Resume Training Softskill

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Selasa, 15 Februari 2022 via Zoom Meeting

1. DESIGN THINKING by Ria Aprilia

- 70% gagal melakukan transformasi disebabkan 84% karena sdm
- What stops you from being creative?
- Revolusi Industri 4.0 (challenges, opportunity, skills)
- (Problem is mother of innovation) artinya masalah-masalah yang ada semakin
berkembang, semakin banyak pula inovasi untuk mengatasinya.
- Space Of Innovation
 Viability (business)
 Desirability (people)
 Feasibility (technology)

Design thinking is a human centered approach to innovation that draws from the
designer toolkit to integrate the needs of people.

Yang dilakukan terhadap design thinking:

1. Empathize
- To do, pain & gain
- Interview, Observe, Immerse
2. Define
- Fokus pada satu masalah spesifik
- Permasalahan, solusi, dan tujuan
3. Ideate
- Riset, generate, explore & develop
- Delightful, Realistic, Unexpected (Combine ideas)
4. Prototype
Membantu berfikir lebih baik
5. Test
- Show, don’t tell
- Create experience
- Ask user to compere
- Usability (kemudahan)
- Functionality (kegunaan)
- Solvability (ketepatan)
- Payability (kesediaan)

2. COMMUNICATION by Ria Hapsari

Remote Work, Digitization, Automation

Komunikasi di tempat kerja:

Ada berupa Presentasi, Komunikasi Interpersonal dan Komunikasi Tertulis.
Content (persiapan), Delivery (gaya), Interpersonal (teknik), Written (tertulis)

Aspek yang diperhatikan:

- Pysich (ekspresi, gesture)
- Media (slide, warna, kemudahan)
- Vocal (intonasi, volume, artikulasi)

Struktur Konten:
- Conditioning
- Opening (berikan salam, apresiasi, introduction)
- Presentation Title
- Why (idea, logic, fact, impact)
- What (maksudnya, contohnya, pentingnya)
- Closing (rangkuman, pesan utama, bertanya)

Powerfull Delivery (interaksi dan variasi)

Think, Feel, Do

Style Presentasi:
- Friendly
- Warrior
- Wise Welder
- Wizard

Bahasa, perbedaan persepsi, perbedaan budaya, lingkungan, saluran komunikasi
yang kurang tepat

RASAA (Receive, Acknowledge, Summarize, Ask, Argument)

- surat/memo

 Completeness
 Conciseness
 Clarity
 Courtesy
 Correctness

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