Super Food Presentation

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Raven Ulieme 3534 Human Nutrition Introduction about Okra + Known as lady's finger or gumbo + Oras apart of the mallow famiy of flowering plants, which includes known members af eoton, coca, and + Okra is categorized as a fruit, although itis used in the kitchen as a vegetable. Originating from Ethiopia, okra is.commonly grown in tropical, subtropigal, and warm regions around the Seiinting ro Ethie kein inca, nckasdapan, Malaysla, Brace Souifom Unies Sates, te) + In India, it ranks number one in its consumption. in the lat few years there has been a rapid growth inthe field of herbal medicine gaining popularity both in rn ee ae een eg het natural and less ne efecto PoPUaTY + Different parts of okra are used extensively as an ingredient of many herbal formulations and for Pitstenbt Mouecine ass durelic and anidiabetc properties - «The demand for yegelable oils is, rapidly increasing due to, the growing human population and the The ga OF eae Chealtn promoting oh components. beta + Okra seeds have a high amount of oll (20-40%), but is produced on a small scale. Cultivated as an important vegetable, total trade estimated to over $5 billion Nutritional Value of Okra Fresh pods are low in calories (20 per 100 g), practically no fa, high in iter, and have several valuable ‘Seven-days-old fresh okra pods have the highest concentration of nutrients, Per 100g-33kcal Water-90 9 Carbs- 7.35 g (6% RDA) Protein- 2g (3% RDA) Fat. 199 Sugar. 1.48 9 Dietary Fiber- 3.2.9 Vitamin (per 100 g) Vitamin C: 30% RDA (16 to 29 mg)- immunity, antioxidant, and collagen formation Folate: 10 to 20% RDA (46 to 88 g)- helpful for the fetus while pregnant, neural tube formation of the fetus Vitamin A: 5% RDA (14 to 20 RAE)- vision and healthy skin Vitamin K: 30% RDA (31 pg)- improve the blooc's ability to coagulate Vitamin B3 (niacin): 4% RDA (1 mg)- energy metabolism + Mineral (per 100g) + Calcium- 8% RDA (81 mg)- bone and teeth strength + Sodium- (8 g)- maintains fluid and acid-base balance + Potassium- 6% RDA (303 mg)- maintains fluid balance and prevention for hypertension + Phosphorus- (63 mg)- bone and teeth strength + Magnesium- 16% RDA (57 mg)- bone strength, protein building, immune function + Trace minerals: + Zinc- both pod skin and seeds are excellent source (,60 mg)- growth, development, and immune function + Iron- (.8 mg)- essential for blood production + Selenium. (.7 mg)- antioxidant + Manganese- (1 mg)- forms connective tissue, normal brain and nerve function Health Benefits of Okra + Antioxidants: (Okra is rich in flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant activity Broperties can help shield us from degenerative diseases associated with long term free radical jamage. + Diabetes: Recent research finds that okra can be ficient in improvement of blood glucose control and lipid profile The high fiber of okra helps to stabilize blood sugar by regulating the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract, + Gastrointestinal conditions: Fiber okra contains is a valuable nutrient for intestinal microorganisms. This ensures proper Intestinal functionality Italgo guards the mucous membranes ofthe digestive system, by covering them with addtional layer + Okra’s polysaccharides were particulary effective at inhibiting the adhesion of Helicabacter pylori, Sacteriém Yrat dwells in the stomach and can cause gastils and gasine ulcers fleft unchecced + Therefore, eating mare okra can Keep our stomach clean and create an environment that prevents destructive cultures from flourishing Health Benefits cont. + Cholesterol: + Okra is reported to have its hypolipidemic effect by decreasing absorption of cholesterol from diet + Loaded with pectin that can help in reducing high blood cholesterol simply by modifying the creation of bile within the intestines + Cardiovascular disease: ‘The soluble fiber within okra helps you to reduce serum cholesterol and therefore decreases the chance of cardiovascular disease. Plasma Exchange: (Okra mucilage (gelatinous substance from plants) has medicinal applications when used as @ plasma replacement or blood volume expander. Okra allows waste to pass more easily from the body + The mucilage binds cholesterol and bile acid and carries toxins dumped into it by the liver with it. + Other Health Benefits: relieve sore throat, reduce protein urea, and improve renal function Research study 1 ‘Antioxidant and Anti-Fatigue Constituents of Okra” ‘Study Method: Two 2.5 kg portions of fresh okra pods were prepared using a freeze-drying method. (2n8 Paton was 2513 go ced ora pods and heater orion was vided into died oka seeds (0.1 g) and a Berane 50S Jt ed m9 e a “The okra pods, seeds, and skin were grounded and extracted separately with 1500 ml. boling water each for 1 hour Bac mo 9 parately 3 ach quid was combingd and concentrated under vacuum; residues ofthe pods, seeds, and skin were yielded with a Paton OS" Petpectvey, oa eae a Z Teygii he oes or he okra pos, seeds, and kn on locomotor activites, four mice were testad an hour aftr re allowed 2 minutes of fee movement and 4 minutes to calculate distance. A weight-loaded swimmin aval parr io hese SenaUsNN alee Wr cach Tass AUN stance, A welghtloaded oe Results: ‘bagamotos Activity: No significant affects from the skin or pods was observed. The seeds, however reduced the total ‘Swimming Test: The pods, ski, and sods did not increase the mice swimming speed. However, the pods and seeds auld prolong te mice snmig tm Ove seeds had mare varying eee "2 SPS: pee * Compared to the middle dose group, the high dose group wih the seeds spent more time swimming Conclusion: The seeds in okra prolonged the exhaustive swimming time inthe mice because itis the portion wit the SSiyphendls an tavoneds Wat prove the antaogue propanes > pom Research study 2 “Anti-diabetic effects of Okra” + Study method: + Okra was grounded to a paste. + Diabetic rats were randomized into four groups of five rats each. Group 1 was the control diabetic ‘group that only ate rat chow. + Groups 2 to 4 were the test groups and received 1250, 2500, and 5000 mg/kg body weight respectively of ground okra. Experiment lasted for fourteen days. + Blood glucose concentration levels were noted at the beginning of the experiment, at day 7, and then at day 14, + Results: * Blood glucose concentrations at day fourteen. 163.0 + 49.5, 08.8 + 22.6, and 65.0 + 22.9 respectively for the 1250, 2500, and 5000 mg/kg of body weighi groups * 293.3 + 43.4 for the control group; blood glucose in al test groups dropped significantly lower than Control group on day seven and fourteen + Conclusion: Okra is useful in the management of diabetes. Research study 3 “Digestibility and Okra Seed Flour” + Study method: Vitro digestion (stimulated gastrointestinal conditions) was conducted on raw and roasted okra flour. ‘Two samples were prepared for analyzing the antioxidant activity of both flours, ten times dilution of stimulated gastric conditioned sample five times dilution from stimulated small intestine conditioned sample with 80% methanol + Results: ‘The highest antioxidant activity was released in the intestinal phase for most of the samples (both raw and roasted) + The lowest antioxidant activity was released in the gastric phase. ‘The level of antioxidant activity was also observed with a correlation in the increase of roasting time. for the seeds. + Conclusion: Most antioxidant activities will occur in the intestinal phase of the gastrointestinal tacts. Can help protect the intestinal epithelium pro-oxidative compounds (induce oxidative stress), Recommendations for Okra Consumption % cup to 1 cup of okra (100 g) a few times a week + Function serves as a vegetable (used fresh or dry and/or boiled or fried) + Breaded, deep fried okra is served in the southern United States Entire plant is edible and is used in salads, soups, stews & healthy stir fries Since the entire plant is edible, the leaves are also eaten raw in salads ‘Adds a thick gelatinous consistency after cooking, typically in stews of sauces Okra is better ingested when joined along with other healthy veggies ifferent forms: + Fresh ‘The immature pods are used in making pickle Roasted and grounded okra seeds as caffeine-free substitute for coffee ‘Okra seed flour has been used to supplement corn flour References WiasF.Zpona. VU, M., Chango, Qiao, Li, X.& Pan... (2018). Anoxdant and An-Faigue Constituents Soke Mantis, 7: BAS BREE hat bs i Eas 219) ° rv 0s a. 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