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Proposal for SMU I nnovati on

Award by Di aspora
Indonesian Students Association in Singapore, also known as Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Singapura (PPIS),
was established in 2005; envision to be the most predominant student-run incubating platform to springboard
youth potential to make a ripple, if not the wave, that changes the world. Although fully endorsed by Indonesian
Embassy in Singapore, PPIS maintains its rm stance as a non-prot and non-political organization that is nancially
Comprising of eleven member organizations from Nanyang Technological University, National University of
Singapore, Singapore Management University, Singapore Institute of Management, Productivity
Standards Board Academy, Technology Management Centre Academy, Entrepreneur Resource Centre
Institute, Kaplan Singapore, Rafes Design Institute, Singapore Manufacturers Federation Institute, and
Management Development Institute of Singapore; PPIS has the potential to capitalize various talents of
15,000 Indonesian students population in Singapore through activities and dedicated platforms. Furthermore as
shown from its past and current activities, PPIS exposure has started to expand slowly yet surely to the ASEAN
communities, albeit the main target remains Indonesian.
PPIS projects covered three main sectors: social community development, culture & tourism promotion, and
community journalism & network creation, evidently by our magazine These three sectors
are covered through various activities that inherits the PPIS spirit: effective, sustainable, creative and stood up on
its own.
Diaspora currently operates as part of PPIS publications and marketing wing.
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
The current executive committee of PPIS 2010/2011
Indonesia has a substantial amount of student population studying abroad, and the term substantial is an
understatement. From ASEAN Scholarship holders in various secondary schools to YouTube aspiring stars, from
Elle Indonesias Designer of the Year to Valedictorians & Summa Cum Laude laureates studying in tertiary
institutions, these students or former students are indeed talented in various subjects in Singapore alone.
Without disregarding the B students, Cum Laudes, and the street smarts, PPIS has created initiatives that nurtures
all by combining the experienced and the passionate. This combination turns out to be effective and manages to
utilize these abundant talents through aforementioned activities. Diaspora Magazine was born over this notion.
A brainchild of three PPIS members, Diaspora was rstly established in November 2009 as an online publication for
misplaced and displaced Indonesians, whether it is in Singapore or other countries. An online publication is the
ideal format; it can make use of many different kinds of talent, whether it is good language skills, an academic
understanding of social/political/economic/scientic issues, or even graphic design, while at the same time incurring
a very minimal cost. This leads to the possibility of making use of diverse talents from all different schools in
After starting off with just an online publication, Diaspora has grown to encompass an event organizing arm, as well
as a blog in addition to its online magazine; both of these points will be further elaborated in later sections.
Nonetheless, Diasporas aim remains the same: to be an online platform for talented Indonesian students in
Singapore to showcase their abilities. Our denition of talents, however, doesnt fall strictly upon academic grades
and certication. We place a bigger emphasis on trial and error and professional teamwork than mere perfectionism
and meritocracy. Hence, our future endeavor.
Due to signicant Indonesian student populations in countries other than Singapore, such as Australia and the
United States, Diaspora strives to eventually be an online platform for talented Indonesian students not just in
Singapore, but also the world.
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
Diasporas Latest Crews & Talents
Diaspora aims to be an all-reaching online platform for talents. Currently, it consists of two existing arms: publication
and event organizing, both of which are elaborated below.
Diasporas publication arm is the Diaspora Magazine ( Currently, staffed by Indonesian
tertiary students in Singapore, the magazine publishes writing on a variety of topics, ranging from pop-culture to
unconventional issues, from school-based events to government breaking news, and specically, news from one
Indonesians to other Indonesians, if not to non-Indonesians.
Diaspora Magazine is divided into two main sections: the Magazine and the Blog. The Magazine is above all the
marquee section of the publication. It publishes articles on a variety of topics, such as Perspektif, viewpoints on
social, economic, and political issues; Hautu, guides for students on living in Singapore; Meme, which discusses
pop culture phenomena; Kampus, updates on what is happening in schools; and more. The Blog was initiated in
mid-2011, and covers more up-to-the-minute, concise, and multimedia posts. The Blog is divided into three
sections: Radar, coverage on events happening around Singapore and, to a lesser extent, Indonesia; Agenda, a
curation/short summary of news, mainly concerning Indonesia, that students need to know; and Meme. The Blogs
objective is to deliver essential information at a timely basis, and as such is updated at a much more frequent basis
compared to the Magazine.
While there is a sizable Indonesian student population in Singapore as previously mentioned, in the past they have
always been somewhat segmented; students from SMU, for example, do not necessarily know students from NUS.
While this connectedness has been improved on through PPIS events and initiatives, Diaspora Magazine has also
helped to further eradicate this. Our roster of writers and contributors come from all different schools in Singapore,
and our Kampus section covers events from all schools. This would, at the very least, constantly update people on
what is happening to Indonesian students in other schools.
Currently, Diaspora Magazine has acquired a constant readership rate of 1200 1500 returned users monthly,
coming from 45 different countries/territories, predominantly within ASEAN regional countries, but not to ignore
percentage of US & European readers. Most of our readers are members of PPIS and its afliates (school-specic
Indonesian student organizations), as well as other, non-student organizations such as the Indonesian Professionals
Association (IPA) and FKMIS (Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Indonesia di Singapura). Readers have also shown
great interest towards our magazine by actively contributing insightful comments in our website.
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
Proposal for MaD Award 2010 3
One of many Diasporas event
Event Organizing
Diasporas event organizing arm, Hoopla!, was rstly suggested in late 2010 as a possible avenue to market the
publication arm and gain additional readership. The inaugural Hoopla! Film Festival (see appendix) was organized
over a two-week period in February 2011 in various locations throughout Singapore. Targeting mostly Indonesian
students, the festival showcased several lms considered to be current hallmarks of Indonesian cinema, including
works by both established directors as well as students from Indonesias most prominent arts schools. Attracting
almost 500 students across Singapore, the event has succeeded in promoting Indonesian popular culture in
Singapore, as well as raising Diasporas prole among its target market.
We showcased a total of ve lms from well-known Indonesian lmmakers, as well as several shorts created by lm
students from Institut Kesenian Jakarta (Art Institute of Jakarta). The genre and theme of the lms are diverse, from
lighthearted romantic comedy (Janji Joni) to horror (Pintu Terlarang) and drama (Chants of Lotus, a story of four
women from four different parts of Indonesia, all with their own troubles). For the rights to showcase the lms, we
approached, among others, Kalyana Shira Films and Joko Anwar, a prominent lm maker house in Indonesia that
has churned out commercially and reaped many critical international festival awards movies in the past, including
Janji Joni and Arisan!.
proposed business model is an online creative advertising agency, which we strive to achieve in the
medium term, through pre-existing social platforms. We nd this particular model to be interesting and also
implementable in a Singapore context.
Practically, the creative section of an advertising agency consists of two main activities: copywriting and design.
Talents for both can actually be found among Indonesian students in Singapore. For copywriting, the existence of
talents have already been proven with Diaspora Magazine; while journalism and copywriting are different,
copywriting skills would not be very difcult to hone for people with a journalistic background. Design talents, on the
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
Proposal for MaD Award 2010
Diaspora Online Magazine: For Misplaced &
Displaced Indonesians
The bottom line is this: For many problems that a company faces,
there could well be a solution out there somewhere, far outside of
the traditional places that managers might search, within or outside
the organization. The trick, though, is to develop the right tool for
locating that source and then tap into it.
- Eric Bonabeau
other hand, have been underutilized by Diaspora Magazine, although this is not unusual as of course, the main
point of the magazine itself should not be the design, but rather the writing.
While the talents have certainly not been proven through Diaspora, there have been enough instances where
Indonesian students from art schools showcased their talents, whether through their own schools portfolios or
participation in event organizing. We feel that this is strong enough to show that Indonesian students from art
schools have a strong design background. As such, by marrying these two types of talents together, we believe
that we are able to jump onto advertising by tapping on the collective talents.
To provide you with a more structured description, a visual description is prepared below:
Visual Description
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
Operational & Commitment Flow
In brief respect to the visual description above, our business model is simply a synthesis between "crowdsourcing"
& "provision point mechanism". Both methods
, together making up the core model for, have
proven to be an effective approach in consolidating nancial assets or talent resources for either budding
commercial rms or pro bono NGO causes.
Crowdsourcing has also proven to be an innovative approach in introducing new products and services into the
market. Ben Kaufman
, the founder of, had promised this and has since shifted the general common
paradigm of what he dened as armchair inventors, those who have great product ideas but no time, money, and/
or expertise to make them happen. In a crusade to democratize invention, the 24-year-old entrepreneur has
managed to reap $6 to $10 million by the end of 2009, created an online community of 65,000 members (which
grows 20 percent each month), and raised $12,6 million in funding. The company was founded earlier that year.
This is not to mention the old-time hype in news publication magazine shown by the renowned Arianna Hufngton
of the Hufngton Post and Tina Brown of The Daily Beast; both have since advocated the power of community
journalism and the curation of opinion within their communication workow.
Based on these proven cases, we carefully prepared a business model that provides a win-win situation for both
our clients and our main users, namely the talents. The business categorization explained here is mainly based
upon the clients budgetary capacities. Our three marketing springboard model are as follows:
1. SME Clients & Established NGOs
Typical to regular advertising agencies out there within the industry, our Diaspora accounts team will approach
and be approached by clients for our services in structuring their campaign. This planning stage of the campaign
encompasses not only the creative and technical aspect of each campaign, but the budgeting as well. Should an
agreement be reached, the campaign will then be posted on our social website, which will then crowdsource
talents through our social site.
Interested talents will have to come in a team of three to register for the campaign. This grouping mechanism
ensures commitment among the crowdsourced talents by seizing and relying on the devoted and the committed
as a spearhead in completing the project. These early adopters of our model, who we presume to be committed
in skill enhancing and porftolio building, are the keystone towards the success of our business model adoption.
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
Were making invention accessible.
- Ben Kaufman (CEO,
Moreover, discretion will be given towards talents to plot their own project timeline and deliverables. We will also
introduce a bidding mechanism within our model in order to propagate competition among talents. Each of them
is allowed to propose lower or higher budgeting costs should they think they can complete the campaign in a
smaller group or within a quicker timeline. It's all or nothing for the talents, hence the provision point mechanism.
Talents should get a sign off from the clients to receive the allocated budget, which is to be shared among the
Over at the clients side, this bidding mechanism also ensures a win situation for them to choose on either
launching their campaign faster or at cheaper costs, without discretionary forces from us as the structurer of the
campaign. Independence is also given towards the clients to choose the specic group to complete the project.
Should they are not satised with the options provided, the client can always say no.

2. Aspiring SMEs & NGOs
Mainly, the difference of this model is over clients options to crowdsource their talents. It is assumed that these
clients, despite the rising nature of their rm or organization, will have restrictive budgets to spend on a proper
marketing campaign.
To cater this, we will still ensure them convenience by structuring their campaign. The talent, however, will be
chosen decisively among our core publication creative department or selected people that we deem competent
to complete the project at the stipulated timeline. The campaign will not be published within the site, unless it has
been completed and launched.
3. Start-ups & Pro-Bono NGOs
As self-explained by the category, this model will be pro-bono. There will be no campaign structuring process as
client is assumed to have prepared their own goal-driven campaign. However, we will help the clients to
complete these tasks through our network. Simply, it is similar to what had created minus the
necessity of money donation.
Example of such campaign is as following:
- Increase facebook likes for WXOs facebook page by 200%
- Get RSVP for 100,000 attendants/day for a fundraiser opening
- Promote a viral campaign by posting provided materials through the social networks, etc.
Upon this assortment of clients, specically clients 2 and 3, Diaspora will be responsible for the progress of work
done by talents. However, we will not be responsible upon the quality of the work. We will continually track the
deadline and remind talents to complete the task as promised, but there will be no warranties upon this completion.
Legally, clients have the rights to enhance their agreement upon talent's work exclusively without Diasporas
boundaries should they think its appropriate.
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
Talents will be prompted to create their own prole within our site. The prole will act as a showcase for their past
artwork portfolios or to show their current commitment levels. They will have a level system that differs from one
individual to another. The level system will be purely based upon the completions of tasks that they have taken, and
their ability to work in a team with lesser skills. The higher their level, the more they are allowed to take projects on
their own, and vice versa. They can create and mix and match the aforementioned teaming within this site too as
long as it falls under the agreed designers & projects code of conduct.
Furthermore, with the existence of our magazine, talents who have little or no portfolio background will be have a
chance to showcase their work. These talents will be prioritized upon request from client #2 and would heighten
their chances to be grouped among more experienced talents. Within the magazine itself, they will also be
constantly requested to promote themselves through artistic enhancement in the publication, be it in a
conceptualized photojournalism piece or graphically designed editorials.
Aside from primarily crowdsourcing talents, Diaspora will also recruit talents from non-artistic backgrounds as a
periphery talents to run our business. These talents, which are more likely to be students with expertise in various
skills, will also receive exposure to a professional industry post-graduation. Some possible job creations from this
business model will be copywriting, web maintenance, strategic planning, market research, accounts, creative
planning, and other departments as needed in the advertising industry. This would open up possibilities upon the
crowdsourcing requests for these talents in the further future.
In conclusion, this closed loop system would prevent any talents disregarding their pre-existing portfolio to sell
themselves out to the clients. On the other loop end, exposing Diaspora's publication as the nurturing platform for
talents will further increase our readership and expose talents to the general public.
Cash Flow
As an innovative crowdsourcing advertising agency, we are providing clients with ease in outsourcing their
marketing efforts with affordable yet professional talents. There are two main sources of income, which includes
income from service commission & advertising spots across the site.
All artworks created will be owned 100% and, upon handover, be controlled 100% by the clients. Diaspora will act
as an incubator that facilitates quality-check prior to campaign handover. For all these services that we render for
clients 1 & 2, Diaspora will take 10% from the prots of all completed campaigns. This charge excludes secure
payment portal fees with regards to international clients' payment. All successful campaigns will be followed up on
a case by case basis and extensively promoted within our agency's site and publication's site for free.
As to pro-bono cases, we will not take any prots from the causes/campaigns posted or any goals reached.
Advertising income will be calculated upon the creation of the site and will be posted within our current publication
site. We will ensure that advertised products or services will never compete with the posted campaigns.
For the expenses ow, regularly we will fork out capital for the periphery support department in a freelance basis
and site maintainance. Core talents, as explained, will be remunerated based on the agreed campaign budget. We
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
are not closing any potentials expenses upon the B2B partnership with other agencies or other advertisers
throughout the implementation of the campaign.
Market Size & Competition
We would consider existing advertising agencies, from bigger multinational corporations such as Ogilvy & Mather
and Publicis Groupe to smaller local rms, to be our competitors. It would not be easy for us to compete with such
agencies due to their professional networks and experience; however, there is a particular niche market which we
believe is not yet addressed by any of the established agencies, hence the clients categorization.
From the point of view of our targeted client, partnerships with these established agencies would cost a substantial
amount of money. While it would not be a problem for bigger, often multinational, corporations, this inadvertently
leads to the creation of a niche market consisting of companies that demand the same quality marketing/
advertising campaigns, but are not willing to channel the required funding. This is usually due to either the company
having other, more important priorities, or simply because they are an entity whose objectives do not include prot
maximization. As such, we would tap this particular niche as a potential target market, as we are able to provide
affordable advertising/marketing services without compromising the quality of the end product.
This target market mainly includes small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and nonprot organizations. SMEs, in
particular, make up 99%
of all enterprises in Singapore alone; out of that amount, 14% is in the design service
industry. Assuming that the remaining 86% do not have an in-house marketing team, there is still very much
demand for affordable advertising services.
It is imperative that we have a workforce consisting entirely of students. Plus this with the nature of advertising
design that has higher tendency to work independently, pain in recruitment is inevitable.
However, our talents groups, are students. The proliferation of design schools in Singapore, such as Lasalle College
of the Arts, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Rafes Design Institute, as well as more established schools such as
National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and polytechnics that have recently offered
design programmes, provide not only a higher pool from which to recruit but also constant and rapid replacements.
Not to mention the increasing rapid art appreciations within countries such as Indonesia, China, Malaysia, & India.
These countries have signicantly opened a talent manufacturing plants from the creation of art schools to electives
modules that introduce art knowledge to student.
Our ideal solution is to link these schools into a dynamic international afliation program whereby the campaigns
and projects we created were integrated within their curriculum. Whats better than getting A in your PACKAGING
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
As per gures obtained from the Singapore Department of Statistics
101 or ANIMATION 101 and getting pocket money out of it. By employing students from various tertiary institutions
within and around Singapore, we are able to provide these students with the opportunity for hands-on learning
before actual employment; in short, this can provide an experience similar to that of an internship. We nd that this
would have a signicant impact with regards to pricing and expenses; as the students primary intention is to obtain
working experience and grade, we are able to push down salary-related expenses, and with that, the pricing.
With regards to our talent sourcing coverage, the global widespread of our Indonesian Students network will be
intensively utilized over the initial stage. Patronage on our publication alone has exceed our expectation in terms of
readers locations. It's not impossible for our clients to reach out international talents and launch the campaign
outside its regional territory. Magazine will act as an absolute advertisement channel for all conrmed clients'
campaign. More details upon our current and potential business partner will be explained in latter section.
Without disregarding the problems though and based on our experience within the publication, we are aware that
through the independence we provided to our clients, we also introduce ourselves with talent problems. Clients
may under-cut our platform to reach talent or vice versa that eventually will drive down our bottom line. However,
we felt that this is also inevitable.
With repeated exposition upon the work ethics of a designer, we are not able to promise a perfect antidotes upon
all the precautions that we have set. The hope upon this pain is ironically revolves within the restrictive
commitments of the talents itself. By being a student, they will not be able to handle long term projects that spans
in year time. The least that Diaspora could do to mitigate these problems are by providing more school-related
appeal toward our talents and by engaging these early adopter into our internal publication. We will also not
disclose their prole toward the clients.
Our core team currently is securing these problems antidotes through our potential partnership with art schools
across Singapore and within our initial regional country target.
Intellectual Property
We acknowledge the importance of intellectual property rights upon the future artworks and products created by
our talents. We will provide each users with a secure storage for artworks that they created. These virtual storage
will ensure that there will be no infringement of intellectual property made within different talent groups. Upon the
user code of conducts and terms and condition, we will also outlaw all of our users to in any attempts to damage IP
of others or themselves.
On the other hand, we will also create a legal protection mechanism that apply no obligation from our company
upon the selection of winning artworks/products/campaigns. Separate agreement made without our companys
recognition will be deemed as a third party agreement between clients and talents, no responsibilities will be made
upon such case.
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
Main Operational Team
1) Putra Muskita. Putra is the current Editor-in-Chief of Diaspora Magazine, a position he has held since June
2010. His responsibilities mainly concern the publications arm, which includes content direction and quality
control. He also works with the Operational Head in Diasporas other, non-publication initiatives. Putra is a nal
year student at Singapore Management University, majoring in Accountancy and Finance. He recently completed
a nance internship with Citibank N.A. Singapores corporate banking division.
2) Prima Aulia Gusta. Prima is the current Operational Head of Diaspora Magazine. As former vice president of
PPIS, he co-founded the magazine with Nida An Khayya, former editor-in-chief & Fakhri Moelhadi, former PPIS
marketing head of department. His responsibilities mainly concern Diasporas external interests, whether it is
marketing, sponsorship, event organizing, and business development. He spearheaded the rst Hoopla! Film
Festival in early 2011. In addition to his vice presidency in PPIS, Prima is also the media adviser for Nusantara
Development Initiative, a social entrepreneurship project. Prima is a nal year student at Singapore Management
University, majoring in Information Systems. He has experienced professional working environment in public
sector, aspiring IT start-ups, consulting, and recently advertising with Publicis Groupe Singapore.
3) Joice Vania Gumala. Vania is the current Co-Editor of Diaspora Magazine. Her responsibilities mainly concern
the publications and assisting the Editor in Chief with content direction and quality control. A recipient of the
prestigious Singapore Scholarship, Vania is currently a penultimate year student at Nanyang Technological
Universitys Nanyang Business School. She recently completed a marketing internship with Marshall Cavendish in
Potential & Current Advisors
There are several advisors that we are considering to approach or we have conrmed partnering, all of them having
had considerable experience in their respective elds.
1) PPI Singapura. We believe that PPIS would be the best advisor when it comes to student matters; they are
arguably the best avenue through which we are to approach Indonesian students. Moreover, PPIS has had
longstanding established relationships with several companies, mostly Singapore-registered subsidiaries of
Indonesian parents, as well as the network of Indonesian professionals in Singapore.
2) Budiono Darsono. Mr Darsono is the Editor-in-Chief of, a prominent Indonesian community news
website. Mr Darsono has conducted seminars in Singapore previously, in partnership with PPIS, mainly on the
topic of online journalism.
3) PPI Dunia. PPI Dunia is the umbrella organization that comprises all Indonesian students associations from
various countries all over the globe. With president of Indonesia as its patron, the association have a key role in
providing an international network of Indonesian students.
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
4) Prita Kemal Gani. Ms Gani is the current director of the London School of Public Relations, one of the most
notable tertiary institutions for advertising and communication studies in Jakarta. She has previously worked
together with PPIS, and thus remains within their network.
5) Nida An Khayya. Ms. Khayya is one of the founders of Diaspora Magazine, and was the rst Editor in Chief.
She is currently a junior research analyst with the consulting rm McKinsey & Co Singapore, concentrating mainly
on Indonesia, and will serve as our principal advisor.
6) Adamas Belva Syah Devara. Mr. Devara is one of Mr. Primas Ex-team-mate in PPIS when hes just a fresh
exco member in 2008. Currently, Mr. Devara is responsible to the great success of social-driven facebook apps
Bantu Indonesia, which has 11,237 members as of this proposal was written. Mr. Belva has graced his various
experience by interning in world-renowned banks, consulting rms, and special presidential advisory team. On
top of his medals and awards, hes a management consultant in McKinsey & Co Indonesia.
7) Victor Putra Lesmana. Mr. Lesmana has been the person who pushes Mr. Prima to join the competition. As a
former Global Operation Manager for IBM, Mr. Prima has been constantly consulted him on the projects
sustainability and innovativeness. Hes a senior analyst now in Boston Consulting Group Indonesia.
8) Dimas Harry Priawan. Mr. Priawan is the former president of NTU Student Association and producer of
Indonesian Arts Festival III. Mr. Priawan get acquainted with Mr. Gusta through the same festival on the different
year. Currently Mr. Priawan is working as an engineer with ST Microelectronics, while juggling between many
social movements that hes founded: Computer for Indonesia and Scholarship for Indonesia.
Proposal for SMU Innovation Award 2011
Appendi x

We intenu to showcase movies ianging fiom fiesh anu aspiiing to piofessional
anu awaiu-winning moviemakeis. As to live up Biaspoia's spiiit of open
community, we holu no iestiiction in themes oi genie on movies that we will
scieen. We will extenu oui movies' shoit-listing to public, iathei it be
Inuonesians oi non-Inuonesians.

Bespite the non-iestiiction, piefeiably oui main objectives of this film festival
aie to intiouuce anu to piomote Inuonesian film, ait anu cultuie to the Singapoie
community. We aie hoping the festival can act as a spiingboaiu to publicize
piaise-woithy Inuonesian movies that give positive messages to its vieweis. We
also hope to piomote Biaspoia anu position it as the piime meuia selection foi
the Inuonesian youth community in Singapoie.

As to put foiwaiu oui main agenua on this event, we hope to holu this event at
uoluen village Cinemas anu acioss majoi goveinment anu piivate 0niveisities in
Singapoie on the 26
Febiuaiy to 12
of Naich 2u11. These locations aie seen
to be fit with oui taigeteu auuiences, the youth. uoluen village, being a place that
was ienowneu as one of Singapoie hub foi the latest movies, will neeu no
intiouuction towaiu the Inuonesian anu non-Inuonesian moviegoeis. While to
those with less access to the venue can catch it fiom within theii univeisity's
comfoit zone.

As to this wiue-ianging ieach, Boopla! Novie Festival will expect auuiences
appioximately aiounu 1uuu people that will be mainly unueigiauuates in
Singapoie. About the piicing categoiy, we have planneu to make scieenings in
schools to be fiee of chaige as to heighten the anticipation foi special piemium-
chaigeu movies that will be scieeneu at uoluen village.

Below aie the two featuieu films that will be scieeneu in oui opening anu closing
scieening of oui festival:

This is an effoit to captuie the contemplating big city. The time of Naghiib is the
boiueiline of all ielationships, anu that is the thieau that binus all 6 stoiies in the
film. A maiiieu couple (Inuia Biiowo & Wiui Nulia) want to make love in 12/3)
452/) 13613) 357, while a thug anu a mosque's caietakei (Asiul Bahlan &
Sjafiial Aiifin) have an inteiesting juxtaposition in /!8/3. In the meantime,
iesiuents of a housing complex (Lukman Saiui, Ringgo Agus Rahman, Beui
Nahenuia Besta, Fanny Fabiiana, Lilis) meet foi the fiist time while waiting foi
theii favouiite foou sellei in 29353665)/:1. A couple (Reza Rahauian & Auinia
Wiiasti) aie busy looking foi a shoitcut in ;/</3) =13>/*, anu a little boy (Aluo
Tansani) is scaieu to ueath in 4971>/) *1) 1?/3. Finally, all chaiacteis eventually
meet in BA'BA

Salman Aiisto won Best Sciipt in Iakaita Inteination Film Festival (IIFFest)
Sciipt Bevelopment Competition in 2uu6, the competition that saw him in tutoi's
position thiee yeais latei. A piouuctive wiitei, he wiote two biggest Inuonesian
box office hits of all-time, Ayat-Ayat Cinta (veises of Love) anu Laskai Pelangi
(The Rainbow Tioops). IAKARTA NAuBRIB is his uiiectoiial uebut.

Foui women filmmakeis tackle foui uiffeient stoiies about lives of maiginalizeu
women in Inuonesia: in "=>?@.A)!A?@)B;3A;", a miuwife (Rieke Byah Pitaloka)
in a ueseiteu islanu saciifices hei uying health to iescue a mentally challengeu
woman (Rachel Naiyam): in "=>?@.A) !A?@) CDECA", a high-school stuuent
(Kiiana Laiasati) toys aiounu with an oveiwhelming access to fiee sex, which
may put hei life in jeopaiuy: in "=>?@.A) !A?@) =@F@:D:E", a single mothei
(Shanty) is foiceu to see hei uaughtei (Ken Nala Amiita) anu hei best fiienu
(Saiah Sechan) fall victims to women anu chiluien tiafficking synuicate: anu in
"=>?@.A) !A?@) GAHA?.A", a miuule class Chinese woman (Susan Bachtiai) is
about to be sepaiateu fiom hei only uaughtei because of an BIv thieat. These
aie poitiaits of mouein Inuonesian women unlike anything evei seen in big
scieen befoie.

Fatimah Tobing is a film piofessoi in 0C Iivine, a visual anthiopologist anu a
shoit filmmakei who ieceiveu the Biiectoi's uuilu Stuuent Awaiu in 2uuu. Lasja
Fauzia uiiecteu two films scieeneu in IiFFest this yeai, i.e. "Bunia Neieka" (Theii
Woilu) anu "Bukan Bintang Biasa: The Novie" (Not Youi Aveiage Stais): while
0pi iecently sciipteu "Coklat Stiobeii" (Chocolate Stiawbeiiy). Nia Binata's
pievious film, "Beibagi Suami (Love foi Shaie)", was Inuonesia's submission to
Best Foieign Language Film categoiy in Acauemy Awaius last yeai.

Note: The film will has been ieleaseu in nationwiue cinemas on Ianuaiy 17, 2uu8.

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