1st Quarter Exam in MAPEH 9

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Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Alvear St. Lingayen, Pangasinan
Mangatarem II District
Tel. No./Fax No. (075) 522-2202(OSDS);(075) 632-8385(ASDS)
E-mail : pangasinan1@deped.gov.ph ; officeofthesdspangasinani@gmail.com

FIRST QUARTER EXAM Score: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Music _________________
MAPEH Grade IX (9) Arts ___________________
S.Y.2022 – 2023 Physical Education _______
Health _________________

Name: ____________________________________________Grade: 9 Section: ____________ Date: ______________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Determine what is being referred to by the following sentences. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before the number.

______1. What was the period when the Christian Church highly influenced culture and political affairs?
a. Baroque c. Renaissance
b. Medieval d. Romantic
______2. Who made the monophonic plainchant an approved music of the Catholic Church?
a. Adam de la Halle c. Pope Marcellos
b. Pope Gregory I d. Thomas Morley
______3. What is a form of sacred musical composition that sets text of the liturgy in the music?
a. Cantata c. Mass
b. Chorale d. Oratorio
______4. When was the medieval era?
a. 1492 c. 1600-1650
b. 500-100 BC d. 700-1400
______5. What are the two types of music of the medieval period?
a. Formal and Informal c. Sacred and Secular
b. Local and International d. Social and Political
______6. The following statements are characteristics of a Gregorian chant, except:
a. Free meter c. Polyphonic Texture
b. Modal d. Used Neumes
______7. What is not true about Renaissance period?
a. The Renaissance is the period of “looking back”.
b. Secular music is unknown during Renaissance period.
c. Renaissance music became popular as entertainment and activity for amateurs and the educated.
d. The invention of printing in the 1400’s paved the way for the wide distribution of Renaissance composition
______8. Which of the following is not a section of mass?
a. Agnus Dei c. Kyrie
b. Gloria d. Le Jeu de Robin et de Marias
______9. Baroque music considered as “pearl of irregular shape” because of the following reason:
a. Melodies are easy to sing or remember c. Orchestra consists of piano and violin
b. Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental d. Primarily contrapuntal texture with some monophonic
______10. What is the difference between mass and madrigal?
a. A mass is a sacred composition while madrigal is religious
b. A mass is a sacred composition while a madrigal is secular
c. A mass is a secular composition while a madrigal is not religious
d. A mass is a secular composition while a madrigal is sacred
______11. What is the most important secular form of the Renaissance period?
a. Concerto c. Madrigal
b. Gregorian Chant d. Mass
______12. Who was recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers because of his influence during his lifetime?
a. Antonio Vivaldi c. George Friedrich Handel
b. Adam de la Halle d. Johann Sebastian Bach
______13. Who was one of the oldest secular composers whose literary and musical works include chansons and poetic debates?
a. Antonio Vivaldi c. George Friedrich Handel
b. Adam de la Halle d. Johann Sebastian Bach

ARTS - Read each question carefully and comprehensively. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the
______14. What were the evidences that human had already their art during the pre-historic era?
a. Drawings of animals in the caves c. Paintings on vases
b. Murals on walls of churches d. Paintings on walls of tombs
______15. Cave paintings encompass any parietal art which involves the application of color pigments on the walls. In what era when
these types of arts dominated as the people’s means of communication?
a. Ancient Egypt c. Pre-historic Era
b. Classical Greek Era d. Romanesque Era
______16. What is the formal writing system of Egypt?
a. Calligraphy c. Logography
b. Hieroglyphics d. Photography
______17. Which of the following BEST describe an Egyptian sculpture?
a. Significant in revealing the artistic progress of the culture or artist involved.
b. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the Gods.
c. Living is presented larger than the dead.
d. Faithful and direct imitation of human anatomy.
______18. What are the five main colors used in ancient Egyptian paintings?
a. red, black, blue, gold, and green c. red, black, brown, gold, and green
b. violet, black, blue, gold, and green d. orange, black, blue, gold, and green
_____19. What are the dominant themes of Byzantine sculptures?
a. human form, everyday life, still life c. human nature, symbols, war
b. religious, everyday life, nature d. heroes, humor, landscape
______20. Your group was tasked to do a mural painting in your school using the colors made with grind powder pigments in pure
water to make the painting become an integral part of the wall. What technique of painting is ideal for mural painting using the above-
mentioned materials?
a. fresco c. acrylic
b. encaustic d. chiaroscuro
______21. You were asked by your art teacher to paint using melted beeswax and mineral pigment to varnish your work of art. What
medium of painting are you going to apply?
a. fresco c. acrylic
b. encaustic d. chiaroscuro
_____22. Which of the following is NOT a relevant nature of Pre-Historic sculpture?
a. Symbolic elements were widely used.
b. Sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not a human artistry.
c. Carvings may have mythological or religious significance.
d. Materials used in sculpture vary according to region and locality.
For items 23-25 - Identify the period to which the following artwork belongs by choosing your answer from the following options and
write on the space provided below.
a. Prehistoric b. Greek c. Byzantine d. Romanesque

23. _____ 24._____ 25._____

PHYSICAL EDUCATON - Read each question carefully and comprehensively. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.

_______26. What is the BEST value that sports official must possess during the game?
a. Fairness c. Unjust
b. Punctuality d. Favoritism
_______27. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating c. Sports Science
b. Sports Psychology d. Sports Youth
_______28. What is the general term that refers to harm caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, etc.?
a. Accident c. Disaster
b. Damage d. Injury
_______29. If you wanted to reduce your risk of injury, you could move your joints through their full range of motion on a regular basis.
This would improve by which component of physical fitness?
a. Muscular Endurance c. Muscular Strength
b. Flexibility d. Body Composition
_______30. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports officials do not have the
luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what’s the best drink to take?
a. Energy Drinks c. Sports Drink
b. Softdrinks d. Water
_______31. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially in sports like basketball, soccer and combative sports. What should the
referee do PRIOR to doing his/her officiating task?
a. Warm up c. Static Stretching
b. Dynamic Stretching d. instantly proceed with officiating
______32. Sports officials mostly use their arms for signaling. What fitness component will be developed with this regular movement?
a. Cardio-vascular Endurance c. Flexibility
b. Muscular Endurance d. Muscular Strength
______33. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the official possess?
a. Balance c. Power
b. Endurance d. Strength
______34. Why does a quick reaction time help in sport and physical activity?

a. It makes you a better player.

b. You can beat everyone.
c. You can gain an advantage by timing things better.
d. Perform better at fast paced sports.

______35. In what way our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
a. Save money during sports competition
b. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official.
c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities.
d. All the answers are correct
______36. A fracture is one of the common sport injury athletes may experience. For first aider, what is the most important thing to do
in this situation?
a. Immediately move the injured person
b. If there are any wounds, disinfect immediately
c. Call someone to move the athlete immediately
d. Do not move the person except if necessary, to avoid further injury.
______37. What is the difference between health and skill related components of fitness?
a. Health related has something to do with muscles.

b. Skills related is only to do with sport.

c. Health related is to do with movement and skill related is sport.
d. Health related is the efficiency of the body and skills related is the performance in physical activities
relating to skills.

______38. In Volleyball, a circular motion of the forearms around each other is known as________.
a. Misconduct Warning c. End of Match
b. Substitution d. Blocking

HEALTH - Read each question carefully and comprehensively. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the
______39. What do we call a sociological group in a large place where every member shares the same environment?
a. Community c. Health
b. Environment d. Society
______40. What comprises different aspects of human health determined by physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial factors
surrounding the environments?
a. Community Health c. Social Health
b. Environmental Health d. All of the answers are correct
______41. Which of the following does not describe a healthy community?
a. A community with safe and clean environment
b. A community with diverse and innovative economy
c. A community who actively participates in a partisan political activity
d. A community that promotes social harmony among its members
______42. Which of the following problems is a leading cause of environmental destruction?
a. Deforestation c. Oil Spill
b. Illegal Mining d. Soil Erosion
______43. What kind of pollution may cause irritability, fatigue, high blood pressure, and hearing loss?
a. Air pollution c. Soil pollution
b. Noise pollution d. Water pollution
______44. Which of the following is not considered an effect of Climate Change?
a. Dead trees from oil spillage c. More health related illness and disease
b. Increased risk of drought, fire and floods d. Economic sabotage
______45. Which of the following environmental problems causes Climate Change?
a. Deforestation c. Oil Spill
b. Flashfloods d. Pollution
______46. As a student and member of the community, how can you contribute to the preservation of our environment?
a. Plant more trees c. Proper waste management disposal
b. Create awareness on the effects of smoking d. All answer are correct
______47. Why do we need to ensure community health program in planning for community development?
a. To attain luxury life
b. To keep the safety of the community
c. To live in a clean, safe, healthy and comfortable lifestyle
d. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
______48. How can we make our environment healthy?
a. By relying on the government to do all the jobs
b. By killing all animals in the forest
c. By causing more and more pollution
d. By creating public awareness among people about the importance of environment
_____49. What could be the possible health problems of those people living in slum areas compared to those living in exclusive
a. Prone to sickness like asthma and skin allergies c. Limited food supply
b. Exposed to radiation d. Limited power supply
_____50. While at home during pandemic most of us are not allowed to go out, how can you start solving some problems and have
positive impact in the health of the people and the community?
a. By cleaning your surroundings and joining clean up drive in nearby barangays
b. By cleaning your surroundings to prevent breeding places for insects and planting trees or plants
c. A and B are correct
d. Only B is correct

Parents Signature over Printed Name/Date

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by:


Teacher I Assistant Principal
Quetegan National High School School Head-in-charge (MAPEH)

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


PSDS, Mangatarem II Education Program Supervisor
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Alvear St. Lingayen, Pangasinan
Mangatarem II District
Tel. No./Fax No. (075) 522-2202(OSDS);(075) 632-8385(ASDS)
E-mail : pangasinan1@deped.gov.ph ; officeofthesdspangasinani@gmail.com


S.Y.2022 – 2023

1. B 26. A
2. B 27. A
3. C 28. D
4. D 29. B
5. C 30. D
6. C 31. A
7. B 32. C
8. D 33. B
9. B 34. C
10. B 35. D
11. C 36. D
12. A 37. D
13. B 38. B
14. A 39. A
15. C 40. B
16. B 41. C
17. B 42. A
18. A 43. B
19. B 44. D
20. A 45. D
21. B 46. D
22. A 47. B
23. D 48. D
24. A 49. A
25. B 50. D

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by:


Teacher I Assistant Principal
Quetegan National High School School Head-in-charge (MAPEH)

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


PSDS, Mangatarem II Education Program Supervisor

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