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Assignments for <5 yr experience

Step 0: Before starting any coding, initiate a git repository and immediately do first commit
containing your

Step 1: Make an Android mobile app to demonstrate the following:

a. Create one screen to take picture of printed text (sample image attached here)
b. Convert the words in the picture to text
c. Upload the converted text to Firebase
d. Navigate to second screen to show the written text in the form of editable text

Step 2: Upload the source code of the assignment into GitHub

Step 3: Upload the screen recording of how the app works on GitHub
Step 4: Share link of the GitHub with source code and video via email to

Assignments for >5 yr experience.

Step 0: Before starting any coding, initiate a git repository and immediately do first commit
containing your

Step 1: Make an Android mobile app to demonstrate the following:

a. Create one screen to take picture of printed text (sample image attached here)
b. Convert the words in the picture to text
c. Capture the current location where the picture was taken
d. Calculate the distance and estimated time from the location to Plaza Indonesia Jakarta
using car
e. Upload the written text, distance, and estimated time to Firebase
f. Navigate to second screen to show the written text, distance, and estimated time in the
form of editable text

Step 2: Upload the source code of the assignment into GitHub

Step 3: Upload the screen recording of how the app works on GitHub
Step 4: Share link of the GitHub with source code and video via email to

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