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10 Steps Backed By Science

1.B elieve In Them

Believing your
kid is smarter
than average
makes a

In a study conducted in a classroom, elementary
school teachers were informed that they had
certain students in their class who were
“academic achievers” In fact, these students were
selected at random. Absolutely nothing else was
done by the researchers to single out these
children. Yet by the end of the school year, 30
percent of the the children arbitrarily named as

achievers had gained an average of 22 IQ points,
and almost all had gained at least 10 IQ points.

2.Sleep Deprivation
affects brain growth
Missing an hour of
sleep turns a sixth
grader’s brain into
that of a fourth

“Research shows, there is a correlation between

grades and average amount of sleep. A loss of one
hour of sleep is equivalent to [the loss of] two years

of cognitive maturation and development.

*NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children

3.D on’t Read To
Your Kids, Read With

Research shows, shared
book reading is an
effective vehicle for
promoting the early
literacy ability of kids
Don’t let kids just
when reading is stare at the pictures
enriched with explicit in a book while you
attention to the
development of do all the reading.
children’s reading skills Call attention to the

and strategies.
words. Read with
them, not to them.

4.T echnology helps
kids learn faster
Active technology
(e.g. tablets)
motivates kids to learn by
giving instant feedback
encouraging them to do
better when compared to
passive technology(e.g. T.V.)

“ Research shows, active technology gives your child

an all-rounded exposure to ensure multiple skill
development. It aims at inculcating reading,

musical, mathematical, analytical and technology
skills to give your child the smart edge.
5.R egular
exercising boosts brain
Being in good shape
increases your ability to

“ In a 2007 study of humans, German

researchers found that people learn
vocabulary words 20 percent faster following
exercise than they did before exercise, and
that the rate of learning correlated directly
with levels of BDNF[Brain-derived

neurotrophic factor].

*Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

6.P eer Group
Peer group
has an
affect on

“Research says, most of the character traits that

make us who we are — friendliness, extroversion,
nervousness, openness, and so on — are about
half determined by our genes and half
determined by our peer groups both inside and
outside of the house.
7.H appy Kids =
Successful Kids

Happier kids
are more likely
“ Research shows,
the more satisfied
to turn into the child, the
successful, better their verbal
skills and the
accomplished lower his or her
adults. socio-emotional
* Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents
8.L earning Is An
Active Process
Children learn
faster by doing
things, not by
hearing about

“Our brains evolved to learn by doing things, not by

hearing about them. This is one of the reasons that,
for a lot of skills, it’s much better to spend about
two thirds of your time testing yourself on it rather

than absorbing it.

9. M usic lessons
Research shows
children who
undertake music
lessons exhibited
greater increases
in IQ compared to
children who


A growing body of research finds musical training

gives students learning advantages in the
classroom. Now a Northwestern University study
finds musical training can benefit Grandma, too,
by offsetting some of the deleterious effects of


10. T reats Can
Be A Good Thing — At
The Right Time
Research shows caffeine and sugar can
be brain boosters. Give kids candy and
soda while they study compared to
when they’re relaxing

“ Caffeine and glucose can have beneficial effects on

cognitive performance… Since these areas have
been related to the sustained attention and
working memory processes, results would suggest
that combined caffeine and glucose could increase

the efficiency of the attention system.

S um Up
1. Believe In Them
2. Sleep Deprivation affects brain
3. Don’t Read To Your Kids, Read With
4. Technology helps kids learn faster
5. Regular exercising boosts brain
6. Peer Group Matters
7. Happy Kids = Successful Kids
8. Learning Is An Active Process
9. Music Lessons
10. Treats Can Be a Good Thing — At The
Right Time
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