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| tlekane tatements tna are rue 1. The story fs an account of real events, 2. Te story hinges ona particular historical event. Answer: 5 Rajendra Deshpande was a histonan, Fase “4 me places mentions in he story are al imaginary Answer: 15. Te story ines to relate misty to setence Answer 1. Brey expiin the folowing statements from the text. 1. Yeu nermer wavated tote past nor the future. You were in he present experiencing 3 eerent wor Answer: “You ls nota tw he paso the ture You were in he presen. Du YoU Wese i a erent Wort" These ‘words wore spoken by Rajencra Deshpande we aterspang io expan his strange expenonce to Professor Gaonde ihe the poss was nvoved na accMe Ne began io refec on he Dale of Panpat an he consequences that occured i hs fe His houphis wandered been wht we knew abut isery and what right have been. The professor was experiencing two works ae sae ie by hiking. ACEOGng tthe same meory here must be many moe fren words emerpng Rom Urea Ou. 2.-You nave passed through a fantastic experience: or mere corey 2 catastrophic experience Answer: “You've nad a anasi experience more acute calastopic experience” Fotessor Gaonde was told by Rajenera Destpande at ne had an excing exprknce He daimed hat we ed in a one-of-a-kind werd wit a one-ota-knd nstory Gangasnar Pant’ ming jumped to another worl as aresu ofthe accent, which ‘ras unrealstic History took acer turn tat word ater te Maras won the Sate of Pana. Rajendra elaine ns using ie atastropic tery, whi Nols at realy suo misnerpetatns. ‘3. Gangacharpant could not help comparing the country he knew wih what he was winessing around “angaanar Pant cout nlp bu compar is hme oun to wna he was sting around hin” Ganga Pani winesse wo aeent perspecves on these realty. leone a ate. ung ns extzorary experience Tne naan ken was descibed sory DoKs ase rest OT he 1781 Bale of Fanat.n tin he Marahas were cefealed, The ce Inia ie saw waste resut of ie Maratha vet i the bate ‘ms verson, ne saw ina aba prosperous counsy at can mec oun noes, 4.The nek of cetrmimisen in quantum thay ‘Gum theory kof termina bu fred om agun in asec orecbon aa spec see, ‘one can pect where Kw end up, tue same canna beso oan eecoN When an eke ered Oy a scuee, can come tor anyere. This ue quantum ther ck of determinism. Accarng ths ‘hoon raty never one sde. Ane sare a, aerate Won aye ‘Tocause a ranston, some meracton fs equtes Aceoigo RayenoraDesnpande roessr Ganon mage a change asa vest ote recon at oceurea ane poessars mn athe ne oe cus, The Drofesor was hekng bout aisroprchecry ands oe mwas at he eof ie colson. Hews fang ‘about ine Ean of Panpat ands atemath Te ranston was eased bye mieracton nhs (oytedeagee Ne vento (0 tooxoross (0) emphasise (i suppress (iu dismiss Answer: (ytocopress 43.10 stand on one's tot (0 tobe pnysicaty strong {to be independent (ito stand erect (iv tobe successful ‘Anower: to wo mcopendant 4.10 be wound up {to become active {it stop operating {tobe transformed (wv to be destroyed Answer (9 stop operating 5.tomeet one's match (0)to meet a pariner who has similar tastes (to meet an opponent {to moot someono wno ts equally abio as onosot {0 to moot dotost Answes: (to meet someone whois equal able as oneself

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