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 Visit to a Museum:
Dear Mr. Nguyen Hung,
Thank you for your email, and I feel very happy to welcome you and your
teenage students who are visiting the Ho Chi Minh Museum next month. Let me
give you some information you need.
First, the event will take place on May 18, starting from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
every day. However, I recommend that you and your students should arrive at
7:30 am to settle in and watch the opening ceremony.
Second, the theme of the exhibition is “Nguyen Tat Thanh: a patriotic young
man” to celebrate the 130th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh. Visiting the
museum, your students will have basic knowledge about Uncle Ho such as his
biography, ideals to find a way to liberate his country and people from
colonialism, the countries Uncle Ho visited, and the difficulties he encountered
on that journey, etc.
Last but not least, there are many exciting activities set up during the event. For
example, you and your students will be able to see dancing and singing
performances by children at the opening ceremony. Moreover, at the end of the
event, there will be scholarships awarded to poor students.
Hope to see you soon.
Yours faithfully,
 Advice
Dear Jack,
Thank you for your email, and I am very happy to know that you will be coming
to Viet Nam next summer. Let me give you some information you need.
First, I usually read a lot of things in my free time, because reading helps me to
have more knowledge, access more new information to avoid obsolescence, etc.
Coincidentally, I also prefer newspapers to books. In addition, to improve your
Vietnamese skills, I think you should read some Vietnamese newspapers online
such as Dan tri, VnExpress, Tuoi Tre online, Thanh Nien…
Second, our government encourages men and women to get married sooner than
30 years old. However, whoever marries they do not say.
Last but not least, education in my country has been changed in the past few
years must be mentioned as a change for assessment. Ministry of Education
requires no grades instead teachers create their own way of commenting to avoid
pressure and anxiety for primary students and parents.
Hope the information I provide will be useful to you.
Love, can’t wait to see you.
 Computer expert
Dear Mr. Rihards,
Thank you for your email, and I am very happy to know you’ re coming to my
school to share useful knowledge about computer technology.
First, don't worry about the parking space since my school parking lot is very
spacious, I will arrange the best parking space for you which is near the canteen.
After you have finished the seminar, I would like to invite you to lunch with us
at a restaurant near our school, which would be convenient if your car is nearby.
Second, our group consists of 10 members. However, there are 7 people with 3
years of computer experience based on class work; the remaining are studying in
class while working part-time at the computer store.
Last but not least, I have 2 questions I expect you to answer. First, I am bad at
programming, how can I improve it? Second, after we graduate, can you
recommend us to some computer software companies?
Hope you answer these questions tomorrow!
Looking forward to meeting you and your shares about the latest changes and
advances in computer technology.
Yours faithfully!
 Obesity
Currently, obesity in children is a challenging problem globally, and the rate of
childhood obesity is gradually increasing, especially in big cities. This essay will
discuss the causes of childhood obesity and propose some suitable solutions.
There are many causes of obesity in children. The first reason is that children
consume too much fast food like burgers, fried chicken, chips, etc., or they drink
too much milk tea and carbonated water. To deal with this problem, children
should avoid eating fast foods with grease. Instead, they should consume healthy
foods that contain many nutrients. Besides, they should make a habit of drinking
plenty of bottled water instead of sugary drinks.
The next reason is that children’s diet is not appropriate since the child lacks
nutritional knowledge, so they only eat the foods they like, and they do not eat
enough green vegetables and fruits. This not only affects the development of
children but also makes children prone to obesity, so we need to encourage them
to eat a full range of foods that provide them with enough nutrients, vitamins
and fiber to avoid being obese.
The last reason that causes children to contract obesity is lack of physical
exercise and outdoors activities. To tackle this problem, children should be
encouraged to exercise every day and participate in games such as soccer,
volleyball, aerobics exercises, etc.
In conclusion, childhood obesity is a serious problem, but there are suggested
solutions to resolve this problem. In my opinion, parents should supervise their
children’s eating and drinking closely and encourage them to have outdoor
activities to help them avoid obesity.
 Obesity
Currently, the proportion of people who are obese is increasing, especially
among children and adolescents. The illness not only affects physical
development but also badly influences the child's psychology as low self-esteem
and depression. This essay will discuss the causes of obesity in children and
offer some suitable solutions.

There are many causes of childhood obesity. The most common cause is the
child's unreasonable diet and inactivity. For example, children eat too many fatty
foods or sweets while they do not like to eat high fiber foods such as vegetables
and fruits. Also, many children are sedentary; they do not have exercise habits
but spend a lot of time watching TV, playing games, reading books, etc. Another
cause of obesity is due to endocrine problems. For instance, certain conditions
such as hypothyroidism, adrenal hyperfunction, or prolonged use of
corticosteroids in the treatment of other diseases can cause systemic obesity and
abdominal obesity.

Obesity in children is not what any parent wants, but there are many ways to
improve this condition. First, parents should limit foods that are too fatty, sweet,
or high in starch, and need to build a reasonable diet, balance the groups of
substances for children. Next, it is essential to give your child a daily exercise
routine or encourage them to participate in healthy sports such as jumping rope,
swimming, brisk walking, jogging, etc. With endocrine-related obesity, parents
need to early detect abnormal signs in their children and bring their children to a
doctor in time for consultation and appropriate treatment regimen. Last but not
least, depending on the level that parents need to encourage, or have their
psychological therapy to help children integrate, avoid depression.
In summary, there are many causes of increasing childhood obesity. In my
opinion, it's about time parents paid more attention to their child's health, and
somehow improve and reduce childhood obesity.
 Mobilephone
Today, all of us own a mobile phone because it is very useful and necessary for
communication. However, there are different views on whether or not primary
school children should be banned from using mobile phones at school. From my
point of view, I partly agree with the opinion. This essay will discuss the
reasons why I hold this view.
Firstly, the presence of mobile phones in classes will certainly affect the
learning process of students. The best example is that these devices may often
disrupt the concentration of students. Therefore, having a mobile in class is not
advisable for students.
Secondly, the use of mobile phones also adversely impacts communication
between teachers and students. Students do not interact with the teacher but
focus on their phones to play games.
Finally, using a cell phone in class neither is suitable nor offers more success
because it brings along with some crucial problems such as morale and
relationships. For example, because they spend so much time with a cell phone
that they have been more aggressive and more isolated ever.
On the other hand, bringing a mobile phone to school has many benefits. For
example, when students are not in good health or in dangerous situations, a
mobile phone proves helpful because they can use it to communicate with your
family and friends.
In summary, mobile phones have positive aspects in today's world; however, the
untimely use of mobile phones in class may accompany some troubles. Most
importantly, the negative impacts are more noticeable than the positive points.
Therefore, primary school children should be banned from using mobile phones
at school.
 Road accidents
The road traffic accident is always the top concern of many countries around the
world. Thousands of people die or are injured each year, with devastating
consequences for both drivers and their relatives. This essay will discuss the
causes of road traffic accidents in VietNam and propose some suitable solutions.
There are many causes of road traffic accidents. First of all, the awareness of
people in traffic is not high. In Vietnam, the image of careless drivers jumping
red lights, running in the opposite direction, or changing directions without
giving signals has become common. Besides, many drivers also drink alcohol,
use stimulants such as drugs when in traffic. These acts not only endanger the
drivers of vehicles themselves but also cause serious accidents to innocent
people who strictly obey the traffic safety laws. To deal with this issue, it is
necessary to strengthen the traffic police force to restore order and severely
punish violators to serve as an example for others.
On the other hand, a lack of understanding of road traffic law is also a cause of
traffic accidents. For instance, even though many people have a driver's license,
they lack knowledge of traffic safety laws and driving skills. The solution to this
problem is that functional sectors need information, propaganda, and advocacy
to help people understand more about traffic laws and enhance strict law
observance. Moreover, the instruction on how to use helmets or educating,
holding competitions on safe driving maneuvers, and injury prevention skills are
essential, especially for small children and teenagers.
Besides the above subjective reasons, the insecure infrastructure is an objective
cause that needs mentioning/ to be mentioned. For example, the infrastructure
for traffic is seriously degrading due to heavy traffic or poor construction.
Consequently, there are many potholes on roads which are hazardous to drivers.
Therefore, to address this problem, the government should invest more in
quality infrastructure, quickly repair damaged roads, or put up signs in
dangerous areas to warn people.
In summary, road traffic accidents are always the concern of many people in
Vietnam in particular and of people around the world in general. In my opinion,
it’s high time the government did something to improve the situation so as to
reduce the number of traffic accidents significantly each year.
 Self-studying English
Nowadays, learning English becomes important for students. Therefore, there is
a huge number of students wanting to study English independently on a self-
study basis rather than attending an academic course. However, I am against the
idea of studying English independently. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons
why students should learn English with teachers and look at some difficulties
which students may face when they teach themselves English.
There are many benefits of attending an academic English course. Firstly, if
students attend a particular course, they will be able to organize their study plan.
Attending an academic course, students will have a specific time and place, and
they will not worry about outside things affecting the learning process.
Secondly, in class, students can directly ask the teacher questions as well as
interact with teachers to improve their pronunciation, etc. That makes them
absorb knowledge better. Finally, teachers have many methods to convey
knowledge so that students learn more effectively. In addition, teachers also feel
learners’ difficulties, anticipate their issues, and correct their errors in time.
Although learning English at home does not cost much, learners will face many
difficulties. The first reason is that there is no study plan or motivation. Setting a
schedule seems very easy but it’s really difficult to follow. For example, when
students teach themselves English, their learning might be prevented by an
episode they have not watched, an assignment they have not done or a job they
need to finish before deadline, etc. Therefore, it is really difficult to focus on
learning. The second reason is that they do not know which curriculum is
suitable for their competency, and there is no instruction to learn the course
effectively; learners are not sure whether they have done it right or not. In
addition, students also do not have an effective practice environment like in
Obviously, learning English with teachers has an edge over self-study. That is
why more and more students come to foreign languages centers to register for an
academic English course.
 Studying Abroad
In today’s world, there has been an accelerating trend of students pursuing
oversea tertiary education. Studying abroad brings a lot of benefits for personal
development, but there are also many drawbacks. In this essay, I will dicuss the
pros and cons of studying abroad.
On the one hand, there are a number of obstacles that students might suffer
when studying abroad. Firstly, those studying oversea might encounter culture
shock and culture-related problems. Living in a brand-new country with the new
and strange lifestyle, food, custom, tradition and social atmosphere could
provoke foreigners into the feeling of frustration, anxiety, and homesickness,
leading to stress and bad academic performance. Secondly, students usually
struggle with high costs of living in a foreign country. Besides the exorbitant
expense of college’s fee, prices associated with accommodation, local
transportation and daily demands are also high. Therefore, in order to cover the
bills, many oversea learners opt to devote a considerable amount of time to do a
part-time job, which significantly affect their performance at university.
On the other hand, there are strong reasons why studying in a foreign country is
beneficial. The major advantage towards studying abroad is good educational
equality. With the teaching method of highly skilled and experienced lecturers
and professors, undergraduates could acquire in-depth and specialized
knowledge in the chosen field, hence getting more job opportunities later in life.
In addition to education, navigating in a foreign destination encourages
foreigners to form a better sense of independence and responsibility. Oversea
learners, for instance, have to manage to do housework such as cooking,
washing and cleaning and how to allocate time effectively between studying and
part-time work, which in turn tend to help students to be more self-reliant and
mature as an adult.
In conclusion, there are two sides to everything. What I mean is that studying
abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. However, I strongly that the
benefits outweigh the drawbacks. This explains why more and more people want
to study abroad.
 Traveling by plane
Nowadays, the demand for traveling around the world by people is on the
increase. There are many means of transport to travel such as car, train, plane,
ship, etc. Almost all people choose airplanes. In this essay, I’ll discuss the pros
and cons of traveling by plane.
Traveling by plane brings us many advantages. Firstly, it is fast. We can travel
anywhere in few hours. If we travel by car, train or ship, it will take few days.
Secondly, we have many comforts. We can listen to music, watch movies, read
books or play games on the plane. Last but not least, the plane have much
convenience. The flight attendants are very friendly, we can “call” them when
we need. Furthermore, some meals on the plane taste well.
On the other hand, we can not deny the negative impact traveling by plane will
bring. First of all, the cost of the tickets is not cheap, especially travel to other
country. It amounts to hundreds of dollars or even millions. In addition, we can’t
be able to see beautiful sights on the way. The sights, cities, moutains or
everything become tiny. But when we travel by car, train or ship, we can see
beautiful sights. Finally, it may be able to contract disease, it can spread the
diseases. You won’t know which passenger on the same flight is carrying the
virus, that is very dangerous when pandemic covid-19 is not over.
In conclusion, there are two sides to everything. What I mean is that traveling by
plane has both advantages and disavantages. However, I stongly that the benefits
out weigh the drawbacks. This explains why more and more people want
traveling by plane.

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