Capitulo 4

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1) Andrew lives in New York

(E) He's from United States of America

He's American
He speaks English

2) Jean Paul lives in Paris

(I) He's from France
He's French
He speak French

3) Ming Feng lives in Beijing.

(M) She's from China
She's Chinese
She speaks Mandarin and Cantonese

4) Leonardo lives in Venezuela

(H) He's from Caracas
He's Venezuelan
He speaks spanish

5) Emma lives in London

(Q) She's from United Kingdom
She's Brithis
She's speaks english

6) Stelios lives in Athens

(A) He's from Greece
He's Greek
He speaks Greek

7) Stephen lives in Dublin

(C) He's from Ireland
He's Irish
He speaks english and irish

8) Carmen lives in Madrid

(N) She's from Spain
She's Spanish
She speaks spanish

9) Tiago lives in Sao Paulo

(G) He's from Brazil
He's Brazilian
He speaks portuguese

10) Francesca lives in Rome

(P) She's from italy
She's italian
She speaks italian

11) Manuel lives in Lisbon

(B) He's from Portugal
He's Portuguese
He speaks Portuguese

12) Mateo lives in Brussels

(D) He's from Belgium
He's Belgian
He speaks Dutch, French, German
13) Viktor lives in Moscow
(L) He's from Russia
He's Russian
He speaks russian

14) Germaine lives in Berlin

(O) She's from Germany
She's German
She speaks German

15) San lives in Cape Town

(F) He's from South Africa
He's South African
He speaks english and afrikaans

16) Yoko lives in Tokyo

(J) She's from Japan
She's Japanese
She speaks Japanese

2) Complete with am, is or are

A) You are a good student.

B) Jane is sick today.
C) They are late for class.
D) I'm from Ireland.
E) My friend and I are studying together.
F) Ben is at home.
G) Michael and Kelly are a beautiful couple.
H) Barbara is happy.

3) Match the questions with the answers.

1) Is your name kevin? (5) Yes, they are. They are from
2) Are Mary and Sarah in the same classroom? (3) I am at school.
3) Where are you? (7) No, He isn't. Nobody knows
4) Is your sister younger than you? (6) Yes, we are. We will be back
in an hour.
5) Are your friends from Brazil? (1) No, it isn't. My name is Jim.
6) Are you and your mother going shopping? (4) No, she isn't. She is 23 and I
am 21.
7) Is he a famous singer? (8) It is parked outside in the
street. Can you see it?
8) Is your card red? (2) No, they aren't. They have
different teachers.

4) In pairs answer the questions.

A) Is Barack Obama English?

No, he isn't, he is (he's) American
B) Is Sushi Chinese?
No it isn't, it is (it's) Japanese.
C) Is flamenco from Mexico?
No it isn't, It is (it's) Spanish.
D) Is Sean Connery Scottish?
Yes, he is
E) Is Nicole Kidman from New Zealand?
No she isn't, She is (She's) American
F) Are salsa and tango from Venezuela?
No they aren't, they are (they're) from Argentina and Cuba

5) Order the words to make questions and give true answers about you.

A) Are you a good student?

B) Is football your favourite sport?

C) Are your books news?

E) Is your teacher married?

D) Is your teacher a father?

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