on conditional empirical mode decomposition
Accepted 5 February 2020
(CEMD) and one-dimensional multi-scale convolutional neural network (1DMSCNN) is proposed to rec-
Available online 6 February 2020
ognize motor imagery (MI) EEG signals. In the CEMD algorithm, the correlation coefficient between the
Keywords: original EEG signal and each intrinsic modal component (IMF) is used as the first condition to select IMFs,
Empirical mode decomposition and the relative energy occupancy rates between the IMFs are the second condition. The CEMD algorithm
Convolutional neural network is applied to remove the noise of EEG signals. Then, an EEG signals combination method is proposed to
Motor imagery EEG encode event-related synchronization/de-synchronization (ERS/ERD) information between the channels.
Feature extraction Finally, a model called 1DMSCNN is built to classify the processed EEG signals. The proposed method is
Intelligent wheelchair
applied to the dataset collected in our laboratory and BCI competition IV dataset 2b. The results indi-
cate that the proposed method can achieve higher accuracy for EEG signals classification, compared with
other state-of-the-art works. In addition, the proposed algorithm is applied to the online recognition of
EEG signals, a BCI system that directly interacts with brain and wheelchair is designed and implemented.
This system can directly command wheelchair to turn left and right through EEG signals. The online ex-
perimental results indicate that the designed intelligent wheelchair system is a feasible BCI application.
It verifies the proposed algorithm can be used in expert and intelligent systems. Our method can provide
a stimulus to the development of human-robot interaction.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction nals form important parts. The commonly used EEG signals include
event-related P300 potentials, steady-state visually evoked poten-
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) convert brain activity recorded tials (SSVEPs) and motor imagery (MI) related mu/beta rhythms
from human scalp into computer control commands to control ex- (Yu et al., 2015).
ternal devices, thus helping disabled people recover some motor Compared with other types of signals, there are some dis-
abilities (Sun, Feng, Lu, Wang & Zhang, 2019; Van Erp, Lotte & tinct features in EEG signals. The collected EEG signals vary with
Tangermann, 2012; Wolpaw, Birbaumer, McFarland, Pfurtscheller & the structure of the human brain and the subjects’ mental states
Vaughan, 2002). There have been studies on the use of electroen- (Gui, Jin, Xu, Ruiz-Blondet & Laszlo, 2015). Therefore, each sub-
cephalography (EEG) to control intelligent wheelchair (zhang et al., ject’s EEG signal is unique. EEG signals are nonlinear and non-
2015), robotic arm (Wang, Dong, Chen & Shi, 2015) and other stationary, which means the characteristics of EEG signals change
external equipment (Liao et al., 2012; LaFleur et al., 2013). In a over time. Moreover, as the collected EEG signals are usually mixed
BCI system, the feature extraction and classification of EEG sig- with noise, posing a challenge to the analysis of EEG signals. There-
fore, effective measures should be taken to improve the signal-to-
noise ratio (SNR) of EEG signals.

Corresponding author.
Different MI tasks inspire different activation states in the sen-
E-mail addresses: (X. Tang), sorimotor cortex of the brain (Tabar & Halici, 2016), and MI can be
(W. Li), (X. Li), (W. Ma), collected in a convenient, non-invasion, cost-saving way. Therefore, (X. Dang).
0957-4174/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285

many researchers have focused on the feature extraction and clas- posed method, and as it shows, compared with other state-of-the-
sification of MI EEG signals. The commonly used feature extraction art works, the proposed method can achieve superior performance.
algorithms include wavelet transform (WT) (Ma, Guo, Su & Liang, It proves that the proposed method can extract the features from
2017; Pattnaik, Dash & Sabut, 2016), common spatial patterns (CSP) complex EEG signals more effectively, and it can be used in a BCI
(Lotte & Guan, 2010; Wu et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2018), Extreme system.
energy difference (EED) (Sun, 2010), principal component analysis Finally, a BCI system that directly interacts with brain and
(PCA) (Kottaimalai, Rajasekaran, Selvam & Kannapiran, 2013), em- wheelchair is designed and implemented. In the system, the pro-
pirical mode decomposition (EMD) (Gaur, Pachori, Wang & Prasad, posed algorithm is applied to classify left hand and right hand MI
2015; Kevric & Subasi, 2017; Park, Looney, ur Rehman, Ahrabian EEG signals, and then the system generates corresponding control
& Mandic, 2012) and so on. As the EMD algorithm can decom- commands for the wheelchair to turn left and right. The online
pose signals adaptively, it has been proved to be a very suitable experiments show that the designed intelligent wheelchair system
candidate to analyze nonlinear and non-stationary EEG signals. For can accurately judge subject’s instructions. It demonstrates that the
instance, in (Kevric & Subasi, 2017), the EMD algorithm is used designed intelligent wheelchair system is a feasible BCI application,
to filter out the noise in EEG signals. However, the typical EMD and that our approach provides an effective strategy to design ex-
algorithm generally select the intrinsic modal components (IMFs) pert and intelligent wheelchair system.
by researchers’ experience, which will result in some EEG samples The main highlights of this paper are list as follow:
mixing redundant information or losing some useful information. (1) The EMD algorithm is improved by using two conditions to se-
In addition, the features extracted by these traditional methods are lect IMFs, and the improved EMD (CEMD) algorithm is used to
usually hand-designed, requiring a high degree of expertise. There- reduce the noise of EEG signals;
fore, it is of great significance to automatically extract effective fea- (2) An EEG signals combination method is proposed to encode the
tures from EEG signals. ERS/ERD information between the channels;
Deep learning can powerfully deal with nonlinear and non- (3) A model called 1DMSCNN is built to classify EEG signals;
stationary data and automatically extract the effective feature rep- (4) An expert and intelligent wheelchair system based on the pro-
resentation from the original data. In recent years, some deep posed algorithm is designed and implemented, and the online
learning methods (Chu et al., 2018; Dose, Møller, Iversen & experiments show that the proposed algorithm is feasible for
Puthusserypady, 2018; Li, Struzik, Zhang & Cichocki, 2015; Sun, Lo BCI application.
& Lo, 2019; Schirrmeister et al., 2017; Tabar & Halici, 2016) are em-
ployed for the classification of EEG signals. Convolutional neural 2. Conditional empirical mode decomposition
network (CNN) (LeCun, Bottou, Bengio & Haffner, 1998) is one of
the typical representatives. In a study by Dose, Møller, Iversen and 2.1. Empirical mode decomposition
Puthusserypady (2018), an end-to-end CNN model is proposed for
the classification of EEG signals, and the model is proved to be The EMD (Li, Zhou, Yuan, Geng & Cai, 2013) is an adaptive and
effective in classifying small sample EEG data. To adapt to the intuitive signal-dependent decomposition algorithm for the analy-
nonlinear and non-stationary features of EEG signals, CNN and sis of nonlinear and non-stationary signals. The purpose of EMD
stacked autoencoders (SAE) are combined to classify the EEG sig- is to decompose a complex signal into a set of band-limited IMFs
nals, and the results show the recognition accuracy of EEG sig- and a residual component. Each IMF should satisfy two basic con-
nals is improved (Tabar & Halici, 2016). There are also some meth- ditions: (1) In a full data set, the number of extreme points and
ods combining traditional feature extraction methods with deep the number of zero crossings should be equal or at most differ by
learning methods (Li, Zhang, Luo & Yang, 2016; Xu, et al., 2018; one; (2) For any given point, the mean value of the envelops de-
Yang, Sakhavi, Ang & Guan, 2015). For instance, in Xu et al. (2018), fined by local minima and local maxima should be zero.
the wavelet transform (WT) is used to convert the one-dimensional Using the EMD method, the EEG signal x(t) can be recon-
(1D) EEG signals into the Two-dimensional (2D) time-frequency structed as:
images, and a CNN is built as the classifier. 
In this paper, to overcome the weakness of traditional EMD al- x(t ) = im fl (t ) + res (1)
gorithm in terms of selecting effective IMFs based on researcher’s l=1
experience, the conditional empirical mode decomposition (CEMD) where imf1 (t),imf2 (t),imfl (t) are all the IMFs decomposed from
algorithm is proposed. The correlation coefficient between the the original EEG signal, and n stands for the number of IMFs. The
original EEG signal and each IMF is used as the first condition to number of IMFs obtained by different EEG signals may be different,
select IMFs, and the relative energy occupancy rates between the which fully demonstrates that the EMD algorithm can adaptively
IMFs are the second condition. The CEMD algorithm is used to re- decompose the EEG signals. res is the residue signal.
duce the noise of EEG signals. EEG signals are multivariate time
series signals with strong anterior-posterior dependence, and the 2.2. The conditions of selecting IMFs
characteristics of EEG signals are mainly changed over time. To
protect the structure of EEG time series from being destroyed, 1D To overcome the problem caused by empirically selecting IMFs,
convolution is performed to extract features along the time axis. the correlation coefficient between the original EEG signal and
However, previous studies have shown that there are event-related each IMF is used as the first IMFs selection condition, and the rela-
synchronization (ERS) and event-related de-synchronization (ERD) tive energy occupancy rates between the IMFs are proposed as the
phenomena exist (Yu et al., 2015) between the EEG signals chan- second condition.
nels, and performing 1D convolution along the time axis cannot (1) Condition 1: correlation coefficient
capture this information. Therefore, an EEG signals combination
The definition of correlation coefficient is as follows:
method is proposed to encode this information between the chan-

N _ _
nels. Finally, to extract effective features of EEG signals from mul- (im fi − im f )(xi − x )
tiple scales, a one-dimensional multi-scale convolution neural net- i=1
r=  (2)
work (1DMSCNN) is built to classify the processed EEG signals. 
N _ 2
N _ 2
The dataset collected in our laboratory and BCI competition IV (im fi − im f ) ( xi − x )
i=1 i=1
dataset 2b are carried out to validate the performance of the pro-
X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285 3

where r is the correlation coefficient between the original EEG sig- 3. EEG signals combination method
nal and an IMF, and its range is [−1, 1]. im f = 1n Ni=1 im f i , x is the
_  N 1DCNNs are often used to extract features of time series sig-
original EEG signal, x = 1n i=1 xi , N represents the sampling fre-
quency of the signal. nals and have achieved good results (Li, Zhang, Zhang & Wei, 2017;
The larger the correlation coefficient is, the more effective infor- Ullah, Hussain & Aboalsamh, 2018). EEG signals are multivariate
mation the IMF contains. The correlation coefficient between the time series signals, and their characteristics are mainly changed
original EEG signal and each IMF is calculated by formula (2). And over time. So we perform 1D convolution to extract features along
the condition to satisfy the correlation coefficient is defined as: the time axis. Furthermore, to utilize the information (ERD and
ERS phenomena) between the EEG signal channels, the following
|r| > α (3) method is proposed.
where α is the set threshold and0 ≤ α ≤ 1. The EEG signal from a left sensorimotor channel can be repre-
sented as[A1 ,A2 ,, Ae ], and the EEG signal from a right sensori-
(2) Condition 2: relative energy occupancy rate
motor channel is represented as[B1 ,B2 ,, Be ]. So the subtraction
Firstly, the energy of each IMF is defined as: between the EEG signal channels is defined as follows:

Ci = Ai − Bi , i = 1, 2, · · · , e (8)
im fl (i )
El = (4)
i=1 where e denotes the length of the EEG signal in a channel, and the
where El is the energy of theimfl , N represents the sampling fre- obtained EEG signal is expressed as[C1 ,C2 ,, Ce ].
quency of the signal. So the energy of each IMF can be expressed The schematic diagram of the EEG signals combination method
as:E1 ,E2 ,, En . is depicted in Fig. 1. And the steps of the EEG signals combination
Then, the relative energy occupancy rate is defined as: method are as follows:

El Step1: Determine the EEG signals of the corresponding channels

q= (5)
E1 + E2 + · · · + En (In the same sensorimotor position on left and right sides of
where q is the relative energy occupancy rate of theimfl . the brain);
Higher relative energy occupancy rate means more obvious Step2: For each set of corresponding channels, the new EEG sig-
fluctuations of the IMF, indicating that it encompasses more effec- nals can be obtained by subtracting the EEG signals of the
tive information. The relative energy occupancy rate of each IMF right channel from those of the left channel;
is calculated according to formula (5), and the selecting condition Step3: The new EEG signal and the original signal are combined
that satisfies the relative energy occupancy rate is defined as: in parallel way.

q≥β (6)
4. 1D Multi-scale convolutional neural network
whereβ is the set threshold and0 ≤ β ≤ 1.
And then, selected IMFs are used to reconstruct the EEG signal 4.1. Convolutional neural network
by the following formula:

m CNN (Cecotti & Graser, 2008) can directly input the original
y= im fi (7) samples and automatically learn the feature representation of the
i=1 samples, thus facilitating the classification of the samples. After
where y is the reconstructed EEG signals, m is the number of ef- years of development and improvement, CNNs have been widely
fective IMFs after selecting. used in classification, target detection and other fields. Compared
with fully connected networks, shared weights, local receptive
2.3. Conditional empirical mode decomposition algorithm fields and sub-sampling are the three main distinct features of
CNNs. A CNN model is generally composed of five building blocks:
The steps of the conditional empirical mode decomposition al- input layer, convolution layer, pooling layer, fully connected (FC)
gorithm are as follows: layer and output layer.
Convolution layer, one of the most important parts of CNNs,
Step1: Perform an EMD process on the EEG signal of one chan- plays a key role in extracting features from the input data. The
nel, obtain the IMFs and residual signal; convolution formula is as follows:
Step2: Remove the residual signal;  
Step3: Retain the first five IMFs for analysis. According to pre- 
vious research, the information related to the left and right sdj = f sd−1
∗ wdi j + bdi (9)
hand motor imagery is mainly scattered in the first five i∈M j

where sdj denotes the jth feature graph in the dth convolution layer,
Step4: Use the correlation coefficient condition to select the
IMFs. Calculate the correlation coefficient between each IMF wdi j is the connection weight between the jth feature of the dth
and the EEG signal before the EMD process according to for- layer and the ith feature of the d-1 layer. ∗ indicates the con-
mula (2), and then the IMFs are selected according to for- volution operator, Mj is a collection of input features, b is the
mula (3); bias term, f(•) denotes the activation function, sigmoid ( f (x ) =
Step5: Use the relative energy occupancy rate condition to se- 1+e−x
), hyperbolic tangent (f(x) = tanh(x)) and rectified linear units
lect the IMFs. For the IMFs selected by the correlation coeffi- (ReLU,f(x) = max(0, x)) are widely employed as activation func-
cient condition, the energy of each IMF is calculated accord- tions.
ing to formula (4). And then the relative energy occupancy Pooling layer is done by aggregating neighboring values in a
rates of each IMF in the channel is calculated according to feature map into one value by taking the average (average pool-
formula (5). Finally, the IMFs are selected according to for- ing) or maximum (max pooling). Its main functions are to reduce
mula (6); the network parameters and the dimension of feature maps while
Step6: Reconstruct the EEG signals using the selected IMFs. preserving useful information. In most of the related research, the
4 X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285

Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of the EEG signals combination method.

4.3. 1D Multi-scale convolutional neural network

The proposed structure of 1D multi-scale convolutional neural

network is illustrated in Fig. 3. The network is designed to accept
EEG signals of NEEG × Nchan shape (where NEEG refers to the length
of EEG signal and Nchan refers to the number of EEG channels
used). 1D multi-scale convolution is used to extract multi-scale
features from the input EEG signals. The large kernel size is re-
ferred asKL , and the small kernel size is referred asKS . The main pa-
rameters of 1D multi-scale convolution layer are listed in Table 1.
Then, the 1D multi-scale convolution layer is followed by a con-
volution layer, whose kernel size isK. Max pooling operation can
reduce the size of feature maps by using KMP filters with a stride
KMP (where KMP is the size of filters). The extracted features are the
Fig. 2. The structure of multi-scale convolution block.
input of an FC layer with 300 hidden units. The output of network
is generated by a Softmax layer with the number of neurons deter-
mined by the types of EEG signals. In addition, ReLU is chosen as
activation function, because it can speed up the optimization pro-
max pooling is chosen in CNN models, for it can better preserve cess of the network. The main parameters of 1D multi-scale con-
the main features of the previous layer. volutional neural network are listed in Table 2.
In a CNN model, the convolution and pooling layers are usu- In the network, the cross-entropy is chosen as the loss function,
ally followed by one or more fully connected layer. The fully con- which is defined as:
nected layer converts the feature maps of the previous layer into a 
1D vector, and connects the Softmax layer to separate the various loss = − pi log qi (10)
categories. i

where p indicates the expected value, and q represents the pre-

dicted value. The training strategy for our model is stochastic gra-
dient descent (SGD) algorithm which has proven to be effective.
4.2. 1D multi-scale convolution The process of training is to minimize the value of loss. However,
when the learning rate is too large, ReLU will cause some neurons
The features extracted by convolution kernels of different scales in the network to die (Goh et al., 2018). So the learning rate we set
are different. Convolution with large kernel size can capture rela- is η=1 × 10−4 .
tively holistic features, but it is not sensitive to capture detail fea- When training the 1D multi-scale convolutional neural network,
tures. While convolution with small kernel size can capture de- it may over fit with a few train samples. So we add dropout
tail features more effectively (Szegedy, Ioffe, Vanhoucke & Alemi., in the fully connected layer to reduce over-fitting. In the experi-
2017). To make the extracted features contain more complete in- ment, we set the dropout rate at 0.5 based on the empirical value
formation, a 1D multi-scale convolution block is proposed, and its (Srivastava, Hinton, Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Salakhutdinov, 2014)
structure is shown in Fig. 2. to regulate the network.
In this block, convolution1-1 with large kernel size can cap-
ture relatively holistic features from EEG signals, but it cannot cap- 5. Experiment on motor imagery EEG classification
ture detail features effectively. Convolution1-2 with small kernel
size can capture detail features from EEG signals. The two parts 5.1. EEG signal acquisition based on Emotiv EPOC+
are followed by max pooling to reduce the parameters. In addi-
tion, max pooling1-3 is used directly to preserve the main features The Emotiv EEG acquisition instrument is used in this experi-
of the previous layer, and a convolution operation with the ker- ment, which is shown in Fig. 4. Its system comprises an EPOC+
nel size of 1 is used to change the dimension of the feature maps neuroheadset, a wireless USB receiver, an electrode box, 16 elec-
(Szegedy et al., 2015). Finally, the feature maps obtained from the trode caps and conductive liquid. The EPOC+ neuroheadset is
three parts are combined by concatenation operation. equipped with 14 effective electrodes and two reference electrodes.
The block can extract features from EEG signals on multiple The electrodes are placed in accordance with the international 10–
scales, thus ensuring the validity of extracted features and improv- 20 electrode placement standard, as shown in Fig. 5. CMS and DRL
ing the classification accuracy of EEG signals. are reference electrodes, and other electrodes are effective elec-
X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285 5

Table 1
Main parameters of 1D multi-scale convolution layer.

Layer name Output Shape Kernel size Numbers of kernel Stride Padding

Convolution1-1 NEEG × 16 KL 16 1 SAME

Max pooling1-1 (NEEG /KMP ) × 16 KMP - KMP SAME
Convolution1-2 NEEG × 16 KS 16 1 SAME
Max pooling1-2 (NEEG /KMP ) × 16 KMP - KMP SAME
Max pooling1-3 (NEEG /KMP ) × Nchan KMP - KMP SAME
Convolution1-3 (NEEG /KMP ) × 16 1 16 1 SAME
Concat (NEEG /KMP ) × 48 - - - -

Table 2
Main parameters of 1D multi-scale convolutional neural network.

Layer name Output Shape Kernel size Numbers of kernel Stride Padding

Multi-scale convolution (NEEG /KMP ) × 48 - - - -

Convolution (NEEG /KMP ) × 96 K 96 1 SAME
Max pooling (NE E G /KMP
) × 96 KMP - KMP SAME
FC 300 - - - -
Output (Softmax) 2 - - - -

Fig. 3. The structure of 1D multi-scale convolutional neural network.

Fig. 5. The placement position of Emotiv electrodes.

Fig. 4. Emotiv EEG signal acquisition instrument.

experiment requires 10 s, with the first six seconds seeing the sub-
ject calm down and ready for the collection. When t = 6 s, there
trodes. The sample rate is 128 Hz. The EEG signals are collected is a reminder sound to prompt the subject to begin imagining left
by the EPOC+ neuroheadset and recorded by the EmotivPRO soft- or right hand movement. When t = 10 s, there is also a reminder
ware. sound to prompt the subject to stop imagining. And the EEG data
The EEG signal acquisition experiment is conducted in a rela- recorded at the 8s and 9s are taken as samples, so two EEG signal
tively quiet environment. 5 healthy postgraduates (denotes S1, S2, samples can be obtained at one trial. For each subject, each type
…, S5) are selected to collect the left and right hand motor im- of imagination task is repeated 90 times, so we get 180 samples of
agery EEG signals. As we can see in Fig. 6, a subject is collecting left hand motor imagery EEG signal and 180 samples of right hand
the EEG data. The experimental process of one trial is shown in motor imagery EEG signal. To reduce the computational complex-
Fig. 7. ity, only the data of six channels (F3, FC5, T7, F4, FC6, T8) from the
Prior to the experiment, the subject sits in a chair for 40s to re- sensorimotor are retained for analysis. And the dataset is divided
lax, and then enters the acquisition process. One trial of collection into a training set and a testing set according to the ratio of 4:1.
6 X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285

Fig. 6. A subject is conducting a collection experiment.

Fig. 7. The experimental process of one trial.

5.2. Data preprocessing

EEG signals usually contain a lot of background noise such as

electro-oculogram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG) and power fre-
quency clutter, etc. To reduce the background noise, three effective
measures are taken to process EEG signals. Firstly, the abnormal
samples are removed. Secondly, each sample is subtracted from the
average amplitude to obtain a zero-mean signal. Thirdly, a band-
pass filtering of 8–30 Hz for the EEG signals is used. Studies sug-
gest that the event related to synchronization/de-synchronization
phenomenon is mainly manifested in the mu rhythm (8–13 Hz)
and beta rhythm (14–30 Hz) (Yu, et al., 2015).

5.3. Experimental process

The EEG signals of each channel are processed separately using

CEMD algorithm. The threshold of correlation coefficient condition
and relative energy occupancy rate condition are obtained from the
following two experiments. The experiments are performed on the
Fig. 8. The recognition accuracy of EEG signal when setting different threshold α .
first subject’s data.
(1) Determination of threshold α
respectively. As can be seen from Fig. 8, when the threshold is at
In the experiment, only the correlation coefficient condition is 0.1, the recognition accuracy of EEG signal is the highest, so the
used to select IMFs, and the threshold α is uniformly taken at in- threshold α is set at 0.1.
tervals of 0.05 in [0, 1]. Then the processed EEG data are input
(1) Determination of threshold β
into 1DCNN to be classified. The experimental result shows that
the recognition accuracy of EEG signals decrease rapidly when the In the experiment, the correlation coefficient condition and rel-
value of α exceeds 0.2. Fig. 8 shows the recognition accuracy of ative energy occupancy rates condition are taken into account
EEG signal when the threshold α is 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 when selecting IMFs. On the basis of the above experiments, the
X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285 7

Table 3
The recognition accuracy (%) of different algorithms for 5 subjects.


S1 80.56 83.33 81.94 81.94 83.33 86.11

S2 95.83 93.06 94.44 95.83 95.83 97.22
S3 72.22 73.61 75.00 73.61 76.39 77.78
S4 76.39 77.78 80.56 79.17 80.56 83.33
S5 75.00 80.56 83.33 80.56 81.94 84.72
Average 80.00 81.67 83.05 82.22 83.61 85.83

Table 4
The P-values between the proposed method and other five algorithms.


P-values <0.001 <0.001 0.005 0.001 0.020

the value of the area under the curve (AUC). As can be observed in
Fig. 11, in most instances, 1DCNN shows the higher AUC value than
Fig. 9. The recognition accuracy of EEG signal when setting different threshold β .
2DCNN, which proves that 1D convolution is more effective than
2D convolution in analyzing EEG signals. 1DMSCNN can achieve
the best performance among 5 subjects, indicating that the fea-
threshold α is set at 0.1, and the threshold β is evenly taken at tures of EEG signals extracted from multiple scales contain more
intervals of 0.05 in [0, 1]. The processed EEG data are input into valid information, thus it can improve the recognition accuracy of
1DCNN to be classified. The experimental result shows that the EEG signals.
recognition accuracy of EEG signal is the highest when the thresh- The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared
old β is 0.1, so the threshold β is set at 0.1. Fig. 9 shows the recog- with that of other feature extraction algorithms, including CSP
nition accuracy of EEG signal when the threshold β is 0, 0.05, 0.1, (Wu et al., 2013), DBN (Chu et al., 2018), long short-term mem-
0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 respectively. ory with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT-LSTM) (Li, Zhang, Luo
As can be seen in Fig. 5, F3 and F4, FC5 and FC6, T7 and T8 & Yang, 2016), 1DCNN and 1DMSCNN. Based on the features ex-
are symmetrically distributed on the left and right sides of the tracted by CSP, a linear SVM is employed to classify the EEG sig-
brain, so they are mutually corresponding channels. Then, EEG sig- nals. Table 3 lists the recognition accuracy of these algorithms for
nals are processed by the EEG signals combination method pro- 5 subjects. It can be seen that the proposed algorithm performs
posed in Section 3. Finally, the processed EEG signals are in- better than other algorithms among 5 subjects.
put into 1DMSCNN to be classified, and in this part, we set the To validate the statistical significance of the differences be-
parameterKL = 10, KS = 3, KP = 2, K = 5. tween the proposed algorithm and the other five algorithms, two-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA2) and multiple comparisons tests
5.4. Experimental results and analysis are used to calculate the P-values between the proposed algorithm
and these algorithms. The subject and the method are two inde-
In this section, detailed experiments are conducted to verify the pendent variables of the test, and accuracy is dependent variable
effectiveness of the proposed method for MI EEG signals recogni- of the test. The least significant difference (LSD) method is used
tion. for multiple comparisons. The P-values between the proposed al-
To demonstrate the validity of CEMD algorithm and the pro- gorithm and other five algorithms are listed in Table 4. It is gen-
posed EEG signals combination method, EMD (Take the first 3 erally considered that there is a significant difference between the
IMFs), CEMD and EEG signal combination method are employed to two comparison algorithms when the P-value is less than 0.05. As
process EEG signals, respectively, and the same structure of 1DCNN can be seen from Table 4, the P-values between the proposed al-
is adopted to extract features of EEG signals. For each subject, gorithm and CSP, DBN, DWT-LSTM, 1DCNN and 1DMSCNN are all
the experiment is executed for 10 times. The average classification less than 0.05. Therefore, the recognition accuracy of the proposed
accuracy and standard error (SE) of each subject are depicted in algorithm is considered to be significantly improved.
Fig. 10 (ESCB represents the EEG signals combination method).
As can be observed in Fig. 10 (a), the CEMD method can achieve 5.5. Experiment on BCI IV dataset 2b
the highest accuracy among 5 subjects, thus validating the effective
of the proposed conditions for selecting IMFs. In addition, it can be BCI Competition dataset 2b is also used to evaluate the perfor-
observed that EEG signals processed by EMD method achieve bet- mance of the proposed algorithm. The Dataset 2b is provided by
ter results than EEG signals without any treatment, indicating that the Technical University of Graz (TUG), and it includes two classes
the EMD method is a feasible method for processing EEG signals. MI EEG signals involving left hand and right hand. The dataset
From Fig. 10 (b), we learn the recognition rate of EEG signals is im- comprised of EEG signals are collected from 9 subjects, with each
proved after being processed by EEG signals combination method. subject going through 5 sessions of MI experiments, the first two
It shows that EEG signals combination method takes into account sessions without feedback and the other three sessions with feed-
the effective information between channels, and thus improves the back. During the collection process, three bipolar recordings are
recognition accuracy of EEG signals. (C3 , Cz and C4 ) used to record the EEG signals with a sampling
In the next experiment, the 1DCNN, 2DCNN and 1DMSCNN are frequency of 250 Hz, and the recorded EEG signals are band-pass
used to classify the EEG signals. The input EEG signals are also filtered between 0.5 Hz and 100 Hz. Each of the first two sessions
processed by the CEMD algorithm and EEG signal combination and the rest three sessions includes 120 trials and 160 trials, re-
method. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve is a spectively.
graphical representation used to evaluate the quality of the classi- As for preprocessing, the operations are employed as the former
fication model. The effect of the model can be judged by analyzing dataset. And the EEG signals are processed by CEMD algorithm and
8 X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285

Fig. 10. Average recognition accuracy of five subjects obtained by different EEG signal processing methods.

Table 5
The recognition accuracy (%) of different algorithms for 9 subjects.


B1 56.56 66.56 67.50 66.56 76.00 76.39 80.56

B2 52.19 57.81 55.36 62.50 65.80 61.03 65.44
B3 58.13 61.25 62.19 60.00 75.30 60.41 65.97
B4 89.69 94.06 94.69 96.87 95.30 98.65 99.32
B5 64.69 80.63 76.88 82.02 83.00 85.14 89.19
B6 71.88 75.00 75.94 77.44 79.50 80.56 86.11
B7 56.25 72.50 71.25 76.56 74.50 78.47 81.25
B8 80.00 89.38 89.38 88.75 75.30 84.21 88.82
B9 70.63 85.63 81.25 86.06 73.30 81.94 86.81
Average 66.69 75.87 74.93 77.42 77.60 78.53 82.61

EEG signal combination method. In this dataset, the corresponding Table 6

The P-values between the proposed method and other eight algorithms.
channels are C3 and C4. Then, the EEG signals are input into 1DM-
SCNN to be classified, and we set the parameterKL = 15, KS = 5, Method EED CSP ACSP DBN CNN-SAE 1DMSCNN
KP = 5, K = 5. P-value <0.001 0.002 <0.001 0.013 0.015 0.047
To evaluate the performance of the proposed method on BCI
competition IV dataset 2b, we compare the proposed method with
other state-of-the-art approaches, including EED (Sun, 2010), CSP
(Wu et al., 2013), ASCP (Sun & Zhou, 2014), DBN (Chu et al., 2018), 6. Online experiment
CNN-SAE (Tabar & Halici, 2016) and 1DMSCNN, with the recogni-
tion accuracy of those algorithms listed in Table 5. To further verify the practicability of the proposed algorithm,
As can be seen from Table 5, the classification performance of an online experiment is carried out on the self-designed intelli-
proposed method is more effective than that of other compari- gent wheelchair system. The intelligent wheelchair system mainly
son methods for most subjects, and the proposed method can get includes: an Emotiv EEG acquisition instrument, a laptop computer,
the best average recognition accuracy. Moreover, the deep learning wireless communication module, control system and a wheelchair.
methods DBN, CNN-SAE and 1DMSCNN can achieve higher recog- The structure of the intelligent wheelchair system is shown in
nition accuracy than the traditional feature extraction algorithms Fig. 12.
EED, CSP and ACSP. And it also can be seen that all of the algo- Emotiv EEG acquisition instrument can record EMG and EEG
rithms have poor recognition accuracy on subject B2 and B3. There signals simultaneously. Through previous observations, we know
are three possible reasons that for this. Firstly, the subject is poorly that gritting the teeth can make the F8 channel produce obvious
concentrated. Secondly, the noise level in the environment may be voltage changes, so this signal is used to start and stop the online
differ during the time of collection, resulting in the collected EEG experiment. Blinking the eye can make the FC4 channel produce
signals containing different amount of useless information. Thirdly, obvious voltage changes, and it is used to command wheelchair
each subject’s EEG signals are unique, with some subject’s EEG sig- to go straight. Furthermore, the left hand and right hand MI EEG
nals easier to classify, while some difficult to classify. signals of F3, F4, FC5, FC6, T7, and T8 channels are collected, and
ANOVA2 and multiple comparisons tests are also used to val- the proposed method is employed to classify the EEG signals. The
idate the statistical significance of the differences between the left hand and right hand MI EEG signals are used to command
proposed algorithm and the other eight algorithms. The P-values wheelchair to turn left and right, respectively.
between the proposed algorithm and other eight algorithms are The first three subjects in the former dataset conduct the on-
shown in Table 6. It can be seen that the P-values between the line experiments, they command the intelligent wheelchair to go
proposed algorithm and EED, CSP, ASCP, DBN, CNN-SAE and 1DM- straight, turn left and turn right. All kinds of experiments are car-
SCNN are all less than 0.05. ried out in a crossover way. Each type of experiment is performed
140 times, with a five-minute break after 20 experiments and an
X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285 9

Fig. 11. The ROC curves of 5 subjects.

interval of 20 seconds between each experiment. The online recog- EMG signals have more obvious characteristics than the EEG sig-
nition accuracy is shown in Table 7. nals. In addition, after comparing the experimental results of
As can be seen from Table 7, the recognition accuracy of Table 3 and those of Table 7, it can be found that the online
the proposed method is higher than the recognition accuracy of recognition accuracy is lower than the offline recognition accu-
the 1DCNN model. And the online recognition accuracy of the racy. This is due to more factors need to be considered when
EMG signal is higher than that of the EEG signal, because the conducting an online experiment. For example, the subjects may
10 X. Tang, W. Li and X. Li et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 149 (2020) 113285

ference information, and it will affect the recognition accuracy of

EEG signals.
To design a better expert and intelligent wheelchair system, fur-
ther work will be carried out in the following aspects: (1) Collect-
ing and classifying more complex EEG signals to further improve
the functions of the wheelchair, such as using EEG signals to con-
trol the speed of the intelligent wheelchair. (2) Studying how to
further improve the performance of convolutional neural networks,
such as reducing network parameters and reducing network train-
ing time. (3) Integrating EEG signals with other biological signals to
control wheelchair is an interesting method as it allows for more
precise control of the wheelchair and improves the anti-jamming
capability of the designed wheelchair system.

Declaration of Competing Interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Fig. 12. The structure of the intelligent wheelchair system.
Credit authorship contribution statement
Table 7
The online recognition accuracy (%) of three subjects. Xianlun Tang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources,
Subject Straight 1DCNN Proposed Project administration, Funding acquisition, Writing - review &
editing. Wei Li: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Inves-
Left Right Average Left Right Average
tigation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
S1 94.29 77.86 75.71 76.78 82.86 82.14 82.50 Xingchen Li: Validation, Investigation, Writing - review & editing.
S2 96.43 91.43 92.14 91.78 93.57 94.29 93.93
Weichang Ma: Investigation, Writing - review & editing. Xiaoyuan
S3 86.43 71.43 68.57 70.00 75.00 73.57 74.28
Dang: Validation, Supervision.

be susceptible to the surrounding environment and prone to
fatigue. This work is supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Project 61673079, 61703068 and
the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing under Project
7. Conclusion cstc2018jcyjAX0160.

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