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Impact of Globalization in the developing countries

“Globalization is the process of increased interconnectedness among countries” (Hamdi, 2021).

Its main purpose is to expand cross-border facilities and economic linkages through a free flow
of goods, services, information, knowledge, and people across the world. It has created new
opportunities for developing countries such as technology transfer, greater opportunities to
access developed countries markets, growth and improved productivity and living standards.
For instance, in Mexico, globalization has mainly impacted these sectors.
1. Economic and Trade: Due to globalization the World Bank and International Management
encourages developing countries to participate in international trade. For example – Mexico
signed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1992 with United States and Canada.
Foreign investment increased with billions of dollars yearly being invested in Mexico. This
foreign investment manifested in an increase in export of products manufactured in Mexico
especially in auto industry. It increased productivity, job creations and lowered consumer prices
in Mexico. However, globalization also creates income inequality and largely dependency on
the developed nations for its growth.
2. Education: “The rise of a global society driven by technology and communication
developments are shaping children, the future citizens of the world into global citizens,
intelligent people with a broader range of skills and knowledge to apply to a competitive,
information-based society” (Sharma, 2012). In order to bridge gap between nations and
promote quality education, US universities provide a number of scholarships to Hispanic or
Mexican students. Due to globalization, students can even study online from anywhere in the
world nowadays.
3. Health: Globalization has helped international organizations such as WHO, UNESCO, doctors,
and scientists to contribute to discover and eradicate many diseases such as smallpox and polio.
Most important example is the global pandemic Covid-19. Due to globalization, the whole
world united to create vaccines and circulated them to cure this disease worldwide.
4. Culture: Food, tourism, the media, sport, are all examples of cultural globalization. The
globalization of food promoted by fast food giants such as McDonald’s, KFC, Coca-Cola,
Starbucks have led to the decline of local diets and eating traditions. “In two decades, NAFTA
has transformed Mexico’s food system and diet, leading to dramatic increases in obesity,
diabetes and diet-related diseases” (Galvez & Freudenberg, 2017).

Since the objective of making the world a truly inter-related, inter-dependent, developed global
place can only be fulfilled by globalization, I support globalization. However, in order to
accomplish the purpose of globalization we need to bring economic reforms, remove trade
barriers, increase collaborations and focus on liberalization on a global scale.

Galvez, A., & Freudenberg, N. (2017, May 1). How Nafta got Mexicans hooked on U.S. junk
food. The Dallas Morning News. Retrieved October 13, 2021, from
Hamdi, F. (2021, February 8). The Impact of Globalization in the Developing Countries.



Sharma, N. (2012, May 28). Globalization Effect on Education and Culture: An Analysis. SSRN.

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