What Is A Typical School Day in Jaen

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I’m at Victor Andres Belaunde, in Jaen, Peru. I’m twenty twenty six and I am in the third
cycle of the Citizenship and Social Sciences Study Program.

Our school day starts at 8:00 a.m. we have an assembly in the schoolyard where all the
students listen to the news that the head teacher has to tell us. At 8:30 a.m. we enter
our classrooms to start with the classes.

At 11:00 a.m. there is a 30-minute break. We always have a snack and talk with friends
about the tasks we have or what is happening to in our lives. The school canteen offers:
cheap food, different cookies, drinks, delicious desserts to taste. Some students bring
their own food from home, I am one of them. I bring my own food because the school
canteen is so crowded.

Our classes end at 1:00 p.m. When I return home I find lunch ready. At 4:00 pm we have
dance rehearsals. I am learning to dance, and I like it because I was bad at it.

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