CC5 T 2019

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(P(3rd Sm.)-Statisties-H/CC-5/CBCS) 2019 STATISTICS — HONOURS Paper : CC-5 (Linear Algebra) Full Marks : 50 The figures in the margin indicate full marks Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. 1. Answer any fen questions 10 @) ) © (@) (e) oi) @ @ @ ) If 4 is a 10 * 8 real matrix with rank 8, and 6 is a 10 x 1 vector which belongs to the column space of 4, then do Ax = b have a unique solution? Let A be am * n real matrix. Show that if 4* = 0 for some & > 0, then trace (4) = 0. Consider the system of linear equations : (4d - I)x + y + z= 0;-y +2=0; (4d-1)z=0. For what value of d does it have a non-trivial solution? Let A and B be n * n real matrices. Then, is rank (A + B) < rank (4) + rank (B)? abe edf Foranya bodefighieRlets=|d e f|andB=|b 4 ¢|. Dod and B have ght hg i the same value of determinant? If Mand N are two subspaces of a vector space V and if every vector in V belongs either to M or to N (or both), then is M= V or N= V (or both)? Let 4, B, C, D be square matrices of the same size, and A and D are of full rank. 4 D then, is det.|“ 7] = act? ©]2 cD BA 12 Find the rank of the matrix 4=|2 2 33 For a non-singular matrix 4, if PA is an identity matrix, find 4'. Please Turn Over (ard Sm)-Statisics-H/CC-5/CBCS) @2) @ Ina given system of linear equations Ax = 6, if rank (4) = rank (4 : 6) = number of unknown variables, what can you say about the system? (k) When is a linear transformation y = Ax said to be orthogonal? Indicate and usefulness of such a transformation. ‘cos sind 0 () Is the matrix 4 =| sind cos® 0| non-singular? eee sree 161 (m) Find the largest eigen value of the matrix 4-1 2 0 003 (n) When is a set of m px1 vectors said to be linearly independent? (0) When is a quadratic form x’Ax said to be non-positive definite? 2. Answer any four questions : xd (@) Find the condition to be satisfied by a matrix whose characteristic equation is 22 — A — (b) If A, B and C are any three matrices such that the products considered below are defined, show that rank (4B) + rank (BC) < rank (B) + rank (ABC). (©) Let A and B be two symmetric matrices of the same order. Show that if AB = BA, then A and B can be simultaneously diagonalised. (@ If U and V be subspaces of the n-dimensional Euclidean space, then show that rank (U | V) ~ rank (U) | rank (V) — rank (Um P). (©) Let A and B be two symmetric matrices of which B is positive definite and A has eigen values either 0 or I, Show that 4B is an idempotent matrix. (f) Let A be a positive definite matrix. Show that the quadratic form x’Ax is strictly convex in x. 3. Answer any two questions : 102 (a) (@ Let S be a set of linearly independent vectors from a vector space V. Show that vectors in any subset of § are also linearly independent. Gi) Show that every linearly independent set of vectors B = {v, v5 ~ dimensional vector space V can be extended to a basis of V. 4 Yq} ftom a finite Gil) Let (v4, vp, me Vg) form a basis of a vector space V. Let v V. Show that the representation of v in terms of the basis vectors is unique. @) (P(Grd Sm, -Staistics-H/CC-S/CBCS) () When is said to be an orthogonal matrix? (b) Consider ann matrix A. (i) Show that 4 is an orthogonal matrix if and only if the rows of 4 form an orthonormal basis of the n-dimensional Euclidean space. Gi) Let S= (1, v9, ..4 vp) bea set of linearly independent vectors from a vector space V of dimension n> k. Ifa vector v is orthogonal to every vector in S, show that (Yj, Vy wm Ypp ¥) forms a set of linearly independent vectors. (©) @ Let bean xm upper triangular matrix. Show that the determinant of the matrix is the product of the diagonal elements of 4. Gi) Suppose A and B are two square mattices such that A and A + B are invertible. Show that At (4 + By! = (1+ A'By LA 1B4, where I denotes the identity matrix.

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