UTS B.inggris Siti Parida PAI III.2

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Nama : Siti Parida

No.UTS :2122.
Mata Kuliah: B.Inggris III
Semester/Jurusan :III.2/ PAI

1. What is your plan after graduate from STAI almasthuriyah , please explain !
1). My plan after graduating from Stai Al Mashuriyah is that I want to practice the knowledge
that I have gained here, and also I will start how to get involved in society, and start learning
how to actually live like that.

2. What do you know about the quality improvement please mention and explain !
2). Quality improvement is actions taken to increase product value for customers through
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of processes and activities through the
organizational structure.

3. Please introduction and make journal english about eduacation !

Education in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Educational Administration Study Program, Postgraduate Indonesian
The Covid-19 pandemic so far has changed many things, especially changing various
aspects of human life at this time, especially in the world of education. This situation requires
all elements of education to adapt and continue the rest of the semester. The purpose of this
research is to provide a general overview of education and learning during the Covid-
19 pandemic. This research uses a descriptive method. The analysis of this research was
conducted on an international article, national orsimilar sources related to learning solutions
during the pandemic. Online learning is an effective solution to activate classes even though
schools have been closed considering that times and places are at risk during this pandemic.
However, this learningtechnique is important to evaluate according to local conditions
considering the distribution of facilities and the ability of parents to provide different
online learning facilities to students in Indonesia
.Keywords:Education, Learning, Pandemic Period, Covid-19
On December 31, 2019, a similar case with unknown pneumonia emerged in Wuhan, China
(Lee, 2020). The case was caused by the corona virus or known as COVID-19 (Corona Virus
Desese-2019). The characteristic of this virus is the high speed of spread. Based on WHO data,
it was found that COVID-19 has become a global pandemic with 4,534,0731 confirmed
positive cases in 216 countries around the world (Update: 17-05-2020). The Corona virus has
also been endemic in Indonesia since early March until May 12, 2020, there are 17,514
confirmed positive cases spread across 34 provinces and 415 districts/cities (Task Force for the
Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Indonesia, 2020). The impact of the COVID-19
pandemic has changed various aspects of human life.
The story of this outbreak can have a different ending in each country (Lee, 2020) depending
on the policies implemented and the government's response to minimize its spread. Various
kinds of policies set by the Indonesian state to reduce the rate of the virus spreading very
quickly, a social distancing policy, physical distancing to the implementation of PSBB in
various regions was implemented. All these things were issued and implemented to limit the
spread of SSN: 2614-6754 (print) ISSN: 2614-3097 (online) Page 3014-3018 Volume 5
Number 2 Year 2021 Tambusai Educational Journal 3015 Covid-19 which of course has an
impact on all fields, be it education, economy and even tourism in Indonesia
In terms of education, all of this urges distance education examiners, which have never been
carried out simultaneously before (Sun et al., 2020), towards all elements and fields of work,
namely students, teachers and parents. Considering that during a pandemic, time, location and
distance are a big problem at this time (Kusuma & Hamidah, 2020). So that distance learning
is a solution to overcome difficulties in carrying out face-to-face learning. This poses a
challenge to all elements and levels of education to keep classes active even after schools have
The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak has spawned online-based learning in all
parts of the world until now until the Covid-19 pandemic ends (Goldschmidt & Msn, 2020).
Elements in learning that will take place online, such as teachers and educators, are required to
carry out a large-scale transmission that has never been done before from traditional face-to-
face education to online or distance-based education. Unlimited technological developments
support the 4.0 revolution. This is able to solve the problem of student delays in obtaining
knowledge and knowledge that they should be able to easily and more clearly.
Educators and all elements of education make it imperative to maintain online learning. This
makes them to carry out and create various innovations and adaptations related to the use of
technology that is already available to support the learning process (Ahmed et al., 2020). The
practice requires educators and students to interact and transfer knowledge online. Online
learning can take advantage of platforms in the form of applications, websites, social networks
and learning management systems (Gunawan et al., 2020). These various platforms can be used
to support knowledge transfer supported by various discussion techniques and others
Based on this description, a review of articles was carried out with the aim of providing an
overview regarding online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This is
important in order to know the implementation and impact of online learning on students in
Indonesia in the hope of providing information and improvements to the policies carried out.
This research uses descriptive content analysis study method. This method is a content analysis
intended to describe the content of a particular information or text (Munirah, 2015). The
analysis carried out by the author is based on various scientific articles which are certainly
related to education and online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The articles were
obtained from international, national journals and other similar sources.
The social distancing and physical distancing policies implemented to minimize the spread of
Covid-19 encourage all elements of education to activate classes even though schools are
closed. School closures are the most effective mitigation measure to minimize the spread of
the epidemic in children. The solution given is to apply home learning by utilizing various
supporting facilities
During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning at home or online is a solution to continue learning at
school. Online learning can be defined as a knowledge transfer experience using various media
in the form of video, audio, images, text communication, and software (Basilaia & Kvavadze,
2020) and SSN: 2614-6754 (print) ISSN: 2614-3097 (online)Page 3014- 3018 Volume 5
Number 2 Year 2021 Tambusai Education Journal 3016 with the support of the internet
network in its continuity (Zhu & Liu, 2020). This is a modification of knowledge transfer
through website forums (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020) and digital technology trends as a
hallmark of the industrial revolution 4.0 to support learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Technology integration and various innovations are the hallmarks of online learning (Banggur
et al., 2018). In addition, the most important thing is the readiness of educators and students to
interact online. From various research and scientific journals that have been analyzed by the
author, only about 28% stated that their children learn by using online media, either using
learning conference media or using applications. study online.
On the other hand, the use of offline learning media using books and student worksheets is the
dominant method (66%) used by teachers. The rest, which is about 6% of parents say there is
no learning as long as students are asked to study from home. Judging from the area, especially
in the province, the smaller the province, the smaller the percentage of students who get
learning via online. For example, in East Java, 40% of respondents stated that their children
received online learning. In NTB online learning is less than 10% and in NTT less than 5%.
The rest is through offline books and student worksheets.
Online learning of course requires supporting factors, so that children are able to carry out the
online learning process, if one of the supporting factors is not balanced or does not exist, then
the continuity of online learning will not be able to be done or not perfect. One of the factors
is infrastructure, infrastructure that supports free online learning through various discussion
rooms such as Google Classroom, Whatsapp, Smart Class, Zenius, Quipper and Microsoft
(Abidah et al., 2020). Whatsapp features include Whatsapp Groups which can be used to send
text messages, images, videos and files in various formats to all members (Kusuma & Hamidah,
Online learning demands the role of educators to evaluate effectiveness and adapt to learning
needs. This is important to do to keep fulfilling aspects of learning such as the process of
knowledge, morals, skills, intelligence and aesthetics (Dai & Lin, 2020; Zhu & Liu, 2020).
Given that the change to online learning indirectly affects the absorption of students (Dewi,
2020). It is important to note that the communication between parents and educators is to realize
the independence of students' learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The various benefits
obtained, of course have obstacles that are felt by educators and students in online learning.
The constraints faced are the various regional conditions in Indonesia which cause not all areas
to be reached by internet services and the distribution of internet networks is slow at any time
(Khasanag et al., 2020 ). It also allows high internet usage to affect the health of students.
Another obstacle found was the ability of parents to provide online educational facilities
(Obiakor & Adeniran, 2020) such as the use of the internet network which requires a fee (Jones
& Sharma, 2019; Purwanto et al., 2020).
These problems must of course be evaluated in order to obtain better learning. The key is to
conduct online learning according to local conditions (Zhang et al., 2020). The most important
thing is to create independence and learning skills for students in the midst of the Covid-19
From the discussion above, it can be concluded that education during a pandemic is actually
very minimal in morals, which is usually formed due to offline learning. Not only that,
education during the pandemic also affects the learning system, because at this time learning
is done online. Various benefits from the ease of online learning are supported by various
platforms ranging from discussions to face-to-face virtual. However, this needs to be evaluated
and adjusted to local conditions, considering the ability of parents to provide different online
learning facilities. The key is to maximize the ability of students to learn in a pandemic
condition like this
Abidah, A., Hidaayatullaah, H. N., Simamora, R. M., Fehabutar, D., & Mutakinati, L. (2020).
The Impact of Covid-19 to Indonesian Education and Its Relation to the Philosophy of
“Freedom to Learn.” Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education, 1(1),38–49.Ahmed, S.,
Shehata, M., & Hassanien, M. (2020). Emerging Faculty Needs for Enhancing Student
Engagement on a Virtual Platform. MedEdPublish, 1–5.Banggur, M. D. V., Situmorang, R., &
Rusmono. (2018). Development of Blended Learning-Based Learning in Multimedia
Etymology Subjects. JTP -Journal of Educational Technology, 20(2), 152–165 Basilaia, G., &
Kvavadze, D. (2020). Transition to Online Education in Schools during a SARS-CoV-2
Coronavirus(COVID-19) Pandemic in Georgia.

4. Please example planning by using w hat, where, who, when, why and how !
What business are we going to do? (What)
Who is the target market? (Who)
Where will we open our business? (Where)
When do we start the business? (When)
Why do we open this business instead of others? (Why)
How do we open this business? (How)
5.What do you know bout islamic education , why education is very important our life ?
Please explain !
5). Islamic education is physical and spiritual guidance based on Islamic religious law towards
the formation of the main personality according to Islamic standards.
Education is very important for everyone who aims to educate and develop the potential within
themselves. By growing and developing each individual can have creativity, wider knowledge,
good personality and become a responsible person.

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