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1. The Ordinance is not contrary to the Constitution or any national law. It likewise reinforces
Republic Act No. 9262 or the Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004.
2. The confidentiality of records pertaining to cases of violence against women and their children
was also addressed in the ordinance.
3. This Office has no adverse findings as regards the commendable ordinance and respectfully
submits that the Sangguniang Panlalawigan may issue a resolution interposing no objection to
the same.

1. The ordinance is not contrary to the Constitution or any national law. It likewise reinforces
Republic Act No. 10121 or the Philippines Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Acr of 2010.
2. The ordinance gives teeth to DOH Administrative Order No. 2018-0018 dated June 19. 2018,
otherwise known as the National Policy on the Mobilization of Health Emergency Response
3. This Office has no adverse findings as regards the commendable ordinance and respectfully
submits that the Sangguniang Panlalawigan may issue a resolution interposing no objection to
the same.
1. On December 20,2022, a team from the Department of Health and representative from the
Philippines Red Cross visited and conducted inspection at ASMGH. Based on its assessment, the
team did not recommend for the issuance of Certificate of Inclusion of ASMGH as a Blood
Center. It is not qualified due to physical, manpower, and equipment deficiencies.
2. However, the said team recommended that ASMGH is qualified as a Blood Bank. It is noted that
a Blood Center is different from a Blood Bank.
3. Therefore, it is respectfully submitted that the Sangguniang Panlalawigan may issue a Resolution
Establishing a Blood Bank at ASMGH.

1. Minor corrections need to be made to polish the ordinance.
2. Under Section VIII of the ordinance, the penalty should not exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred
Pesos (P2500.00) pursuant to Section 447 of RA No. 7160.
3. Section XI of the ordinance is suggested to be modified to:
“This ordinance shall take effect on the day after full publication in a newspaper of local
circulation and posting in at least two (2) conspicuous places in the municipality for at
least three (3) consecutive weeks.”
4. It is respectfully submitted that the ordinance be returned to origin for modification.

1. The Ordinance is not contrary to the Constitution or any national law.
2. The ordinance will surely create an inclusive culture that respects diversity and human rights. Its
also recognizes the fundamental rights of every person regardless of sex, gender, age, class,
status, disability, religion, and culture.
3. It is respectfully submitted that the Sangguniang Panlalawigan may issue a resolution
interposing no objection to the commendable ordinance.

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