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You have been awarded 10 points in Speaking which will be

averaged with your final Midterm grade.

 How to keep your 10 points:

You start with 10 points that you must maintain speaking only in English during the development of
your learning activities of the subjects in English (even until the requests to leave the classroom for
any need) and your interaction with the teachers of the English area in all moment inside and outside
the classroom in the different areas of the Institution and Academic Platforms.
 How to lose your 10 points:
You will lose one tenth (0.10) each time you stop using English to communicate during your classes
and other activities in English and/or in your interaction with teachers in that area, either directly or
through Platforms. The record of each loss of score will be recorded in this booklet. At the end of the
partial, your score will be averaged with the other activities of the partial.
 How to Recover Points:
They will be assigned a complexity activity according to the amount of points they need to recover.
The activity will be evaluated and if it complies with the request, the score will be recovered,
otherwise the accumulated score will be kept in the report card.
You have 10 points in Speaking that will be averaged with your
final Midterm grade.
 Rules to keep your 10 points:
Speak in English all the time in your English classes, when you develop individual or
group activities.
Speak in English when you interact with teachers in the English area at all times.
Use English to ask or comment on a publication on your Academic Platforms
related to the English area.
 How to Lose Points:
You will lose a tenth each time you do not use English for your activities in class.
You will lose a tenth each time you don't speak English with your teachers at all
times, even outside of class.
Every time you lose a tenth and/or points, it will be recorded and will affect your
position at the traffic light.
 How to recover your lost points:
Your teacher will assign you an activity based on the number of points you need to
If you execute the mission successfully you will recover points otherwise your score
will be kept.
They will be assigned an activity according to the amount of points they need to

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