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1 Course Assessment in Learning 2 August 22, 2022
2 Activity School’s VMGO/Course Orientation August 25, 2022
3 Module & Outcome-based Education August 31, 2022
Guide - Nature, Approaches, and
Questions Principles of OBE
- Using Outcomes To Guide
Instructional Planning
4 Module & Outcome-based Teaching and September 05,
Activity Learning 2022
- OBE Activity
5 Module & Intended Learning Outcome: The September 07,
Quiz Starting Element of OBTL 2022
(Mapping - Types of Learning Outcome,
Time) Characteristics of Good Learning
Outcome, and Bloom’s Taxonomy
of Objectives September 21,
- Bloom’s Taxonomy of 2022
Objectives: Mapping time: Practice
on Using Verbs
- How To Write Learning
Outcomes, and Learning Outcome
6 Quiz QUIZ – (Set B) September 12,
7 Module The Instructional Cycle: The 5 ‘E’ September 21,
and Model 2022
8 Module Sample Lesson Plan: Environmental September 19,
and Science 2022
Activity - Are the Learning Sequence
Effective? (ACTIVITY)
9 Activity Questions on the 5 “E” September
Model 21, 2022
10 Quiz TLA and its Phases Quiz October 03,
11 Exam Preliminary Exam (SET A) October 03,
12 Module Assessment in the Context of October 17,
and Teaching and Learning 2022
Reflection - Reflection Activity
14 Module Double Journal Slide Sharing October 10,
Activity 2022
15 Activity Assessing 21st Century Skills October 12,
16 Quiz Quiz on the 21 Century October 19,
Assessment Skills 2022
17 Module Reading for Understanding Nature October 19,
and of Performance-based Assessments 2022
Activities - Activity Reading for
Understanding Nature of
- My Own Definitions of
Performance-based or
authentic Assessment

18 Quiz Quiz on Performance-based October 24,

Assessment 2022
19 Module Traditional Assessment vs. October 24,
Alternative/Performance-based 2022
20 Module Rubrics
21 Module Portfolio Assessment November 14,
22 Quiz Quiz on Types of Portfolio November 16,
23 Module Assessment in the Affective Domain November 20,
24 Quiz Quiz on Affective Domain November 23,
Course Orientation: 1
Module: 12
Activity: 9
Quiz: 6
Exam: 1
Minane, Concepcion, Tarlac
First Semester A.Y. 2022 – 2023

Quiambao, Patricia Mae M. Nov. 16, 2022

BSED ENGLISH 3B Dr. Agnes Taguines
Reflection Paper
As a student and potential educator, Assessment in Learning gave me a lot to
learn. I never considered class activities to be important or purposeful when I was a student.
All I ever knew was that I was learning and having fun in class at school. But as I study to
become an educator, I learned that those are called assessment. I learned that assessment is
important for determining out whether academic abilities, learning goals, or the educational
demands of students have been met. They become a key aspect in facilitating a student's
learning and a teacher's method of instruction. I am aware that this assessment is often
done at the end of the unit or semester. I had no idea that classroom activities could be
used for assessment. even though it happens all the time during the teaching and learning
process. I came to understand that teaching isn't always simple, especially when it comes to
student evaluation. To give your pupils the greatest tool for assessment takes time and
effort. Every assessment I take in class has a reason, and I need to know what those
purposes are if I want to become a better student. The same is true for me as a future
educator; it is essential that I have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of student
assessment. The concept of assessment became familiar to me as I went through the
process of becoming an educator.

Also, I came to see that a teacher's objective in the classroom should never be to
create intellectual giants and emotional dwarves. This means that educators shouldn't
prioritize the development of the cognitive and psychomotor aspects of learning, leaving the
affective part undeveloped. Instead, educators should focus more on helping students
develop into emotionally responsible who can serve as important role models in their
communities. Learners are also able to comprehend themselves as human beings with
feelings and emotions thanks to these competences. Additionally, they will learn to expand
their perspective on life and put their ideas into proper practice. These affective learning
competencies are in charge of producing educated and socially conscious people, whereas
cognitive and psychomotor skills build intelligent and gifted learners.

From now on, as a future educator, I am determined to do my role as a model of

values to my future students. I'll try my hardest to meet the demands of my students, not
just in terms of information acquisition and skill development, but more significantly in
terms of instilling values and the proper mindset. I'm passionate about coming up with
things that will make them better versions of themselves.

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