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Rafael Salas Drive, Brgy. Balingasag
Bago City, Negros Occidental


In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirement in Eng. 50

[ An Approach to College English Teaching with Practicum]

Second Semester
SY 2020-2021

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Ms. Janine A. Copertino Mrs. Gina B. Jara

ABE-Language, Student Intern ABE- Language, Intern Adviser
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The completion of this anecdotal report could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be
enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully
acknowledged. However, the author would like to express their heartfelt gratitude
and indebtedness to the following individuals:

My deep source of gratitude to Mrs. Gina B. Jara, our intern adviser, who
responded promptly and enthusiastically to all of my queries despite of busy

I am also grateful to all of my family and friends for their inspiration, encouraging
guidance and support, either morally, financially and physically.

Above all, thanks to Almighty God for the spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and
constant flow of ideas, which has been extremely beneficial.

To God be all the glory!

Janine A. Copertino

[Student Intern]
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I would like to dedicate this work to my

Parents for always loving and supporting me and for

Raising me that anything is possible.

- Janine A. Copertino

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I. Preliminaries ---------------------------------------- page 1

 Title page ---------------------------------------- page 2
 Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------- page 3
 Dedication ---------------------------------------- page 4
 Certification [D1] ---------------------------------------- page 5
 Certification [ D2] ---------------------------------------- page 6
 Certification [Adviser’s Rating] ---------------------------------------- page 7
 Table of Contents ----------------------------------------- page 8

II. Narrative Report ----------------------------------------- page 9

 General Introduction ----------------------------------------- page 10
 Orientation: Getting Acquainted
with the school intern activities ---------------------------------------- page 11
 Doc. 1 [ Screenshot] ----------------------------------------- page 12
 Application Letter ----------------------------------------- page 13
 Virtual Interview ----------------------------------------- page 14
 Doc. 2 [Screenshot] ----------------------------------------- page 15
 Feedbacking ----------------------------------------- page 16
 Doc. 3 [Screenshot] ----------------------------------------- page 17
 Dr. Glenda Manoso
Lesson Plan Webinar ----------------------------------------- page 18
 Doc. 4 [screenshot] ----------------------------------------- page 19
 The Final Copy of
Lesson Plan ----------------------------------------- page 20-24
 The Audio-Video Lesson
Demonstration ------------------------------------------ page 25
 Doc. 5 [Screenshot] ------------------------------------------ page 26
 Camosun Webinar ----------------------------------------- page 27
 Doc. 6 [Screenshot] ----------------------------------------- page 28
 Strategies for Tourism
Promotion Webinar ------------------------------------------ page 29
 Doc. 7 [Screenshot] ------------------------------------------ page 30
 Human Resource Management
Webinar ------------------------------------------ page 31
 Doc. 8 [Screenshot] ------------------------------------------ page 32
 Wellness and Wholeness
Webinar ------------------------------------------ page 33
 Doc. 9 [Screenshot] ------------------------------------------ page 34
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This narrative report contains the experiences, learnings, insight gained and
some supporting documents required for the internship program of Bago
City College. Internships are part of a college curriculum that aims to train
students about the work and their future career and to show students the
reality about working.

Face to face internships is no longer an option for most students, since the
introduction of lockdown. Virtual internships are a great alternative since the
start of the coronavirus pandemic. Despite this, there is still structure, even if
the internship is virtual. One of the primary benefits of in-person internships
is that graduates gain experience working with a team in an office setting,
which virtual internships do not provide. Despite this, you can still
collaborate with others via various online networking sites. Because of the
flexibility of virtual programs, students can gain valuable experience and
build a strong resume while continuing to live their regular lives.

Most students take their OJT for granted, not realizing the impact it can have
on their future careers. A good performance during OJT is critical, especially
given the tight competition for job seekers and the high qualification of
companies. Thus, we should take internship seriously, may it be in-person or
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Date: April 27, 2021


While 2021 has been full of changes, disappointments, and challenges, I am

thankful for the constant guidance of all my instructors. I was initially disappointed
when I learned that Orientation would be virtual, but now I am grateful for the
online connections I was able to make and even more excited to see everyone
again on campus.

The orientation held on April 27,2021 was honestly more than I expected. I was
assigned to lead the prayer to start the program. I was informed beforehand but it
made me feel nervous since it will be done virtually. It was so new to me.
Afterwards, Our Program Head, Mrs. Gina Jara, introduce our Program Dean, Dr.
Lagunday. Our Program Dean gave a short opening remarks and greetings for
everyone. Mrs. Gina Jara, did an excellent work explaining the program and the
requirements needed to finish the program successfully. We were first introduced
the possible alternatives about our virtual practicum. The program went smoothly
and we were listening all of the instructions which was helpful as we learned how
and what to do if we need any help with the program. In addition, it gave me such
a great feeling to know that our instructors and Program Dean are working together
to make this Practicum possible and successful. In that moment I knew that I had
made the right choice in enrolling in this institution. Afterwards, we were given the
chance to ask our queries and it was answered one by one. At the end of the
orientation, the instructors ask us to make an application letter and prepare for
possible virtual interview.

I am very proud of my fellow classmates for showing up and participating despite

the awkwardness of meeting people virtually. While online Orientation was not
ideal, I am grateful for the enjoyable experience and new connections I made. I
hope the rest of my classmates had a good time as well.
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Date: April 30, 2021

Application Letter
Janine A. Copertino
Villarosa Street, Brgy. Punta Taytay, Bacolod City
Mobile: 09123808380 ¿Email:

April 30, 2021

Ms. Gina B. Jara

Bachelor of Arts Major in English Language – Program Head
Bago City College
Rafael M. Salas Drive, Bago City, 6101

Dear Ms. Jara:


I am Janine A. Copertino, a fourth-year student from Bago City College taking up

Bachelor of Arts major in English Language (ABE- Language). In partial
fulfillment of this degree, I am required to undergo an On-the-Job Training (OJT).

I am writing to apply as a trainee in any work related to my degree. I believe that I

can acquire valuable knowledge and skills to complement those that I have learned
from school. I offer my service and determination to be an asset throughout the
duration of my training period to the company I am assigned to be deployed.

I hope that you will give me the opportunity to discuss further my personal
qualifications. You can contact me through my number or email, at any time you
find most convenient.

Respectfully yours,

Ms. Janine A. Copertino

ABE-Language Intern
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Date: May 7, 2021

Virtual Interview

Interviews are one of the most engaging ways to learn about a person’s reaction to
stressful situations as well as the job itself. This mock interview proved to be far
more difficult than I had anticipated. When I first read the assignment, I assumed it
would not be a big deal and that I would not be nervous. To my surprise, it was far
more nerve-racking and intimidating than my initial thoughts.

Most of the questions I have answered time and time again, but there was one that
threw me off a little bit. Mrs. Gina Jara, our program head, asked about the
qualities I have. Since I do not know what are my good qualities, I did not know
what to say. I ended up saying that I am a fast learner person and that I will be able
to do the task that will be given to me with determination and pursuit. In a real
interview, I doubt they would have liked that answer, but it was the best I could do.
The mock interview made me nervous, and I left with self-doubt, as I do in many
interviews. I felt embarrassed when I stumbled in the mock interview. Otherwise, I
thought the interview went well, and I maintained good eye contact and a smile. I
have a very warm personality, which I believe I was able to maintain throughout
the interview, even though I stumbled a little.

This mock interview was eye-opening for me because I was surprised at how
nervous I was. I never imagined I would feel awkward talking to a cellphone
screen. Overall, it was excellent practice and it assisted me in identifying areas of
my weakness that I could strengthen. I want to keep practicing so that when my
time comes, I can have the confidence in every interview in the future.
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Date: May 7, 2021


As I was sitting down after my interview, I self-reflect with the outcome

of my interview. I wish it turned out like what I was imagining before
the interview. Our instructor informed us that there will be feedbacking
of our interview. It was the same day as the mock interview, May 7,
I was so out of my mind that I lose track of time. The time runs so
quickly that it was about time of our feedbacking. Thinking what will be
the comments and feedbacks that the instructor will tell me, I felt
embarrassed and nervous. Minutes later the feedbacking started. It was
done virtually via google meet, all of my classmates were present and
they were nervous likewise. My instructor was calling us out one by one
and gave feedbacks. Finally, my name was called and was hoping to
hear good feedbacks. “Copertino is a good communicator” my heart was
pounding when I heard those words. I was relieved and blissfully thank
God for His guidance.
Mock interview was indeed a remarkable experience. It made me
understand what interview really means, and what impact the interview
could potentially have. This also allows me to develop a structure and
plan for how to make my future interviews as effective as possible.
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Date: May 11, 2021

Lesson Plan Webinar


Lesson planning is indeed one of the most difficult tasks that a teacher can face. I
guess that is the reason why our Program Head, together with other instructors
conducted a Lesson Plan Webinar dated May 11, 2021. The webinar started with a
prayer and was led by AB History student. Ms. Gina Jara then had a short opening
remark. Afterwards, Ms. Gina Jara gave the floor to Sir Cornelio Gosiaoco for the
introduction of the guest lecturer. He then introduces the guest lecturer, Dr.
Glenda Mañoso.

It was an honor and a privilege for all of us to be given the chance to learn from
one of the best teachers in Bago City College. Dr. Glenda Mañoso did an excellent
work in teaching us how to enhance our capabilities in making and designing a
lesson plan. I learned that the success or failure of a lesson is heavily dependent on
the elaboration of an appropriate lesson plan. Dr. Mañoso presented a sample
detailed lesson plan. She said that it is required to us who are first time in teaching
to make a detailed lesson plan.

I realized that lesson plans serve as a lecturer's reference in the classroom. They
outline the learning goals and objectives for a specific lesson or chapter; they may
also include the activity planned by the teacher and the supplies required to assist
students in completing that assignment. I think this webinar will greatly help us in
the future if we are going to be a teacher someday.

The rest of the webinar went well and we were given the chance to ask our
questions and queries. The lecturer answered all the questions and gave us tips
about lesson planning. The webinar was ended by Ms. Jara’s closing statement.
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I. Learning objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. define argumentative text;
b. extract important information from argumentative text;
c. illustrate through a chart the pros and cons of a given problem; and
d. develop logical reasoning

Value Focus: Open-mindedness

II. Learning Content

a. Topic: Argumentative Text
b. Reference: A Journey through Anglo – American Literature 9 page 237-239
c. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Handouts, Work sheets

III. Procedure


Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
How are you today? Fine ma’am
Great! Are you ready for today’s topic? Yes ma’am

Class, who can name the picture presented in the Cellphones ma’am

Very good! It’s a cellphone. Who among you here (Student’s will raise their hands)
have his or her cellphone?

Ok, how important in your daily activities or It makes work easier

school activities the use of cellphones or (Solicit answer)

Boring, Sad,
Try to imagine this class, there are no cellphones
or technologies nowadays, what will you feel?
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Very good!

So, class before we discuss our topic for today

let’s read first a text entitled The Telephone by
Edward Field, but before that you are going to
unlock some unfamiliar words present from the
text so that you will understand clearly what the
text is all about.

Are you all ready?

Great! This activity will be recorded. Each item Yes ma’am

will be equivalent to 5 points.

Direction: Arranged the jumbled letters to get the
correct answer.

1.To become twisted together into a jumbled

mass, or make something become twisted into a

2. Conversation about the personal details of other

people's lives, whether rumor or fact, especially
when malicious

3. To die by being underwater too long and unable

to breath.

4. Full of shades and shadows, not clearly seen or


5. To walk slowly in a free and relaxed way.


Did you enjoy your activity class? Yes ma’am

Model the reading of the poem “The Telephone”
by Edward field then after that ask the students to
read the poem for the second time

Discuss the given part of the poem prompted by

the guide questions.

My happiness depends on an electric appliance.

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And I do mind giving it so much credit.

Guide questions:
What is the predominant feeling of the speaker
in these lines? Why does he feel that way?
The speaker is happy because he had those
machines that can satisfy his needs in life
With life in the city being what it is
Each person separated friends
By a tangle of subways and buses
Guide question:
Why are friends disconnected?

Friends are being disconnected because they are

Yes, my phone is my joy very busy in all their activities living in the city
It tells me that I am in the world and wanted
It rings and I am alerted to, love or gossip
I go comb my hair which begins to sparkle
Guide question:
How does the speaker justify his joy of having
a telephone?
With the use of telephones, the speaker is alerted
Without it I was like a bear in a cave and connected to chatters
Drowsing through a shadowy winter
It rings and spring has come
Guide questions:
a. To what did the speaker compare man’s
situation before the advent of the telephone?
b. What value do people give to the telephone He compared man’s situation to a bear in a cave
when he has the access to it?
People value telephones as their device in linking
to the world
I stretch and amble out into the sunshine
Hungry again as I pick up the receiver
For the human voice and the good news of friends
Guide question:
What does the speaker hunger for? Was he able
to connect to the world?
He is hunger for the human voice and the good
news of friends. Yes he was able to connect to the
world with the use of his phone
Is it clear now class?

Yes ma’am

B. Development of the Lesson

Class, do you like arguing with your seatmates,
classmates, brothers and sisters when it comes to
technologies or machines? Yes/No ma’am

What technologies or machines you usually argue

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about? Answers may vary

So, anyone from the group who can guess what is Argumentative Text ma’am
our lesson for today?



What is argumentative text? Argumentative Texts are intended to

persuade and convince the audience in
terms of communicative functions.

Correct! It is intended to persuade and

convince the audience. And in Argumentative text
we have? Pros and Cons ma’am

Very good!

Pros are an argument or consideration in favor of

something. Take note of the word “Favor”

Cons are an argument or opinion against

something. Remember the word “Against”

(The teacher will give her examples then after

giving her examples the students will do the

Did we get across class?

What is an argumentative text again class? Yes ma’am

Argumentative Texts are intended to persuade and

convince the audience in terms of communicative
What is the favorable and advantageous in an functions.
How about the unfavorable, against and opposing
opinion or views? Pros ma’am

Excellent! Cons ma’am

C. Post Activities
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Group Activity
Divide the class into two (2). Let the group leader pick from the bowl if they will be the Group Pros
or Group Cons then after that the teacher will give the problem.

Problem: Use of tablets as textbooks



Write five (5) pros and five (5) cons of “Bringing Mobile Phones to School”. (Worksheet)

In a one (1) whole sheet of paper. List five (5) advantages and five (5) disadvantages of the
following communication technology.
1. Computer/Laptop
2. E-mails
3. Voice mail
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Knowing that one of the major requirements in our practicum is demo teaching. It
makes me feel afraid because it is my weakness to speak in front of the crowd.
What makes me feel nervous in front of the crowd is that I am not that fluent in
speaking especially using English language. Thankfully, we are instructed to just
video ourselves performing our lesson as if we are teaching in front of real

Eventually, I decided to finally video myself with the help of my friend. Though it
was embarrassing at first, I still managed to composed myself. It was very hard for
me to deliver my lesson because it was so difficult to focus when I can clearly hear
the sound of my neighbor’s arguments and the sound of their dog’s bark. I think
that it was the most challenging part of this task for me. Pretending that I was
actually teaching while composing myself not to be distracted from other noise. It
made me realize how significant it is for teachers to have focus in delivering their

It took me over more than one hour in delivering my lesson. There were cuts and
pause in my video because of the noise outside my room and the sound of the rain.
Despite of all the distractions, I was very grateful that I made my audio-video
demonstration possible. There were times that I stuttered and my mind black out
that I have forgotten the sequence of my lesson. There were also times that I
laughed at my own mistakes. There were a lot of other things that challenged me
during the making of my audio-video demonstration and thankfully, I have
overcome all of those things. I believe that this task will be a great part of the
enhancement of my potentials and abilities. This will make me more confident and
effective in teaching in the near future.
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Date: June 10, 2021

Camosun Webinar

I am very grateful that I was given the chance to participate in the Info- Session
and Canada Virtual Tour. For a short period of time, I felt I literally had a tour in
Camosun College. The guest speaker, Ms. Jennifer (Jenni) Montero, Regional
Manager of the Philippines, was excellent in introducing and explaining about
Camosun College. She vividly told us the parts of the campus of the Camosun
College. She also presented different videos of great individuals. Ms. Jenni also
taught us how to apply in Camosun College and she gave us the official links of
their institution.

She explained that the word “Camosun”, a local Lkwungen (Songhees) First
Nation name meaning “where different waters meet and are transformed.”. I was
very impressed because Camosun College serve hundreds of learners a year in
upgrading, certificate, diploma, bachelor's degree, post-degree diploma and
continuing education programs. I also recalled that Ms. Jenni said the 3 C's of life
at Camosun: Choices, Chances, Changes. When applying for University Transfer,
you will be given the option of starting in one of four specialties: Arts, Business,
Education, or Science. It's fine if you decide to change your academic
concentration in the future. Regardless of your initial application choice, you will
be able to choose courses from any of the four categories as long as you meet the
course criteria.

Camosun College has a strong reputation for teaching excellence, and they also
offer one of the greatest learning environments in Canada. Just hearing all of the
great programs, services and facilities it made me want to study in Camosun.
Another thing that made me impressed is that they are open for everyone. They
attract students around the globe and provide a world-class educational experience
that prepares students for a rapidly changing world and workforce.
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Date: July 16, 2021

Strategies for Tourism Promotion Webinar


The Bago City College organized a webinar though google meet. The webinar was
divided into three with different topics and speaker. The first topic was “Strategies
for Tourism Promotion Webinar” and the guest speaker was Ms. Mae Ann Fortus
from the City Tourism Office. She was introduced by Mr. Cornelio Gosiaoco, AB-
History Program Head. The webinar started with the welcome remark of our
Program Dean, Dr. Rosemarie Lagunday. The emcee of the whole program was
Ms. Maricar Balboa.

Bago City is indeed the "Home of Historical and Natural Treasures" because of its
role in the colorful history of the province of Negros Occidental. The city has
different beautiful tourist spots that has magnificent scenery. The guest speaker
gave us a short virtual tour to the places that are most visited especially the
Bantayan Park. Though the tourists were not the same as before yet they still
renovate and improves tourist spots around Bago City. Due to the pandemic, the
City Tourism Office also have restrictions and follow protocols. Ms. Fortus
highlighted the Online Farmers Weekend Market where local sellers can sell their
products. She also highlighted the Cocoa Bean which she said a rare cocoa bean
that can be found here in Bago City. Recently, three Filipino farmers made it to the
prestigious International Cocoa Awards (ICA) and join the roster of best cocoa
producers in the world. One of the three farmers was a Bagonhon, Mr. Christopher

Ms. Mae Ann Fortus shared different strategies on how to promote tourism. She
presented her slides and videos. Though there were some technical problems at
first because her slide was not moving as she was sharing her strategies. Eventually
it was fixed. Before the webinar ended, the emcee, Ms. Balboa asked us if we have
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questions. Finally, we took a screenshot of the webinar for documentation and

ended the first activity of the program.

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DATE: July 16, 2021

Date: July 16, 2021

Human Resource Management Webinar


The second webinar that day was about Human Resource Management. The guest
speaker was Ms. Karen S. Lastierre, our School Administrative Officer. She shared
to us the guide to the functions of human resource management. She first
introduced with us the role of human resource management and then gave a short
overview about it.

One of the things that I can clearly remember was the key functions that Ms.
Lastierre presented. These were recruitment, benefits administration, and training.
In the slide, it was presented that “The art of HR involves relational aspects of a
company’s culture such as team dynamics, communication styles, autonomy, and
transparency. HR managers are often called on to provide a sounding board for
employees, resolve conflicts between co-workers, and help employees navigate
change”. Though I think being an HR Manager was just as easy as I had observed
but I was definitely wrong. It made me realized how hard it was especially in
evaluating the work required to meet a company's objectives, placing the right
people in the proper positions to complete the task, and empowering them to
perform at their best. Ms. Lastierre also presented eight functions of human
resource management. These were the following;
 Function #1: Recruiting and Hiring
 Function #2: Compensation Management
 Function #3: Performance Management
 Function #4: Benefits Management
 Function #5: Professional Development and Training
 Function #6: Employee Relations
 Function #7: Worker Safety and Health
 Function #8: Labor Law Compliance
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These eight functions were well explained and I have learned a lot from it. I
believe that these things that I have learned will greatly help me in the near future.
The webinar ended successfully and we all enjoyed listening and I know that every
person who listened in the webinar also learned a lot.

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Date: July 16, 2021

Wholeness and Wellness


The third part of the webinar was about wholeness and wellness. I believe it was
the best part of the program. The guest speaker was Sr. Lumen Gudes, and she was
introduced by Sir Gosiaoco. When Sr. Gudes took over, she then acknowledged all
of the instructors and greeted us.

In the beginning of her presentation, she presented first the meaning of the word
“wholeness” and “wellness”. She then shared with us three important things to
consider what it means to be whole. These were How we see ourselves, What we
do with how we see ourselves, and lastly, What we do when we go backwards. I
definitely agree that a whole person fully accepts his/her self including his/her
flaws, shortcomings and imperfections and that he/she will always see the positive
aspects of life. A whole person knows how to move toward the improvement of
his/her life.

Another thing that caught my attention in the presentation of Sr. Lumen was the
“Circle of Wellness” and “Individual Wellness”. In the circle of wellness, there
were four things written on it and these were the following: Knowing self, Caring
for self, Caring for my peers, and Building a community of wellness. There were
specific questions that were written outside of it that can be used in assessing how
well we are. There were also seven things that were written in the individual
wellness. Sr. Lumen explained each of it very well and I felt motivated and
encouraged by her words.

Finally, she presented fifteen things that was very helpful. I believe these things
will be a great guide to me on how to be a good individual and a whole person.
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These things will always be imprinted in my mind, heart and soul. The webinar
ended successfully and we were very full of wisdom and encouragements.


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