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An Assessment of Time Management Behaviors Among Senior High

School Students

A Research Proposal

Presented to


Andres Bonifacio College

College Park, Dipolog City



Presented By:

Bustaliño, Jia Michelle

Casalta, Desiree Jane

Caermare, John Ivor

Cheng, Chi-Chen

Mondijar, Klint D.

Pacatang, John Hansel B.

Suan, Breanne Paolo J.

Tomarong, Kygel Kim C.

February 16, 2022



This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting include: the introduction,

the background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, the theoretical

framework, the conceptual framework, significance of the study, scope and delimitations, and

definition of terms.


Through the passing of time, there has been emphasis on the use of time management,

which has also been considered the key to success (Pugh & Nathwani, 2017). To be successful

in life, a person must put in the time and effort to work or study their way through to accomplish

their goals. One must dedicate oneself into completely immersing oneself in the process in order

for a person to accomplish the objective that one has thought and chose to pursue. People have

always been trying to be productive and efficient.

As a student, time management is essential for academic success. Senior high school

students are expected to manage all their studies in order to gain academic achievements,

meaning the workload that the students will carry throughout their entire senior high school life

will be a challenge for the students. Two school years of hard learning for the students, it may

require them to properly utilize their time. Students who apply time management to their studies

will mean that the students are properly allocating their time. Students who have good time

management can help them schedule their time between their most important activities. Effective

time management means that they can take control of their time and decide for themselves how
they will allocate their energy. Students taking control of their time enables them to achieve

bigger and better results in less time, without the stress. (Pettit, 2020).

Therefore the findings of this study will provide the assessment on time management

behaviours among senior high school students.

Background of the Study

Time management has much significance for many reasons. The fact is that everyone

manages their time in their daily lives whether they are aware of it or not. Managing one’s time

is a daily part of a person’s life and is needed to be managed until the end of the day and the days

to come (Sayari K. et al, 2017). Time management is in fact an act of managing and organizing

ones time. Having decent ability in managing your time can maximize the time you spent on

specific activities that can help you finish your work faster and achieve your goals quicker. The

results in practicing and implementing time management can help you to reduce time on

unimportant work and increase time on important work. (Pattit,2020).

According to Adams (2019), effective time management is associated with greater

academic performance and lower levels of anxiety in students. To improve a student’s academic

performance, knowing how to manage a student’s time properly is one important factor that will

help them get good results. They must know what to prioritize and invest their time in things that

are much more meaningful and important for them. So as a result, students need to have an

effective time schedule which can help them achieve success.

Good academic performance of students at the Senior High School is of paramount

importance in every educational system (Brew, Nketiah, & Koranteng, 2021). The

implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines includes the

introduction of senior high school (SHS), or grades 11 and 12, the final 2 years in a new 6-year

secondary education system. SHS students undertake a standard core curriculum and can choose

from four tracks of specialization: academic, technical-vocational and livelihood (TVL), sports,

or arts and design. The academic track is further divided into four strands: accountancy,

business, and management (ABM); science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM);

humanities and social sciences (HUMSS); and general academic (Development Asia 2018).

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, SHS has been a new experience for these students especially

its “new normal” of having classes through online or modular learning. Students under these

different strands are having a challenging time in allocating their time between personal matters

and academic works, especially the ones with some hobbies that could keep them busy like

games, arts, exercising, music and sports. They must be as adaptable and flexible as possible, but

they are aware that they must sacrifice a significant amount of time in order to achieve great

things in their academics and become an ideal student. Unfortunately, some students who are

attempting to adjust to this "new normal" as a result of the covid-19 pandemic have been

experiencing physical and/or mental stress. The time for students to master time management

behaviours has never been more important than this time during this pandemic.

Covid-19 background: The covid-19 pandemic have resulted in the government issuing

community quarantines and has largely affected the education system of the Philippines, forcing

all schools to conduct their classes through blended, flexible or distance learning. Schools can

choose whether to conduct their classes synchronously during their respective scheduled time for

classes, asynchronously through pre-recorded videos and assignments/activities, or a

combination of both. Some classes are mostly requiring students to attend lectures

asynchronously in addition to attending the synchronous classes. The increased workload and
time "in class" has forced students to either drop their classes and fail or result in low academic

performance or spent fewer hours on their personal activities/agenda.(Gross, 2020).

Statement of the Problem

With much activities and works that can occupy a student’s schedule in school, one must

think that time management is required to earn success and improve academic performance. For

students to better manage their curriculum and achieve learning objectives, time management

behaviours or skills are argued to improve the positive academic output (Alyami et al, 2021).

This study aims to find:

1. What is the demographic profile of the students, in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Age

c. Grade level

d. Strand

e. Classification of last year students honor background (whether they are non-

honor, or with honors)

2. What are the levels of time management behaviours of students, in terms of:

a. Prioritization

b. Procrastination

c. Pre planning daily

d. Setting boundaries

e. Task management

f. Setting goals
3. Is there a significant difference between the time management behaviors of the students in

regards to their different demographics?

Theoretical framework

Social Learning Theory / Bandura’s theory

The Social learning theory which according to Albert Bandura (1961) emphasizes the

importance of observing, modeling and imitating the behaviors, attitudes and emotional reaction

of others. It considers how both environmental and cognitive factors interact that influence

human behaviour. There are four meditational processes in this theory: attention; retention;

reproduction; motivation. For attention, an individual needs to pay attention on a behaviour and

its consequences then forms a mental representation of the behaviour. Retention is when an

individual notice and form a memory that enables him/her to remember and imitate that

behaviour. Reproduction is when an individual perform what behaviour the model demonstrated.

For motivation, it is when an individual considers the consequences of a behaviour and his/her

will to perform it. If the perceived rewards outweigh the perceived costs, then the behaviour will

be more likely to be imitated by the individual. This study uses this theory as it gives an

explanation how attitudes and behaviors are influenced and as to why it changes.

Conceptual Framework
Figure 1.
Figure 1. The conceptual framework represents the structure or the concept of the study

of which the demographic profile of the students on students attitudes in terms on time

management behaviours.

The independent variables are the different time management behaviours that this study

aims to find in SHS students, student’s time management behaviours such as Prioritization,

Procrastination, Pre planning, Setting boundaries, Task management, and Setting goals. The

dependent variable present in the conceptual framework are the student’s attitudes which

determines the most agreeable or disagreeable attitude towards the different factors of time

management behaviours. Also, the intervening variables are the student’s demographics such as

sex, age, grade level, strand, and honor background. With the help of the independent variable,

we can identify the students time management behaviors in each demographic in order to assess

the most agreeable or disagreeable attitude towards the different factors of time management

behaviours, and also to determine whether these factors has a significant difference in terms of

sex, age, grade level, strand, and a student’s honor background.

Significance of the study

The findings of the study will be beneficial to the SHS Grade 11-12 students who are

having a hard time managing their time in doing their school activities and personal agendas.

This study will not only help the students achieve better results but will also enhance their

academic performance in school. This study will also help them improve their time management

on a daily basis in doing their household chores and hobbies.

The results of this study will not only yield data that will be helpful to the students but

also more so to the following:

Current senior high school students – The current SHS (Senior High School) students who

lack time management skills will find this study very beneficial to them, by knowing the

importance of time management and how much it will benefit them. By mastering this skill, they

can balance their time in doing school tasks and in doing other daily activities.

Teachers and faculty members – The teachers or the faculty can benefit from this study by

having a good gasp on how students perceive time management. The faculty will have data

regarding student’s literacy on time management behaviours. And address the student’s

weakness and help them handle working on multiple assignments properly. So that students will

be able to pass their school activities on time. And on account of students who are having a hard

time in managing their time, teachers can find ways on helping the students achieve their

academic goals.

School institutes– The school may benefit from this study by learning how students are having a

hard time managing their time. With this study, schools can conduct a symposium on how

students can manage their time to improve their academic performance.

Junior high school students becoming SHS students – The upcoming Junior High School

students can benefit from this study by using it as preference or a model to what their behaviors

of time management should be if they want to achieve good academic scores. The students can

use this study as a guide on what’s coming when they enter SHS. The students then can proceed

in learning on improving their time management skills earlier so they will be prepared on the

adversity when they enter Senior High.

Scope and Delimitations

Among all the grade levels and strands of students in a private school of Dipolog City,

Zamboanga del Norte, Senior High school from grades 11 to 12 students from the class batch

2021-2022 are to be used as a sample in conducting the study. The coverage of this study is

specifically limited only to Senior high school students. The main goal is to determine the

student’s time management behaviours concerning different factors and demographics of the

students. Every factor of the data gathered from their survey results will be considered to be of

help in answering the research questions.

Definition of Terms.

The terms are defined for better understanding of the reader.

SHS Strands- SHS students undertake a standard core curriculum and can choose from

four tracks of specialization: academic, technical-vocational and livelihood (TVL), sports,

or arts and design. The academic track is further divided into four strands: accountancy,

business, and management (ABM); science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

(STEM); humanities and social sciences (HUMSS); and general academic (Development

Asia 2018).

Time management – The process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on

specific activities.

Procrastination - Is the action of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing

something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so.
Prioritization - Is the process by which students try to rank task in order of importance.

Efficiency - is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in

doing something or in producing a desired result.

Management - is a process of planning, decision making, organizing, leading, motivation

and controlling the human resources, financial, physical, and information resources of an

organization to reach its goals efficiently and effectively.

Allocation – it is the student’s ability to manage their limited time and energy to areas to

different task

Attitudes - This refers to the degree to which a person has a favourable or unfavourable

evaluation of the behaviour of interest. It entails a consideration of the outcomes of

performing the behaviour: a favourable or unfavourable evaluative reaction toward

something or someone exhibited in ones beliefs, feelings, or intended behaviour.

Cognitive - our thoughts, beliefs, and ideas about something. When a human being is the

object of an attitude, the cognitive component is frequently a stereotype, e.g. "welfare

recipients are lazy"

Theory- A theory is a rational type of abstract thinking about a phenomenon, or the results

of such thinking. The process of contemplative and rational thinking is often associated

with such processes as observational study or research.


Review of Related Literature (RRL)

This chapter offers the associated literature and studies that the researchers researched

and explored in order to better understand the study's topic, which is entitled An Assessment of

Time Management Behaviors Among Senior High School Students “In order to complete this

chapter, references will be used from books, papers, and previous research studies..

Related literature:

Time Management

Time management, according to Gerald M. Blair (2002), is the skill of organizing,

scheduling, and budgeting one's time in order to increase job effectiveness and production. It

may also be seen of as a collection of concepts, practices, skills, tools, and systems that should

all work together to accomplish and improve life quality (Argarwal, 2008; Kelly, 2004). When

one is aware of time, it is critical that he makes plans before doing things and establishes

priorities in many of his daily duties. Time management is concerned with allocating enough

time to each activity in order to successfully manage the tasks and accomplish them within the

time frame provided. Prioritizing the activities to be completed is related to how people manage

their time successfully by balancing the urgency of their demands and the amount of time they

have to devote to each task. (Sayari et al,2017)

Time Management Behaviours

According to Althea (2020) Effective time management is linked to a variety of

personality traits. Students that have higher self-control have better time management skill,

which conveys that they know how to control and refrain from being impulsive. Students that
tend to be high in self–efficacy are better at managing their time at everything they must finish

on doing, which is the belief in their ability to handle challenges and complete, tasks


There are many time management behaviors a student is observed to have when they are

tackling their studies. These behaviors can greatly affect a student’s academic performance

whether positively of negatively, such behaviors are namely:

Organization and Management

A behaviour that can positively affect a student’s academic performance is organization

and management. Staying organized can help the students maintain a clear picture of what you

need to complete and when. Being well-organized might mean maintaining an up-to-date

calendar, being able to locate certain documents easily, having a tidy environment and taking

detailed, diligent notes. (Keiling, 2021). Proper practice of organization and management does

not only benefit students in their academic careers but can also benefit them by developing a

good habit that can benefit them later on in the future.


A behaviour that can positively affect a student’s academic performance is the ability to

know what to prioritize. Assessing each of a student’s responsibilities for priority is the key in

being a good time manager and achieving better results and less stress. There are many ways to

prioritize what you need to accomplish. You might decide to complete fast, simple items

followed by longer, more involved ones. Alternatively, you might prioritize your tasks starting

with the most time-sensitive, or a combination of both (Keiling, 2021).


According to Svardal et al., (2018) procrastination can be seen as irrational behaviour, a

behaviour that can negatively affect a student’s academic performance, it is the bad habit of

delaying work. (UC SANTA CRUZ, 2016) Procrastination is the direct result of poor time

management. Procrastination can also be the result of emotional and psychological factors, such

as stress, depression, low self-esteem, and poor impulse control. When there are emotional and

psychological components to procrastination, there are strategies to help. For example, if feeling

anxious, frustrated, insecure, or irritated when thinking about a task you need to complete leads

to your avoiding facing it by doing something else that temporarily soothes the negative feelings.


Setting goals is another behaviour of time management, the use of the SMART method

when setting goals, In essence, make sure the goals they set

are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely (CFI, 2020). Setting goals is the first

step to becoming a good time manager. Goal-setting allows students to clearly understand their

end goal and what exactly they need to prioritize to accomplish it. Setting both short and long-

term goals can lead to success not only to STEM student’s career but other life aspects as well.

(Keiling, 2021).


A fundamental part of time management is planning. Being efficient in planning out the

student’s day, meetings and how they will accomplish things will help them stick to their

schedules in time, and be prepared for the task ahead. (Keiling, 2021).
Setting boundaries

Healthy boundaries are necessary components for self-care. Without boundaries, students

will feel depleted, taken advantage of, taken for granted, or intruded upon. Whether it’s in work

or in our personal relationships, poor boundaries may lead to resentment, hurt, anger, and

burnout. (Soghomonian,2019). Boundaries help them take care of ourselves by giving them

permission to say NO to things, to not take everything all in one go. Boundaries draw a clear line

around what is ok for us and what is not. The student’s behavior of setting boundaries will be

what they consider that will cross the line between their personal life and their academic quest.

Factors Influencing People’s Attitudes On Time Management

Factors influencing attitude, according to Edinote(2019), are an individual's or a group's

beliefs, sentiments, and action patterns toward things, ideas, and people. Individuals' brains

frequently relate people, things, or ideas, and as a result, attitudes become multifaceted and

complicated. However, the most important component of the attitude is that it is characterized by

the presence of a certain sensation or emotion, as well as, as one might assume, a distinct

predisposition to behave. The sensation or emotion, then, is the most important aspect

subjectively. Social influences, direct instruction, family, biases, personal experience, media,

educational and religious institutions, physical factors, economic position, and jobs may all

influence attitudes. However, the elements that might influence a student's attitude toward time

management is personality, social factor involving media.


Behavioral tendencies expressed coming from personality traits might influence specific

habits that promote academic accomplishments, such as perseverance, conscientiousness, etc.

Personality attributes would usually designate what an individual will do, whether to spend their

time doing school activities or something else that is irrelevant to their studies. However, it is

unclear whether it implies that certain personality traits are also more beneficial for academic

achievement in some academic fields than in others (Vedel & Poropat, 2020).

Social factor

The students get easily absorbed in social media platforms to connect with other people

and share their ideas to others. Regardless of the significance, they will stay engrossed

socializing with other people. But there is more to that. Their attitudes may facilitate and

maintain their involvement and connectivity with valued friends, contents and creators on any

platform. Social roles and social norms can have a strong influence on attitudes of the students

on how they manage their time.

Multi-dimensional Theory

Using the multi-dimensional theory, this study can use this theory to learn about the

different nature and kinds of attitudes. Which states that attitudes can be distinguished into three

categories; these are behavioural, affective, and cogitative. (Katz & Stotland, 1959; Rosenberg &

Hovland, 1960). A combination of these three components represents the attitude construct. The

behavioural category encompasses people’s intentions or actions with respect to the attitude

object. The affective component consists on the emotions people have related to the attitude

object. And the cognitive category contains beliefs people have about the attitude object.

Functionalist Theory

The Functionalist theory according to Daniel Katz (1960) proposed that the view that

attitudes are determined by the functions they serve for us. People hold given attitudes because
these attitudes help them achieve their basic goals and aims. Katz distinguishes four types of

psychological functions that attitudes meet. We have the instrumental, knowledge, Value-

expressive and Ego-defensive.

For the Instrumental function, we develop favourable attitudes towards things that aid or

reward us. We want to maximize rewards and minimize penalties. Katz says we develop attitudes

that help us meet this goal. We favor political parties that will advance our economic goals or if

we are in business, we favor the party that will keep our taxes low, We are more likely to change

our attitudes if doing so allows us to fulfil our goals or avoid undesirable consequences. Next is

knowledge. Attitudes can provide meaningful, structured environment, it help supply us with

standards of evaluation. Via such attitudes as stereotypes, we can bring order and clarity to the

complexities of human life. Then we have Value-expressive. We are expressive and we want to

spread our belief to others. An example is viewing yourself as a Catholic; you can reinforce that

image by adopting Catholic beliefs and values unto others. Then finally Ego-defensive, Attitudes

can help to protect us from acknowledging basic truths about ourselves or the harsh realities of

life. Our attitudes can serve as defence mechanisms.

The reason as to why Katz's functionalist theory is used in this study is because it offers

an explanation as to why attitudes change. According to Katz, attitudes changes when it no

longer serves its function and the individual feels blocked or frustrated. That is, according to

Katz, attitude change is achieved not so much by changing a person's information or perception

about an object, but rather by changing the person's underlying motivational and personality

Pickle Jar Theory

Another theory that is used to determine the nature of a person’s attitude in this study is

called the Pickle Jar Theory proposed by Jeremy Wright (2002), it is a visual metaphor that

helps us determine what is more useful and what is not so useful for us. It helps you to set your

priorities for daily life and plan tasks in such a way, that you have time to spare for yourself

instead of cramming and stressing it. Teens usually have schedules that are filled with both

personal and academic tasks. Their school related and home activities are planned out for them.

As a result, many of them don't learn how to manage their time wisely when they have some

downtime. (Morin, 2019)

Related Studies:

Effects on Time Management on Academic Performance

Time management is a necessary skill for all students; it is critical for students to

understand how to manage their time effectively for school and personal matters in order to

improve their academic performance and achieve their life goals. Having this skill can also help

students avoid cramming and stress by completing assignments on time. The fundamental

achievement of regular students is the ability to manage their time effectively. Mismanagement

has a negative impact on a student’s academic performance. This is why students must be able to

manage their time well. (Ahmad and colleagues, 2019)

Adham Alyami et al. (2021) conducted a study to determine the impact of time

management on students' academic performance among KAU diagnostic radiology technology

students. High academic grades were seen among pupils with positive attitudes and those who

claimed to manage time and fulfil deadlines were observed to have high academic grades. Short-
term and long-term time management, on the other hand, were not linked to a high GPA. In

contrast, past research has found that time management behaviours such as short- and long-range

planning are beneficial to the students (Ganguly, Kulkarni, & Gupta, 2017).

According to student’s perception, preplanning their studies had been beneficial for their

academic performance. However, less than half of the students agreed that they manage their

time. The study also concluded that no relationship was found between short range and long-

range time management behaviour on academic achievement in their study. The study then

recommends for students to start to practice better sleeping pattern and making of to-do list

among students for better time management, which could lead to high academic achievement.

Adams and Blair (2019) further described that effective time management is associated

with greater academic performance and lower levels of anxiety in students. The study also

proclaims that there have been many studies that found a connection between good academic

achievement and effective time management because the students starts to acquire and learn

strategies that can support them in completing the demands given from the school

institutions (Kharadze, et al, 2017). The school curriculums whether private or public are

designed in a way that gets the students to juggle between multiple task and assignments given

from the schools requiring them to manage between their work and life activities often without

the support or guidance of the school.

Furthermore, a study from (Ashraf et al, 2020) which argued that prioritizing tasks can

make work and studying more pleasant which reduces inefficiencies, anxiety and stress. Good

time management skills reduce worry and stress of students which enhances their productivity

and academic performance (Aduke , 2015). So, learning and practicing to have good time
management behavioes is a necessity. Some people are good time managers but not everyone.

We all have to assure good time management skills to be successful not only in student life but

as well later in life.

Students View On Time Management

A study from Gerrard, Newfield, Asli, and Variawa (2017) discovered a link between

how students perceived difficulty and the time they spent on assessments in their study of

workload expectations among first-year engineering undergraduate students at the University of

Toronto, and that time was the most influential factor. In a study on anxiety among engineering

students, Yanik, Yan, Kaul, and Ferguson (2016) invited students to write journal entries in

which they described their worries and anxieties, and they discovered that time management was

a common issue in the students' thoughts. Extrinsic factors (pulling forces, group pressure, and

learning approaches) have a general motivating effect, but intrinsic factors (individual attitudes

and expectations) have a higher effect, according to Law et al. (2009), who investigated the

factors that lead to student success among engineering students. As a result, many engineering

students' goal orientation is customized, and a teacher's ability to encourage them is crucial.


Time management, according to Sophia Auld (2020), helps students to do more in less

time since their attention is concentrated and they aren't wasting time on things that causes

distractions. As students cross tasks off their to-do list, efficient time management minimizes

stress. Practicing proper time management behaviours such as proper allocation of task, stress

management, goal-setting. planning, and prioritization will help them achieve more in their

academic careers. It will also provide them a sense of accomplishment when they achieve their
objectives. Students may also complete their work on time, stay involved in their studies, and

have more time free to pursue things that are important to them, such as sports, hobbies, youth

group, and spending time with friends and family, by effectively managing their time.

According to Daniel Katz (1960) functionalist theory, He believes that attitudes are

determined by the purposes they fulfill for us. People adopt certain attitudes because they assist

them attain their core objectives. He further described that an attitude changes when it no longer

serves its function and the individual feels blocked or frustrated. That is, according to Katz,

attitude change is achieved not so much by changing a person's information or perception about

an object, but rather by changing the person's underlying motivational and personality needs.

Good time management allows students to make the most of their abilities and enjoy the

satisfaction of accomplishment. Time management is very important and it may actually affect

individual's overall performance and achievements. Students nowadays always commented that

they do not have enough time to complete all the tasks assigned to them. In addition, a university

environment's flexibility and freedom can derail students who have not mastered time

management skills (Auld, 2020).

Research Gap

This study focuses on identifying senior high school student’s time management

behaviours. Similar studies have been conducted on different places such as Saudi Arabia,

Pakistan, and India, but this study will gather information from a private school located at

Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte,. Not only are there similar studies found is different places,

this study will focus upon specifically on Senior High School students wherein other similar

studies participants were engineering, and undergraduate students.

The data and the setting from the related studies and literature will be different from the

information that the researchers will be collecting. Considering that the existing studies are

conducted in different places and with a different demographic population, the factors considered

on the recent studies may likely be dissimilar from the results of the study that will be conducted

in the private school of Dipolog city, Zamboanga del Norte, Specifically on senior high school


The data setting of this study will be highlighted as the researchers will aim to gather

relevant information from its taken participants. Factors that may result in this study will serve as

the starting point of future research.

Chapter 3


This chapter provides an overview of the research methodology research design, its

sample and sampling methods in selecting the participants and the research instrument used. This

chapter will also provide a description of the data collection procedures that will be applied in

this research study and as well as the data analysis procedures that will be used by the


Research Design

This study utilizes descriptive research design to compare different variables, as well as

how different demographics respond to different Time management behaviours, and to determine

the different characteristics of the participants, characteristics such as opinions, traits, behaviours

and attitudes. Survey method will be used in this study where the researchers will allocate

questionnaires to the participants. Once the questionnaires are returned from the survey

participants, the data collected will be used for analysis purposes by the researchers.

Descriptive studies are aimed at finding out "what is," so observational and survey

methods are frequently used to collect descriptive data (Borg & Gall, 1989). It portrays an

accurate and systematic description of something whether it be an event, phenomena or

characteristics (such as voting preference, feelings, or attitudes). The researchers will then

proceed with survey method as it is well suited to gathering demographic data that describe the

composition of the sample (McIntyre, 1999, p. 74). Since this study only describes the student’s
time management behaviors and how different its response to each variables, thus descriptive

survey research design will be employed.

Sample and Sampling Method

In order to perform the study, 612 senior high school students from a private school in

Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte, has been chosen as the population for this study. However,

Due to the large number of respondents, a different sampling technique will be used. The

researchers will choose to use the Sample Size calculator in order to determine the sample of

the study. Thus, the total Number of senior high school students will undergo the sampling

Procedure as follows

Sampling procedure:

Sample Size calculator Formula:


N = population size (612 total SHS students)

z = z-score (95% is 1.96)

p= Population Proportion (50% is standard)

e = Margin of error (percentage in decimal form)

Note; the researchers have chosen a confidence level of 95% hence the solution:

100% - 95% = 5% or 0.05 : The margin of Error is now 0.05


Sample Size=

n= 237

As Shown on the results, the researchers will have a sample size of 237 senior high

school students from a total population of 612 SHS students. These 237 Samples will be divided

by the total number of grades levels and sex in the senior high school Department.

In order to properly distribute the questionnaires and get a fair research result. The

Stratified random Sampling method will be used to avoid certain respondents with the same

sex and grade level from overpopulating the data results against the other demographic. We hope

to achieve using the Stratified Random Sampling method an equal, fair, and healthy amount of

respondents from each side of the demographic.

Stratified random Sampling Formula:


S= Sample

n= number of students per grades level’s sex

N= Total Population (612 Students)

GRADE- 11 Female population Male population Total population each

size size strand
STEM 106 81 187
HUMMS 19 33 52
ABM 22 6 28
Total number of 147 120 267
students sex
GRADE- 12 Female population Male population Total population each
size size strand
STEM 106 112 218
HUMMS 40 40 80
ABM/TVL 28 19 47
Total number of 174 171 345
students sex

TOTAL: 321 291 612


Figure 2.The table above displays the Total amounts of SHS students who are enrolled in

the Private school of Dipolog City. This table will be the researchers guide into getting a sample

size from each demographic (sex, grade level and strand).

Applying Stratified Random Sampling Formula to get the sample size:

106 (Grade-11, girls)

Example: S= x 237

= 41.04 or 41

GRADE- 11 Female population Male population Total population each

size size strand
STEM 41 31 72
HUMMS 7 13 20
ABM 9 2 11
Total number of 57 46 103
students sex
GRADE- 12 Female population Male population Total population each
size size strand
STEM 41 43 84
HUMMS 16 16 32
ABM/TVL 11 7 18
Total number of 68 66 134
students sex

TOTAL: 125 112 237


Figure 3. The table above shows the Specified number of samples from each grade levels

and it shows how much girls and boys sample respondents the researchers will need from each

strand and grade level in totality. The researchers will take a sample size of 103 grade 11

students which consist of 57 girls and 46 boys. And a sample size of 134 grade 12 student which

consist of 68 girls and 66 boys in which results in the total of 237 students which will be used as

this study’s respondents. The table will be used to determine how many questionnaires will be

distributed and analysed in every section and grade level.

Research Instrument

In this study, an adopted validated survey questionnaire will be used to utilize the

research instrument. The questionnaire was aimed to elicit relevant information and data

concerning the respondent’s attitudes towards time management behaviours. The researchers

intend to use google forms as its medium through online distribution. Google Forms was chosen
because it is an effective way to gather responses from people without close contact. Google

Form eliminates the need to decipher and tally responses on sheets of paper. A form also serves

as an elegant alternative to asking a group of people questions in email or shared link. Google

Forms lets you collect information from people via personalized quizzes or surveys. The

researchers can then connect the info to a spread sheet to automatically record the answers. The

spread sheet then populates with the responses from the survey in real-time.

Before the questioning and filling up of the demographic info. The participants will

encounter a letter of consent in the first part of the google forms survey (Appendix D), which

will seek to ask permission to allow the respondents if they want to be part of the study.

The questions that will be found in the google forms survey questionnaire will be divided

in 3 sections. Section A will show the letter of consent, which will ask the participants to

voluntarily be part of the study. The letter of consent that is displayed to the questionnaire will be

explaining the research, its rationale and purpose, and the general instructions on how to fill out

the form. Section B (Appendix F) shall comprise of filing up personal information that will

obtain the demographic information of the respondents in terms of sex, age, grade level, strand

and previous years honor background. In terms of sex, it would show how many participants

were classified as males and females in the study. In terms of age, it would classify the

respondent’s age range. In terms of grade level it will classify students who are in grade-11 and

in grade-12. In terms of strands it would be determined by which strand the student belongs to,

either in STEM, HUMMS, and ABM/TVL And finally in terms of honor background, it will

show the students honorary background whether they are non-honor (grades with 89 and below)

and with honor (grades with 90 and above).

Section C (Appendix F) will be used for gathering the necessary information needed to

determine the study’s aim to find out the students attitude towards different variables of time

management behaviours and how these attitudes may or may not identify a significant difference

between the demographics. The survey questions will total up to 17 statements that correspond to

different time management behaviours. And the participants will be ask to measure each

statement according to a 5-point Likert scale which ranges from (5)Strongly Agree, (4)Agree

(3)Sometimes Agree, (2) Disagree, and (1) Strongly Disagree. The Likert scale will be used to

determine whether or not the respondents agree, prefer, or disagree with a certain statement on

the survey questionnaire. With the help of the Likert scale, it will serve use to the researchers in

determining the attitudes of the participants in regards to the different variables of time

behaviours (Bhat, 2019).

Moreover, since this is an adopted questionnaire the validly and reliability was not

created by the researchers themselves but simply based out of a standardized research study with

similar objectives that aligned with our study. The questionnaires from the study by Adham

Alyami et al. (2021) were validated by the research and ethics committee of faculty applied

medical science, KAU. The questionnaire was prepared on the basis of self-management,

awareness, management, preference and performance domains. However a few adjustments were

applied to the questionnaire mentioned to properly align the statements to benefit and collect

proper data to support this study’s research objectives. The original questionnaires had a pre-test

pilot study that was conducted on 20 students at king Abdul-Aziz University before distributing

it to a larger sample ( Alyami et al.. 2021). So therefore, the researchers shall do the same but

with students in the private school of Dipolog city.

Data Collection

In order to collect sufficient amount of information and data for the research study the

researchers will be using the survey method to gather data from the students. A survey method is

a process, tool, or technique that you can use to gather information in research by asking

questions to a predefined group of people. Typically, it facilitates the exchange of information

between the research participants and the person or organization carrying out the research

(Formplus Blog, 2021). The tool that the researchers will be using on the survey method is the

Google forms.

The following are the procedures on how the researchers will conduct the data collection:

Step 1: Determine the Sample and Prepare the Survey

The researchers will need the amount of senior high school students to conduct the data

collection, the researchers will go to the registrar to collect data on how many senior high school

students are enrolled in a private school of Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte. In which the

researchers already did as presented before as the data in the sample and sampling method. After

collecting the data, the researchers will thoroughly prepare the google forms questionnaires that

will be distributed to the respondents.

Step 2: Permission from Class Advisor and Subject Advisor

After the Google forms are prepared, the researchers will ask permission from their

advisor Ms. Bless Christine H. Noel (Appendix A) and their research teacher Ms. Faith Lanie

Lumayag (Appendix B) to start conducting the study and distribute the Google forms to the

Step 3: Permission from Principal

The researchers will then give a letter of consent to the principal (Appendix C) informing

the principal about the contents and objectives of the study and information about how the study

will be conducted virtually, in consideration with the social distance protocols.

Step 4: Permission for cooperation and consent from respective class advisors.

Then the researchers will message each of the class advisors for permission to conduct

the study on their students and a request for cooperation (Appendix E). They will be informed

one by one through the use of the messenger application. The teachers will be asked for their

permission to help in fulfilling the study. The researchers will also request each of the advisors’

cooperation as the survey questionnaires will be handed out to them and unto their respective

students. The google forms link shall be first sent to the advisor and the advisor shall send the

link to his/her students via mass email or the class messenger group chat.

Step 5: Survey distribution and permission for participation.

The participants who will open the link sent by their advisors will receive a letter of

consent on the first page informing them of the necessary information, securities, and objectives

that the study aims to gain from the respondents (Appendix D). Once the participant accepts to

voluntarily participate on the study they will then continue on with the survey. The researchers

will keep the participants personal data confidential and secured.

Step 6: Collecting the data

Once the participants finishes the survey it will then automatically be recorded to the

google forms database which the researchers will then begin to analyze. If there are more
participants than the researchers anticipated, the extra participants will then be eliminated at

random by the researchers.

Data Analysis Procedure

The data gathered from the survey will carefully be interpreted and analysed using

descriptive statistics to respond to each of the questions posed in the statement of the problem.

I. The demographic profile of the students.

For the age, sex, grade level, strand and their honor background, the researchers will use the

statistical tools, frequencies and percentages, in order to code and describe the data collected, to

know the percentage within each set of demographic profiles based on the answers from the

respondents. Honor background will be measured using the Nominal Scale.

II. The attitudes of students towards the time management behaviors.

A central tendency, descriptive statistics will be used in analyzing this research question.

After computing the average number of data gathered from the questionnaire, the researchers

will then determine the mean and standard deviation of all the factors of time management

behaviors with the use of a tally table.

Below is a 5 point Liket scale presentation of the questionnaire where the Respondents will

be asked to put a check mark on the scale that appropriately fits their present level time

management behaviors:
Responses Continuum Interpretation

5 1-1.8 Strongly Agree

4 1.9-2.6 Agree

3 2.7-3.4 Sometimes Agree

2 3.5-4.2 Disagree

1 4.3-5 Strongly Disagree

III. Significant difference between the time management behaviours and the demographics of

the students.

The t-test will be utilized in order to compare the following Intervening group of variables

with only two choices, to determine whether there is a significant difference, with statistical

evidence, in each set of demographic profile when it comes to the specific time management

behaviour of the respondents.

a. Sex

b. Grade level

c. Honor background

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used in the following Intervening group of

variables with more than two choices to determine whether there is a significant difference, with

statistical evidence, in each set of demographic profile when it comes to each specific time

management behaviour of the respondents.

a) Age

b) Strand

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Appendix A

Andres Bonifacio College

College park Dipolog City

Consent from the Class Advisor

February 16 2022

Bless Christine H. Noel

Class advisor of ABM-C, Grade 12



In partial fulfilment of the requirement in Practical Research 2, we the Accountancy,

Business, and Management (ABM-C) Grade 12 Students from Andres Bonifacio College will be
conducting a research study all about “An Assessment of Time Management Behaviors Among
Senior High School Students”

We respectfully request your permission for us to perform the study on your behalf. We,
the researchers, would want to request your permission to do research in the vicinity of Dipolog
City, Zamboanga del Norte. SHS students from our own school will be among our participants
(ABC). Rest assured that all information received from participants will be maintained in
strictest confidence. No face-to-face contacts will be observed throughout the interactions with
the aforementioned participants, which will be performed entirely online via Google Forms. We
shall avoid personally meeting the participants in order to follow adequate social distance
practices. Concerned for our own and their protection.

By signing my name and signature, I acknowledge that I am aware of the study's purpose
and safety, and that I am allowing my students to undertake it.

Name and Signature
Appendix B

Andres Bonifacio College

College park Dipolog City

Consent from the subject advisor

February 16 2022

To: Faith Lanie Lumayag

Subject advisor of ABM-C, Grade 12


In partial fulfilment of the requirement in Practical Research 2, we the Accountancy,

Business, and Management (ABM-C) Grade 12 Students from Andres Bonifacio College will be
conducting a research study all about “An Assessment of Time Management Behaviors Among
Senior High School Students”

We politely ask for your permission to do the research on your behalf. We, the
researchers, would want to ask for your permission to do the study in the vicinity of Dipolog City
region of Zamboanga del Norte. Our participants will include a total of 237 SHS students from
our own school (ABC). Rest assured that any information provided by participants will be
treated with the utmost confidentiality. During the interactions with the aforementioned
individuals, which will be conducted exclusively online via Google Forms, no face-to-face
contact will be observed. We will avoid meeting the participants in person in order to maintain
appropriate social distance protocols. For not only the researchers but for the participants safety.

I acknowledge that I am aware of the study's goals and allow it to be officially conducted
by signing my name and signature.

Ma’am. Faith Lanie Lumayag

Research Instructor
Appendix C

Andres Bonifacio College

College park Dipolog City

Consent from the SHS Principal

February 16 2022


Principal of SHS Department


In partial fulfilment of the requirement in Practical Research 2, we the Accountancy,

Business, and Management (ABM-C) Grade 12 Students from Andres Bonifacio College will be
conducting a research study all about “An Assessment of Time Management Behaviors Among
Senior High School Students”

We the researchers would like to ask for your permission to allow us to conduct a study in
the vicinity of Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte. Our participants will consist of a sample
sized of 237 SHS students from our very own school (ABC). Rest assured that all data gathered
from the participants will be kept in the highest level of confidentiality. The interactions with the
said participants will only be conducted online through google forms and no face to face
interactions shall be observed. In regards to adhering proper social distancing protocols we will
avoid physically meeting the participants. In concern for ours and their safety.


Recommending approval:

John Hansel B. Pacatang Ma’am. Faith Lanie Lumayag

Researchers Representative Research Instructor


Appendix D

Andres Bonifacio College

College park Dipolog City

Consent for voluntary participation

The General nature of this research Study is entitled “An Assessment of Time Management
Behaviors Among Senior High School Students” This aims study to discover the time
management behaviors of SHS students. By signing your name and signature: I consent to
participate in the survey to be conducted by a research assistant through google forms. I
understand that my contribution will be confidential and that there will be no personal
identification in the data that I agree to allow to be used in the study. My signature below
signifies and shows my voluntary participation in this study.

 I conform that I have read and understand this information.

 I understand that my participation is voluntary and I am free to withdraw at
any time.

 I agree to take part of the study.

 I agree to answer the surveys that will be distributed to me.

 I understand that the data will be kept confidential. However, the information
may be used in the research publications or presentations.

Name and Signature of Participant Date

Appendix E

Andres Bonifacio College

College park Dipolog City

Consent for Voluntary Permission and Cooperation from Class Advisors

Greetings! Humble Class Advisor,

In partial fulfilment of the requirement in Practical Research 2, we the Accountancy,

Business, and Management (ABM-C) Grade 12 Students from Andres Bonifacio College will be
conducting a research study entitled “An Assessment of Time Management Behaviors Among
Senior High School Students”

We the researchers would like to ask of you for not only your consent, but your
cooperation as well. First off, we would like to formally ask for your consent to use your
advising class to conduct our research surveys on. As in regards to asking cooperation, we would
like to send our surveys not directly to the students but through the advisors.

I advisor of the class of agree to allow the

conduction of this study and I also agree to cooperate with the study. I am aware that the survey
will be sent through me in the form of a google forms link and all I have to do is send it to my
students through the group chats or through mass email. I am aware that the google forms
contain another consent form that will be address to the participants whether or not they agree to
participate on the study. By writing my name over my signature I agree to formally cooperate
and give consent to the conduction of this study.

Name and Signature


I. Fill up the form and fill up the box with a ☑ check if you classify as one of the given choices.



Sex: [ ] Male, [ ] Female

Grade level: [ ] Grade 11, [ ] Grade 12

Strand: [ ]STEM, [ ]HUMMS, [ ] ABM/TVL

Previous Years Honor Role:

[ ] Non-Honor (89 and below)

[ ] With Honor (90 and above)

II. In the scale of 1-5, choose from strongly disagree- strongly agree

1- Strongly 2-disagree 3-sometimes agree 4- Agree 5- Strongly

disagree agree

1) I prioritize task based on their deadline. 1 2 3 4 5

2) I prioritize harder task than easier task. 1 2 3 4 5

3) I don’t prioritize my task at all and just make whatever activity that 1 2 3 4 5
comes my way.
4) I often tend to delay/postpone my tasks. 1 2 3 4 5

5) The night before a major assignment is due, are you usually still 1 2 3 4 5
working on it
6) Preplanning methods are inefficient, and it does not affect 1 2 3 4 5
academic performance.
7) My academic performance is degraded due to miss-planning. 1 2 3 4 5

8) I have a clear established plan for each week’s tasks. 1 2 3 4 5

9) I have a clear established plan for each month’s tasks. 1 2 3 4 5

10) I have a clear established plan for each year’s tasks. 1 2 3 4 5

11) I spend my time wisely and avoid distractions 1 2 3 4 5

12) I balance between my private time and study time. 1 2 3 4 5

13) I prefer to manage my time daily. 1 2 3 4 5

14) I have enough time to complete my tasks during the day. 1 2 3 4 5

15) I effectively manage workload. 1 2 3 4 5

16) I make sure to meet the deadline for any work. 1 2 3 4 5

17) I have a set of goals for the entire quarter/semester. 1 2 3 4 5


Prioritization Subscale: Add scores for items 1-3

Procrastination Subscale: Add scores for items 4-5
Pre planning Subscale: Add scores for items 6-11
Setting boundaries Subscale: Add scores for items 12-13
Task management Subscale: Add scores for items 14-15
Setting goals Subscale: Add scores for item 16-17
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Bustaliño, Jia Michelle G.

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Address: Lobing Ogis ,Galas, Dipolog City

Date of birth: October 17,2003

Place of birth: Dipolog City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion' Catholic

Father's name: Juvinal Z. Bustaliño

Mother's name: Imee G. Bustaliño

B. Educational background
Pre-school: Galas Elementary School

Elementary Dipolog Pilot Demonstration School

Junior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

Senior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

C. Educational attainment
Elementary: None

Junior high school: With Honors

Senior high school: None

Name: Casalta , Desiree Jane

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Address: Brgy. 2 Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte

Date of birth: September 26,2004

Place of birth: Brgy. 2 Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte

Nationality: Filipino

Religion' Roman Catholic

Father's name: N/A

Mother's name: Jessica Estorco

B. Educational background
Pre-school: Brgy. Uno Katipunan Day Care

Elementary: Katipunan Central School

Junior High school: Katipunan National High School

Senior High school: Andress Bonifacio College

C. Educational attainment
Elementary: With honor

Junior high school: None

Senior high school: None

Name: Caermare, John Ivor,Ronquillo

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Address: Sta.Isabel, Dipolog City Zamboanga Del Norte

Date of birth: february 18,2004

Place of birth: sta.isabel, dipolog city

Nationality: filipino

Religion' Roman catholic

Father's name: Ivor C. Caermare

Mother's name: Myra R. Caermare

B. Educational background
Pre-school: Dipolog pilot Dimonstration School (DPDS)

Elementary: Miputak Elementary School and sta. Filomena elem. School

Junior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

Senior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

C. Educational attainment
Elementary: none

Junior high school: none

Senior high school: none

Name: Cheng, Chi-chen

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Address: Purok Riverside, Olingan, Dipolog City

Date of birth: September 24, 2002

Place of birth: Pintung, Taiwan

Nationality: Filipino/Chinese

Religion' Seventh Day Adventist

Father's name: Tui-jen Cheng

Mother's name: Meili Cheng

B. Educational background
Pre-school: Olingan South Elementary School

Elementary: Dipolog Community School, Inc.

Junior High school: Dipolog Community School, Inc.

Senior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

C. Educational attainment
Elementary: None

Junior high school: None

Senior high school None

Name: Mondijar, Klint D.

Age: Mondijar, Klint D.

Sex: Male

Address: PNB Subdivision

Date of birth: July 8, 2003

Place of birth: Dipolog City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion' Roman Catholic

Father's name: Floriano F. Mondijar

Mother's name: Anabelle D. Mondijar

B. Educational background
Pre-school: Orchid City Alliance Pre-school Center

Elementary: Andres Bonifacio College

Junior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

Senior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

C. Educational attainment
Elementary: None

Junior high school: None

Senior high school: None

Name: Pacatang , John Hansel B.

Age: 18

Sex: male

Address: Mibang, Sta. Filimena

Date of birth: June 4 2003

Place of birth: Dipolog city

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father's name: Florante A. Pacatang Jr.

Mother's name: Josephine B. Pacatang

B. Educational background
Pre-school: United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP)

Elementary Junior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

Senior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

C. Educational attainment
Elementary: With Honor

Junior high school: With Honor

Senior high school None

Name: Suan, Breanne Paolo J.

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Address: Porok San Roque, Sicayab, Dipolog City

Date of birth: July 8, 2003

Place of birth: Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte.

Nationality: Filipino

Religion' Catholic

Father's name: Leo F. Suan

Mother's name: Mildred J. Jipulan

B. Educational background
Pre-school: Andres Bonifacio College

Elementary: Andres Bonifacio College

Junior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

Senior High school: Andres Bonifacio College

C. Educational attainment
Elementary: none

Junior high school: with honor

Senior high school: none


Name: Tomarong, Kygel Kim C.

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Female

Address: South proper Baybay Galas, Dipolog City ZN

Date of Birth: June 22, 2004

Place of Birth: Liloy Zamboanga Del Norte

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Simeon L. Tomarong

Mother’s Name: Lanie C. Tomarong


Pre-School: Baptist Fundamental Learning School

Elementary: Dipolog Pilot Demonstration School

Junior High School: Galas High School

Senior High School: Andres Bonifacio College


Elementary: With honor

High School: With honor

Senior High School: None

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