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1) Sickness

 “health is wealth”
 The health of every member of the family must be taken to consideration.
 When health is not given importance, it could lead to sickness.

2) Death

 It is inevitable and could hardly be accepted by the bereaved family, especially if the one who dies is
the father or mother.

3) Disgrace in the Family

 Maybe brought by illegitimacy, extramarital relationships by a parent or both, theft, murder, rape,

4) Separation of Parents

 An unfortunate event.
 The law states that whoever is more responsible in guiding the children and has the better capacity to
support them will have the custody of the children.

5) Unemployment

 The sudden loss of job, especially by the breadwinner of the family.

 It brings about major effect on family members because the family’s financial stability is at stake.

6) Natural Calamities

 Natural calamities such as floods, earthquake, storm, fire and tidal waves bring about great disaster
to affected families
 Casualties

7) Unexpected Guest

 In most Filipino homes, during fiestas or other family celebrations, families have lavish preparations.
 Guests are welcomed happily and are well-entertained.

Guidelines in Coping with Unexpected Events

 No matter how small the family income, always set aside a little amount of emergency purposes.
 Train the family members to be aware of what is happening and allow them to participate in helping
resolve unexpected crisis or in alleviating the misery or pain brought about by the crisis.
 Always remind members to keep their composure and use their minds before doing any action.
 Be spiritually strong.

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