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Text Copyright © 2021 by Enriched Emperor
43, Barrackpore Trunk Road

First published: 16/07/2021

First Edition:20/07/2021
Second Edition:26/07/2021


[Price: INR 25]


To my PARENTS, without whom, it was

impossible to write this book...

And to my friends Moyinaak Dutta, Madhurima

Kasundi and Trisha Sadhukhan, who helped me
to regain my mental equilibrium.

“Tika-tikang!” “Ding dong!” “Ting ting!” or whatever sound does the

electric bell–it rang. Beve and Zarvy–my siblings, later my sidekicks in our
adventures–were busy studying (even me!). Nonetheless, I had to reach our
door and open it for our unexpected guest, moreover on Mother’s instruction.
To my wonder, it was our Uncle Nathan–Mr. Nathaniel Everett! When I
had opened the door for Him, He greeted me with a smile and had spoken,
“Hee-hee! Stevey boy! What a surprise from your Uncle Nathan!” I smiled
back and had allowed Him in.
Mother was busy with Her chores in the kitchen. She came out from there,
and like me, was much amazed too!– “ Ohh Nathan! You have come! Sit,
sit in the drawing room. I am coming in a jiffy. Sit and talk with your brother-
in-law. Steven, take him to our drawing room.” After giving me the
post-greeting instructions and expressing Her awe, She left for the kitchen
again. I took Uncle Nathan to our drawing room, where Father was busy
reading the ‘Daily Din’.
When Father sensed that we were approaching Him, He at once folded the
newspaper and kept it on the table in front of Him. “Ho! Mr. Smith, our
lovable be-dot-hyphen-i-dot-hyphen-el-dot! How is my surprise?” Father,
aghast with happiness, let His lips open apart, “What a pleasant shock,
Mr. Everett! How come are you here?” Uncle Nathan’s facial expression
reflected oddness through Father’s rhetoric question; thus answered He,
“Actually Mister Smith,” seating Himself on a couch beside Father, “I returned
from a recent expedition. I travelled by my No. 11 bus, ha-ha, my legs, from
Paisley till Fort William Highlands, beside the majestic Linnhe Loch…”
“….It would not be much true if I suppress the expenditure that would
shock you–my licensed private jet!”
Father’s eyes transformed into googly eyes and His mouth opened wide
and took the shape of a distorted circle; continued Uncle Nathan, “Despite
being expensive, it was within my means. So, I did not hesitate to buy.
Further, I landed here today, few minutes earlier and thought to stroll by your
home. I even have some news for you–” “Where from did you come, Sir?
What news do you have in your bag?” Father’s sudden interruption, in
addition to His endless excitement.
“I see, you are already impatient Mr. Smith. This arduous and
adventurous expedition needs quite quiet relishing…” In our story-telling
scene, Mother and my two siblings joined in, in a flash. Mother, with a touch
of panting in Her dialogue, “Are you going to narrate your adventure without
us? How selfish you are, Nathan!” “That’s a gorgeous anger, Ellabella. You are
puffing like one going-to-erupt volcano, in a moment to spurt out lava–hee-
hee! My beautiful journey needs to be explained patiently. So, kiddos and their
Mother, please take your seats to listen to an audio-bioscope…..”
And He continued, “… can call the place the Norway of Scotland,
but that’s what I myself call it. It is a three-days tour, first by car to Ayr and
finally to our trekking destination by my private jet–” “How fabulous it is
Nathan! You bought your jet!” Paying no attention to Mother’s interruption,
He continued,“.....It is a dense brownish-red, rocky, rugged fold mountain,
formed by hard pushing of tectonic plates of Earth’s crust, the process being
orogeny; called by locals as the Red Rocky Mountain. It is now an attracting
tourist destination, beside our majestic Ben Nevis peak, teeming with people,
day and night. The toy-train ride up the mountain is a thrilling experience but
long-distance trekkers would not like it, a trek is relatively less. That place is
well suited for elders having body complexities…..”
“…..the superficial attraction is only the mountain, but near its peaking
edge, is a deep, dark cave. There stays the epicentre of our adventure–a
mythical cave, with frozen stalactites and standing stalagmites–Steven, do you
know what these stalactites and stalagmites are?” I knew the answer–
Stalactites are long, pointed icicles or stone-rods, hanging from cave ceilings,
formed either of frozen water or cave-mass.
Stalagmites are just the opposite of stalactites. They originate from the
cave-floor, as pointed pillars, mainly formed of cave-mass.
Happy with my answer, Uncle Nathan continued, “…..and I went in
through the icicle-maze. Suddenly, on my path I found this,” and He took out a
glittering, crooked, deformed golden ring from His right jacket-pocket.
Holding it between His right hand’s thumb and index finger, He smiled, “This
dazzle is for my beloved Sister,” and before openly handing it to Mother,
Father snatched it from Him and we, children, keenly examined the distorted
circular shape of the shining golden ring. “But Nathan, how come is the ring so
disfigured?” Mother questioned in astonishment. Uncle Nathan giggled a bit,
saying, “Ella, I’ll pronounce it later. Be patient.”
After Beve handed that ring to Mother (though the ring seemed not to
glide through Her finger), Uncle Nathan started again: “The story does not end
here. Here, I would like you kiddos to be familiar with the term
Cryptozoology. Cryptozoology is the studies and searches for those organisms
whose existence is not yet proven. It includes the animals, both of
mythological and controversial origin. The word ‘crypto’ means ‘hidden’ and
‘zoology’ is ‘the study of animals’; like, as example, the National Animal of
our Scottish Motherland–the mythological gorgeous Unicorn, and the
mysterious monsters of Loch Ness and Morar or you can list down even the
National Animal of China, the Dragon, and there are too many such examples.
My ring episode was just a prelude to an epic, a prologue to a novel…..”
“…..I heard from few locals–there was presence of a huge ape or gorilla.
Perhaps it is not as that of Chinese Gigantopithecus. Few had seen its
footprints. None dared to reach the cave as there were rumours about the death
of explorers–not in the quest of gold, but for discovery of new species.”
I was listening to it with constant concentration. Some thoughts swam like
fishes in my mind. I had to fetch a strong net to catch hold of them. I finally
succeeded. Those thoughts were, “Do they really exist? Or are those humans
disguised as deadly creatures to scare children away?” These thoughts were a
direct product from the impact of investigating and adventure stories in my
seven-year old mind.
“…I tried to reach on such a climax, but who would dare to risk one’s life,
when I still have the possibility to live? Thus, I came back with fair but
daredevil intentions…” Uncle Nathan continued with a suspicious vision,
criminal smile “…I actually had got two travel vouchers to the Red Rocky
Mountain from the office where I work. The first voucher is spent out and the
second one is left; each permits six people. Though I lost my money for five
people within the voucher, on my first tour, I really did it on purpose as I had
to risk and ensure safety for bringing in children there. Thus I thought about
you guys–my only family. Since I am wifeless, I have none much dear to bring
with to adventures; you people thus came to my mind. I know you are eager for
the experience, but do your work give you freedom?”
Both Mother and Father looked at each other’s eyes and remained mute
for some time. My siblings too sat quiet but Zarvin quickly whispered few
words in Beverly’s left ear. Breaking the millisecond silence, Father spoke out,
“Look, Mr. Everett. We thank you for your toil and proposal. I am really sorry
to miss this exclusive chance of a short trek. I would really have been
enthusiastic, if I had the opportunity to travel by your personal jet. My job
duties are heavy and stressful. Even my upper-hand would not allow me taking
a holi-week. Thus, I am bound. Ella, now express your complicacies.”
Before Mother approached to talk out Her matter, Uncle Nathan seemed to
hang His head down in gloom.
“Nathan, the introduction of my speech would be the same as Sanders’. I
want you to remind about that once theft in our residence. I donno if the
Almighty had controlled the matter; we couple had been out for some
shopping, keeping home Steve and Zarvy alone. Beve was then in my baby-
carrier. When we came back home, we saw everything scattered here and there.
Steve and Zarvy, smiling at us; beside them, lied unconscious two dacoits in
black. Although both the brothers carried out some adventurous feat, along
with their intelligence, from then on I never leave our residence vacant.
Therefore, I would like not risking our home. Thus, I too am sorry for being
unable to travel with you, brother.”
“Alright, as you say–the tour would be of three days, travel by car to
Ayrshire and finally with a jet to Red Rocky–except having any difficulties if
you send the kiddos with me?” Uncle Nathan’s words were divine rain for us,
pouring infinitely from heaven! Both Mother and Father were not much
shocked, as (I thought) They felt Him quite responsible. “Mr. Everett, we are
finalising this tour with you. Let the children have fun since their holidays
would end by next week and that toil and weight of knowledge would feel
heavy on them again”; Father thus, added His affirmation to our permission.
Mother did not say much, just, “Go children! Have your fun in mythology!
Your happiness is ours too.” Finally Uncle Nathan added, “Yea, and my
vouchers would also have got expired. So, that is confirmed then–” and got up
on His legs by pressing His palms against His thighs.
“So, are you leaving?” Father inquired.
“Who told that?” Uncle Nathan exclaimed in a half-serious and half-
humorous tone–“I am staying here till the day after tomorrow when I would
take the children for the walking voyage! Now, fill my stomach!”
Preparations were being hastily made. We three were puffing with
excitement! Till my sixth year and half on earth, me and my siblings–where
ever we went, was with Mother and Father–did not get that freedom and scoop
of a moment for a quick adventure alone, but that never used to be fulfilled.
This time, we were sure to experience a thrill! We awaited the very moment...
Uncle Nathan thudded down His car’s bonnet. Like a ship’s captain, He
signalled, “Everything’s up! Children, get into the car. Mrs. and Mr. Smith, get
me the luggage!” Obviously, He seemed both excited and enthusiastic. After
the luggage was locked in the boot, we three siblings went to sit in back of the
car; driver’s seat (naturally) was to be occupied by Uncle Nathan, which was at
the front-row-left of the car. Both Mother and Father stood inside the garden
gate, waiting to bid us ‘goodbye’. Beforehand, Mother had given us tonnes of
instructions not to be mischievous as to pose Uncle Nathan to difficulties.
Everything was complete, except the car to vroom off with pleasant
“Ho Children! Everything’s fit-n-fine! Let’s start on the engine then. Bon
Voyage!” And we smoked off, waving our ‘farewell’ hands; bit by bit, our
house too disappeared. We straightaway ran along Christie Street, ignoring
Millar Street on the right, and crossed Bank and Mill Streets, taking a turn by
the junction of three Streets–Mill, Bridge and Gordon. Our car rolled along
River Cart, whose mouth was at River Clyde, on whom Glasgow beautified its
busyness. Passing across Thread and Blackhall Streets, we came to a stop near
MacKinnon Cake-Shop, where we bought few muffins for our journey.
When our car crossed Barscube Terrace, I asked the whistling Uncle
Nathan, “Uncle, as per your Cryptozoology, were Dinosaurs mythological
too?” I looked at his eyes on the rear view mirror; he, with a ‘U’ on his face,
replied, “No-h, Steven. They actually lived on our planet Earth long time back.
Now, how have we figured their existence out? The answer speaks.....”
“.....the dug-out fossils or skeletons of dead animals have given us the
ever-proving evidences of prehistoric life on Earth. Footprints lie far below
than the quick evidences of fossils–” I interrupted in between and asked,
“Uncle, what are fossils?” He started hence, “fossils are remains of dead
prehistoric plants and animals that appear as images on rocks, understood?” I
nodded my head in affirmation. And he continued, “ I was re-telling,
footprints of roaming Stegosaurus have been sighted in our Isle of Skye. As
such, not much Dinosaurs did roam in our whole Scotland, except to name a
few amphibians or four-foots(“tetrapods”)like, Casineria, Pederpes (preserved
in Glasgow’s Hunterian Museum), Eucritta, Pholidogaster, Westlothiana(in
Edinburgh), Elginia, Hyperodapedon, Stagonolepis and others. Rather, another
remarkable prehistoric woolly rhinoceros, Coelodonta, ruled in Scotland when
the earth was completely covered under ice sheet. As you said Steven, Cryptids
might have some links to extinct animals.....” and we moved on through Hurlet
Road, after a circular turn round the corner.
And we smoked along the typical scenery of a Scottish sub-urban–fields
stretched beyond our vision by our right, clumps of houses were seen at our
left. I witnessed the wide canals of Tod Burn and Oldbar Burn. As Uncle
Nathan said, in our Scotland, Burn meant either a large water body or a small
river. Speeding beside an open field, I saw that both Beverly and Zarvin were
munching on the left-over muffins and laughing without a reason. By that time
me and Uncle Nathan, had already eaten our portion of muffins. I intentionally
did not indulge myself in childish mischief; though I am a child, I think myself
as a big boy, capable of handling what the elders handle.
It was almost half an hour, when our car came to a stop. Uncle Nathan
suggested in giving rest to the car and filling our nearly-empty stomach at a
restaurant, nearby. Our lunch comprised mayonnaise rice, baked sheep-meat
with some salad and marsh mellows. After a burp, we again drove on.
We left Common Barrhead Road and headed towards another junction of
Roads–Brockburn, Braidcraft, Peat–waving at Househill Park. Turning to
Fairchild Avenue, we were again sewed around the vast greenery of
outstretched lands, full of vegetation like Heather mosses and Thistle plants;
Birch and Oak trees sheltered red squirrels, and dragonflies, colourful
butterflies fluttered among flowers.
After few minutes, few houses were sighted. From a glance at both Beve
and Zarvy, I got convinced that they were deep in sleep like Sleeping Beauty.
By the time we reached Loganswell and tried to join Ayr road till Kingswell
Place, I saw Uncle Nathan rotating the car’s radio-knob clockwise with his left
thumb and index finger. After successfully equalising the desired radio-
frequency, we heard the tail-end music of a Scottish folk and a gruff-voiced
woman announced the narration of the morning daily news. The road along
Kingswell place, taken by Uncle Nathan, was peaceful. Thus, we were able to
listen to the news fluently. Did I narrate ‘We’? Wait, wait! I think there is a
mistake! Both Beverly and Zarvin were busy with the road’s view and hidden
whispers and laughs. They did not bother to hear. Although, I did not like
news, but if it turned out to be exciting and interesting, I probably used to listen
to it.
The news went,“...Latest explorers, a bevy of ladies, who hiked up to the
summit of the Red Rocky Mountain, have disappeared from their exploration
site. The Doctoresses of Geology had visited the fold mountain at Ben Nevis,
this Wednesday fifteenth. Their journal of research suggests the existence of a
rare ape species in a hidden cave. They too mention a virtual discovery of a
molten gold mine along with a pressurized dry ice mine, which later gives rise
to diamond-like crystals. They also mentioned about a hanging magma
chamber, situated at the ceiling of that cave, which is supposed to have kept the
dry ice and gold molten.....”
“...Search is though being made. A sudden mysterious disappearance of
the ladies bevy has been a matter of tension. It might be that the ladies are
trapped inside the cave with the discovered ape species or they are under cover
for deep research. Inquisitors and Police are detecting the place inch by inch,
the cave is fenced but after a critical search inside it, presently Inquisitors have
reported there is not much danger but it would be better if tourists are allowed
for limited hours, except exterior skiing. Tourists were not permitted–” I just
observed Uncle Nathan: His face rather terrified with all His teeth out, when
the Lady announced our travel-prohibition; Uncle Nathan but failed to catch on
the word ‘were’. Suddenly, He seemed to recover, giving way to His whistling
state when He heard, “...according to the latest news, the Inquisitors have
traced the trails of the lost explorers out of the Red Rocky site. Security
officials are allowing only individuals with travel-vouchers. This much update
for the noon. Stay well and safe. Thank you. Have a nice day.”
Uncle Nathan started then, “So you heard Steven. Beve and Zarvy, you
too should listen to this,” immediately they both turned at Him, as if, interested
much in the mystery! “As I heard and next, I thought, that hanging magma
keeps the gold molten...but dry ice transformed to diamonds...umm...I believe
they are partially correct. See, dry ice is completely solidified carbon dioxide.
It might be this, that, dry ice pellets might fall down...err...but pressure in cold
mountains is low...hum...even magma, through heat, can too pressurize
them...but...dry ice is always subject to sublimation....hush! I can’t make out
how are they proving these, neither can I understand nature’s weirdness.
Pooh!” and we were approaching Kilmarnock bypass. Each of the scientific
words was rushing above my little brain. Still, Uncle Nathan continued, “...
there it could be that, drops of gold can drip down from frozen stalactites and
can get stacked below one another coiling stalagmites....hmm....or they could
simply fall on the cave floor and solidify as crooked and bent rings, the one
that I had gifted to your Mother...,”hence, lasted His endless assumptions.
We stopped at MacMillan Motors for re-fuelling. As we followed
Kilmarnock Bypass, we passed Ayr Inn and the huge Prestwick Airport.
Moving on and on, we left Raith and Ladykirk Burns within the eyelids’ fall.
The vast green re-appeared on both our sides but gave way to the rumbling of
the sea, as we crossed the roundabout at Whitletts. At last, we reached our
destination at Holmston Road, beside River Ayr. After we came down from the
car, Uncle Nathan, like a sudden thunder, rumbled, “Ayr city is forty miles
away from our Paisley off Glasgow,” and became ever-silent.
The atmosphere in Ayr was soothing as the winds wrapped a blanket
of coldness around each. From few walks and observations of the city, our feet
brought us in front of one Hotel MacAndrews, initially led by Uncle Nathan.
Although we had left our footprints at Ayr beach restaurant that night, as per
Uncle Nathan, our prints would be permanent by morning. We had lodged in
that Hotel for single night, wishing for a pleasant sleep; a few kilometres away
from sea, yet we children were not spared from Uncle Nathan’s knowledge-full
When the sun seemed to flicker its rays, uncovering itself from
hidden clouds, I both felt and realised a sudden jerk. It was Uncle Nathan, who
was shouting at us, “Come down, good morning, for a cup of cappuccino,
Roaming along Ayr beach, by Blackburn Drive, looking up at the sea
gulls, eyes nearly getting closed due to the scorching sun, hearing the silent
roars of the advancing waves of the sea, was really mesmerising, as we felt the
audio-visual scenery. Few metres away stood Uncle Nathan’s royal private jet–
at the green clearing between Ayr beach-line car parking lot and the narrow
Blackburn Drive. Four Policemen stood guards surrounding the jet. According
to Uncle Nathan, it was a plane and was guarded by Magistrate Griffith
Taking over the charge of His property, Uncle Nathan thanked and
bid Mr. Graham goodbye. In addition to that, Mr. Graham was to keep safe His
car at Ayr. Our excitement was at our peak, as we seated inside the spacious jet
and set our eyes in front of the invisible horizon. Ultimately our jet took off
after running few metres across the green-ground clearing of Low Green Field.
Slowly, as we were being lifted up, the city of Ayr with its houses
and roads and vehicles, gradually turned as bigger dots, resembling thin strips
and colourful ants. Uncle Nathan steered back towards Seafield and turned
near the Culzean Castle shore. Uncle Nathan, with vivid concentration in His
eyes, warned us! “Never ask questions, just relish the view.” And His words
turned out right! We children were glued to the rugged greenery of the
advancing Isles of Arran, Gigha, Islay, Colonsay and Skate islands,
neighbouring Scarba and Lunga islands.
Breaking a long-lived silence, Uncle Nathan spoke, “We will not be
landing at the open plot of McCaig’s Tower and Battery Hill in Oban, but
reach straightway to Fort William.” Thus, we, one by one, were leaving behind
the pointed head of St. John’s Cathedral, Oban Bay, Dog Stone; our plane
casted a shadow over the green Battleship Hill. We were mainly passing by the
coast line. Many people on the beaches were looking at us in wrinkled faces
and children happily pointed at us, shouted in excitement and ran till their
beach-borderline. On Ganavan bay, flocked many puffin birds and we could
also watch them at some rocky cliffs. Beve, with her sweet, baby voice,
commented, “Sweety-Tweety!”
History had been bore in Appin, as Uncle Nathan narrated us the
bloody murder of one Colin Campbell. Castle Stalker waved it head below us
as we approached the great Linnhe Loch. Across a long way, along the
coastline, we flew with less speed as we tended to land at Fort William bay,
our runaway being the green space at Great Glen Way and Old Fort.
Police seemed to be an Ever-Loyal Friend to Uncle Nathan than the
loyalty shown to other people. This time it was some Mr. Fraser who was in-
charge of Uncle Nathan’s private jet. After exchange of friendly talks, Uncle
Nathan turned back at us and took Beve by her right hand. “Now, by bus no. 11
we are going to our ultimate resting destination” and bus no. 11 was known to
me–it was none other than our thin legs. We lodged in a neat hotel at Mary
Street, by Belford Road.

This morning was to be the preface to our first lonely adventure. Uncle
Nathan, after our breakfast, took all our necessities including our skiing kit, in
a waterproof rucksack. We, therefore, wore our boots, trousers, gloves,
(carried ski-poles, snowboards and jackets) sun-goggles and helmet, and
walked out of our Hotel.
We gradually left our foot-dirt behind Cow Hill Trail through Belford
Road to Glen Nevis and Invernochy Places. Amid the greenery, strayed few
people, beside the railway track, waiting for the toy-train to stop at their feet.
Despite the hustle-bustle and chaos away, at the foot hills of Ben Nevis, we
children were silently enjoying the view of nature–how She curled the clouds
as white as snow, how She trimmed the pines covered in snow, how She took
care of her pine martens and hawkish kestrels, how She tolerated the high-
pitched screech of Royal Golden Eagles!
A pure red toy-train, with that unique train-sound, came to a stop at us.
One by one, Uncle Nathan being the last one, started to fill in the open-bogie
compartments. After the train whistled off, the chill of the North was felt
slowly. Warm-blooded sister, Beve, appeared to feel no cold but Zarvy looked
shivering, his teeth, chattering! A complete sheet of clean snow having no
bounds was visualised, acres after acres.....
Very near to us, stood the Red Rocky Mountain, a gigantic fold mountain!
Uncle Nathan, but, fussed its fact out and uttered, “To be precise and clear,
Red Rocky is a hillock–do you know what’s a hillock, Beve?
She answered in her Barbie-voice, “Uncle, no”.
Uncle Nathan smiled, “Just know, hillock is a small version of a hill. What
familiar, rather, a common word could you find here?”
Beve cutely replied, “Hill!”
Uncle Nathan, satisfied, “Good, just remember that, and apply it in your
education...” and suddenly shouting out of excitement, “Children, we are here
at last! The static beauty! Let us run down from our toy and wear our jackets.
Zarvy is suffering from long, he needs a quick ailment! Ha-ha!”
Next to the rock-and-swing of the short toy-train ride, we walked near a
ski-lift station. Uncle Nathan led us and we (means Zarvy and I) guarded Beve,
keeping her between. Our boot-edges got pierced inside the snow, leaving our
scattered footprints at Red Rocky. Few police-cabs were waiting; few police
with guns and rifles were wandering. A man with a grey costume was standing
with a box, containing the bits of travel-vouchers.
We checked-in and Uncle Nathan spoke up, “Do not you have your toy-
train facility up the hill?” The gates-man nodded ‘no’ and added, “You know
Sir, it has been a risk and a mystery of the lost Lady explorers. Since then the
toy-train up the hill has been kept to a stop. Sorry Sir, but before entertainment,
lives are our primary concern. Although we have kept this tourism open, as it
fills the stomach of many, it was also supposed to be closed for the time-being,
as you know Sir, the Giant Ape.” “For sure, okay”, and we marched in through
the gate with Him.
A couple in yellow were skiing down from the peak. Another Mother-
Father-child tourist-set were seen near the gate. Accidentally, to my surprise, I
saw a group of six Women! Their colourful gowns resembled a walking
rainbow. Electrically, a sudden thought struck in my mind! Were not those the
lost Ladies?
Not only my eyes observed them but also Uncle Nathan and my siblings
viewed them. Uncle Nathan approached those chat-concentrated, laughing
ladies and uttered His hesitation, “Madams, are not you that lost troop of
explorer-ladies?” One of them answered, “We request you to talk in whispers,”
and after observing Him keenly, “You seem to be a generous chap, mister. I do
not think you are a paparazzo, are not you? Or are you a detective? Mister,
speak the truth, or else we six will scratch you upside down!” Uncle Nathan
nodded in negative, “You are free to tell your disguise-story.” “But how are
you confirming that we are that lost lady-troop?” inquired another. Uncle
Nathan smiled and answered, “Just like that. I am truly not an Inquisitor.”
The Ladies looked relieved and one of them opened Her lips, “We will
not mind disclosing the actual matter to you, if your trust is tied to our fingers.”
He consoled, “No worries.” Thus, that Lady started, “The thing is
“...Nathaniel Everett.”
“...Ah, yea, Mister Everett, as I was telling...we had to provide the media, a
false but true information...”
“...that is,” another one started in between, “as you have heard, I suppose, the
hanging molten magma, natural gold and dry ice! It is a great discovery with
another risk of two creatures–a huge cryptozoologic Giant Gorilla...”
Another joined in, “...and a supersonic flying creature–still not identified and

The first one, who started the narration, interrupted, “This much is what
we know. We are now under cover as we do not want to exploit nature’s
wealth by dynamite explosion and extensive mining. Although we are
geologists, we are nature-lovers too. We do not want to disrupt the balance of
nature and pose danger by regular avalanches and landslides! Please brother,
do not, never disclose this secret discovery! It is a request right down from our
hearts! Please, please do not betray us Sir.”
Another Lady, in partly rage, boldly spoke out, “Make sure, you are not a
paparazzo or else these dozen hands would break your two!”
With that same smile, Uncle Nathan remarked, “No, no, ladies! Keep complete
faith in me. After hearing this, I too feel sympathetic towards Mother Nature. I
would surely keep it secret, Madams. Now as I have heard everything, I am
too-one with you, one with your troop. You just note down my telephone
number for further verification issues. I keep my ultimate promise with you.”
“Well, it was nice to meet you. Come on, let us bid adieu and scatter
around for less suspecting,” and the six Ladies waved ‘goodbye’ and dispersed
around as they told. Uncle Nathan seemed mesmerised by their charm and
confidence; lips of Him moved, “Really, those Ladies...their guts...ahh...” and
suddenly rising from dreaming sleep to reality, he rushed, “C’mon children,
time to start our trek.”
We followed Uncle Nathan as before–me, Beverly (in the middle) and
Zarvin (after Beve). As we went up, we bit by bit left the vast sheet of ice, as if
we were travelling on an infinite flat snow-escalator. Wherever our eyes went,
we could notice ant-like scattered people and Snow-Emperor’s successful
capture of the whole territory, permanently placing an Imperial White-empire!
Out of doubt, I asked Uncle Nathan, “Uncle, what is a paparazzo?”
Uncle Nathan scholarly answered, “You should have asked ‘who’. Paparazzi
are people, not associated with media or press photography, but independent
photographers who secretly shoot photos of distinguished personalities.” Then
I had understood, why the Ladies feared the paparazzi!
We four safely strapped in the ski-lift. It turned towards the peak by
turning around the circular ski-lift station. Gradually, we were being lifted up
the gently sloping peak that was skiing-friendly.
Even after we reached the top, we found none skiing down. In front of us,
few metres away, stood that mysterious mythological cave!
We were nearly at the cave when both Zarvy and Beve cried to Uncle
Nathan that their legs were aching. Uncle Nathan exhibited thinking something
and then spoke out, “Umm...okay children, we can rest here. Just near the
entrance of the cave...beware, as you heard of those dangerous creatures
inside–I am just going to check if the rough slant is perfect to reach up the
peak; would be coming in a jiffy.....Steven, I give you the responsibility of the
care of your siblings...stay here, no fear, I am near, just there...Do not go in, no
mischief!”He smiled and turned back with his ski-accessories.
After being rested enough, I thought to myself, “If we go inside the cave,
how adventurous it would be! For the first time in life we are out in such a
lonely adventure and it should have rightly a golden mark in our lives!”
Therefore, I encouraged my siblings to get up on their feet and enter the cave.
Beve, with a cute fear, exclaimed “Brother, it is a risk! Uncle Nathan will scold
Zarvin, with sweat and shiver, muttered “Beverly is correct brother! We must
value our lives!”
“Huh”, I thought, “being little fellows, giving a big fellow, infinite
knowledge! Nonsense!”
I pulled them inside in spite of its fearful facts.

The cave seemed to be darker than we expected. Its ceiling, walls

and floor were rough in texture; nevertheless, it was deep brown with touches
of red. As we moved further, we happened to be in the midst of the stalagmite
maze! We looked above and saw thousands of stalactites hanging down from
the ceiling with their pointed heads. Although the weather was cold enough
outside, we sweated relatively. We walked round and round like lost snake
video game until we realised that something glittered beyond another huge
cave-hole. We entered–first I, then Zarvin and lastly, Beve.
Our eyes were blurred due to extensive shine, but gradually they
accommodated themselves. Out of our belief, that was the cave of the most
precious desire on earth–GOLD! We luckily could experience heaven there–
foggy atmosphere due to Stalagmite-dry ice; molten gold dripping from ceiling
stalactites; molten magma above us kept the temperature warm. We were left
speech-bound by such lustre!–A sudden growl, but, broke the spell...
...To our surprise and shock, He was a clumsy, gigantic gorilla with
white-clad fur. His eyes appeared to burn with anger. I observed, on His left
hand, between His index finger and thumb, a crooked, shining golden ring. As
He advanced forward, we did the same, backward. When our back touched a
big stalagmite, I ordered both Beverly and Zarvin to run behind.
“But Brother, what will you do? You too come with us!”
“We have no time for answers amidst this approaching danger,” and so I did
the same to prevent that furious creature’s attack...
...We ran through the maze and I got a thought that we lost our way out.
But no! As the growl increased, I saw near the cave-hole, something flashed
and flew past us in fraction of a second. As the Gorilla came in sight, we heard
a loud thump–the Snowball Dragon bumped on the Gorilla’s back. I knew,
from the look of that flying, slender, snake plus silver fish-like creature, that
She was a snowball dragon, as I had read about Her in a mythological story-
...To me, the Snowball Dragon seemed to have a beautiful woman-like
charm, so I have designated Her here as ‘She’. She had a tricolour, jagged
blade on Her head. Her face resembled bit of a mouse with pointed teeth and
whiskers. Triangle-shaped blades, with decreasing size, ran down on Her back
till the tail-end. Her only speciality was, a fire, that always kept burning at Her
pointed tail-end, which later proved to be totally harmless...
...Zarvin and I were hiding behind a rock. In the meantime, we lost
complete sight of Beverly. “Where’s Beve? I must find her out Zarvy–” and as
I approached to search Beverly, I saw–the Gorilla approaching Beverly. She
was standing there with a wrinkled face and both her hands stretched out on
both left and right sides; why. I failed to conclude. The growl–the snarling,
sharp teeth–the fire-some eyes, created such an environment, preventing each
being to move.
Out of the blue, the Gorilla went to thrash Beverly with His left hand.
Swiftly, Beve jumped aside to escape His wounding fingers.
GRRROOWWLL!! The fist with the fingers, having the golden ring intact, fell
on the cave’s floor. A stream of blood flowed from the Gorilla’s left hand. He
continuously roared in pain. Fortunately, the stalagmite, in front of which Beve
had stood, was a solidified, pointed and spiky sharp knife!
...Dangers were not over, as the Gorilla dawdled, crying and groaning for
His infinite pain.
The Snowball Dragon approached us. She rolled herself in a shape of a
ball and rotating as fast as possible, threw Herself to us–! We three then were
behind a huge stone, standing; as soon as we saw Her coming, we crouched
down. She was but, alert. She re-assumed Her own shape and turned directly to
us. We immediately deviated in three directions and the air-rolling Snowball
Dragon banged against the stone so hard that She let the stone roll towards the
Gorilla, breaking weak stalagmites on its way.
We stood at a corner of the cave, witnessing the happening events; our
backs tightly stuck to the cave-wall. The Snowball Dragon seemed to be much
hurt. Consequently, with Her left-over energy, She rolled in the air towards the
Gorilla. The Gorilla was groaning lowly, standing near a giant stalagmite. The
rolling stone, without any moment’s hesitation or before any soul could move,
hit the Gorilla, smashing it against the cave-pillar!
Within few nanoseconds, a deep crack was formed on the stalagmite and fell
on the Gorilla’s head, completely burying him under it. The sudden jump-off
legs of the Gorilla provided the bounce-back platform for the rolling Snowball
She, being pushed back, flew backwards to our opposite cave-wall. Beneath
Her, was that sharp, bloody dry ice-crystal. She hit boom and fell directly onto
that crystal-knife! The pointed end penetrated out of Her stomach and an ear-
rape cry was heard–SCRRITCCHIIAAANN!! She cried till Her last breath.
She rotated in a disturbed brisk, the stalagmite being Her pivot. Her stomach
slowly expanded as She slipped down the bloody crystal.
A sudden rumble shook the whole cave. Stalactites started falling like air-
bombs, blocking our way out. With much difficulty, we jumped and skid out of
the cave. We were back again in the white-view. The rumble within the cave
was so intense that it shook the whole mountain down. We were in fear of
landslides, so we slid down the snowy slant of the retreating peak. A policeman
and the gates-man were climbing up to our rescue but as they saw we were
coming down, they stood at one point with the support of ski-poles. When we
were going to pass between them, they quickly took us by our hands and we
slowly slid down. Other policemen cried harshly for people to slide and come
down from the peak, before a single layer of ice shifted,
Uncle Nathan was seen, skiing down as fast as He could and dashed directly
down at our feet.

We lifted Him up and dusted off the snow on His jacket. “Are you kids
alright? Did you feel any harm? Do you feel any pain?” Uncle Nathan
interrogated, just like one caring parent. The gates-man along with the police
warned us about an avalanche and then-n-there we fled off from the tourist
With respect to the rumble and tremble, thick ice sheet did not come sliding
down like Uncle Nathan. Fortunately, the tourists who had been strolling there
(including us) had been on safe grounds, except those six hiding Ladies. They
were completely out of sight.
A direct call was made to the ministry and the media followed behind. The
cave remained fully covered with rocks and boulders, being skinned with thick
On our way back home safely, we narrated the whole experience to Uncle
Nathan. He first seemed to be astonished, then His eyes giving way to jealousy,
complimented us with a smile: “To me, that was the ever-greatest feat
performed by you, kids, in the whole living world. None could have been
amidst that proceeding, momentary danger! This is a story to be kept written–
but listen, by any chance, you should never disclose this truth. Let this be
within our Family. To none shall the truth be let out–”and finally we vroomed
towards our home.....

Next few successive days, the permanent and final news about the ever-
mysterious ‘Red Rocky Mountain’ swarmed in the radio stations, television
channels and newspapers worldwide. The ‘false’ summary of the news ran:
“Red Rocky Mountain’s disaster has brought down the tourism revenue of Ben
Nevis but officials, from there, have shifted to favourable and sound regions. It
has been excavated that the Mysterious Cave has got permanently locked
naturously. Geologists are figuring out to penetrate through it to prove if there
is any gold mine. They also expose us to threats like dynamite blasting or
drilling leading to regular avalanches and earthquakes, crackling of earth. Now,
it would remain unstirred. Stay tuned for further updates.”
The ‘truth’ is.....that we know.....only..... imitation of end our story...

“To Mankind, the Gold-n-Diamond cost,

But to Mother Earth, Her Crypto-Children lost!”
Few illustrations and sketches worked on during the story-writing
Second Illustration/Sketch
Third Sketch/Illustration
1. Dorling Kindersley Eyewitness Travel
Guide- Scotland
2. Lochaber Guides
5. The World Encyclopaedia of Dinosaurs
and Prehistoric Creatures
6. Google Maps

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