Eng7 Q3 Questions - 092725

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English 7- Quarter 3
(Multi-Dimensional Assessment Tools)

Scoring Guide: 4- Abstract

3- Relational
2- Multi-structural
1- Unistructural

(Analysis- Factual)
1. Teacher Irenie assigned your class to group the different types of factual texts. You were assigned to put
together all factual texts under “Recount” category into Portfolio A. Which of the following set of texts should
be inside Portfolio A?
A. journal, newspaper, recipe, speech (2)
B. research, observation, experiment, timeline (1)
C. diary, history book, timeline, journal (4)
D. newspaper article, data analysis, diary, letter (3)

(Analysis- Conceptual)
2. During the distance modality (modular), you saw a teacher in a video delivered his lecture and realized that
he had started teaching from the center, then moved forward and sideward, and then finishes at the center
again. What do you think is his reason for doing such movements?
A. He moved that way because he did not want to stay in a single place during his lesson discussion. Moving
during lesson discussion helps him establish connection to the viewers. (2)
B. He changed his position to create a dramatic effect to the video that suits the discussion. Standing still is
not good. (1)
C. He started at the center to gain the attention of the viewers, then moved about to create a dynamic in the
discussion, and ended at the center to create a good closing. He did this so that he could make the
viewers feel that they are with him personally instead of feeling as if watching from a screen. (3)
D. He moved from one part to another since he wanted to establish phases on his discussion. Standing at
the center means start of the lesson, moving to either part of the stage means new topic, and standing at
the center at the end to create a great exit. (4)

(Analysis- Conceptual)
3. In the story “Good Prince Bantugan”, Bantugan showed us a great value of not giving up despite the many
challenges in life. How can this kind of behavior be connected to the influence of Filipino culture?
A. Filipinos are nurtured to be resilient even from a young age. Our parents taught us how to stand on our
own feet, let us experience the hardships in life, that is why we tend to be strong even if there are many
challenges we face. (4)
B. Filipinos are easily charmed by stories of conquering hardships and painful experiences since we can
relate to them very much having experience such things from childhood days, which in return inspires us
to not give up. (3)
C. Not giving up is one of the few great characteristics of Filipinos. We are tough against hardships and
difficulties in life. (2)
D. Not giving up in life is a trait Filipinos have. We tend to grow stronger because of many challenges. (1)

*Disclaimer: The items are constructed by a Teacher I for the sole purpose of training/workshop output, and are subject
for Technical Assistance from Education Specialists.
(Evaluate- Metacognitive)
4. In an output presentation, Teacher Edz gave you a task to critique the works of the other groups by giving
your own opinion about how they do on the poster making. How should you critique your classmates works?
I. Use opinion-marking signals when giving my critique so that the other group would know that what I was
saying are my personal thinking only.
II. Critique their works based on the criteria/standards/ rubrics set by the teacher to maintain an objective
III. Use polite words to avoid misunderstanding with my classmates when giving constructive criticism.
IV. Provide a positive feedback to their work to show appreciation.

A. II and IV (2)
B. I, II, and III (3)
C. I only (1)
D. I, II, III and IV (4)

(Analysis- Conceptual)
5. The following statements are given to you by Sir Jex, your Science teacher.
• The non-biodegradable plastic we use reach water systems and choke up marine life.
• Illegal logging causes deforestation that leads to soil erosion and flashfloods.
• Using crude oil and petroleum to run factories and transportation releases harmful pollutants.

Which topic sentence generalizes the information given by the three statements?
A. Humans cause many environmental woes. (4)
B. Illegal activities cause land and water pollution. (1)
C. Human activities damage the environment. (3)
D. The harmful effects of the industrial development to nature is massive. (2)
(Source: English 7- Module 5, page 2)
6. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. We tend to give our own opinions regarding different issues
especially if it concerns us. How do we describe if a statement is an opinion?
A. Opinion is a belief, judgement, or conclusion that is not necessarily based on facts or knowledge. (4)
B. Opinion is a person’s claim or viewpoint that cannot be proven by objective evidence. (3)
C. Opinion is a judgement of a person based on feelings (subjective). (2)
D. Opinion is a belief or claim based on feelings which does not need evidence to be proven. (1)

7. In a research conducted by Favito, et al (2018), they claimed that mobile game addiction has no direct effect
on a student’s academic performance. As a student who plays mobile games or other related games, how
would you react to this claim?
A. The authors merely stated what they have found on their research which disproves that mobile games
negatively affects a student’s performance. (1)
B. The authors justified that even if students are playing mobile games, they can still excel on their studies in
school. (2)
C. The authors claimed that a students’ academic performance is not defined by how a learner is hooked into
mobile games, but on the attitude of the learner to learning. (3)
D. The authors stated that mobile game addiction is neglected as a cause for lower academic performance of
the students, but this is only true to the respondents of the research, and may have a different result if
respondents are to be changed. (4)
(Source: English 7- Module 7, page 13)

*Disclaimer: The items are constructed by a Teacher I for the sole purpose of training/workshop output, and are subject
for Technical Assistance from Education Specialists.
(Analysis- Conceptual)
8. When the Grade 7-Aphrodite attends Mr. Al’s English class, the learners seemed to think deeper and more
critically before answering Mr. Al’s thought-provoking questions about COVID-19. Which do you think is an
example of Mr. Al’s questions?
A. Why is COVID-19 considered as a pandemic? (2)
B. How does COVID-19 impact the global economy? (3)
C. How do we contribute on lessening the misconceptions about the COVID-19 vaccine? (4)
D. What are the symptoms of the COVID-19? (1)

(Analysis- Factual)
9. Asking thought-provoking questions is better than asking simple questions as it gives advantages and
disadvantages. Which of the following statements are TRUE about thought-provoking questions?
I. When you raise a thought-provoking question, you are enabling the discussion to be more in depth and
II. Asking a question not related to the topic being discussed is acceptable as long as the question is
III. Looking for points of misunderstanding is one way of constructing thought-provoking questions.
IV. Conducting research is helpful in raising sensible and thought-provoking questions.
V. Examining a topic from different perspectives allows you to see areas that need further clarifications.

A. I and II (1)
B. I, II, III, and IV (3)
C. III and V (2)
D. I, III, IV, and V (4)

(Evaluative- Procedural)
10. Pen, Cel, and you are group mates. In your English class with Mr. Refazo, your group was assigned to prepare
a report as a performance task for the lesson about speech delivery. As a part of the criteria, Mr. Refazo
advised you to ask thought-provoking questions to be asked to your classmates. How should your group
prepare thought-provoking questions?

A. Research on your topic, compare things you know and you do not know about the topic, consider your purpose
when asking questions, and try looking at the issue from different perspectives. (4)
B. Know your topic, learn things about the topic, think before you ask questions, and look for parts of your topic
that might cause confusion. (3)
C. Learn about your topic, determine the vital points, choose your goal in asking questions, and identify points
that would raise misunderstandings. (2)
D. Identify the issue, look at the issue from both angles, distinguish which points may cause mishaps, and know
what you would gain from asking questions. (1)

*Disclaimer: The items are constructed by a Teacher I for the sole purpose of training/workshop output, and are subject
for Technical Assistance from Education Specialists.

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