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Movement Disorders: Overview and Treatment Options

Article · April 2005


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2 authors, including:

Bruce R Ransom
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


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Movement Disorders:
Overview and Treatment Options
Ali Samii, MD, and Bruce R. Ransom, MD, PhD

Educational Objectives cles.1 Usually, the hands are involved, but the head, jaw, voice,
tongue, and the lower limbs may also be affected.
A resting tremor occurs while a limb is not active or when it
■ Review the terminology used to describe movement
is at complete rest against gravity. The resting tremor in Parkin-
son’s disease (PD) affects the upper limbs asymmetrically.
■ Discuss individual movement disorder syndromes, An action tremor, such as that seen in essential tremor (the
including essential tremor, Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, most common movement disorder), can be:
myoclonus, chorea, tic disorders, tardive dyskinesia and
akasthisia, restless limbs syndrome, and Wilson’s disease. • postural, as when a limb maintains position against grav-
■ Review current treatment options for individual ity (e.g., with the hands in the outstretched position).
movement disorders. • intention (terminal), as observed in the finger-to-nose-to-
finger test.
• task-specific (observed while a person is performing a cer-
tain activity, such as writing).
The area of movement disorders is a subspecialty of neurol- Parkinsonism is a nonspecific term that refers to a combina-
ogy focusing on a variety of conditions that are characterized tion of signs seen in PD. These include tremor, rigidity,
by hypokinetic, hyperkinetic, or abnormally coordinated move- bradykinesia, and postural instability. PD is defined more
ments. These conditions include tremor, specifically, with gradations of diagnostic
parkinsonism, dystonia, myoclonus, certainty (Table 1).2
chorea, ballismus, ataxia, tic disorders, Dystonia is an abnormal sustained mus-
dyskinesia, akathisia, restless limbs, and cle contraction causing twisting or turn-
others. The term “movement disorders” ing around one or multiple joints.3 It may
may be used to refer to either abnormal affect the neck (cervical dystonia or torti-
movements or to syndromes that cause collis), eyelids (blepharospasm), limbs,
these abnormal movements. trunk, or vocal cords (spasmodic dysphonia). Dystonia can be
The classification of movement disorders is based on phe- focal, segmental, or generalized. “Writer’s cramp” is a focal
nomenology, individual syndromes, or etiology. In this article, hand dystonia. With segmental dystonia, an entire limb or
we will first review the terminology used to describe movement trunk is involved. Generalized or multifocal dystonia affects
disorders, then briefly discuss individual movement disorder multiple body parts.
syndromes. The focus of this article is on treatment options. Myoclonus may be “positive” or “negative.” Positive myo-
clonus is a sudden, brief muscle contraction; a negative myo-
clonus (e.g., asterixis) is an interruption of muscle contraction
Terminology in the extended arm and wrist that causes inhibition of the ac-
A tremor is a rhythmic oscillation of a body part by alternat- tivated muscle.4
ing or synchronous contraction of agonist and antagonist mus- Chorea, meaning “dance” in Greek, resembles exaggerated
fidgetiness. The movements are usually generalized and pur-
Dr. Samii is Associate Professor and Dr. Ransom is Warren Magnuson poseless. In mild cases, chorea may be blended into natural
Professor and Chair, both in the Department of Neurology at the Univer- movements and may appear purposeful.
sity of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Samii Choreoathetosis refers to slow and writhing movements.
is Director of the Seattle Parkinson Disease Research, Education and Ballismus is a large-amplitude, sometimes violent, proximal
Clinical Center (PADRECC) at the Seattle Veterans Affairs Puget Sound chorea. It usually occurs acutely on one side of the body
Health Sciences Center. Dr. Ransom is a member of P&T’s editorial board. (hemiballismus) after an infarct in the contralateral subthala-

228 P&T® • April 2005 • Vol. 30 No. 4


mic nucleus (STN) or with STN stimulation for the treatment kinesia refers to choreodystonic movements secondary to the
of PD. long-term use of neuroleptic or antiemetic medications that
Ataxia refers to impaired motor coordination that is usually have dopamine antagonist activity.7
related to disorders of the cerebellum or its connections with Akathisia is excessive motor activity that is intended to
the brain and spinal cord. It is characterized by slurred speech, relieve a sensation of inner restlessness, which occurs either
nystagmus, dysmetria (undershooting or overshooting a tar- acutely or as a late complication of neuroleptic medications.8
get with trajectory limb movements), poor dexterity, and a Patients display agitation, with an inability to remain seated,
wide-based gait. There are no proven drug treatments for and are usually shifting their weight, or pacing.
ataxia caused by primary degenerative cerebellar syndromes. Restless limbs syndrome occurs as a distressing desire to
The therapy for secondary ataxia syndromes (e.g., toxic/meta- move the limbs (usually the legs) while sitting or lying down.
bolic, drug-induced, paraneoplastic, or Wilson’s disease) would The disorder is relieved by walking. Symptoms worsen in the
involve treatment of the primary condition. evening, and periodic limb movements may occur during
Tics are temporarily suppressible, abnormal movements or sleep.9
vocalizations.5 Simple motor tics are isolated, brief, sudden
movements that involve one body part. Complex motor tics may
involve more than one body part and may have a component Treatment of Movement Disorder Syndromes
of dystonia, other complex movements, or even obscene ges- Essential Tremor
tures (copropraxia). A simple vocal tic may be a grunt or a Essential tremor is a prevalent movement disorder.10 The
throat clearing. Complex vocal tics are more elaborate vocal- tremor is present during action, and the hands, head, and
izations, words or phrases, even profanity (coprolalia). voice are affected to variable degrees. A family history is pos-
Dyskinesia literally means “abnormal movement.” However, itive in most patients, with a dominant inheritance pattern and
the term has evolved to refer to abnormal drug-induced invol- variable penetrance.11 The occurrence of a family history is
untary movements, usually choreatic, dystonic, or a com- more common if the patient’s relatives are examined. 12
bination of both. Dyskinesia in PD patients results from the Tremors are worsened by caffeine, stress, and associated
long-term complications of levodopa therapy.6 Tardive dys- medical disorders, such as hyperthyroidism, and they are
relieved by alcohol.

Table 1 Diagnosis of Idiopathic Parkinson’s Medical Therapy

Disease (PD) The initial medication for essential tremor is usually either
primidone (Mysoline®, Xcel) or propranolol (e.g., Inderal®,
Clinical Diagnostic Criteria
Wyeth).13 The starting dose of primidone is 50 mg at bed-
Clinically possible PD
time, with the doses gradually increasing up to 750 mg daily.
• One of asymmetrical resting tremor, asymmetrical
Side effects include somnolence, fatigue, cognitive problems,
rigidity, or asymmetrical bradykinesia
and ataxia. Propranolol should be started at 10 mg daily and
Clinically probable PD
• Any two of asymmetrical resting tremor, asymmetrical titrated as tolerated to 320 mg daily. Adverse drug effects
rigidity, or asymmetrical bradykinesia (ADEs) include bradycardia, hypotension, fatigue, broncho-
Clinically definite PD spasm, depression, and impotence.
• Criteria for clinically probable PD Primidone and propranolol can be administered together.
• Definitive response to antiparkinson medications Topiramate (Topamax®, Ortho-McNeil), gabapentin (Neu-
rontin®, Pfizer), and the benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam
Exclusion Criteria [Valium®, Roche]) may also relieve tremors. Injections of bot-
• Exposure to drugs that can cause parkinsonism, such as ulinum toxin may also be helpful.14,15
neuroleptic agents, some antiemetic medications, tetra-
benazine, reserpine, flunarizine, and cinnarizine Surgical Options
• Cerebellar signs Thalamotomy
• Corticospinal tract signs When severe essential tremor is intractable to medical ther-
• Eye-movement abnormalities other than slight limita- apy, unilateral thalamotomy (surgical destruction of a small
tion of upward gaze part of the thalamus) improves the contralateral tremor. Bilat-
• Severe dysautonomia eral thalamotomy is rarely performed, because it can result in
• Early moderate-to-severe gait disturbance or dementia cognition and gait disturbances.
• History of encephalitis, recurrent head injury, or a fam- Deep-Brain Stimulation
ily history of PD in two or more family members Although the exact mechanism of deep-brain stimulation is
• Evidence of severe subcortical white-matter disease,
unknown, the technique is thought to suppress neuronal activ-
hydrocephalus, or other structural lesions on magnetic
ity in the target (in this case, the same part of the thalamus that
resonance imaging that might explain parkinsonism
would be destroyed in thalamotomy) by stimulating it at high
frequency. Thalamic deep-brain stimulation is considered safer

Vol. 30 No. 4 • April 2005 • P&T® 229


than thalamotomy,16 presumably because there is no signifi- In a controlled trial of intraventricular infusion of glial cell
cant destruction of brain tissue, the effects are considered re- line–derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in PD patients,
versible, and the degree to which the target is suppressed can GDNF did not improve motor symptoms.33 In an open-label
be adjusted. study, five PD patients who received GDNF infusions via
Serious surgical complications include symptomatic brain catheters directly into the putamen improved after a year.34 A
hemorrhage (usually fewer than 3% of patients) and death larger controlled trial of bilateral intraputamenal GDNF infu-
(fewer than 1%). sion sought to confirm these findings, but no benefits over
placebo were observed.35
Parkinson’s Disease Treatment is initiated when motor symptoms cause dis-
The cardinal features of PD are resting tremor, rigidity, and ability. Anticholinergic agents are rarely used in younger
bradykinesia. Postural instability is sometimes considered a patients, in whom tremor is the major symptom. The more
cardinal feature, but this is a nonspecific finding that is usually definitive treatment of early PD consists of either a dopamine
absent in early PD, especially in younger patients. Nonmotor agonist or levodopa. Because dopamine agonists cause less
features may occur in PD, including autonomic dysfunction, dyskinesia than levodopa,36,37 they are usually the initial ther-
cognitive and psychiatric changes, sensory symptoms, and apy for younger patients. Side effects of dopamine agonists
sleep disturbances. The diagnostic criteria for PD have become include nausea, hypotension, leg edema, vivid dreams, hallu-
more rigorous with gradations of diagnostic certainty (Table cinations (especially in elderly people with cognitive deficits),
1).17,18 somnolence, and sleep attacks.38
The prevalence of PD in industrialized countries is esti- Dopamine agonists have less antiparkinson efficacy than
mated at 0.3% of the general population; approximately 1% of levodopa does, but agonist monotherapy can sometimes
people over 60 years of age are affected.19,20 The prevalence is control motor symptoms for the first two to five years. The non-
slightly higher in men than in women.21 The mean age of ergot agonists, such as pramipexole (Mirapex®, Pfizer) and
onset is about 60 years,22 but 5% of patients experience their ropinirole (Requip®, GlaxoSmithKline) may help to prevent
first symptom before age 40.23 rare ergot-related retroperitoneal, pulmonary, and cardiac
The etiologic mechanism of PD is unknown, but aging, valve fibrosis.
environmental factors, and a genetic predisposition probably Levodopa remains the most potent antiparkinson drug and
all play a role.24 The recent discovery of several genetic loci is the backbone of therapy throughout much of the course of
related to familial PD has led to the hypothesis that failure of the disease.2 It is the preferred initial drug in older adults and
the ubiquitin–proteasome system and protein misfolding are in those with cognitive deficits or serious comorbid condi-
the final common pathways in the pathogenesis of PD.25 tions. Levodopa is combined with carbidopa (e.g., Sinemet®,
Bristol-Myers Squibb) or benserazide (e.g., Parlopa® in
Medical Therapy Canada) to prevent peripheral conversion to dopamine by
There is no unequivocal neuroprotective agent currently dopa-decarboxylase.
available for PD. Vitamin E was not beneficial in a large multi- Side effects of levodopa are similar to those of dopamine
center trial in patients with early PD.26 The efficacy of selegi- agonists, although somnolence, hallucinations, and leg edema
line (Eldepryl®, Watson), a monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) are less common. Complications of long-term levodopa ther-
inhibitor, in delaying the initiation of levodopa is at least par- apy include motor fluctuations, including “end-of-dose wearing-
tially a consequence of symptomatic relief of motor symptoms off ” and “on–off” phenomena, and dyskinesia.39 Dividing
rather than neuroprotection.27 protein intake throughout the day may help to reduce motor
Patients with early PD who were treated for a year with fluctuations.
rasagiline (Teva Pharmaceuticals), another MAO-B inhibitor, Controlled-release forms of levodopa may provide a longer
showed less functional decline than patients whose treatment duration of benefit, but their absorption is more unpredictable
with rasagiline was delayed for six months.28 The issue of than immediate-release levodopa. Catechol-O-methyl trans-
possible neuroprotection by MAO-B inhibitors remains un- ferase (COMT) inhibitors, such as entacapone (Comtan®,
resolved. Novartis) and tolcapone (Tasmar®, Roche), prolong the half-
One pilot study suggested that high-dose coenzyme Q10 life of circulating levodopa and improve end-of-dose wearing-
might slow symptom progression in early PD.29 These results off.40 Tolcapone is more potent, but its use has declined signif-
have yet to be confirmed in larger studies with longer follow- icantly because of a few cases of fatal liver failure.41 Dyskinesia
up periods. can be alleviated with a lower levodopa dosage but at the
Controlled trials of dopamine agonists versus levodopa in expense of worsening motor symptoms. In patients with motor
early PD using functional imaging of the dopaminergic system fluctuations and dyskinesia, adding a dopamine agonist to
have claimed a slower rate of disease progression in PD levodopa may help reduce motor fluctuations. It may also allow
patients who were started on dopamine agonists.30,31 How- for levodopa reduction, which in turn alleviates dyskinesia.
ever, these results are are still being debated, in part because The subcutaneously injectable dopamine agonist apo-
of issues surrounding the accuracy of functional neuro- morphine is useful for rapid treatment of “off” periods in PD.42
imaging techniques as markers of disease progression.32 However, given the severity of apomorphine-induced nausea,

230 P&T® • April 2005 • Vol. 30 No. 4


premedication with domperidone (Motilium™, Janssen) or King) or midodrine (ProAmatine®, Shire). Drooling may be
trimethobenzamide (Tigan®, King) is needed. Amantadine reduced by the peripheral anticholinergic agent glycopyrrolate
(Symmetrel®, Endo) may also suppress dyskinesia, possibly (Robinul®, First Horizon), but this drug may worsen consti-
by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonism.43 pation. Injection of botulinum toxin into the salivary glands
reduces drooling.53
Nonmotor Symptoms Urinary urgency may be treated with peripheral anticholin-
Nonmotor symptoms in PD may occur as part of the disease ergic agents, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan®, Ortho-McNeil)
or as complications of treatment. These include depression, and tolterodine tartrate (Detrol®, Pfizer) or with alpha-adren-
constipation, sleep disturbance, psychosis, cognitive impair- ergic blocking agents, such as prazosin (Minipress®, Pfizer)
ment, orthostatic hypotension, drooling, and urinary urgency. and terazosin (Hytrin®, Abbott). Unfortunately, the former
Depression in PD is usually treated with a selective serotonin agents worsen constipation and the latter agents exacerbate
reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).44 No controlled head-to-head stud- hypotension.
ies have suggested that one SSRI is superior to another in PD.
The aggressive use of multiple modalities (e.g., stool soften- Surgical Options
ers, increased fiber intake, and suppositories) is indicated for Deep-Brain Stimulation
treating constipation. For more than a decade, deep-brain stimulation of “hyper-
Disorders of sleep in PD patients include daytime somno- active” nuclei has been used to help relieve motor symptoms
lence, sleep attacks, night-time awakenings caused by in PD patients with severe motor fluctuations and dyskinesia.
overnight bradykinesia, rapid-eye movement (REM) behavior High-frequency stimulation of deep-brain targets presumably
disorder, and restless limbs or periodic limb movements.45 reduces neural activity in the tissue surrounding the electrode
Daytime somnolence and sleep attacks may be associated contact.
with dopamine agonists, and the agonist may have to be dis- The suppression of the target induced by this technique can
continued.46 be sculpted by adjustments of the electrode configuration,
Overnight bradykinesia and restless limbs syndrome may stimulation intensity, pulse width, and frequency. Bilateral
be alleviated with a bedtime dose of long-acting levodopa, stimulation of the internal globus pallidus (GPi) or the subthal-
sometimes with entacapone, or a dopamine agonist. Clon- amic nucleus (STN) helps to relieve PD motor symptoms.54
azepam (Konopin®, Roche) is effective in treating REM behav- Some researchers claim that bilateral STN stimulation is
ior disorder. superior to bilateral GPi stimulation in PD patients because it
Psychosis in PD patients is thought to be mostly drug- allows a reduction in antiparkinson medications,55 but the
induced, and it occurs more frequently in patients with demen- debate continues regarding the optimal stimulation target for
tia. Dopamine agonists are more likely than levodopa to cause PD. A large randomized, multicenter study comparing bilateral
hallucinations.38 STN to bilateral GPi stimulation is currently under way.
First, the agonist or anticholinergic agent should be discon- The adverse effects of deep-brain stimulation include brain
tinued, and the lowest dose of levodopa should be used. Adding hemorrhage, infarct, seizures, and death. Other complications
an atypical neuroleptic drug may be necessary. Quetiapine include breakage of the leads, various hardware failures, mal-
fumarate (Seroquel®, AstraZeneca) is the more popular atyp- function of the pulse generator, and infected hardware. Side
ical neuroleptic agent in therapy for PD. It causes fewer extra- effects from the stimulation itself include gait disturbances and
pyramidal ADEs than risperidone (Risperdal®, Janssen) or worsening dyskinesia, paresthesias, cognition, mood, and
olanzapine (Zyprexa®, Eli Lilly), and there is no need for speech. The stimulation-related side effects may be reversible
weekly or biweekly measurements of the complete blood count by adjusting stimulation parameters.
(CBC), as would be required with clozapine (Clozaril®, Novar- The key to a successful outcome is appropriate patient selec-
tis).47 Open-label studies have suggested that dementia and tion.56 Surgical patients must have clinically definitive PD with
psychosis in PD may be treated with central cholinesterase in- documented motor improvement after levodopa therapy. All
hibitors.48 attempts to optimize drug therapy must have failed to relieve
Rivastigmine tartrate (Exelon®, Novartis) has been effec- motor fluctuations or dyskinesia. Patients should not have
tive for dementia with Lewy bodies49 and in treating the demen- dementia, untreated psychiatric conditions, or serious medical
tia associated with PD.50 Another small randomized, controlled illnesses. Dedication and commitment from patients and their
study showed that donepezil (Aricept®, Esai/Pfizer) improved families are essential for maintaining frequent follow-up visits.
cognition in PD patients.51 Memantine (Namenda®, Forest), Restorative (Transplantation) Therapy
proven to be effective in moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s de- In the first randomized sham surgery-controlled study of
mentia,52 has not been evaluated in a large, controlled study fetal mesencephalic tissue transplantation, younger patients
for dementia in PD, but it may prove to be useful. showed some improvement in the “medication-off” state, but
Treatment options for hypotension include reducing the many patients experienced disabling dyskinesia.57 The second
dosage of antiparkinson medications, increasing the salt and randomized, controlled study found no significant motor im-
fluid intake, and adding fludrocortisone acetate (Florinef®, provement.58 Most transplant recipients developed dyskinesia

Vol. 30 No. 4 • April 2005 • P&T® 231


Table 2 Drug Therapy for Movement Disorders

Condition Medication Dose Range Side Effects

Essential tremor Propranolol (beta blocker) 30–180 mg daily Hypotension, bradycardia, fatigue,
impotence, bronchospasm, depression
Primidone (anticonvulsant) 50–500 mg daily Somnolence, cognitive impairment
Topiramate (anticonvulsant) 25–200 mg daily Somnolence, cognitive impairment,
weight loss, paresthesias
Parkinson disease Immediate-release carbidopa/ 25/100 or 25/250 from 1/2 Nausea, somnolence, dyskinesia,
(motor symptoms) levodopa (levodopa is a precur- tablet t.i.d. to as high as hypotension, hallucinations
sor to dopamine, and carbidopa tolerated, depending on
blocks conversion of levodopa motor symptoms
to dopamine in the periphery)
Controlled-release 25/100 and 50/200 1/2 Nausea, somnolence, dyskinesia,
carbidopa/levodopa tablet t.i.d. to as high as hypotension, hallucinations
Ropinirole (non–ergot-derived 0.25 mg t.i.d. to 5 mg q.i.d. Nausea, more somnolence than levodopa,
dopamine agonist) less dyskinesia than levodopa, sleep at-
tacks, leg edema, hallucination, hypotension
Pramipexole (non–ergot- 0.125 mg t.i.d.–1.5 mg Nausea, more somnolence than levodopa,
derived dopamine agonist) q.i.d. less dyskinesia than levodopa, sleep at-
tacks, leg edema, hallucination, hypotension
Pergolide (ergot-derived 0.05 mg t.i.d.–1 mg q.i.d. Same as ropinirole and pramipexole,
dopamine agonist) plus cardiac valve, retroperitoneal and
pulmonary fibrosis
Entacapone (catechol-O-methyl 200 mg with each dose Exacerbates levodopa’s side effects;
transferase inhibitor) of carbidopa/levodopa diarrhea and bright-orange urine
Tolcapone (catechol-O-methyl 100 mg t.i.d. Exacerbates levodopa’s side effects;
transferase inhibitor) diarrhea, rare liver failure (liver enzyme
monitoring required)
Selegiline (selective monoamine 5 mg b.i.d. Nausea, insomnia, interaction with other
oxidase-B inhibitor) monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Trihexyphenidyl (central 2–10 mg daily Dry mouth, dry eyes, constipation,
anticholinergic agent) hypotension, cognitive impairment,
urinary retention
Amantadine (N-methyl-D- 100 mg b.i.d.–t.i.d. Nausea, hypotension, hallucinations,
aspartate receptor inhibitor) confusion, edema
Apomorphine (non–ergot- 1–6 mg SQ injection Severe nausea, abdominal cramps, yawning,
derived injectable dopamine for severe "off" episodes somnolence, hallucinations, hypotension
Parkinson disease
(non-motor symptoms)
REM behavior Clonazepam (benzodiazepine) 0.25–3 mg Residual daytime somnolence, impaired
disorder cognition, worsening of sleep apnea
Psychosis Quetiapine (antipsychotic agent) 12.5–200 mg daily Somnolence, worsening of motor
symptoms, confusion
Clozapine (antipsychotic agent) 12.5–100 mg daily Same as quetiapine plus possible
agranulocytosis requiring frequent
blood count measurements

232 P&T® • April 2005 • Vol. 30 No. 4


Table 2 Drug Therapy for Movement Disorders, continued

Condition Medication Dose Range Side Effects

Dementia Rivastigmine (central 1.5–6 mg b.i.d. Nausea and abdominal cramps
cholinesterase inhibitor)
Donepezil (central 5–10 mg daily Nausea and abdominal cramps
cholinesterase inhibitor)
Galantamine (central 4–12 mg b.i.d. Nausea and abdominal cramps
cholinesterase inhibitor)

Levodopa- and Domperidone (peripheral 10–20 mg with each dose No common side effects
dopamine agonist- dopamine antagonist) of carbidopa/levodopa
induced nausea or dopamine agonist
Levodopa-induced Carbidopa alone (Lodosyn®) 25 mg with each dose of No common side effects
nausea carbidopa/levodopa
Depression SSRIs Depends on drug SSRI adverse effects vary among individual
Orthostatic Fludrocortisone 0.1–0.3 mg daily Hypertension, edema, fluid retention
hypotension (mineralocorticoid)
Midodrine (peripheral alpha- 10–30 mg daily Hypertension, piloerection, urinary
agonist) retention
Drooling Glycopyrrolate (peripheral 2–8 mg daily Dry mouth, dry eyes, constipation,
anticholinergic agent) hypotension, urinary retention
Botulinum toxin injections 20–100 units Dry mouth, difficulty chewing
or swallowing
Urinary urgency Peripheral anticholinergic agents Depends on drug Dry mouth, dry eyes, constipation,
(e.g., tolterodine, oxybutynin) hypotension, urinary retention
Alpha-adrenergic blocking Depends on drug Hypotension
agents (e.g., prazosin, terazosin)
Dystonia Trihexyphenidyl 2–10 mg daily Dry mouth, dry eyes, constipation,
hypotension, cognitive impairment,
urinary retention
Benztropine (central 2–8 mg daily Dry mouth, dry eyes, constipation,
anticholinergic agent) hypotension, cognitive impairment,
urinary retention
Carbidopa/levodopa Smaller doses than Nausea, somnolence, dyskinesia,
for Parkinson’s disease hypotension, hallucinations

Botulinum toxin injections Depends on body part Depends on body part injected
for focal dystonia injected
Myoclonus Valproic acid (anticonvulsant) 500–2,000 mg daily Somnolence, cognitive impairment, tremor,
hair loss, weight gain, thrombocytopenia,
elevated ammonia
Clonazepam 1–4 mg daily Somnolence, cognitive impairment, fatigue
Levetiracetam (anticonvulsant) 500–3,000 mg daily Somnolence, cognitive impairment, fatigue
Primidone 50–500 mg daily Somnolence, cognitive impairment, fatigue

Vol. 30 No. 4 • April 2005 • P&T® 233


Table 2 Drug Therapy for Movement Disorders, continued

Condition Medication Dose Range Side Effects

Chorea Neuroleptic (antipsychotic) Depends on drug Somnolence, cognitive impairment,
agents parkinsonism, plus others
Reserpine (monoamine 0.1–1.0 mg daily Hypotension, depression, parkinsonism
Tetrabenazine (monoamine 12.5–100 mg daily Hypotension, depression, parkinsonism
vesicular transporter inhibitor)
Tic disorder Clonidine (central alpha- 0.1–0.4 mg daily Hypotension
adrenergic agonist)
Neuroleptic agents (quetiapine, Depends on drug Somnolence, cognitive impairment,
risperidone, olanzapine, dystonic reaction, parkinsonism, tardive
pimozide, haloperidol) dyskinesia
Reserpine and tetrabenazine Depends on drug Hypotension, depression,

Tardive dyskinesia Stop the offending drug first — —

Dystonic dyskinesia Trihexyphenydil or benztropine Depends on drug Dry mouth, dry eyes, constipation,
only hypotension, cognitive impairment,
urinary retention
Clozapine or quetiapine Depends on drug Somnolence, confusion, and
agranulocytosis with clozapine

Reserpine or tetrabenazine Depends on drug Hypotension, depression,


Akathisia Stop the offending drug first — —

No definitive drug therapy — —
(see text)
Restless limbs Ropinirole 0.25–3 mg qhs, or more Nausea, somnolence, leg edema,
often hypotension, hallucinations

Pramipexole 0.125–1.5 mg qhs, Nausea, somnolence, leg edema,

or more often hypotension, hallucinations

Controlled-release 50/200 1/2 tablet qhs, Nausea, hypotension, somnolence

carbidopa/levodopa or more often

Gabapentin (anticonvulsant) 300–600 mg qhs or more Somnolence, cognitive impairment,

often fatigue

Clonazepam 0.25 mg–1 mg qhs Somnolence, cognitive impairment,

or more often fatigue

Wilson’s disease Zinc acetate (blocks copper 50 mg t.i.d. Gastrointestinal upset and rarely
absorption) pancreatitis
Trientene (heavy metal 250 mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. Initial neurological worsening, bone mar-
chelator) row suppression, proteinuria, dermatitis
Penicillamine (heavy metal 250 mg t.i.d. or q.i.d. Similar to trientene
b.i.d. = twice daily; q.i.d. = four times daily; mg = milligrams; qhs = at bedtime; REM = rapid-eye movement; SQ = subcutaneous;
SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; t.i.d. = three times daily.

234 P&T® • April 2005 • Vol. 30 No. 4


that persisted after the withdrawal of dopaminergic therapy. alopathy exists, and myoclonus is one of the clinical signs.
Therefore, at present, fetal nigral transplantation is not a treat- In cortical myoclonus, the sensorimotor cortex is the site of
ment option for PD. The negative results from fetal tissue origination;65 therefore, cortical myoclonus is a fragment of
transplantation have dampened the enthusiasm for stem-cell epilepsy, and its treatment frequently involves anticonvulsant
therapy. At present, there are no large-scale stem-cell human agents. The most commonly used drugs are valproic acid,
clinical trials for PD. clonazepam, and primidone. Levetiracetam (Keppra®, UCB
Pharma) has emerged as an effective antimyoclonic drug,66
Other Movement Disorders and it may also alleviate negative myoclonus, which has tradi-
Dystonia tionally proved challenging to treat.67
Dystonia may be classified by the body part affected or by
its etiology, including genetic forms.3,59 Chorea
Dopa-responsive dystonia is a rare genetic disorder that Chorea can be obser ved in patients with Huntington’s
begins in childhood. Dystonia usually starts in one leg. There disease, benign hereditary chorea, endocrine-mediated dis-
is a diurnal fluctuation, and patients respond dramatically to rel- orders (e.g., hyperthyroidism), or autoimmune-mediated
atively low doses of levodopa.60 disorders (e.g., Sydenham’s chorea and lupus). Chorea is a
Drug-induced dystonia may occur acutely or as a tardive major component of levodopa-induced dyskinesia in PD and
phenomenon from exposure to neuroleptic agents, antiemetic neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia.
therapy, and promotility drugs with dopamine antagonist activ- Therapy for chorea begins with treating the underlying con-
ity, such as prochlorperazine (Compazine®, GlaxoSmith dition or reducing or stopping the drug that is potentially caus-
Kline), promethazine (Phenergan®, Wyeth) and metoclo- ing it. The next step depends on the cause.
pramide (Reglan®, Wyeth). Patients must avoid the offending In PD patients with levodopa-induced choreatic dyskinesia,
drug and similar drugs in the future, and they should use drug adjustments are necessary (see “Medical Therapy” on
centrally acting anticholinergic agents, such as benztropine page 230).
mesylate (Cogentin®, Merck) orally or intravenously. In neuroleptic-induced choreatic tardive dyskinesia, the
Although focal dystonias may be treated initially with anti- offending neuroleptic agent should be discontinued. If the
cholinergic agents, benzodiazepines, or muscle relaxants, patient requires antipsychotic therapy, an atypical neuroleptic
these drugs are somewhat ineffective at doses that would not agent should be used. Clozapine has proved the most effica-
cause side effects. Therefore, botulinum toxin injections are cious among the neuroleptic drugs in alleviating tardive dysk-
the first line of therapy for most focal dystonias, including tor- inesia; however, it may cause agranulocytosis, and CBC mon-
ticollis, blepharospasm, and focal limb dystonia. In selected itoring is necessary.68
cases, electromyographic guidance helps to localize the mus- Anticholinergic medications are not effective in alleviating
cles targeted for injection. chorea. In Huntington disease, treatment of chorea begins
Treatment of generalized dystonia is more challenging, with a neuroleptic agent, but monoamine-depleting agents
because botulinum toxin cannot be injected at high doses in may also be used. Benzodiazepines may help suppress chorea
multiple body parts. Anticholinergic agents, benzodiazepines, in a variety of disorders.
muscle relaxants, and anticonvulsants are frequently used. Ballismus, a condition in which the limbs fling violently and
Other options for managing severe generalized dystonia involuntarily, is rare. It usually occurs as hemiballismus, with
include intrathecal baclofen (Lioresal®, Novartis),61 tetra- only one side affected, after an infarct in the contralateral STN.
benazine (Xenazine™ or Nitroman®, Prestwick),62 and reser- The violent nature of ballismus dissipates over time, and the
pine. 63 Tetrabenazine and reserpine act as monoamine movements become choreatic. Its treatment is similar to that
“depleters” and may cause depression, hypotension, and drug- for chorea.
induced parkinsonism. Bilateral pallidal deep-brain stimulation
is effective in severe cases of generalized dystonia.64 Tic Disorders
Tourette syndrome is a neuropsychiatric disorder character-
Myoclonus ized by motor and vocal tics.5 Depression and obsessive-
Myoclonus can be classified according to its site of origin, compulsive traits are common in Tourette syndrome and in tic
its etiology, or the body part involved.4 Although the exact site disorders in general. Therefore, treating the underlying psy-
of myoclonus is difficult to determine, cortical, subcortical chiatric conditions is extremely important in conjunction with
(brainstem), and spinal (including propriospinal) types of myo- treating the movement disorder.69
clonus are described. Two classes of drugs are usually used as first-line therapy
Physiological myoclonus occurs in normal subjects and to suppress tics: alpha2-adrenergic agonists and neuroleptic
includes jerking movements during sleep as well as anxiety- agents.70 Guanfacine (Tenex®, A. H. Robbins) and clonidine
induced or exercise-induced myoclonus. (Catapres®, Boehringer Ingelheim) are two alpha2-adrenergic
In essential myoclonus, there is no known cause and there agonists that are less effective than neuroleptic drugs in sup-
are no gross neurological deficits. pressing tics, but they have better side-effect profiles. Cloni-
In symptomatic myoclonus, a progressive or static enceph- dine is commonly used in the U.S. with a starting dose of 0.1

Vol. 30 No. 4 • April 2005 • P&T® 235


mg daily in adults. The dose may be slowly increased to 0.4 mg brought on by rest. Symptoms worsen in the evenings and at
daily, and patients should be monitored for hypotension. night, and patients experience periodic limb movements dur-
Haloperidol (Haldol®, Ortho-McNeil)and pimozide (Orap®, ing sleep. Although the syndrome is sometimes observed in
Gate) have been the most commonly used neuroleptic agents patients with peripheral neuropathy, most of the time it is not
for the treatment of tics. However, atypical neuroleptic drugs accompanied by neuropathy.
(e.g., risperidone, olanzapine, and quetiapine) have been also There is an association between restless limbs and a defi-
used. The benzodiazepines and even cannabis have also been ciency of brain dopamine and iron deficiency.71 Therefore,
used with variable success. checking iron and ferritin levels is part of the evaluation for this
Monoamine-depleting drugs (e.g., reserpine and tetra- movement disorder.
benazine) suppress tics, but they should be used in conjunc- If iron deficiency is detected, it should be evaluated (with an
tion with close monitoring for side effects. anemia workup) and treated with iron supplementation. If a
For patients with dystonic tics, muscle relaxants, anticholin- sleep study reveals sleep apnea together with periodic limb
ergic agents, and other treatment modalities for dystonia, movements during sleep, the apnea should be treated.
including botulinum toxin injections, are used. Neuroleptic Symptomatic treatment of restless legs and limb movements
therapy, which is frequently used to suppress myoclonic tics, during sleep usually begins with a dopamine agonist, such as
should be avoided in those with dystonic tic disorders. pramipexole or ropinirole.72 Dopamine agonists have longer
durations of action compared with levodopa, and one or two
Tardive Dyskinesia and Akathisia evening or bedtime doses may suffice.
Tardive dyskinesia is typically choreatic, dystonic, or a com- If dopamine agonists are not well tolerated, a controlled-
bination of the two. It is usually a late complication of neuro- release formulation of carbidopa/levodopa should be tried
leptic therapy, but it may occur rarely after repeated exposure next, and the dose should be titrated as tolerated. Other adjunct
to promotility or antiemetic agents that have dopamine antag- medications include gabapentin, benzodiazepines, and low-
onist activity.68 Of course, it is best to prevent tardive syn- potency opiates as a last resort.
dromes by using the lowest dose of an atypical antipsychotic
agent for the shortest possible duration. Wilson’s Disease
Once tardive dyskinesia is present, its treatment can be Wilson’s disease is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of
challenging. The data supporting the use of vitamin E and copper metabolism that causes a buildup of the mineral in the
benzodiazepines are weak, although the sedative and anxi- liver, brain, eye, and other organs. It is a disease of children,
olytic effects of the benzodiazepines may suppress abnormal adolescents, and young adults.73 The neurological manifesta-
movements. tions include large-amplitude tremor, dystonia, chorea, and
There are no large-scale head-to-head studies comparing ataxia.74
atypical neuroleptic agents among themselves. Clozapine and Neurological manifestations may occur in the absence of
quetiapine are associated with the lowest reported cases of tar- hepatic disease. The diagnosis depends on a high index of sus-
dive dyskinesia.68 Therefore, the offending neuroleptic agent picion, a low serum ceruloplasmin level, and high urinary
should first be stopped. If the patient requires neuroleptic excretion of copper.
treatment, quetiapine should be tried initially. However, if psy- Medical therapies include (1) reducing copper in the diet
chosis prevails or tardive dyskinesia deteriorates, clozapine (foods such as shellfish, liver, mushrooms, some legumes,
therapy with CBC monitoring may be necessary. chocolate, soy, bran, and avocado), (2) supplementing with
Centrally acting anticholinergic drugs, such as benztropine zinc, and (3) using chelating agents such as penicillamine or
or trihexyphenidyl (Artane®, Lederle) may alleviate dystonic trientine. In cases of chronic hepatic failure, liver transplanta-
dyskinesia, but they do little for choreatic dyskinesia. tion is an option.
Monoamine-depleting agents may also be used in intractable
cases of tardive dyskinesia.62
Neuroleptic-induced akathisia is characterized by dysphoria Conclusion
and motor restlessness.8 Treatment of akathisia begins with Advances in the treatment of PD and other movement dis-
discontinuation of the offending neuroleptic agent. If the orders continue to provide new strategies in symptomatic
patient requires neuroleptic therapy, using the lowest dose of management of motor and nonmotor symptoms. Atypical
an atypical antipsychotic agent, preferably quetiapine, is rec- neuroleptic agents have significantly reduced the incidence of
ommended. A number of drugs, including beta blockers, anti- tardive dyskinesia. Newer or rediscovered older drugs, as
cholinergics, clonidine, amantadine, and even opiates, have well as functional neurosurgery, have provided better relief of
been somewhat successful in alleviating akathisia. motor fluctuations in PD. However, definitive neuroprotection
and effective restorative therapy for degenerative diseases
Restless Limbs Syndrome remain elusive. Neuroimaging techniques need to be refined
Restless limbs syndrome is a common disorder with a preva- to enhance our ability to follow disease progression at the cel-
lence of 5% to 15% in Western countries.9 It is characterized by lular level. Future drug therapy for PD is focusing as much on
a distressing desire to move the legs, with motor restlessness neuroprotection as on alleviating motor symptoms.

236 P&T® • April 2005 • Vol. 30 No. 4


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238 P&T® • April 2005 • Vol. 30 No. 4


Continuing Education for Physicians and Pharmacists

P&T ® 2005;30(4):228–238
ACPE Program # 079-999-05-016-H01
Expiration Date: April 30, 2006
TOPIC: Movement Disorders: Over view and Treatment Options

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Vol. 30 No. 4 • April 2005 • P&T® 239


Continuing Education Questions for Physicians and Pharmacists

TOPIC: Movement Disorders: Over view and Treatment Options
ACPE Program # 079-999-05-016-H01

CE Evaluation: Select the one best answer to each of the following questions, and record your response on the
examination answer sheet. Complete the additional requested information. Forward the answer sheet, with appro-
priate payment, to the Department of Health Policy,Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, at the address indicated.
A certificate of completion will be mailed within six to eight weeks of receipt of your exam/payment. (A minimum
test score of 70% is required.)

Multiple Choice 6. Which of the following statements is true concerning

pharmaceutical treatments of nonmotor symptoms of
Select the one correct answer. Parkinson’s disease?
a. Memantine was found to be effective in treating dementia
1. Select the false statement concerning terminology associated with Parkinson’s disease in large studies.
related to movement disorders: b. Risperidone is associated with fewer extrapyramidal adverse
a. Action tremor can be postural, intention, or task-specific. drug effects compared with quetiapine in patients with
b. Signs seen in Parkinson’s disease include tremor, rigidity, Parkinson’s disease.
bradykinesia, and postural instability. c. Drooling and urinary urgency can be treated with peripheral
c. Negative myoclonus is a sudden, brief muscle contraction, anticholinergic agents.
whereas positive myoclonus is an interruption of muscle d. Levodopa is more likely than dopamine agonists to induce
contraction in the extended arm and wrist that causes hallucinations.
inhibition of the activated muscle.
d. Chorea resembles exaggerated fidgetiness. 7. Regarding dystonia, which statement is incorrect?
a. Botulinum toxin injections are the first line of therapy for
2. Concerning movement disorders, select the false most focal dystonias.
statement: b. Focal dystonias may first be treated effectively with anti-
a. “Writer’s cramp” is a focal hand dystonia. cholinergic agents, benzodiazepines, or muscle relaxants at
b. The term choreoasthetosis refers to slow and writhing any dose with no insurgence of side effects.
movements. c. Botulinum toxin is not appropriate for the treatment of
c. Impaired motor coordination, ballismus, is characterized by generalized dystonia.
slurred speech, nystagmus, dysmetria, poor dexterity, and a d. Anticholinergic agents, benzodiazepines, muscle relaxants,
wide-based gait. and anticonvulsants are frequently used to treat generalized
d. Dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson’s disease results from dystonia.
the long-term complications of levodopa therapy.
8. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
3. The following statement is false for the treatment of a. In patients with cortical myoclonus, the most commonly
essential tremor: used drugs are valproic acid, clonazepam, and primidone.
a. The starting dose for primidone is 50 mg at bedtime, with b. Benzodiazepines may help to suppress chorea in a variety of
doses gradually increasing up to 750 mg daily. disorders.
b. Side effects associated with primidone include somnolence, c. Anticholinergic medications are very effective in alleviating
fatigue, cognitive problems, and ataxia. chorea.
c. Propranolol should be started at 50 mg daily and titrated as d. Clozapine has the most proven efficacy among neuroleptic
tolerated to 320 mg daily. agents in alleviating tardive dyskinesia; however, it may cause
d. Topiramate, gabapentin, benzodiazepine, and botulinum toxin agranulocytosis, and blood count monitoring is necessary.
may help relieve tremor.
9. Which of the following classes of drugs is/are used to
4. Which of the following statements is true regarding treat tic disorders?
neuroprotective agents for Parkinson’s disease? a. alpha2-adrenergic agonists
a. There is no unequivocal agent available at this time. b. neuroleptic agents
b. Coenzyme Q10 may slow symptom progression in early c. benzodiazepines
Parkinson’s disease. d. all of the above
c. Vitamin E was not beneficial in a large multicenter trial in
patients with early Parkinson’s disease. 10. Regarding restless limbs syndrome, which statement is
d. all of the above incorrect?
a. There is an association between restless limbs and a
5. Which of the following statements concerning deficiency of brain dopamine and iron.
dopamine agonists is false? b. Symptomatic treatment of the syndrome begins with
a. Dopamine agonists cause less dyskinesia than levodopa. dopamine agonists.
b. Dopamine agonists have more antiparkinson efficacy than c. First-line medications include gabapentin and benzo-
levodopa does. diazepines.
c. Dopamine agonists may be used as monotherapy for the first d. If dopamine agonists are not well tolerated, a controlled-
few years of Parkinson’s disease. release formulation of carbidopa/levodopa should be tried
d. The side effects of dopamine agonists include nausea and next.

240 P&T® • April 2005 • Vol. 30 No. 4

Pharmacy and Therapeutics
CE Registration and Evaluation Form
Date of publication: April 2005
Title: Movement Disorders: Over view and Treatment Options
Authors: Ali Samii, MD, and Bruce R. Ransom, MD, PhD
Submission deadline: April 30, 2006 A Peer-Reviewed Journal for Managed Care
and Hospital Formulary Management

ACPE Program # 079-999-05-016-H01

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Degree: ____________________________________
Street address: ______________________________________________ Last 4 Digits of Social Security No. (Web ID): __________
City: ___________________________________ State: _________ Zip:__________ Telephone: _____________________________
E-mail Address: _______________________________________ Check one: ■ Physician ■ Pharmacist ■ Other
Time needed to complete this CE activity in hours: ■ 0.5 hr ■ 1 hr ■ 1.5 hr ■ 2 hr ■ Other _________________________

Certification: I attest to having completed this CE activity. ___________________________________________________________

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Answer Sheet
Please fill in the box next to the letter corresponding to the correct answer
1. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ 6. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■
2. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ 7. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■
3. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ 8. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■
4. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ 9. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■
5. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ 10. a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■

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3. Content was relevant to your practice needs ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
4. Participation in this activity changed your ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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5. You will make a change in your practice as a result ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
of participation in this activity
6. This activity presented scientifically rigorous, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
unbiased, and balanced information
7. Individual presentations were free of commercial bias ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
8. Adequate time was available for Q&A ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
9. Which ONE of the following best describes the impact of this activity on your performance:
■ This program will not change my behavior because my current practice is consistent with what was taught.
■ This activity will not change my behavior because I do not agree with the information presented.
■ I need more information before I can change my practice behavior.
■ I will immediately implement the information into my practice.
10. Will you take any of the following actions as a result of participating in this educational activity (check all that apply)
■ Discuss new information with other professionals ■ Consult the literature
■ Discuss with industry representative(s) ■ Participate in another educational activity
■ Other ____________________________________ ■ None
Send the completed form and $10 payment (make checks payable to P&T) to: Department of Health Policy, Thomas Jefferson
University, Attn: Continuing Education Credit, 1015 Walnut Street, Suite 115, Philadelphia, PA 19107.

Vol. 30 No. 4 • April 2005 • P&T® 241

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