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Multiple Choice Type guestions

number of lines covering all zeros
1. In an assignment problem, the minimum
the reduced cost matrix of order n, can be WBUT 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 204 4
b) n+1 c) n-1 d) at leastn
a) at mostn
Answer: (a)

2. In a traveling salesman problem, the salesman can visita city twice, until he hae
visited all the cities WBUT 2007, 2017
a) once b) twice c) thrice d) none of these
Answer: (a)

3. If there were 'n' workers and 'n' jobs, there would be WBUT 2007, 2009, 2017
a) n solutions b)n! solutions
c)(n-1)! solutions d)n solutions
Answer: (6)

4. The assignment matrix is always a WBUT 2008]

a) rectangular matrix b) square matrix
c) identity matrix d) none of these
Answer: b)

5. Assignment Problem is basically a

[WBUT 2008
a) maximization moddel b) minimization model
c) transportation problem d) primal problem
Answer: ()

6. If there are n cities, then

have before him a total of
a travelling salesman, starting from a given city wil
WBUT 2008, 2010]
a) (n-1)! choices b) n! choices c) n choices d) n+1 choices
Answer: (a)

7. In an assignment problem the minimum

the reduced cost matrix of order m, can be
number of lines converting all zerosin
[WBUT 2008]
a) at least m b) at most m
Answer: (6) c)m-1 d) m+1

8. In
assignment problem for
decision variables and constraintsassigning
n jobs to er of
n machines, the nund01
WBUT 2010]
a) n and 2n
b) 2n and 2n c) n' andn d) 2n and n
Answer: (a)

assignment problem, k be the maximum
lf in
eianed, then the minimum number of lines
number of zeros which can D
which will cover all the
a) k b) k+1
c) k-1
zeroes s
d) 2k [WBUT 2010]
Answer: (a)

40. If there are n workers and n jobs, the number of solutions is WBUT 2011
a)n! b)n-1)! c)n-1) d) n
Answer: (a)

11. In an assignment problem involving four workers and three jobs, the total
number of assignments possible is [WBUT 2011, 2017]
a) 4 b)3 c) 7 d) 12
Answer: (a)

12. An assignment problem can be solved b WBUT 2011, 2012(ODD), 2013]

a) Hungarian Method b) VAM
c) Matrix Minima Method d) Dominance Principle
Answer: (a)

13. An assignment problem is a special type of WBUT 2016]

a) transportation problem b) LPP
d) none of these mo 3 o n
c)inventory problem
Answer: (a)

at bne 0 Short Answer Type Questions

B. Their 7 respective unit

1. A company makes two kinds of leather-belts A and
A 2 hours and type B requires
profits are Rs. 4 and Rs. 3. One belt of type requires
available are 1000 per day. Due to
1 hour of time in making. The total man-hours
make only 800 belts per day. Only
insufficient supply of leather, the company can
for type B are available. Formulate the
400 buckles for type A and 700 buckles
WBUT 2010]
problem as an L.P.P and solve it graphically.
belts respectively to be produced per day. The L.P.P. is
Let x, x, be the number of
Max Z = 4x, +3x,
yi e poar.... (1)
Subjecttog2x, +X, S1,000
+ 800 polrs (3)
S 400
x 700

and X, 20


Thus the optimal assignment is


and Assignment problem.

7. Distinguish between Transportation problem
WBUT 2015, 2017]
Difference between Transportationand Assignment problem:
Transportation problem Assignment problem
1. Here cost matrix is not necessarily a 1.Here the cost matrix must bea square
square matrix. matrix.
2. xy, the quantity to be transported from
2. Xy, the j "job is to be assigned to the
ih origin to jh destination can take any i" person and can take either the values I

possible positive values, and satisfy rim orzero.

3. The capacity and the requirement value is 3. The capacity and the requirement value is
exactly one i.e., for each source and each
equal to a, and b, respectively for ith destination the capacity and the requiremnent
source and j" destination.
values is exactly one.
4. The problem is said to be unbalanced if 4. Here, the problem is said to be
the total demand & total supply are not unbalanced if the cost matrix is not squared.

8. The owner of a small machine shop has five machinists available to assign to
jobs for the days. Five jobs are offered with expected profit for each machinist on
each job as given in the table.
Find the assignment of Machinists to jobs that will result in a maximum profit
WBUT 2016
J1 J2 3
M1 3 15
M2 4 15 18
M3 8 12 20 20
M4 5 5 8 10 6
M5 10 10 25 10
it a
The given problem is a minimization problem. First of all we have t
minimization problem then solve it by Hungarian method as follows:


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