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Journal of Dental Sciences (2013) 8, 151e159

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Feasibility of differential quantification of

3D temporomandibular kinematics during
various oral activities using a cone-beam
computed tomography-based 3D
fluoroscopic method
Chien-Chih Chen a,b, Cheng-Chung Lin c, Tung-Wu Lu c, Hao Chiang c,
Yunn-Jy Chen a*

School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Dentistry, Cardinal Tien Hospital, Taiwan, ROC
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC

Received 22 June 2012; Final revision received 13 September 2012

Available online 26 January 2013

KEYWORDS Abstract Background/purpose: The measurement of mandibular kinematics is critical for

cone-beam CT; studying the function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and for relevant clinical applica-
fluoroscopy; tions. However, none of the existing methods allows the measurement of three-dimensional
image registration; (3D) in vivo motion of the joint during dynamic functional movements without artifactual in-
kinematics; terference. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of a newly developed
temporomandibular cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)-based 3D fluoroscopic method in differentiating
joint rigid-body kinematics of the TMJ during various functional activities.
Materials and methods: One healthy individual was asked to undergo a CBCT scan and fluoro-
scopic imaging of her mandible and maxilla during various functional activities. CBCT-based 3D
fluoroscopy was used to measure the 3D kinematics of the TMJ.
Results: The 3D rigid-body kinematics of the mandible, movement trajectories of the centers
of the TMJ and the midpoint of the interincisal edge were measured during functional activ-
Conclusion: A new CBCT-based 3D fluoroscopic method was proposed and shown to be capable
of quantitatively differentiating TMJ movement patterns among complicated functional activ-
ities. It also enabled a complete description of the rigid-body mandibular motion and

* Corresponding author. School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC.

E-mail address: (Y.-J. Chen).

1991-7902/$36 Copyright ª 2012, Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.
152 C.-C. Chen et al

descriptions of as many reference points as needed for future clinical applications. It will be
helpful for dental practice and for a better understanding of the functions of the TMJ.
Copyright ª 2012, Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China. Published
by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.

Introduction for describing human mandibular kinematics, such as the

kinematic center3,5 and screw axis methods.24,25 For
The development of the theory and clinical practice of more widespread application of these systems, techniques
dental articulation has relied on knowledge of masticatory using commercially available skin-marker-based stereo-
physiology gained over the years by measuring mandibular photogrammetric systems were also developed. In order to
motion relative to the maxilla as controlled by the tem- avoid skin-movement artifacts, i.e., errors associated with
poromandibular joint (TMJ) during a well-defined motion, skin-marker movements relative to the underlying bones,26
namely opening and closing.1 5 It was noted that the transoral devices are used. However, transoral devices may
accuracy, and thus the complete picture of the TMJ affect the natural motion of the TMJ, which will be neg-
motion, was significantly influenced by the measurement atively affected if the participant was asked to perform
techniques available at the time. Therefore, incomplete other more natural, clinically relevant movements, such as
information from simplified and/or two-dimensional ob- chewing. Thus, measuring 3D dynamic mandibular kine-
servations and analyses was used in clinical dentistry in the matics in vivo without the use of interfering transoral de-
past.6 9 While this information has contributed to current vices has great potential in relevant dental clinical
dental practice, highly accurate, three-dimensional (3D) applications.
measurement techniques are necessary to advance the Imaging methods provide a way of resolving this prob-
current understanding of the function of the TMJ, espe- lem, by offering the opportunity to measure the motion of
cially during more complicated functional movements such the TMJ without skin-movement artifacts or being affected
as chewing, to identify etiologies of TMJ disorders and by transoral devices. However, none of the existing imaging
further improve prosthodontic practice. methods allows the measurement of the 3D, in vivo motion
Anatomically, the TMJ is divided by the interposed disc of the TMJ during dynamic functional movements, except
into the upper and lower compartments, facilitating the a new 3D fluoroscopic method that was recently pro-
translation and rotation of the mandible relative to the posed.27 The 3D fluoroscopic method is based on registra-
temporal bone.10 Therefore, translation of the mandible at tion of CT data of the bones to single-plane fluoroscopic
the condyle is always coupled with rotation of the man- images, thus enabling the measurement of joint kinematics
dible. While rigid-body motion of the mandible involves in three dimensions. Moreover, a cone-beam computed
three translations and three rotations, conventionally tomography (CBCT) system is used to improve its clinical
a pantogram was used to trace the motion of the mandible applicability because CBCT is used clinically in dental
using pen and paper, with a reference point on the con- implant therapy due to its low radiation dose during imag-
dyle.11 14 Since condylar movement trajectories are easily ing. With CBCT data, the 3D anatomy of the TMJ can be
available with pantograph tracings, most dental articula- reconstructed. Therefore, another way of representing the
tors were designed so that the jaw motion path was 3D motion of the mandible can be developed without being
determined in terms of the translation of this particular limited to the use of single reference points. A new 3D
reference point, despite the fact that a single point cannot fluoroscopic method is proposed, and its accuracy and
accurately represent the 3D motion of a rigid body. A major precision are evaluated using well-controlled experimental
concern with this technique is that motions of the bilateral tests.27 The feasibility of the method in differentially
TMJ are difficult to obtain because the measured plot is quantifying TMJ motion during more complicated, func-
a result of the motion of both TMJs. This problem can be tional movements is yet to be demonstrated.
resolved by placing the devices around the bilateral con- The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the fea-
dyles of the TMJ. However, interference with physiological sibility of using the newly developed CBCT-based 3D fluo-
jaw movements caused by installing the measuring devices roscopic method to differentiate rigid-body kinematics of
of the pantogram is another major concern. Tracing results the TMJ, including movement trajectories of the centers of
were also shown to be influenced by the anatomy of the the TMJ (TMJCs), and the midpoint of the interincisal edge
TMJ,15 and the rotation of the condylar head cannot be during functional activities, namely opening-closing the
obtained. The amount of condylar translation is also mouth, chewing, protrusion-retraction, and lateral gliding
dependent on the reference point.9 Therefore, the need to to both sides.
use a reference point remains a major limitation for
To overcome the limitations of pantograms, measure- Materials and methods
ment devices for 3D mandibular movements were devel-
oped, from a complicated and bulky device with two Experimental procedure
mechanical face bows2,6 to more compact and delicate
systems.16 23 The ability to measure 3D mandibular move- A female volunteer (age, 35 years; height, 157 cm; weight,
ments has led to the introduction of several new methods 50 kg) without missing teeth, dental prostheses, or any
Differential quantification of 3D temporomandibular kinematics 153

neuromusculoskeletal disease of the TMJ participated in Functional tasks

the current study with written informed consent as
approved by the Institutional Research Board. During the Subsequent to the CBCT scan, the participant was asked to
experiment, the participant was asked to sit on a chair with maintain the same posture while being imaged using the
her head fixed to the head-support by a strap. With the custom-made fluoroscopic function of the CBCT system27 at
mandible in a resting position, the mandible and maxilla a sampling rate of 7.5 frames/second, giving 2D fluoro-
were then scanned by CBCT (i-CAT, Imaging Sciences In- scopic images with an image size of 756  960 pixels and
ternational, Hatfield, PA, USA) with a voxel size of 0.4 mm a pixel size of 0.254  0.254 mm. Fluoroscopic images were
in three orthogonal directions and a gray intensity of 12 bits also collected when the participant performed selective
(Fig. 1). The height of the CBCT was adjusted such that the functional activities, namely opening-closing, lateral glid-
participant’s chin did not extend beyond the field of view ing, protrusion-retraction, and chewing at a self-selected
(FOV) of the image plane at the maximized mouth-open pace. During the opening-closing motion, the participant
position. The CBCT scan took 20 seconds with a radiation opened her mouth from the maximal inter-cuspational
dose of 68 mSv according to the manufacturer, which is position (MICP) to the maximum opening at a self-
comparable to the radiation dose measured in an exper- selected speed, and then returned to the MICP at the
imental trial.28 The CBCT data were then segmented and same speed for three complete cycles. During lateral glid-
reconstructed to obtain two sets of subject-specific 3D ing, the participant was asked to glide the mandible from
models of the mandible and maxilla, namely surface and the MICP to the right as far as she could, and then to return
voxel-based models, using a software package (Amira, to the MICP for two cycles. A similar protocol was also
Visage Imaging, Berlin, Germany) for subsequent registra- applied to left gliding movement. For the protrusion test,
tion of the fluoroscopic images. the jaw of the participant began at MICP, was glided for-
ward as much as she could, and then returned to the MICP
for two cycles. During chewing, the participant was asked
to chew a piece of gum with a size of 15  10  10 mm with
the working side on the right for about seven times within
a 20-second scanning period.


Prior to data collection, the custom-made fluoroscopic

function of the CBCT system was calibrated for positions of
the image plane and point source X-ray using a purpose-
built calibration object.29 With the calibrated projection
model of the fluoroscopy, 3D poses of the mandibular bone
were obtained by registering the voxel-based model to the
corresponding 2D fluoroscopic images using the weighted
edge-matching score (WEMS) method.30 For this purpose,
a projected image of the mandibular bone was generated
by a perspective projection of the voxel-based model onto
the image plane to construct a digitally reconstructed
radiograph (DRR) resembling a radiograph. In each fluoro-
scopic frame, an optimization procedure was used to find
the pose of the mandible, the DRR of which best matched
the fluoroscopic image according to similarity measures of
the WEMS. The accuracy of this registration method was
evaluated for its TMJ kinematics measurements, giving
means and standard deviations of errors of 1.0  1.4 mm
and 0.2  0.7 for translation and rotation, respectively.27
To assist with visualizing the registration process, a graph-
ical user interface (GUI) was used (Fig. 2). A flowchart
illustrating the overall procedure of the above-described
measurement method is given in Fig. 3.

Anatomical coordinate system

To describe the mandibular kinematics, each bone was

Figure 1 During the cone-based computed tomography scan embedded with an anatomical coordinate system (ACS)
and fluoroscopy imaging, the participant was asked to sit in defined by selected landmarks on the mandible in the
a chair with her head fixed to a head-support by a strap. The resting position. The epicondyles and occlusal surfaces
participant is wearing a lead apron to minimize the radiation of the teeth were manually digitized using a custom-
absorbed by the body. developed program. A plane, here referred to as the
154 C.-C. Chen et al

Figure 2 Graphical user interface assisting the registration of bone models and the corresponding fluoroscopic images through
visualization of the fluoroscopic system and model bones in space. The simulated fluoroscopic system with the registered bone
models in lateral view (top left), inferior view (bottom left), posterior view (top right), and oblique view (bottom right). The
control panel is also shown on the right.

occlusal plane, was fitted to the occlusal surface of the occlusal plane and orthogonal to the z-axis, and the x-axis
teeth by minimizing the squared distances between as the cross-product of the y-axis and z-axis, and directed
the plane and vertices on the occlusal surfaces (Fig. 4). The anteriorly (Fig. 4). The ACS of the maxilla was defined so
ACS of the mandible originated at the midpoint between that it was coincident with that of the mandible in the
the epicondyles, with the z-axis directed to the right epi- resting position. Since the participant’s head was fixed to
condyle, the y-axis directed superiorly, normal to the the head-support by a strap and remained stationary
throughout the experiment,27 including during the CT scan
and fluoroscopic imaging, the ACS of the maxilla was taken
as the global reference for describing mandibular kine-
matics for all trials.

Data analysis

Given the registered 3D poses of the mandible relative to

the maxillary ACS, angles of the TMJ were obtained fol-
lowing a z-x-y Cardanic rotation sequence31, corresponding
to flexion/extension, adduction/abduction, and internal/
external rotation. The TMJCs were defined as centroids of
spheres which best fit the bilateral mandibular condyles.
The displacement of the TMJCs from the starting position in
the maxillary ACS was then calculated. The displacement of
the midpoint of the central interincisal edges was also
calculated in the same manner.

Figure 3 The overall procedure of the model-based 3D flu-

oroscopic method for measuring in vivo and 3D kinematics of Results
the mandible during movements. 2D Z two-dimensional;
3D Z three-dimensional; CBCT Z cone-based computed to- The patterns of the 3D rigid-body kinematics of the man-
mography; DRR Z digitally reconstructed radiograph; dible during the tested movements are shown in Fig. 5.
WEMS Z weighted edge-matching score. Results showed that flexion/extension was the primary
Differential quantification of 3D temporomandibular kinematics 155

lateral gliding, the movement of the working side sig-

nificantly differed between lateral gliding and chewing
movements. Displacements of the midpoint of the central
incisor edges during various movements are also shown on
three anatomical planes in Fig. 7. Displacements during
chewing were found to be within the ranges enclosed by the
extremities of the other movements.


The current study attempted to demonstrate the feasibility

of a new CBCT-based 3D fluoroscopic method for measuring
the rigid-body kinematics of the TMJ, including movement
trajectories of the TMJCs, and the midpoint of the inter-
incisal edge during functional activities, namely opening-
closing, chewing, protrusion-retraction, and lateral gliding
to both sides. Results showed that the new CBCT-
based 3D fluoroscopic method was capable of quantita-
Figure 4 The anatomical coordinate system and movement tively differentiating TMJ movement patterns between
components of the mandible. The origin was defined at the more complicated, functional movements. It also enabled
midpoint between the epicondyles, with the z-axis directed to a complete description of rigid-body mandibular motion
the right epicondyle, the y-axis directed superiorly, normal to and descriptions of as many reference points as needed for
the occlusal plane and orthogonal to the z-axis, and the x-axis future clinical applications. This suggests that the new
as the cross-product of the y-axis and z-axis, and directed method will be helpful in dental practice and will provide
anteriorly. The occlusal plane was defined by fitting a plane to a better understanding of the function of the TMJ, con-
the occlusal surface of the teeth by minimizing the squared tributing to identifying etiologies of TMJ disorders and
distances between the plane and vertices on occlusal surfaces. further improving prosthodontic practice.
Abd/Add Z abduction/adduction; Flex/Ext Z flexion/exten- The new method allows the measurement of 3D TMJ
sion; IR/ER Z internal rotation/external rotation. motions during various functional activities in vivo without
the influence of skin-movement artifacts or extra devices
that may affect the natural movement of the joint. Limited
motion component for opening-closing and chewing move- by the measurement techniques used and lacking the entire
ments, and its range was considerably greater during range of motion of the TMJ, most previous studies focused
opening-closing. The primary motion component for lateral their measurements of mandibular kinematics of opening-
gliding was shown to be internal/external rotation. During closing movements.1 5 Results of this type of study
protrusion movement, angular joint motions were small, formed our current knowledge of the TMJ and relevant
but significant anterior/posterior displacements of the clinical practices. However, as shown by the current re-
mandible relative to the maxilla were observed (Fig. 5). sults, rigid-body kinematics of the mandible and movement
During the mouth opening movement, the TMJCs moved trajectories of selected reference points significantly var-
anteriorly and inferiorly during the first 20 , but superiorly ied during different functional activities (Figs. 5e7). None
during the remaining movement period (Fig. 6). Similar of these patterns, either the rigid-body motion or motions
patterns were reversed during the mouth closing movement, of the reference points, could be solely predicted by those
but they did not follow the same paths as during opening. of opening-closing movements.
Movements of the bilateral TMJCs were found to be largely Owing to the limitations of the measurement methods
symmetrical during opening-closing movements (Fig. 6). and the need for more clinically relevant descriptions,
During lateral gliding, the mandible rotated around the su- previous studies used the motion of certain reference
perior/inferior axis with little displacement of the TMJC on points to describe the 3D kinematics of mandibular mo-
the working side, while the contralateral TMJC on the bal- tions. For example, some authors used trajectories of the
ancing side moved anteriorly and inferiorly (Fig. 6). Gen- mandibular epicondyles,23 while others introduced the
erally, the return trajectories of the bilateral TMJCs in the theory of the kinematic center, an imaginary point derived
anteroposterior directions were largely the same. During from mandibular kinematics.3,5 Trajectories of the mid-
protrusion movement, the bilateral TMJCs moved anteriorly point of the interincisal edge were also used to describe
and inferiorly throughout the period, first with a brief period border motions of the mandible.32 The combination of
of slight mandibular opening rotations of about 0.5 , pre- translational data with rotation of the mandible in the
sumably during anterior guidance, followed by mandibular sagittal plane, as proposed by Salaorni et al,23 is a concise
closing rotations with a maximum of about 1 . During the description of condylar kinematics in 2D. This is useful for
chewing movement, as the opening angle increased, the describing the opening-closing motion. However, as dis-
bilateral TMJCs both showed significant anterior and inferior cussed above, this approach might not be sufficient for
movements, but the total range of displacement on the more complicated motions. In the current study, with
balancing side was greater (Fig. 6). While a greater range of complete data of the 3D motion of the mandible, we were
displacement was also found on the balancing side during able to produce translation/rotation diagrams in all the
Figure 5 Patterns of the six kinematic components of the temporomandibular joint plotted against movement time during opening/closing, lateral gliding, protrusion/retraction,
and chewing. A/P Z anterior/posterior; Abd/Add Z abduction/adduction; F/E Z flexion/extension; IR/ER Z internal rotation/external rotation; R/L Z right/left;
S/I Z superior/inferior.

C.-C. Chen et al
Differential quantification of 3D temporomandibular kinematics
Figure 6 Trajectories of the three components of the center of the TMJC position in the maxillary anatomical coordinate system plotted against the joint angles of the primary
motion components during opening/closing, lateral gliding, protrusion/retraction, and chewing. A/P Z anterior/posterior; R/L Z right/left; S/I Z superior/inferior;
TMJC Z centers of the temporomandibular joint.

158 C.-C. Chen et al

Figure 7 Displacement of the midpoint of the central interincisal edges during testing of functional activities. The trajectories
during opening/closing, lateral gliding, and protrusion/retraction are shown in gray dashed lines, while those of the chewing
movement are shown in black solid lines. A/P Z anterior/posterior; R/L Z right/left; S/I Z superior/inferior.

three anatomical planes and demonstrated that significant axis (Fig. 5). However, it was simply unclear from these
movement components also occurred in the other two data whether the mandible rotated relative to the maxilla
planes. Furthermore, motion curves during opening-closing about an anatomical pivot. This was resolved by examining
motions cannot represent the motion of other more com- trajectories of the TMJCs (Fig. 6). The displacement of the
plicated functional activities (Figs. 5e7). This suggests that TMJC was very small on the working side, indicating that
current clinical practice based on the data on opening- the position of the pivot must be located near the TMJC on
closing movements may have to be revisited on the basis the working side.
of more detailed and complete information of other func- The current study was limited to measuring 3D kine-
tionally relevant movement data. matics of the mandible of one normal participant during
While descriptions of a reference point are easier to various functional activities. This was acceptable to dem-
understand and have clinical meanings, the information onstrate the feasibility of the new method in quantitatively
provided is limited because the motion of a single point differentiating 3D kinematic patterns among different
cannot represent the true 3D motion of the mandible rela- functional activities. However, in order to derive more
tive to the maxilla. The helical axis theory bridged this gap, clinically relevant results, the new method will have to be
but the motion of a helical axis in space seemed consid- applied to more individuals, both normal and those with
erably difficult to be understood by clinicians.24,25 Note that pathologies. Future studies can also be dedicated to the use
for a given mandibular motion, different reference points of the new method for studying the surface kinematics of
produced very different trajectories (Figs. 6 and 7), the condyles and opposing fossae, which can be derived
although each different trajectory may have different clin- from the 3D morphology of the bones and their kinematics.
ical meanings. It appears that the choice of the reference With additional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data, the
point should be based on the clinical applications required roles of the condylar disc and ligaments in controlling the
instead of technical convenience. The current measurement TMJ system can be studied, which will be helpful in better
method, which is 3D in nature and anatomically based, of- understanding the etiologies of TMJ disorders and evalu-
fers a complete dataset from which different representa- ating subsequent treatments.
tions of mandibular motions can be achieved according to A new CBCT-based 3D fluoroscopic method was proposed
clinical needs. The data of rigid-body kinematics of the and shown to be capable of quantitatively differentiating
mandible and motions of selected reference points can TMJ movement patterns among complicated functional
simultaneously be considered for clinical interpretations. activities, namely opening-closing, chewing, protrusion-
This is in contrast to the existing measurement methods, retraction, and lateral gliding to both sides. It also ena-
most of which provide rigid-body motions without giving bled a complete description of rigid-body mandibular
anatomical or morphological details, while others only pro- motion, and descriptions of as many reference points as
vide the trajectory of a single reference point. needed for future clinical applications.
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namely TMJCs and the interincisal point, a clearer picture References
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