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) Write a reaction paper on the documentary films about beauty and women's bodies in
Suri, Padaung and Chinese cultures.
Beauty and women’s bodies in Suri
My reaction to the documentary films on Suri's beauty and women's bodies is that I feel sorrow
for them yet am amazed that they can tolerate it because it is part of their culture. Then, in my
perspective, they appear uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and unappealing. Because when lip
plates are worn, the lips are expanded so far out of proportion that it appears as though eating,
drinking, conversing, or kissing are impossible. Having a single lip plate would be a living
nightmare for me. Younger girls crush down local pebbles to make rudimentary paint materials,
which they then use to create diverse patterns. Beauty is everything in Suri culture. Lip plates,
scarification, face painting, and flowers are all utilized to make a lady seem better. To complete
the procedure, flowers are utilized. Sticks, bottle tops, and bullet cartridges are frequently used to
apply the paint. Suri people take considerable pleasure in their body decoration, and it is not
unusual to see tribespeople carrying little mirrors. Suri culture is not complete without lip plates.
Ceramic discs are a symbol of a woman's attractiveness and social standing. It denotes a
woman's value to her family, particularly around the time of marriage.

Beauty and women’s bodies in Padaung

My reaction to this documentary is very amazing like how is that body holds that brass ring for
so long. The Padaung ladies of Myanmar still wear neck rings and are a popular tourist
attraction. Padaung women are members of the Kayan tribe, a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group in
Thailand, but we may have seen a video of ‘giraffe ladies,' who are famed for wearing unusually
long neckbands made of brass coils. The development of intrigued in outlandish conventions,
particularly Asian and African ones, has caused an increment in tourism to these regions. In any
case, some of the time these conventions are more hurtful than we will envision. The Padaung,
besides other Kayan tribes, are war ousts since of the military administration in Burma. Within
the late 80s and early 90s, due to political clashes, they were constrained to emigrate and
remained caught between the guests of Burman and Thailand. The first brass rings are put on a
young Padaung girl's neck at about five years of age in an important rite of passage which – in
the case of non-Christian Padaung, is supervised by a village shaman who casts chicken bones to
determine an auspicious date. Additional loops are added from time to time as the girl passes
through childhood and puberty to reach adulthood.

Beauty and women’s bodies in Chinese Cultures

My reaction to this documentary I felt the pain while looking at the foot I remember this when I
was a junior high, we tackled all countries culture. Women are often obsessed with the thought of
infatuation. Every culture has its own set of standards for women and what it means to be
beautiful. Although the world is becoming more accommodating, women used to go to great
efforts to attain a beautiful image. For millennia, foot binding was a well-known aesthetic

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requirement in Chinese society. The goal of foot binding was for women to have the tiniest foot
possible from a young age. This was not only a painful operation for girls as young as five years
old, but it also fostered the notion that women must mutilate their bodies to be attractive to men.
Women in the entertainment industry started this practice in the eleventh century. Men thought
these women were far more appealing than middle-class ladies with typical feet because of their
little arched feet. This difficult process is comprised of the breaking of youthful girl’s toes to
make the specified triangular shape. At that point, the curve of the foot would be bowed on a
level plane from the toes to the heel. As on the off chance that this was not difficult enough, the
young ladies were constrained to walk on their feet to heighten the curve, breaking the foot
indeed more. After all of this, the foot would be wrapped to preserve the shape as well as avoid
any sort of deviation.
2.) Mention something about these three (3) issues: (a) beauty and pain, (b)
patriarchy and women’s subordination, and (c) individual choice versus social

Beauty and pain

The finest presents sometimes come in the most unexpected packaging. Even while we are quick
to reject the "bad" as simply that, we can often derive so much beauty from it. Everything
excellent must originate from someplace, and there are no laws as to where this location must be.
There will be days when the good is more evident than others, but do not imagine for a second
that good is not always present. Even in the worst of circumstances, there is always beauty to be
discovered. Good is not always presented to us in dazzling light but is frequently discovered at
the bottom of extremely deep, dark places. Storms may appear in any sort of sky, so do not be
deceived by the brightness. Pain is the source of beauty. In other words, beauty has a high and
terrible cost. For decades, females have been conditioned to believe that to be attractive, we must
suffer physically, intellectually, or emotionally.
Patriarchy and women’s subordination
Women's subordination in society to males is an organized distribution of disempowerment from
one gender to the other. There is a system of patriarchal influence and conduct that limits a
woman's ability to contribute and develop herself beyond what she is formed by in practically all
elements of institution-based organizations. Gendered roles in society are a discriminatory
mechanism that eliminates the emphasis on women's rights and empowerment because of the
social division in all areas of institutional organizations. The patriarchal position sets a demand
for dominance, which casts women as secondary or the "other," and will frequently cast women
into perceiving their outward looks like a tool to get access to regions.
Individual Choice versus Social Convention
Personal freedom is based only on internal sensations and is unaffected by the external
environment. These stimuli include emotions, feelings, opinions, and goals. A person decides
based on what he believes is best for him, or what will provide him with the most advantage. In

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this manner, we can make the best choices for ourselves. Individual decisions, on the other hand,
have several flaws. First, we tend to get caught up in decisions that only give short-term gains. It
is vital to remember that we can only control our actions and behavior; people pick their conduct
depending on what they feel is most important at the time. Social decisions are those that are
influenced by external influences. When making these decisions, we base our conclusion on
societal opinion, and our conclusion becomes what the social groups agree on.

1.) Draw a box according to the rules of linear perspective.

2.) Refer to the LCD slides for the instructions.

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