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Hand Out Date: March 25, 2022

Lecturer: Tajuddin A. Rashid

Name: Yosef Yahya Khalil Aboamara

TP Number: TP053217

Intake Code: UC3F2108SE

Executive Summary

To compete with PDAs and cell phones, early smartphones were largely designed for
business use, but their bulky design, short battery life, sluggish analog cellular networks, and
immaturity of wireless data services made them ill-suited for this market. In the end,
Moore's law, enhanced lithium-ion batteries, quicker digital mobile data networks, and more
mature software platforms allowed mobile ecosystems to emerge independently of data

Affordable mobile communications were made possible by the development of metal oxide-
semiconductor (MOS) large-scale integration (LSI) technology and information theory. (1) In
1973, Motorola's John Mitchell and Martin Cooper showed off a 2.2-pound portable mobile
phone at the Consumer Electronics Show in New York City (4.4 lbs). [4] Japanese
telecommunications company NTT established the world's first mobile phone network in
1979. [5] The DynaTAC 8000x was the first commercially available handheld mobile phone
when it was released in 1983 Between 1983 and 2014, the number of people with a mobile
phone subscription increased from a few hundred million to over seven billion, more than
enough for everyone on the planet. [6] Samsung, Apple, and Huawei were the world's top
three smartphone developers in the first quarter of 2016, accounting for 78% of total mobile
phone sales. [7] As of 2016, Samsung, Nokia, and Alcatel were the most popular feature
.phone (slang: "dumbphone") brands

Huawei began as a rural sales representative for Hong Kong-based phone and cable network
enterprises in 1987. As China's urban population grew rapidly between 1996 and 1998,
Huawei began expanding into the country's major cities. More than a third of the world's
population is now served by Huawei's products and solutions. Third in market share behind
Alcatel and Cisco, Huawei has just jumped into the smartphone fray, making it the third-
largest worldwide maker of routers and switches. Huawei has risen to prominence as one of
the most dominating technology brands in the world, surprising many observers. As a B2B
corporation, its largest advances have occurred away from the public eye. Telecom and
internet service providers employ Huawei's expertise to deliver services to clients under
their own brand name, not Huawei's brand, rather than Huawei's brand In addition, because
of its Chinese origins, it was not well known. While the majority of the world's population
lives within China's borders, Huawei has managed to expand without becoming overly
.reliant on its neighbors
2 ____________________________________________ Executive Summary
4 ____________________________________Newness” of the new product “
5 _____________________________________Innovation of the new product
6 ______________________________Opportunity, Benefits or impact created
6 ___________________Commercial viability (Market demand & revenue model)
9_________________________________________________Augmented Level
9 ________________________________________________growth matrix
11 ________________________________INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS PROTECTION
13 __________________________________________________Conclusion
14 __________________________________________________References
Newness” of the new product“

The new smartphone for Huawei will come with two new features but the features have
existed in the market, so it improves the existing features which contain two new features
such as 5G service and face id. Recognition of a person's face can be done In addition to
being more convenient and faster than Touch ID, Face ID makes use of machine learning to
adapt to changes in your facial features over time. Face ID, like Touch ID, can be bypassed
with a passcode, making your phone more secure. Face id will just unlock your phone for
you, so you don't have to be concerned if someone looks like you. It's a new and more
modern technology that doesn't require you to push a button or enter a password, making it
easy to use. Open your phone without even thinking about it using Face ID, since it does so
.as soon as you pick it up and glance at its face

5g service: Compared to 4G networks, 5G networks provide reduced latency, more

capacity, and more bandwidth. People throughout the world will be profoundly
impacted by these network enhancements. In comparison to 4G, predicted speeds of
up to 10 Gbps indicate a 100-fold improvement. 1 Consumers will be able to take
advantage of exciting new possibilities thanks to 4G vs. 5G speed advancements. At
peak download rates, a high-resolution video will be sent in six seconds instead of
seven minutes. 2 To avoid having to put your phone on airplane mode when a flight
attendant asks, you might use that time to rent the latest blockbuster. also , for the
gamer who likes to play online gaming they will not have problem with the internet
.and with the ping so they will not scare while they are playing video games

Face ID: For future recognition, the TrueDepth camera on your phone scans your
face's unique biological traits and retains a 3D picture. A template is created from
the features extracted from your photo, which is then examined to determine
.whether or not access to the device should be granted
It employs a Dot Projector that projected 30,000 dots onto your face to create an
extremely comprehensive facial map when the system 'enrols' your face. In addition
to a visible image of your face, the camera records an infrared image as well. It's not
.maintained in a database, but rather in your phone for comparison purposes
You'll be able to unlock your phone the next time you look at it, no matter whether
you've grown a beard or if you're wearing sunglasses. Even in the dark, it's meant to

Innovation of the new product

Problem addressed

Despite its rapid expansion in 2018, things weren't looking good for Huawei in its native
China. As President Trump, he began to use his newfound authority to confront China's
"unfair trade practices," as he described them. This sparked the continuing trade dispute
.between the United States and China

President Donald Trump stated in May of 2019 year that Huawei and many other Chinese
firms had been included on a list he dubbed the Entity List. Companies on this list are
prohibited from doing business with any US-based company. As a result of the prohibition,
Huawei will no longer be allowed to collaborate with several firms, including Google,
Qualcomm, and Intel. This implies that Huawei handsets will no longer be allowed to come
with pre-installed Google-owned software. The Huawei-US ban has necessitated a full
rethinking of the company's smartphone production process. Many other countries rely on
.Huawei for wireless networking equipment, and the company is under increasing scrutiny

by using 5g service and face id, they can solve above problems because user can get some
features which they can use the internet with very speed and the face id which will let the
customer not afraid if his anyone steal his phone or if he has twin brother so no one can
.unlock your phone so these some features can help so much Huawei company
Opportunity, Benefits or impact created
Huawei is releasing a new phone with 5G technology, yet there is no 5G support in the p50
pro. Huawei will overtake many company as the world's biggest technology business if its 5G
technology proves successful in the company's next phone (Huawei, 2018). Next-generation
mobile networks will employ 5G technology. It bridges the gap between 3G and 4G by
delivering quicker data transfer rates, a more dependable connection, and more security.
Based on IMT-2020 specifications, 5G is expected to achieve peak data speeds of up to 20
Gbps. Snapdragon X65, Qualcomm Technologies' flagship 5G solution, is designed to deliver
up to 10 Gbps in downlink peak data speeds. 5G isn't just about how fast it is, though. More
network capacity will be provided by 5G's expansion into new spectrum, namely mmWave,
in addition to greater peak data speeds. As a result, 5G may give a more consistent user
experience—even when users are moving around—by delivering considerably reduced
latency for a more quick response. In addition, the new 5G NR mobile network is supported
.by a Gigabit LTE coverage base, allowing for ubiquitous Gigabit connection

Huawei's Honor sub-brand just unveiled its latest smartphone, the Honor V10, during a press
event. The Chinese business didn't want to miss this opportunity, so they used it to debut
their own take on Face ID. Describe the process of Huawei's Face ID. It's done using a
network of sensors A laser projector, proximity sensor, two RGB LEDs, and an infrared
camera are all part of the setup. Huawei claims to be able to identify 300.000 points on a
person's face in only 10 seconds with the use of all of these components. Using this sensor,
you would be able to unlock the phone in a matter of seconds but still in Huawei phones still
.the face id not support like p50 pro and p50 pocket

Commercial viability (Market demand & revenue model)

It is common for Huawei to use aggressive pricing strategies, such as low prices and
aggressive marketing, in order to gain a foothold on the market quickly and grow its market
share. Huawei also allows foreign customers to accept its domestic products as fast as
possible and in the shortest amount of time possible (Jin & Yin, 2019). For the five key
markets (Spain France Italy Germany) Huawei's smartphone sales rose 123 percent in 2014
according to 2015 figures. In Spain and Germany, Huawei has a 3% and 5% market share,
respectively, and is advancing its development based on these figures. For Huawei's mobile
phone industry, the company's high-end product series P and MATE series are progressively
.transitioning from a quick penetration strategy to a rapid plunder approach

Huawei has gained a lot of customers' trust by supplying hardware and communication
solutions to a number of telecoms firms. The electronic consumer products sector has grown
thanks to the existing telecommunications operator's channel network and solid working
relationship. The success of Huawei's goods in the European market may be attributed to
their partnership with these channels. In Europe, the name Huawei has become synonymous
.with quality

Huawei is concerned about the market need for female customers when it comes to
smartphones. This is due to the fact that when it comes to purchasing a smartphone, men
place a higher value on looks and build quality. Among other things, men are more inclined
to check out smartphone reviews, news, and specifications. As an illustration, someone may
evaluate the features and brands of many smartphones before purchasing one in order to
.assess whether or not the gadget is respectable

A woman's focus is primarily on the phone's appearance and fashion. Huawei designed the
P10 phone with a dual-camera system that required a high-end camera-maker in order for
female customers to take clearer and more appealing selfies, according to consumer
,research and feedback. As of 2017 (YOO)

Huawei employs a wide range of promotional strategies, including staff selling, business
promotion, and advertising, to accomplish market development and a robust promotion of
.the company's image with enough funding

Using celebrity endorsements from Europe's local celebrities and advertising slogans infused
with regional flavor, Huawei's European marketing strategy has been a resounding success.
As a result, Huawei has spent a great deal of money on sponsorships and has partnered with
.a number of major European football clubs (Feng, 2019)


Core Level
The core level of a product is a concept that describes the consumer has frequently using the
.product. It has met the main requirements of product manufacturing

:Based on the core product of the smartphone. The basic functions will be shown as below

Voice communication -1

Quality of image -2

Text messages -3

Web browsing -4

Speed and efficiency -5

Actual Level
The real physical product is what consumers can see, feel, and interact with on a deeper
level (Bhasin, 2017). Manufacturing, packing, and displaying the final product have all been
.part of this process

:On the basis of the Huawei mobile phone's genuine product It will look like this

Types of colours -1

Smartphone accessories -2

Packaging design -3

Design Pattern -4

Product features -5
Augmented Level
Core value and the real product have been added to the enhanced level of products. When a
customer buys the product, it provides customer service, support, and other perks. As you
.can see, the product has been upgraded (Claessens, 2015)

Rebate cash -1

After sales services -2

Charge less rate of interest -3

Warranty -4

Product Support -5

growth matrix

Figure 1: ANSOFF'S growth matrix

Market Penetration
It's called market penetration when an organization sells current items in established
marketplaces. Here are some of the methods Huawei employs. The company's initial tactic is
to spend a lot of money on advertising the things it is selling. Various marketing channels can
be used for this purpose. A number of contractors throughout the world prefer to acquire
and install Huawei telecom equipment as a result of strategic collaborations. As a result,
sales are guaranteed to continue. To entice customers, the corporation also provides
upgraded versions of its existing items. Another tactic employed by the corporation is to
highlight the advantages of the newer models in order to persuade current customers to
upgrade. Another technique employed by the organization is to ensure product quality and
customer satisfaction. Older models of the company's products are also discounted to keep
them on the market. In order to get a larger part of the market and limit competition,
Huawei has bought a number of other businesses. These tactics aid Huawei in expanding and
.boosting its revenue

Market Development
When a company strives to introduce its current products to new markets, this is referred to
as "market development." The first technique employed by Huawei in this respect is the
employment of contractors to bring its goods to new markets. The corporation sells some of
its items directly, but it also uses contractors to sell others. It has already reached several
countries, but there is still room for growth. However, the company's potential to grow is
restricted due to severe economic penalties imposed on China. In order to expand into new
markets, the firm offers a wide range of products, each tailored to meet the individual needs
of the market's customers. As an example, the corporation offers a wide selection of
cellphones, from low-cost to high-end. Consumers' purchasing power dictates which models
are introduced in any country. There are fewer possibilities of failure if a market
.development attempt follows this technique

Product Development
Product development occurs when new items are introduced into established markets.
Product development is critical to the success of a technological firm. The company's initial
approach is to introduce new items. Whether it's a brand-new product or a new model of an
existing one, this may be a sign of growth for a firm. When it comes to the latest technology,
new types of cellphones and telecommunications equipment are always being released.
Steps in the process of developing new products are numerous. In this regard, much
research and development is carried out. Marketers use aggressive tactics to get consumers
interested in a new product when it is a commercial success. The firm strives to reduce the
.time it takes to bring a new product to market

Diversification is the notion of offering new items in new markets. Horizontally, the
corporation has already spread its wings to include smartphone, consumer electronics, and
telecom equipment industries. The company can, however, carry on with this strategy and
expand into many adjacent businesses, such as computer hardware, software, and
equipment. There are several unrelated businesses that it can branch into, such as clothes
and sports equipment as well as heavy machinery and drinks. The company's strong brand
identity can help it succeed in these new business ventures. It's risky, but the payoff may be
.huge for the corporation

Product development occurs when new items are introduced into established markets.
Product development is critical to the success of a technological firm. The company's initial
approach is to introduce new items. Whether it's a brand-new product or a new model of an
existing one, this may be a sign of growth for a firm. When it comes to the latest technology,
new types of cellphones and telecommunications equipment are always being released. The
new device from Huawei will have 5g service and face id that will help the device and many
.people looking for these features


Patents, trademarks, trade dress, and other forms of commercial recognition are all
examples of intellectual property. Protecting a creative invention from being stolen is the
primary goal of intellectual property. A variety of benefits, including monetary
compensation, will accrue to the idea's creator if the invention is adopted by others.
Patterns, copyright, industrial design, and trademarks are all examples of intellectual
property in business. For a new gadget, the developer can use any of these four intellectual
.property kinds

Definition It's an agreement between a person or a
.group and the government
Key features of this type of In order for Huawei to exploit the patents
on the device's functionality and algorithm,
protection a contract must be signed between the
company and the creator of the new
The developer will charge Huawei yearly


Definition A creative work must be in a physical form

to be eligible for copyright protection. As a
.result, it's transferable and reproducible
Key features of this of type Exclusive rights for product protection are
provided by copyright. If the features are
protection registered with the government, the
developer can take advantage of additional
benefits. In exchange for license fees and
royalties, the developer can offer Huawei
.features for sale or leasing


Definition Goodwill and credibility are intertwined

.with a company's image and trademark
Key features of this of type The device's features name, for example,
should be trademarked by the creator. To
protection safeguard one's legal rights, one must
.register with the appropriate authorities

Industrial design

Definition Aesthetic attractiveness is a primary

.consideration in industrial design
Key features of this of type Registering the functionalities of the
features will safeguard the features'
protection .functionality rather than their appearance

As a result, Huawei has concluded that face id technology will be widely used and widely
accepted in the future. As a result, Huawei has the potential to grow rapidly in the
smartphone industry and extend its market share and commercial operations throughout
the globe. Because of its low costs and good quality products and services, it allows
.customers to acquire high-end items with high-end features such as 5g service and face id

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Kleshnin, I. (2020, March 1). Research on Marketing Strategy of Huawei Mobile

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Claessens, M. (2022, January 31). Three Levels of Product – Core Value, Actual

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Bhasin, H. (2017, December 24). What is a Core product? Core product explained

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