Discovering Your Success Dna

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covering Yo
our “S
Successs DNA

YYou may be familiar witth “core values” or having “internaal drivers” – I call them your Success DNA,
wwhich is the unique set of Success Markers thaat you posseess. They’ree the unique beliefs and values
tthat motivatte you and drive
d your decisions
d (offten withou t you even realizing it)..

While most people have a basic un nderstandingg of what thhese “Succeess Drivers” are, very feew
people everr take the time to actuaally discoverr what theirr own actually are.

GGetting clear on what drives

d you is one of the FASTEST wways to breaak through iin your busiiness,
aand become e one of the
e “Top 5%” entreprene eurs. Clarityy equals MA

WWhat I can tell

t you is thhis – gettingg clear on yo
our personaal Success DDrivers will n
not only proovide
yyou a “comp pass” to ma
ake your decisions, it will
w also alloow you to feeel more po owerful and
cconfident in
n everythingg that you do
d – particularly in the rrelationship
ps that you b
build, both
ppersonally and
a professionally.

The Power
P Off “Success Markerrs”
Here are som
me of the ke
ey reasons why
w identifyying your Suuccess DNA is so powerrful.

• Your Success Ma arkers give you purposse, understaanding and clarity

u’re not cleaar on what your
If you y values are, you oftten end up living the vaalues of oth her
peop ple around you
y – leading you to a sense
s of em ptiness, connfusion and monotony.. On the
other hand, whe en you beingg to live youur life aligneed with yourr values, theey help bring you
purpose, directio on wholene ess, satisfacttion and a seense of clarrity.

• Theyy promote greater

g coop
peration and joy in you ur relationshhips
As I’ll show you in a minute, understanding your oown values aallow you to o be clear ab
whatt you will accept and toolerate in rellationships. Being clear on your owwn values aallow
you to
t attract annd seek out people with h similar vallues, allowin
ng you to sp
pend more ttime
ng understoood and acce epted, as oppposed to sttruggling aggainst what seems like
“difficult” personalities.

• Theyy prevent yoou from makking bad ch hoices

Oncee you get cle
ear on your values, the things that matter mosst to you beecome much h more
ous and easy to identifyy. As a result, you makke less decisions that en
nd up confliccting
with your valuess, which lead
ds to unhapppiness and constant frustrations.

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• Defin
ning them gives
g you coonfidence
You’ll notice that you will deevelop a quiet sense off confidencee once you’rre clear on w what
es and motivvates you. ByB spendingg the time too identify an nd write theem down, yo ou’ll
knoww deep insidde that you’rre making decisions
d forr the right reeason, as op
pposed to b being
maniipulated or chasing
c false hopes – setting yoursself up for ffailure. You’’ll make deccisions
and lead your liffe in a more deliberate way, becauuse you’ll haave a strong sense of claarity.

• Gettiing clear onn them make es life simpler

Quite nce you’re clear on yourr values, lifee gets simpler, becausee you’re not
e simply, on
consttantly facedd with anxiety or torn between ma king choices. By using your markeers as a
comp pass to decisions you need to make e, the answ wer becomess easier to ssee. In the eend, the
mostt successful people are those who make the m most decisions, and thiss tool gives yyou that
abilitty to make decisions
d muuch more quickly and eeffectively.

eard about the conceptt of “core vaalues”, but never reallyy took the tiime to
FFor a long time, I had he
uunderstand why they mattered,
m orr why I should care.

Years ago, I was presen n opportunity to do so
nted with an ome work on
n my own vvalues .. and
d the “a-
has” that I received
r fro
om learning them was astonishing
a g.

LLet me give you one of my personaal experiencces as a greaat example o of how gettting clear on
n your
oown values can help you improve and
a enhance e your life, iin virtually aany area.

My persona
al 5 Success Markers arre the follow
• Accountabilit
A ty
• Freedom
• Growth
G (Learning)
• In
• Contributionn

n no particular order, simply because they movve around in priority deepending on

TThose are in n what
eelement of my
m life we’rre talking abbout. But th
he point is, tthese are my 5 Success Markers.

WWhen I spen nt the time to

t learn what they are and these 5 things emeerged at thee top of my list, I
ssuddenly reaalized why it was that some
s of the people andd relationships in my liffe seemed so
eeffortless .. while
w otherrs always felt like a lot of
o work and struggle.

AAt the time, I had a couple of friend

ds that I wo
ould often scchedule to ggo and meeet for lunch, drinks
oor whateverr it was. Witthout excep ption, I would arrive on time, but they would u usually show
w up
late – whethher it was a few minute es or even half an hour,, the one thing I could ccount on waas they
ccouldn’t be trusted to be
b one time.
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WWhen they did
d finally sh
how up and d I commentted on them m being late,, their respo
onse would be
aalong the lin
nes of, “wha
at’s the big deal?
d It’s on
nly a few m inutes!”

It really both
hered me annd seemed odd I couldn’t just ‘get over it’ .. until I figured
d out what m
SSuccess Marrkers were.

YYou see, whhen someon ne violates your

y values (often withhout even kknowing it), it creates a very
nnegative, de
eep violatioon inside of you. If you’re not awaare of what yyour own vaalues truly aare, this
ccan create frustration or
o confusionn – because you can’t fi gure out whhy you respond to seem mingly
innocent situations and d experiencees.

HHave you evver been rea

ally upset and angered
d by someth hing that waas done to yyou, yet you
ccouldn’t eve
en figure ou
ut WHY it puushed your buttons so much? Thiis is what I’mm talking about.

SSo when I re ple show up late and thaat’s a violation of my vaalue of

ealized that when peop
AAccountability, it gave me
m a comple
etely differe
ent perspecctive.

AAnd, here’s the powerfful part – it allowed mee to deal witth the challeenge, and actually deep
pen my
rrelationship with those people insttead of caussing me to ppush them oout of my liffe.

I was able to
o sit down with
w them, anda explain why it bothhered me so o much. Theey finally
uunderstood that this waas beyond something
s that I shouldd just ‘get ovver’. I told tthem, I wan
tthem in my life and they were important to me, and that I needed th hem to respect my valu ues.

TThey apprecciated the coonversation use they finaally knew it really WAS important tto me,
n, and becau
tthey made an
a effort to be on time – which maade me feel heard and rrespected, w which is what a
hhealthy relationship is all
a about.

BBy learning what

w your own
o Successs Markers are, you can then consid der them wh hen you’re m
ddecisions in your busineess (and in your
y life) to make sure you are working in aliggnment withh your
vvalues, inste
ead of in con
nflict with th

Now, you may be expeccting more “business
“ building” insiight and straategies at th
his point in the
program, buut whether you
y realize iti or not at this
t point, ggetting clearr on your ow wn values is truly
one of the little-known secrets that the world’’s most succcessful peopple have maastered.

Operating without
w kno
owing your Success
S Markers is a litttle bit like trying to op
perate a com
piece of machinery witthout the instruction manual.

YYou just randomly push

h buttons an
nd pull leverrs, trying to get the resu
ult you wan
nt – but it’s
ffrustrating, and
a you often end up creating
c more damage and problem ms than you
u solve.

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AAnd, even iff you do get some succeess, you cann’t repeat it .. because yyou don’t kn
now what you did
tto actually create
c the su
uccess the first
f time aro

TThat’s how important Success

S Markers are. And
A I believ e this so thooroughly, th
hat I created
sspecial tool, my Successs DNA Dete
ector, to help you discovver exactly what YOURR Success DN NA is.

sing Th
he DNA
A Succe
ess De tector

ep 1: Use
e The Succcess Maarkers Wo
Using the so
oftware, you
u will select up to 10 values or marrkers that yoou believe aare the mostt
important to
o you. Theyy’re the onees that you resonate
r witth most, and that you ffeel embodyy what
matters mosst to you. Then,
T the software will help you claarify which o
of those vallues truly AR
RE the
most importtant to you, allowing yoou to arrive at your perrsonal Top 5 Success Markers.

e created a Success Maarkers Workksheet that allows you to scan dozzens of

TTo make this easier, I’ve
vvalues, and see which ones
o jump out
o at you ass being impoortant. You ur first step is simply to
identify anywwhere from m 6 to 10 values that you feel mightt be your co
ore values.

TThe Successs Markers Worksheet

W has
h been atttached at th
he end of th
his PDF (theere are 3 pagges to

SStep 1 is to identify
i they 6-10 value
es on the Worksheet
W thhat resonatee most with
h you.

If there are values thatt are importtant to you that do nott appear on that list, feeel free to a
add your
own at the end
e of the worksheet,
w in the blankk spaces proovided.

OOnce you’ve
e identified the 6-10 values that resonate withh you most, write thosee values dow
wn in
tthe box on page
p 3 of th
he Workshee et.

You should now have a list of 6-10
0 values thaat you believve are mostt importantt to you. W
now going to use the Su
uccess DNA Detector to o figure out which of th
hese values truly matter to you

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Step 2: Use The Success DNA Dettector
Now, go to the
t Successs DNA Detecctor software page, wh
hich is locatted in your Member Sitte.

UUsing the lisst of markerrs you identified on the last page oof your workksheet, simp
ply choose tthose
ffrom the listt and then go
g through thet process of compari ng the valuees, and choo osing the onnes that
mmatter mostt to you.

SSimply follo
ow the instructions on the
t screen, and you’ll b
be taken th
hrough the p
process to d
YYOUR Top 5 Success Markers.

OOnce the listt of your To

op 5 Successs Markers is shown, youu have the cchoice of printing and/o
eemailing youur list. You should emaail yourself a copy of yo
our results for your reccords, and p
print off
a copy if youu like.

HHopefully th
his process doesn’t
d soun
nd more complicated t han it actuaally is – it sh
hould only taake you
aabout 12-155 minutes to
o complete this
t exercisee.

OOnce you’ve e completedd it, you shoould gain a true

t sense o of personal power and clarity, beccause
yyou’ll FINALLLY know what your pe ersonal Top 5 Success M Markers aree – and this will allow yyou to
sstart makingg better deccisions in yo
our own lifee as a resultt.

TThis processs has literally transform

med people’ss lives .. andd I’m excited
d to share itt with you.

TTo Your Succcess,

Greg Habstrritt

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Core Values Worksheet

What are your personal Core Values? This worksheet is the first step for you to discover them.

Simply review the following list, and choose up to 10 (and a minimum of 6) of the following values that resonate
most with you. If there are values that you consider important to you, use the empty space(s) at the end of this
worksheet to add them to your list. Your goal is to have a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 values identified.

At this point, the goal is NOT to determine which of the ones you select are more or less important than
others. The only goal you have here is to identify the values that you associate with MOST.  

(Note  that  the  list  continues  on  the  following  pages  –  be  s ure  to  review  them  all  before  making  s elections!)  

  Value   Description  
  Achievement   Sense  of  accomplishment,  attainment  
  Accountability   Takes  responsibility  for  both  a ctions  and  outcomes  
  Advancement   Moving  forward  toward  clear  defined  goals,  or  flexibly  altered  goals  
  Adventure   New  heights,  new  challenges,  adrenalin  rush,  taking  risks,  thrills  
  Authenticity     The  quality  of  b eing  true,  genuineness  
  Balance   Balancing  time  and  effort  b etween  money,  family,  friends,  h ealth,  faith  
  Belonging   To  feel  part  of  a  group  or  association  of  others  
  Celebrity   Being  famous,  known,  recognizable  
  Camaraderie   Importance  of  p ersonal  relationships  and  warm  working  relationships  
  Commitment   Being  bound  emotionally  or  intellectually  to  a  course  of  action,  dedication  
  Compassion   Caring  about  others,  watch  out  for  p ity  which  is  the  n ear  enemy  of  compassion  
  Competitiveness   Working  a gainst  others  where  there  are  clear  win/lose  outcomes  
  Competence   Possessing  the  s kill,  knowledge  and  ability  to  effectively  p erform  
  Consensus   General  a greement  or  a ccord,  harmony  with  others  
  Consistency   Precision  with  little  tolerance  for  errors  or  u npredictability  
  Contribution   Service,  giving  to  or  supporting  a  charity  or  cause  
  Control   To  exercise  restraint  or  limitation  on  others  or  situations  
  Cooperation   Collaboration,  working  with  others  for  common  goals  
  Courage   Willingness  to  take  calculated  risks,  operating  outside  of  one's  comfort  zone  
  Creativity   Being  imaginative,  innovative,  inventive,  original,  out-­‐of-­‐the-­‐box  
  Decisiveness   Assess  and  eliminate  a ll  alternatives  
  Directness   To  speak  honestly  and  without  a voiding  important  or  u npleasant  points  
  Education   The  act  or  process  of  imparting  or  acquiring  general  knowledge  
  Effectiveness   The  ability  to  produce  a  d esired  effect  or  outcome  
  Creating  results  in  a  timely  manner  with  minimal  waste,  expense,  or  unnecessary  
  Empowerment   Gaining  power,  authority  or  ability  to  accomplish  
  Environment   Commitment  and  d edication  to  the  earth  and  the  physical  world  in  which  we  live  
  Excellence   Standard  of  b eing  outstandingly  good  and  having  exceptional  merit.  
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  Fairness   Treating  p eople  and  b eing  treated  equally,  equitable,  moral  rightness  
  Faith   Belief  in  a  h igher  power  
  Family   Being  with  family  -­‐  b oth  q uality  and  quantity  of  time  
  Fitness   Being  physically  fit,  regular  physical  a ctivity,  optimal  well-­‐being  
  Forgiveness   Letting  go  of  feelings  of  resentment,  pardoning  a ctions  or  situations  
  Freedom   Able  to  move  about  without  b ounds  or  restraints,  liberty  
  Growth   Investing  in  lifelong  learning,  p ersonal  development,  s elf-­‐education.  
  Happiness     Good  fortune,  pleasure,  contentment,  joy  
  Harmony   Agreement,  a ccord,  harmonious  relations  
  Health   Physical  and  psychological  well-­‐being,  vigor,  strength  
  Honesty   Being  truthful,  s incere  
  Honor   Honesty,  fairness,  or  integrity  in  one's  beliefs  a nd  actions  
  Hope   Maintaining  an  optimistic  or  enthusiastic  outlook  
  Humility   The  quality  or  condition  of  b eing  humble,  having  a  modest  opinion  of  s elf  
  Independence   free  from  the  influence,  guidance  or  control  of  others.  
  Influence     Being  a  compelling  force  on  a ctions,  behavior,  opinions,  etc.,  of  others  
  Integrity   Beliefs  and  a ctions  are  congruent,  b eing  true  to  who  you  are,  doing  what  you  say  
  Intimacy   Close,  familiar,  and  often  affectionate  or  loving  p ersonal  relationship    
  Kindness   Friendly,  caring,  liking  
  Knowledge   Subject  matter  expert,  education  via  experience  or  s tudy  
  Leadership   Ability  to  influence  and  direct  others,  guidance  
  Loyalty   Devoted  or  faithful  to  a  p erson,  an  ideal,  a  custom  a  cause  or  a  duty  
  Mastery   Proficiency,  excellence  in  a  given  field  or  area  
  Obedience   The  act  or  practice  of  obeying,  dutiful  or  submissive  compliance  
  Openness   Accessible,  as  to  appeals,  ideas,  or  offers  
  Organized   Importance  of  order,  structure,  n eatness,  s ystems,  tidyness  
  Passion   Intense  emotional  excitement,  boundless  enthusiasm  
  Perfection   The  highest  a ttainable  standard  
  Perseverance   Resilience,  n ever  giving  up  regardless  of  challenges  or  problems  
  Pleasure   Enjoyment,  d elight,  gratification  
  Power   Authority,  control,  command,  clout  
  Precision   Accuracy,  exactness,  meticulousness,  correctness  
  Professionalism   Setting  and  maintaining  boundaries  to  b e  effective,  produce  strong  results  
  Public  Exposure   Dealing  with  the  public,  day-­‐to-­‐day  contact,  in  the  public  spotlight  
  Recognition   Giving  and  receiving  acknowledgement  for  a chievements.  
  Responsibility   Being  a ccountable  for  results,  conscientious,  reliable,  trustworthy  
  Results   To  b e  concerned  with  outcomes  of  efforts  or  focus  
  Security   Protection  or  precautions  taken  a gainst  escape,  loss,  custody  
  Self-­‐control   Control  or  restraint  of  oneself  or  one's  actions,  feelings,  etc  
  Self-­‐Identity   Having  self-­‐respect,  pride,  d ignity,  confidence  
  Significance   Holding  a  position  of  importance,  high  standing  or  prestige  
  Simplicity   Lack  of  complexity/complication  
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  Spirituality   Beliefs,  meaning  of  life/existence,  faith,  existentialism  
  Stability   Predictable  routines,  schedules,  providing  security,  constancy,  regularity  
  Status     The  position,  prestige  or  ranking  of  an  individual  in  relation  to  another  or  others  
  Structure   Formality,  processes,  s ystems  
  Superiority   The  quality  or  condition  of  b eing  superior  to  something  or  s omeone  
  Teamwork   Cooperative,  collective  effort  b y  a  group  or  team  
  Thoroughness   Attention  to  detail  and  a ccuracy,  b eing  complete  and  without  omission  
  Tolerance   A  fair,  objective,  and  p ermissive  a ttitude  toward  others  
  Toughness   Strong  and  durable,  n ot  easily  broken  or  overcome  
  Tranquility   Calmness,  p eacefulness,  quiet,  serenity  
  Trust   Firm  reliance  on  the  integrity,  ability  or  character  of  a  person  or  thing  
  Truth     A  verified  or  indisputable  fact,  proposition,  principle,  or  the  like  
  Unity   Absence  of  diversity,  unvaried  or  uniform  character  
  Urgency   Fast-­‐paced,  s wift,  action-­‐oriented  
  Variety   Diversity  of  cultures/lifestyles/experiences  
  Victory   A  success  or  triumph  over  a  challenge  or  enemy  in  battle  or  war  
  Virtue    Morally  excellence,  goodness,  righteousness  
  Wisdom   Having  d eep  understanding,  insight,  knowledge,  ability  to  make  good  judgments  

Once you’re finished, copy the 6-10 values that you identified into the following table. These are in no
particular order, as we’ll sort them in the next step of the process.


Once you’ve completed this step, you’ll be provided instructions on the next step to take.  
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