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Page 1660 - 1669 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW MANAGEMENT & HUMANITIES [ISSN 2581-5369] Volume 3 | Issue 4 2020 © 2020 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities Follow this and additional works a: husps:/ /svww jimh con Under the aegis of VidhiAagay. — Inking Your Brain (huips:// This Article is brought to you for “eee” and “open access” by the International Journal of Law ‘Management & Humanities at VidhiAagaz. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Journal of Law Management & Humanities after due review. In case of any suggestion or complaint, please contact To submit your Manuscript for Publication at International Journal of Law Management & ‘Humanities, kindly email your Manuscript at editor.iilmh@gmail 1660 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] Beyond Markets: Globalization Explored SHASHANK SHEKHAR PANDEY! ABSTRACT In modem and post-modern studies, globalization as a subject has been studied under the realm of economics given importance of economics for states in modern and post-modern times especially due to western influence. However, globalization as an occurrence can be traced back to the days of evolution of human kind. The human race as we understand it in the contemporary world has evolved through time and has acquired certain characteristics which is due to interactions of various sub species of homo sapiens residing in different part of world. Hence it can be said that globalization is more focused on interaction at global level and consequences thereof. With different approaches laid down by the scholars, there happens to be an ideological void in terms of harmonization of the various aspects of globalization under one definition, The study becomes imperative under contemporary circumstances as due to a narrow interpretation we have failed to achieve the intended objective ie. bringing the parity and bridging the gap in the society. Therefore, this paper analyses different aspects of globalization and answers the query i.e. where the globalization has gone wrong in modern world. While addressing the abovementioned query the paper discusses and critically analyses the other theoretical aspects, definitions and approaches laid down by the scholars engaged in the globalization discourse so as to achieve a theoretical and terminological uniformity viz-a-viz the understanding of the concept at a broader level. Keywords: Economics, Globalization, Harmonization, Modern, Post-Modern. I. BACKGROUND Globalization has been a phenomenon which has been talked about by many scholars of inter- national events having various approaches to the phenomenon.” Although even after so many approaches available for the perusal of institutions and scholars the modern interpretations are result of a narrower understanding. For example, as per Merriam-Webster dictionary the definition of globalization is integration of economy at global level and markers like open markets, free global trade, influx and outflow of capital and exploring the cheap labor in foreign {LLM (Law, Policy & Good Governance), B.B.A. LL.B, Dip. Global Governance, Dip. Journalism, Dip. Modern Applied Psychology], Researcher TIPLR, GNLU, India, Thandan Sengupta, CONCEPTUALISING GLOBALISATION: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS, 36 (33) ECONOMIC AND PoLTicat WEEKLY 3137 2001). © 2020, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] 1661 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] markets define it broadly.* International Monetary Fund also observes that Globalization is a process through which an increase in movement of people, capital, services, ideas and goods takes place and leads to integration* moreover the institution considers it as a political choice favoring the global integration of world economies and societies.° Another intergovernmental institution i.e. World Bank in its policy paper titled Globalization, Growth, and Poverty, has considered globalization as growth in the integration of economies and society at large.° Even United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) in its 2005 report has acknowledged the fact about globalization being roughly defined and understood as integration of economies at global level’ at large. So, to understand and demystify globalization which has been understood as both phenomenon and process we must head back to the point of origin and therefore trace the origin of modern globalization. While studying the globalization as a part of modem history we can find that it has been classified into two major periods i.e. Pax Britannica and Pax Americana. Simply put, the period of renaissance, enlightenment and industrialization which is mainly the pre world war era has been classified under Pax Britannica and the periods post world wars which consists of mainly the timeframe of reconstruction of Europe post war, fall of berlin wall, rise of development discourse and north-south divide and cold war. If understood in other socio- economic sense then the classification is based on the influence of a country over the global affairs which can clearly be attributed to Britain and United States of America respectively during pre and post war era.” The discourse in terms of moder understanding of globalization emphasizes mostly on its economic impacts therefore, while classifying the only criteria used by the scholars are economic influence of a country over other and dominance over the natural resources. For example, in late 19" and early 20 century when industrial revolution happened the scholars noted an enormous growth in economies.'° This growth was a result of demand alization: the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labour markets. Available at: hitps:/www.merriam- ‘ (Accessed on Jan 23, 2020), ‘Globalization: _A Framework _for_IME Involvement, International Monetary Fund, Available at bhups:// (Accessed on Jan 23, 2020), Std, * Globalization, Growth, And Poverty: A World Bank Policy Research Report (Jan, 2002), World Bank, Available at: http:/documents. 14687781965 76/pal/multiOpage.paf (Accessed on Jan 23, WPAY, World Youth Report 2005, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Youth, Available at; hitps:// youth/globalization-wpay.html (Accessed on Jan 23, 2020). * Deepak Nayyar, GLoALIZATION, HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT: A TaLe OF Two CENTURIES, 30(1) CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 137 (2006). Ld at 138. "” J. Mokyr, DEMAND Vs SuPeLy IN THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, 37(4) THE JOURNAL.OF ECONOMIC HISTORY 981 977). © 2020, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] 1662 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] rising due to interaction of the societies willingly or unwillingly because of rampant prevalence of colonial setup!" and leading the pack was the empire of Great Britain. Colonialization led to exploitation of resources, movement of labor, culture etc. However post world wars U.S.A. was trying to establish its dominance over other parts of the globe given the downfall of the British empire. Post war reconstruction of Europe and later decades of 20" century provide for the evidence wherein USA and USSR fought hard for establishing their dominance and amongst these two superpowers USA emerged victorious as USSR lost the cold ‘war and consequently was dismantled.'? Post world wars it was also hypothesized by some states that an increased interdependency and increased trade relations of states with others can help to avoid another catastrophic situation like world wars. The developed nation took to themselves as they proposed that globalization will lead developing nations towards development.'’ For bridging the gap between the developed and developing the global north advocated reforn the economic policies and liberalization of the same! specially in developing states however, a total juxta-positioned reality has come out of such measures so far.'° This approach has also met with resistance by a group of countries, known as non-aligned countries led by Indian delegation during and after the Stockholm Convention. However, later during the last decade of 20" century, Indians were coerced by the international institutions such as IMF and World Bank to liberalize, privatize and globalize the economy in lieu of providing a rescue package during balance of crisis.'® Although the next section of the article discusses the aftermath of adoption of a narrower westernized approach it was imperative to cite the practical consequences in brief given the nature of narrower understanding of the concept and that how western powers have used either gun-boat diplomacy or their political dominance for their economic benefits in modern and post-modern timeframe while avoiding the social integration altogether. Hence a broader understanding of globalization must be developed keeping in mind that the liberal western forces have knitted different concepts viz. concept of globalization and development through liberalization of law together meanwhile have failed to address the concerns it was meant to.” " Supra Note 7 at 137 "Chandan Sengupta, CONCEPTUALISING GLOBALISATION: ISSUES AND IMPLICATION: PoutTical WEEKLY 3137 (2001). "Miroslav N. lovanovie,,JS GLOBALISATION TAKING US FOR A RIDE?, 25(3) JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION 501 2010) rd "J Stiglitz, We Have Become Ric Counreies oF Pook Peorte, Financial Times, Jan, 22, 2020), hutps:/www.ft. comvcontent/Ib34cc7e-3097-1 ldb-b4de-000077922340 M.S, Ahluwalia, ECONOMIC REFORMS IN INDIA SINCE 1991: HAS GRADUALISM WORKED?, 16(3) THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES 67 (2002), " David M. Trubek & Mare Galanter, SCHOLARS IN SELE-ESTRANGEMENT: SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE CRISIS IN © 36 (33) ECONOMIC AND 20, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] 1663 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] II. CONSEQUENCES: INTENDED & UNINTENDED Having established the fact that globalization has been more focused on the economic aspects and not social aspects we must first understand the backdrop of the same prior to getting into the detailed discussion on consequences. So, it is imperative that we acknowledge the interactions amongst nations which increased in 20" century for example increase in multiparty and bilateral relations in fields of export, import, investments (direct and indirect) which shaped the current understanding of the concept." It is also pertinent to mention that the consequences mentioned under this part have been analyzed through an economic angle given current understanding of globalization is more economically driven. Stiglitz in his study noted the fact that world has been unified by the globalization but not in favor.” On similar lines even Arendt theorizes about how the development in the globalized lidarity amongst the people.”° It has also been contended by the a era has led to a negative s scholars that certain countries were coerced to adapt such policies.! Academics and researchers bank on the data to prove and disprove the claims made by the counterparts. Researches show that although it is tough to detern 1 the nature and effects of globalization, it has indeed contributed to welfare of the countries such as India and China”? where the number of poor people have declined. But, in spite of the numbers of people living below the threshold has decreased the income disparities have increased many folds.” United Nation have backed the claim in its 1997 report wherein it was substantiated that 20 per cent of the worlds’ richest people have 74 times more wealth than bottom 20 per cent." It is also proven that concepts such as intellectual property rights and innovation and technology has created newer risks leading to further marginalization and more vulnerability transnationally”®. Even, in domest scenario within the jurisdiction of states a large disparity can be noted amongst the income groups.7® It is not a fact that globalization has done nothing positive so far. Globalization has developed LAW AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES IN THE UNITED STATES, 1974 Wis. L. REV. 1062 (1974). 'S Deepak Nayyar, GLOBALIZATION, HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT: A TALE OF TWO CENTURIES, 30(1) CAMBRIDGE. JOURNAL OF EcoNoMcs 137 (2006). " Supra note 12 at 503. ® Roland Axtmann, COSMOPOLITANISM AND GLOBALITY: KANT, ARENDT, AND BECK ON THE GLOBAL CONDITION, 293) GERMAN POLITICS & SOCIETY 20 (2011) 3 Naim, Moisés,GLOBALIZATION IS BY AND FOR RICH PEOPLE, 171 FOREIGN POLICY 28 (2008). 2a. Bi, % Chandan Sengupta, CONCEPTUALISING GLOBALISATION: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS, 36 (33) ECONOMIC AND PotTicaL. WEEKLY 3137 (2001). 2d. 2° Melinda Mills, GLOBALIZATION AND INEQUALITY, 25(1) EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW 1 (2009). © 2020, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] 1664 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] co-operation amongst states and has led to creation of a set of intergovernmental bodies at regional and global level such as B.R.LC.S., A.S.E.A.N.,E.U., W.T.0.,G.A.T-T. and has given a new dimension to international relations.*” Another aspect is advancements in technology have brought the world closer in terms of day to day activities and has helped the states to govern through ICT, and this ha added to efficiency of state machinery given an increased reach.”* As far as markets and trade is concerned, the outlook of the countries has been majorly positive but not to a great extent.” Tariffs and other barriers which may include differentiation in the standards and the policies are one big example of area. It has been noted that western countries in this field are not as liberal as they claim to be and keep on dominating small or developing states in order to achieve economic superiority over them.*’ Certain countries in Asian region such as Malaysia, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore have had best of both worlds as they did not lose their identity and kept on resisting the western dominance and simultaneously achieved some of the highest growth rates in the world." Another reason for a diverse opinion on globalization being bane or boon is presence of major flaw with the statistical study of globalization is a huge amount of literature which is self- contradictory because while reviewing the ground realities certain issues such as the availability of data, its quality and calibrating local indexes with international standards, and lastly normalization of data can create an inherent technical issues in the study itself, Therefore, the study of the after effects happen to be an ongoing task till and reaching to a consensus will definitely take time. And to bridge the gap and reach to a consensus it is necessary for Realists, Liberals, Marxists and Neutralists to sit together and find a way to bring in the concept of globalization into a straight jacket formula wherein it does not only cater to the vested interests of western states but considers other factors as well, most importantly it must consider the societal aspects as it has been neglected in most of the modern academia and studies of globalization, To understand what all can be put as an index to correct the course on which we have marked already, it is now necessary to revisit the origin story i.e. history of globalization to further demystify it beyond the current understanding, TI. GLOBALIZATION: REVISITING AND REVISING Academies” main objective happens to be revisiting and revising the theories in order to keep ® Nabiha Gul, GLOBALIZATION AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, 56(4) PAKISTAN HORIZON 49 (2003), % Supra Note 25 % Gao Shangquan, ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION: TRENDS, RISKS AND Risk PREVENTION, UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL Affairs (2000), ® Supra Note 26. Std at 82. © Supra Note 25. © 2020, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] 1665 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] them in syne with the modern day needs of the society at large and other than this another responsibility borne by the researchers is to assess the relevance of the theory in the contemporary scenario. Having said that I would also like to emphasize on how history has played a crucial role specially in the social sciences in terms of contributing doctrinally and non-doctrinally. Thus, under this section we will see how globalization has come to being as it is now understood. For that purposes I will delve back to medieval and ancient history as we have already discussed modern and post-modern events. This revisit to the past will allow us to analyze historical origins of the theory through practices. To begin the discussion, it is must to cite Thomas Friedman and his seminal work in the field of globalization where in he has categorized the globalization in three phases i.e. Globalization 1.0, Globalization 2.0 and Globalization 3.0%, Friedman’s classification in based on the focus area of that particular phase of globalization. In his book titled World is Flat, Friedman has stated that phase 1.0 was during 15" century which focused on kingdoms battling for the natural resources™ ; the second phase ie. 2.0 started around industrial revolution and formation of companies, movement of labor are the characteristics attributed to it’*; and the modern phase, globalization 3.0" which started somewhere around post war era is more individual centric in nature. It is also a notable fact that this classification becomes relevant when we consider that peace of Westphalia which gave rise to states as we know it today was a result of the tussle between the kings to control more and more resource by controlling more and more territories, concluded in 1648, Other studies trace the origin of globalization to the voyage period during 15" century.” Most of the scholarly work indicates that the origin point of globalization happens to be Europe at some point of time. However, if we move a little further backwards i.e. during ancient history or even Before Christ Era, we can find the traces of interactions amongst species and specifically humans and prevalence of interdependence amongst them. Another such commonality we can point out by a bare reading of literature is that globalization is like a wave which comes and goes back at regular intervals. To begin with the arguments, I would start by citing epic Ramayana. In 4" Chapter we see how Rama helps Sugreeva and restores his kingship and in tum uses his troops to find out Sita.°*Furthermore, in chapter 6" of Ramayana we see how using the army of Sugreeva, Rama ® Friedman Thomas, THE WORLD Is FLAT: A BRIEF HiSTORY OF TWENTY FiRST CENTURY, (Ist ed. 2005). Md, 81d, id, * Chandan Sengupta, CONCEPTUALISING GLOBALISATION: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS, 36 (33) ECONOMIC AND PoLtricat WEEKLY 3137 (2001), 28 SHRERAMCHARITMANAS, KISHKINDHAKAND, CHAPTER IV. © 2020, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] 1666 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] fought Ravana and freed his wife from his prisons and before returning he made Vibhishana king of the kingdom.” These are the examples of how the concept of quid pro quo and foreign interventions, responsibility to protect, and government in exile were prevailing during the time when the book was written i even prior to recorded history. Moving a bit further in e, we see that Indian subcontinent has been ruled by various empires The Mughals belonged to Central Asia” ‘The Mughals were mainly converted Muslims who tried to retain their culture for a and one of the longest ruling empire was Mughal Empi long time.‘ However that came to an end once Arabs started interacting with Mughals after conversion.? Mughals were also deeply affected by the Iranian culture which has highly contributed to the development of their own customs and manners.** Some of these Mughals families shared relationships with Rajputs of India and the issues arising out of that marriage were half Mughal and half Rajput blood such as Shehzada Salim.** And, their methods of administration and other things were affected by the Hindustani culture.** Thus the lifestyle and culture of Mughals were affected by a mixture of different ingredients belonging to different origins such as Arab affected the religion, Iran affected their culture, Hindustan affected their way of life and therefore it is safe to conclude that those people were not merely ordinary Muslims but rather a culmination of or rather result of interactions between various ideas and concepts having different origin. “’ On similar lines advent of Christianity is credited to missionaries. Most of the countries who went on to colonize India came for trade and then came missionari a famous incident happened when during the reign of s. During Mughal era Akbar, the first Jesuit missionaries entered India who were mainly Portuguese.“* Not just the way of life but art has also been identified by the styles as they have certain peculiar identifications. One of the officers during the British occupation of Indian subcontinent, who undertook the archaeological survey found separate places in single building having distinct features of arts belonging to Jain, Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist styles and after identifying such parts classification happened in same way.“” Apart from this the most cited example is how 2 SHREERAMCHARITMANAS, LANKA KAND, CHAPTER VI “©'M. L. Roy Choudhury, HiNDU-MUSLIM RELATION DURING THE MUGHAL PERIOD 1526 To 1707 A. D., 9 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN HISTORY CONGRESS 282 (1946). “id "ld “ud. “id “id. “61d id. 4 MUN. Pearson, PORTUGUESE INDIA AND THe MUGHALS, 59 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN HISTORY CONGRESS 407 (1998), “Jyoti Hosagrahar, SOUTH ASIA: LOOKING BACK, MOVING AHEAD-HISTORY AND MODERNIZATION, 61(3) JOURNAL. © 2020, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] 1667 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] cricket which was invented by Britishers and then taken to their colonies hasn’t been able to expand due to lack of interaction however most of the commonwealth countries play cricket. This represents how religion, culture, arts etc. which are part of our societies are also a part of globalization and it is not just limited to economic transaction and hence equally important. According to UNAIDS in 2018 around 37.9 million people were living with HIV/AIDS and group almost 1.7 million are kids below 15 years of age.®° Out of these 37.9 amongst t million people 70% belong to African continent itself.*' Most of these countries are fall in the least prosperous countries, and in these countries the westerized interpretation has been pushed down the throat without doing any assessment and without taking any other factors into the consideration. The reason for me to bring this discussion here was to bring in to your notice that HIV/ AIDS whose worldwide spread has been considered as a downside of globalization’ has originated in Africa® and is primarily a virus that was found in the earlier non-human primates mostly in monkeys and chimpanzees**. To understand how it travelled from non-human primates to humans we have to study humans and their evolution The early homo has evolved through the time and yet all of us have distinet features from one and other which is mostly due to the adaptability of the species as per the needs.** Now, even though all of us have distinct features we do share certain morals as a rational species and that became a part of our collective conscience*” which I believe is partly the result of interactions between the species at a global level. The question which might still linger is how I am so certain about such interaction amongst the sub species of Homo. To answer that, itis pertinent to mention the studies in the field of anthropology and science have already provided us with facts that the origin, or the closest DNA to a human in a fossil has been found in Africa® and it is of Neanderthals and the researches show that they moved out of African continent and (OF THE SOCTETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 355 (2002), S'Global Statistics, The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, Available at: htips:/ basievoverview/lata-and-trends/global-statistics (Accessed on Jan 25, 2020), Sd $2 Markus Haacker, FRAMING AIDS 4S aN EcoNoMIC DB WORLD AFFAIRS 65 (2011), © Heanyi Ezeonu & Emmanuel Koku, CRIMES OF GLOBALIZATION: THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV PANDEMIC IN SUB- Sananan AFRICA, 22) THE GLOBAL SOUTH 112 (2008). MHIV's Not-So-Ancient History, Understanding «Evolution, Available at: 101_hivorigins (Accessed on Jan 25, 2020), Sd S© Evan L, MacLean, UNRAVELING THE EVOLUTION OF UNIQUELY HUMAN COGNITION, 113(23) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 6348 (2016). 1. % Richard G, Klein, /ssves fv Human Evotution, 113(23) PROCEEDINGS OF THIE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 6345 (2016), © OPMENT CHALLENGE, 17(2) THE BROWN JOURNAL OF 20, Inte ational Journal of Law Management & Humanities SSN 2581-5369] 1668 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] interacted with other species leading to causing difference in our bodily adaptability. This proves that there have been repeated interactions amongst the earlier primates even prior to the conceptualization or coinage of the term ‘globalization’ and hence it must not be attributed to west specifically. Now, to have a broader understanding of the issues that HIV/AIDS pose to us, we must understand that the virus itself is non-conducive for any kind of economic growth if we keep on having the narrower interpretation of globalization or ignorant attitude towards other factors such as this and thus before concluding the discussion under this subhead it is imperative for us to unlearn the western approach and relearn the other aspects affiliated to it beyond economics. IV. RELEARNING GLOBALIZATION Rewriting history and/or presenting it in convenient way has been a peculiar feature of governance since colonization of the nations started and it continued even post colonialization™. Creation of i stitutions such as museums and presentation of archives in such a way that suited the belief of the ruler and influenced or rather manipulated the ruled has been an ancient practice."" Rudyard Kipling saw such institutions as an encounter between west and east in terms of science vs religion, knowledge vs. belief, order vs. disarray®. It must be understood that though the globalization has its phases, history has a habit of repeating itself when the threshold is reached. For that we must look back to the history that prior to the first world war, the circumstances were more or less similar as they are today, an industrial revolution and period of renaissance which was due to scientific and technological advancements® caused leaps in the field of telecommunications, transportations™. This era was also mark by a humongous amount of international trade and movement of labor i.e. immigration along with influx and out flow of capital without any inflation or recession. During this period on one hand we saw rise in consumerism and on other increased famines, increase in slavery, forced labor and income disparities more over the societal inequality. What happened post war i.e. deflation and hyperinflation, which hit the globe uniformly were the result of an interconnected world and the aftermath was borne by the world." This led to >i ® Sugata Ray, COLONIAL FRAMES, "NATIVE" CLAIMS: THE JAIPUR ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM, 96(2) THE ART BULLETIN 196 (2014) ot son, SINKING GLOBALIZATION, 84(2) FOREIGN AFFAIRS 64 (2005), 20, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities SSN 2581-5369] 1669 International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [Vol 3 Iss 4; 1660] economic downfall of British empire which once was driven by the capitalist motives and along with-it European economy went crashing down.” Post war restructure of Europe by America was totally driven by capitalist motives, scope of the same was expanded during late 80’s and 90°s and we see a similar buildup again. I am not speculating a third war, which if happens will endanger the human race altogether. Iam merely suggesting that this economics-capital driven approach has not worked even historically and therefore must be discarded in order to make way for a more inclusive understanding of the concept of globalization. Which must be based on our origins. Given the fact that in earlier section we have seen how culture, religion® , diplomacy”, Way of life”! along with heritage has affected all of us, and the downsides that current understanding of the concept has brought”? It is imperative that we understand that regular interactions of humans across globe during various timelines has created an interdependence due to which we now see the boundaries drawn by men are starting to fade away. This kind of interdependency has indeed given rise to globalization. Therefore, it can be concluded that globalization can be defined as: Economic, Cultural and Social interactions between states; between states and individuals; and between individuals, leading to creation of an interdependent community with a focus on creation globally accessible spaces with opportunities to explore the full human potential and thrive as society, sustainably ©. Supra Note 39 Supra Note 47 Supra Note 39 ed ”*Supra Note 52. © 2020, International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369]

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