Tiara Aunyn Nissa, B. Inggris

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Nama : Tiara Ainun Nissa

Kelas : PAI III. 2

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris


1. because my goal in college is to seek knowledge I don't have much planning for the future
but I hope I can apply the knowledge I got from STAI Al-Masthuriyah and can teach in Islamic
2. Quality improvement are actions taken to increase product value for customers through
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of processes and activities through the
organizational structure.
3. The Effect of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic on Students’ Interest in Learning
With the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process in lectures is carried out with an online
remote system (brave). In this study, the aim of this research is to see how bold learning
affects students' interest in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this
research is a qualitative method. The technique used is interviews by spreading open
questionnaires and also making observations. The subjects of this study were students
majoring in pai STAI Al-Masthuriyah. The sampling technique used purposive sampling
technique. From the research conducted, it was found that the students' interest in learning
from the pai Al-Masthuriyah was still high even though there were some students whose
interest in learning had decreased. The conclusion of this study is that learning has an effect
on students, whether there is an increase or decrease in the learning interest of students in
the major pai Al-Masthuriyah.
4. 1. What will you do after graduating from college?
If given the opportunity I want to practice my knowledge that I have received from
college to teach at one of the Islamic educational institutions.
2. where is the initial institution you want to teach?
My initial plan was that I would start teaching at one of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah in the one
near my village.
3.Who will be able to help you in making this wish come true?
I think it is my father who can help me to achieve my wish because my father is a teacher
and also a scholar.
4.When will you do the planning?
If possible I want to do it Before I graduate college but if it’s not time I will do it After I
graduate college.
5.Why did you choose this plan?
Because I think I can only do that and indeed that is one of my goals.
6.How do you deal with situations when all the essentials you have prepared don’t turn
out the way you wanted them to?
I will do whatever I want to achieve and if everything I do is not what I want I will think of
other ways to achieve it.
5. Islamic education is a planned effort in preparing people to recognize, understand,
appreciate, and believe in the teachings of the Islamic religion accompanied by demands to
respect other religions in inter-religious relations to create national unity and integrity.
I think Islamic Religious Education is very important because the purpose of Islamic religious
education is an effort to get to know the religion that we follow, the religion that we need
and to increase our faith.

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