Marlins English Language Test TOSE

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Focus on Engli Language The use of English language is increasingly becoming a mandatory requirement for many categories of ‘seafarer. In addition to the revised STCW Convention's* emphasis on English language training, there are various other International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements which stipulate the need for seafarers to communicate in a common language. In practice jost seafarers now require an ability to communicate in English. ISF, and the maritime English ts Marlins, have taken concerning use of English at sea. In addition to providing information about the well established ISF Marlins English Language Test (only US $5 per test) and the ry ISF Marlins Test of Spoken English (see right) this leaflet explains recent developments concerning the use of English by seafarers internationally. The 1985 arenmers tothe IMO Conenton on Sands ar rting and Wenoespg Sse STEN) Y - spc ieee Cae er css ISF Marlins Test of Spoken English (TOSE) The ISF Matlin TOSE CD provides a standardised interview framework for assessing seotarers’ speaking ‘and listening skis, in order fo provide a general indication of a seafarers verbo! abilty, Key Objectives *+ Help trainersinterviewers evaluate speaking and listening skils + Assist employers as part of a broad selection process + Identty specific training needs ‘* Monitor progress during oF after training Key Features '* Extensive guidelines and reference materials in Pfintable format '+ Test matetias for diferent language obiities + Colour-coded test material for ease of use. * Stimulating on-screen visuals to promote discussion ‘on general and work-related topics | "+ Tho!ough guidelines for grading speaking skils * Easy 10 use report form ‘Moreover, the TOSE complements the existing ISF Marlins Test (se inside) to aed ‘comprehensive ‘analysis of English language ski The TOSE CD, which can be a= indefinitely, is available from ISF for the price Of UK $172 (US $300) or {ess for multiple orders, using the order fon on the: back, IMO English Language Requirements The SOLAS Convention Recent amendments o the IMO SOLAS Convention Underline the need for a common working language in the interests of safety at sea, Uniess the personne! involved speak another common language, English must now be used as the working language for bridge- to:bridge and bridge-to-shore safety communications, ‘and communications on board between the pilot and bridge watchkeeping personnel [SOLAS Chop: Vj. sTCW Regulation V4 in SICW concerning explicit company responsibilities requires thot the ship's entire crew can effectively co-ordinate their activities in an emergency, ‘which implies the obilty to communicate in a common language. itis possible that this aspect wil have to be emonstiated to port state conto officers, for example, through life boat cis, ICW, which came into full effect in 2002, also Includes several requirements on the use of Engish language by specific categories of personne! Officers of ihe navigational watch now requite knowledge of witten and spoken Engh to Understand charts, nautical publications, meteorological information and messages concerning the ship's safety ‘and operation, They also need to be abie to Standard Marine Communication Phrases in 2000, IMO adopted the Standard Martine (English language) Communication Phrases (SMCP] to replace the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary (SMNV) developed inthe 1970s. Ability to use the SMCP, in particular Part A conceming extemal communication phrases and bridge operations, is now a mandatory Fequirement for deck officers through a cross reference in the SICW Convention However, it is important to understand that it is not intended that seatarers should lean every individual phrase by rote. The principal Purpose of the SMCP is to provide reference material for teaching English in a maritime context, according to the users specific needs. The SF Marlins English Language Test incorporates many of the new IMO phrases. ‘communicate with other ships, coast stations and ‘muttlingual crew, and to use the IMO Standard Marine: ‘Communication Phrases (SMCP} - see below — (Table Ai of SICW Code). ‘GMDSS radio operators, which in practice now include most deck officers, requite a knowledge of English, both witten and spoken, for the communication of information relevant fo the safely of Ife at sea (STEW table AW). Engine watchkeepers are requited to demonstrate an ‘billy in English adequate to interpret engineering ‘publications wtten In English and to speak clearly and ‘comprehens\vely when mating communications needed to perform engineering duties (STEW table A-IIV1). Ratings of the navigational watch. in the deck deporiment, cerficated watchkeeping ratings must be ‘able to compyy with heim orders in English and make clear ‘and concise communications (STCW table A-l/4). Any seatarer win a designated satety or poltution ‘prevention duty is commended by guidance in Part 8 of tne STCW Code, conceming basic traning, to have an bitty to use English with an emphasis on nautical terms ‘and condittons (STCW section B-Vs). Personnel on passenger ships are requited to have an ability fo communicate with passengers during on ‘emergency, taking into account the likethoog that an ‘biity to use an elementary English vocabulary for basic insuctions can provide a means of communication in the ‘absence of a common language (STEW section A.V/2 and AV/3} The ISM Code The Intemational Safety Management (IsM) Code emphasises the Importance of communication in the development and maintenance of effective management systems. Under ISM, the company is required to ensure that the ship's personnel receive relevant infomation on the Safety Management System in a working language or languages, and are adie to communicate effectively in the execution of thelr duties related to the Safety Management system (ISM 6.6 and 6,7). In practice, the language used is often likely to be English, IMO Model Course on “Maritime English” IMO nas approved a model taining course on English language for seatoreis which makes ‘extensive reference to the SMCP. With the assistance ‘of Martins, the course was developed for IMO by ISF. In spite of the title, however, it should be emphasised that there is no such thing as "maritime" Engih, The course simply enables training insttutes to develop a syllabus involving the practice of genuine English communication in a maritime setting. ONLY US $5 PER TEST! The ISF Marlins English Language Test uses CD ROM techn to assess seafarers’ understanding of both written and spoken English, includes questions using the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases and an audio section using intemational specks of English, Designed specifically for the shi ing industry by English Language Training -) experts, the ISF Martins English Language test provides an objective analysis of English language ability, The Test can be administered by non-English speckers without any knowledge of foreign language training. Semple instructions and computer "help" advice alow he test to be completed by seatarers wno have Ile experience with computers. The Tests applicable to all grades of officers and ratings Aihough martine related, It deliberately avoids testing knowedge of "seamanship" sis, concentrating instead on the understanding of English. Recently upgraded to be Windows 2000 compliant. Each Test compiises three principal sections: Ustening The CD is plograrimed to select 40 questions randomly, Mietirwe on ot Biomt belnn eters \atety of accents hat a el fo be Near ot 60 fe, not "BEC" Englsh). Using the computer, sectarers select ‘the “corect’ answer from a list of choices, which are also, ordered randomly for securty. The recordings have o mattime theme dealing with words, phrases ond stuations wih which seafarers right reasonably be expected to be familar. seneral Comprehen ; ned s pogerired to select 50 wihen questions Le. they are read by the seataren, deating with mattime situations and phases. Seafarers must select the corect “answer ftom a ist of choices which test understanding of vocabulary, phonology, idhomatic expressions and. important grommar skis The vocabulary cusstions requite the sectarer to le! he ot oe out na chice of 4 simple words (for example: highiwidemneawyrtong) The phonology questions test abil to recognise ifferent later sounds through identification of the ‘oddd one our" from several words (for example: double/roundailow/south] which seafarers are invited to say out loud. The gramimar questions tes! sis such os the comect use of piepostions (fo, of etc.) oF tense (has, had etc.) Practical Comprehension The thid section features paragraphs extracted from cpt te instuctions used on board ship. Words ot ‘are deliberately lett out ana seafarers must Choose the word that has been omifed in order fo Gemonstiate their understanding of the text, Results The esis ore scored out of « hundted, but the seafarer taking the test wil not Nave access to the resus. However, the person acministering the test can print out elther the seatare’s total scote or the results broken down info thelr different components for record keeping purposes, Thete Is no pass oF fall mark. individual companies should Use these resus as a guide to evaluate adational longuage tcning needs and whether the seafarer has sufficient billy for work at sea in English, ‘he tests accompanied by scotes for the test by different gr ISF Marlins” English Language Test — (Version 3.0) ] Ca Safe Ld aa cue Cassel English (TOSE; ORDER FORM Please send this form to: Marisec Publications 12 Corthusian Street London EC1M 6&Z Tel +44 207 417 2855 Fax: +44 207 417 8877 Emol: publcalions@marsec.og Date of order, 1 ditlerent to invoice address: Invoice to: Delve to: Tet: Fox: Email | wish fo order {state number) __ISF Marlins English Language Tests ~ £2.90 (US $8) each (min, cider 25 tests) | wish fo order (state number) __ ISF Marlins Test of Spoken English TOSE CDS172 (US $300) 2pcs $267 (US $500) 3pes £402 (US $700) 4+ pes $115 (US $200) each Total fee FOR UK ORDERS ONLY ADD UK VAT Total fee x 1.175 (UK VAT @ 17.5%) ‘Marisec Publications requires pre-payment on ail orders, Please crange payment iy one of the folowing methods: [__] Bank transfer (detals wil be forwarded on receipt of order) Cheque enclosed for ¢ (Cheques must be expressed ln UK Pounds Stertng, drawn on & i= Bank in the United Kingdon rede payable to *Meisec Publications” Please debt my SwichiviscuMastercard/Amex for © Name of Caicholder: DI COCO CET | cewoae: 1/1 cord Number [TTT C11 \ssue No. (ten ony [T_] Signature: Date:

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