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Worksheet No. 4
Temperature, Thermal Expansion, and Heat
I. Read, understand, and solve each item. Please show your solution. SUBMIT YOUR ANSWER IN PDF

1. A scientist proposed a new temperature scale using his own thermometer of water at atmospheric
pressure, he found out that the boiling and the freezing points of water are 200° and 150°, respectively.
(a) Establish an equation expressing the relationship between the given scale and Fahrenheit Scale.
(b) If the given thermometer reads 273º, what is its SI absolute temperature reading?

2. 10 kg/s of water at 20°C enters a heater at constant pressure and leaves at 30°C. Determine:
(a) The temperature rise in C°, K, F°, and R.
(b) The heat absorbed by the water (in kW) the specific heat of water at constant pressure is 4.187 kJ/kg-
C° or 4.187 kJ/kg-K. (Please check the units)

3. Determine the total heat needed to be removed from a 10 kg of steam at 150°C to produce ice at -10°C.

4. The volume of an aluminum ball at 5°C is 10cc, determine its new volume if it is heated to a temperature of

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