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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. identify the different factors affecting climate;
B. differentiate climate from weather;
C. describe how altitude, latitude and bodies of water affect the climate condition.


a. Topic: Factors Affecting Climate
b. Reference/s:
-K-I2 Science Curriculum Guide
-Science 9 Learner’s Material
-Science 9 Teacher’s Guide
-Science 9 Learning Module
c. Materials:
-PowerPoint presentation


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preparatory Activity

Good morning class! Good morning, Sir.

May I request Andrew to lead us our opening prayer. Andrew will lead the prayer.

Before we start our lesson, I would like to reiterate our

online class rules.
This class rules will be your guide when you will enter
our online classes.

Any question from this online class rules?

Thank you. None, Sir
For your attendance, may I request everyone to type 5
favorite emojis from your group chat.
(Everyone will send their 5 favorite emojis)
Before we start our lesson, let us play ‘Jumble

In here you need to identify the jumbled letter that

depicts the picture.



Correct! How about this? Wind, Sir


Very good. Let’s see the next one. Climate, Sir

I T U A L D T E Latitude, Sir?

Some other answers?

Altitude Sir.
Correct! That is Altitude.
How about this?

Hemisphere, Sir.
Alright! Very good. How about the last one?

Topography, Sir.



Summer is fast approaching right?

Yes Sir
What are the activities that you usually do during
We go for a picnic Sir
What are the things that you usually consider when
you plan to go for a picnic or going to the beach?

Alright! Some other answers? We consider the finance and place Sir

Why do you think we need to consider the weather? We consider the weather Sir

Can you differentiate weather from climate? We will enjoy our bonding if the weather is fine

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a

specific place and time whereas climate is the
Alright! general pattern of weather in a certain area over a
period of time
Any idea about the factors affecting climate?

You’re right!
Latitude is the specific north to south grid positions on Latitude Sir
earth ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the

Precisely! In addendum Sir lower latitudes around the equator

get the most sunlight, and as latitude increases
Where do you think does the equator located? temperature decreases.

What do you think is the temperature of the regions At the middle Sir. It divides the Northern and
near the equator? Southern hemisphere

How about those regions that are far from the equator?
Hot temperature Sir
Correct! Our planet is divided into 3 major climate
zones. What are those?
They experience cold temperature Sir.

Tropical, temperate and polar regions ma’am

Very Good! Based on the picture, describe each zone

Tropical regions are the low latitudes.
You might notice they are not equal why? Temperate regions are the middle latitude
Polar regions are the high latitude
Because Earth axis is tilted in 23.5°

What is the relationship between latitude and Places that are near the equator have high
temperature of a place? temperature while places that are far from the
equator have low temperature.

Great! We can simply say that as latitude increases,

What do you think is the next factor? temperature decreases.

Why is it that during summer, many people visit

Baguio City?
Altitude, Sir

Because of the cold climate there, Sir.

How does altitude of a place affect the climate?

Let’s take a look at this example.
Places with higher altitude have colder climate just
Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa is located near the equator.
like Baguio City.
What do we expect on its temperature?

How is it possible that the peak of the mountain is

covered by ice?

We expect a high temperature, Sir

What is the relationship between altitude and the
temperature of a place?
Because of its altitude, Sir. The mountain stands
5,895 meters above the sea level.

Very Good!
The higher the place, the colder temperature and
What else are the factors affecting climate?
vice versa. In short, as the altitude increases,
temperature decreases.
Which absorbs heat faster, the soil or water?

How do you describe the climate of places near the

Bodies of water Sir
Very Good! Soil Sir.
How about those places without a body of water
nearby? Places that are near the oceans have moderate
climate as the body of water regulates the
Precisely! temperature.

What is the relationship between places nearby bodies

of water and temperature?
They have higher temperature Sir.

Can anyone give me the last factor affecting climate?

Places near the bodies of water experienced
Can you define? moderate temperature whereas, places that are far
from the bodies of water experienced extreme
Who has another definition?

Ocean currents, Sir

Very good!
Ocean currents does not only affect the temperature of Ocean currents move in large circular systems.
an area but also the amount of precipitation.
Warm waters flow away from the equator toward
the poles. Cold waters flow back toward the equator.

Difference between climate and weather?

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a

Our planet is divided into 3 major climate zones. What specific place and time whereas climate is the
are those? general pattern of weather in a certain area over a
period of time.

How does the elevation of a city affect its climate? -Tropical regions
-Temperate regions
-Polar regions
How will you relate the factors affecting climate in
real life situation?
The higher the place, the colder temperature while
the lower the place, the warmer temperature.
Climate affects the activities of farmers and
fishermen. Changes in extreme weather events, and
Application reductions in water availability may all result in
The table presents the low and high temperatures of reduced agricultural productivity.
some cities in the world dated October 4, 2013

City Altitu Distance Temperature

de from (°C)
(m) Equator (October 4,
(km) 2013)
High Low
Paris 30.0 5,432.62 23 18
Beijing 43.7 4,437.20 24 11
Cairo 74.1 3,343.05 30 22
Berlin 36.0 5,360.63 15 2
Denver 1609. 4,418.80 7 -3
Manila 13.1 1,623.56 31 26
Tokyo 20.1 3,968.50 21 18
Vienna 19.1 5,840.34 -1 -6
Warsaw 110.0 5,807.68 11 -1

Analyze the given table and answer the following


1. Which city has the highest temperature?

2. What factors that causes high temperature in that


3. Which city had the lowest temperature? Manila

4. What factor do you think is the cause of low It is the altitude and the closeness to the equator.
temperature in the city?

Now, let us have a quiz. I provided the link from the The distance to the equator.
chat box and I am giving you 5 minutes to answer the
following questions.
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
The timer starts now. (5 minutes)

1. What are the 3 major climate zones of Earth?

a. Tropical, Temperate, Polar
b. Tropical, Temporal, Polar
c. Tropical, Temperate, Poland
d. Tropical, Temperate, Poland
2. How do you call the general pattern of
weather in a certain area over a long period of A
a. Wind
b. Topography
c. Climate
d. Weather

3. What happens to the temperature of air when C

altitude increases?
a. Remains the same
b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. Varies
4. How do you call the condition that happens in
our atmosphere over a period of hours and C
a. Altitude
b. Latitude
c. Climate
d. Weather

1. How does the windward side differ from the D

leeward side of a high land?

a. The windward receives more precipitation

than the leeward
b. The leeward side has more vegetation
than the windward side
c. The windward side receives more heat A
than the leeward side
d. The leeward side receives more
precipitation than the windward side
2. What is the climate of a place when it is near
the equator?
a. Extreme cold
b. Extreme hot
c. Moderate
d. None of these

3. What is the cause of clockwise and B

counterclockwise of ocean currents?
a. Corona Effect
b. Coriolis Effect
c. Greenhouse effect
d. Coriolise Effect
4. How do you call the height above sea level?
a. Altitude B
b. Latitude
c. Bodies of water
d. Ocean Currents
5. What is the temperature of a place as
altitude decreases?
a. Remains the same A
b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. Varies
6. What is the temperature of air when the ocean
current carries warm water?
a. cold B
b. warm
c. a and b
d. a only

How many of you got perfect score?
Very good!
How many of you got 10?
How many of you got 9?
How many of you got 8?
Still, very good!
And for those who got 7 and below, still
congratulations because I know you really did your
best. (students ‘raises their hands)

Agreement (students ‘raises their hands)

(students ‘raises their hands)
1. What are the different greenhouse gases? (students ‘raises their hands)
2. How are these greenhouse gases affect the
global temperature?



Student Intern Cooperating Teacher

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