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Syntax and Constructs of C
• Syntax is the grammar of any programming language.
• Every statement in C must end with semicolon(;)
• Variable declarations:
• Syntax : datatype variablename;
• examples: int sum; float area;
• Constructs of C
• Selection constructs: if, if ..else, if.. else if.. else and switch
• Looping constructs: while, do.. while and for
Syntax and Constructs of C
• Variable is an entity that has a value and is known to the program by
its name.
• Its can be changed during the execution of program
• It can only have one value at anytime during program execution
• Variables are stored in memory.
• in storage locations with unique address
Variable Naming
• Variable declaration:
• Syntax: datatype variablename;
• e.g. float radius; float area;
• All variable declarations should be after main() function call or before
its first use.
Variable Naming

• Every variable name/identifier can start with _ or alphabet but not a

• It should not contain any other special symbols except _
• No blanks/spaces in between variable names are allowed
• Variable names are case-sensitive (max and Max are two different
• Valid variable names: _radius,Radius,_fradius,radius1,
• Invalid variable names:1radius,radius$,1_radius,radius#,radius of circle, a’s,
C Keywords

• Keywords are used by C language. They have predefined meaning.

• They cannot be used as variable names/identifiers
• Examples: int, float, double, if , switch, case, else, break, continue,
while, do, for, main, return, typedef, enum, void, struct, union, signed,
long, unsigned, char,..
Test programs by clicking below link:
Variable Naming-Hungarian Notation
• Variable Name: Hungarian Notation
• Syntax: datatype prefixQualifier;
• prefix: starting character of the variable datatype. always lowercase
• Qualifier: word (run-on words)that defines the purpose of variable usage. begins with
capital letter
• Examples
• To find Area of circle: float fRadius; float fArea;
• To find sum of two integers: int iFirstNumber=0; int iSecondNumber=0; int iSum;
• To read a character: char cLetter;
Lab Problems-5
1. Write a C program to read two numbers and display the product of two numbers.
2. Write a C program to read the radius and display the volume of sphere and surface
area of sphere.
3. Write a C program to read temperature in Fahrenheit and convert temperature from
Fahrenheit to centigrade. Test the program for the following values:68, 150, 0, 212, -
22, -200(degrees Fahrenheit)
4. Write a C program to swap two values without using temporary variable.
5. Write a C program to read the marks of 4 subjects of a student and find the average
marks scored.
6. Write a C program to calculate the mass of air in automobile tyre using formula
PV=0.37 m(T+460) where P =pressure, V=volume, m=mass of air, T=temperature in

Note: Use Hungarian Notation while naming variables.

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