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Communication modes: According to the curriculum, there are two types of communication: internal

and outward communication. Internally, formal communication is separated into three categories:
vertical, horizontal, and diagonal communication.

A- Formal communication: a communication that takes place for official purposes. It might be
anything that happens to two or more people at different levels or within the same hierarchy of
different functional divisions. It is systematic, organized, and structured. These are grouped into three

Internal: In this kind of communication, a corporate atmosphere is set up in which persons may
communicate without being interrupted, and this all takes place in a specialized or unique
professional setting. Internal modes of communication often involve private material, which is
sensitive and should not be shared outside of the business.

I Vertical: Distinct levels of management and hierarchical levels of management are concerned with
different levels of management in each organization. Communication travels between various levels
of the organization in this kind of communication. L, a lower-level supervisor, wishes to communicate
with A, the top-level management. Then there will be a hierarchy in place to reach L to A
communication, and it will pass via many different levels of the organization, including middle
management. Higher levels of communication distortion are seen.

ii) Horizontal: This kind of communication involves the same departmental heads conversing with one
another. If L, the department head of production, has a chat with M, the department head of
marketing, the flow of communication between them will be horizontal.

iii) Diagonal: Fitting correspondence tactics are used in every business. Bypassing this to communicate
with members of a different division outside of the permitted channels. It helps with connecting
directly with individuals at all levels, avoiding the orderly development while bringing up special
hazards (such the supervisor's inner self), when you have a deadline to meet and can't wait for your
boss. Email, for example, is a fantastic tool for this.


The Great Kidnapping

On one Friday morning detective Vicky got a call from Katrina. As soon as he picked the call he heard
the voice of a man and the call got cut. Vicky suspected that something was wrong and rushed to the
Katrina’s house. He saw that house door was open and there was nothing inside the house. He told
the assistant to search for the guard. After sometime guard was found unconscious inside his room
and was also bleeding. When guard got his senses he told that a black Scorpio car came to the house
today morning and asked him to open the door when he refused then 3 men came out of the car and
beaten him up and took madam with them. Vicky got suspicious with his statement and started
searching the house there he got watch lying under the sofa so he kept it with him and after that he
left the house. On same day evening guard was drunk and very happy. He got up from chair and
started opening his cupboard meanwhile Vicky entered in his room and gave him a punch. He opened
the cupboard and found lots of cash in it. The guard became afraid and told all the story that
yesterday a man came to the house and offered the cash to him for opening the main gate at right
time today. He said that he didn’t know the man and there was no number plate on the Scorpio car.
Vicky got a call from police station that they have stopped 5 black Scorpio cars going outside the city.
Vicky went to the police station and interrogated all the car owners and asked them to wear the
watch he found in the house

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