Identifying+Key+Metrics Zoom GJ

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Identifying Key Metrics


Problem Statement
You have recently joined as the Product Manager (Analytics) at Zoom, which is one of the fastest-growing
SaaS startups. Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, which provides a cloud
platform for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars. It helps businesses and
organisations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment. Your first project at Zoom is to
build a web-based analytics dashboard that will track all the relevant metrics across the lifecycle of the
product. For this, you need to first identify the relevant metrics that you will monitor for the different
stages and then build a wireframe for the dashboard, which will help track all these metrics.

In one of the previous sessions, you learnt the AARRR framework for prioritisation of metrics. It is a
common framework, which was proposed by Dave Mcclure. AARRR, which stands for acquisition,
activation, retention, referral and revenue are the different stages of a user’s journey through your
product. You can use this framework to find the relevant metrics for Zoom.
Assignment Instructions

1. First, you have to identify all the relevant metrics that Zoom should monitor across the lifecycle of
the product. You also need to provide a brief explanation for choosing each metric.
2. Second, you have to build the wireframe for the analytics dashboard, which will help monitor all
these relevant metrics. This dashboard will help you to visually track, analyse and display key
metrics and data points to monitor the health of the product.

1. In your final submission, identify the relevant metrics (along with an explanation of why you will use
them) and then share the screenshots of your wireframes.
2. You can add your responses in the submission file attached below.
3. Convert this presentation into PDF format for the final submission.
Recap - AARRR Framework

Acquisition Retention

Find the core
Concept R
Activation Revenue Referral
Part 1
Identifying the relevant metrics
for Zoom based on the AARRR

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Acquisition Metrics
1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): CAC determines how many resources the company
needs to attract new customers and grow continuously. We can assess success of marketing
and sales campaigns/techniques and improve where necessary.

2. Lifetime Value: This metric indicates the total revenue a business can reasonably expect from
a single customer account. We can use this metric to identify the most successful segments for

3. New Users by Channels: Number of new accounts created - collected daily, Segmented by
personal email accounts (B2C) and business email accounts (B2B).

4. Source Referrals: This metric enables Zoom to keep track of users origin - organic search
traffic, direct hits, referrals from other sites, zoom meetings etc.

5. Cost per Install (App Downloads): We can use this metric to measure the digital ads placed
during a campaign which leads to App downloads.
Activation Metrics
1. App Downloads: Measuring how many downloads per device - desktop, iOS, Android. This
is a good indicator of user growth and if a single platform is outperforming the others.

2. Multiple Device Access: Measuring how many people have signed into Zoom Apps from
different devices. Another could be how active users are if they prefer signing onto multiple
devices with the same login or if they prefer to have one device to host, join and start
meetings on.

3. Unique User Logins: Measuring how many unique successful logins taken place in a month,
thus gauging users who are actively using Zoom.

4. Average meetings joined vs Meetings started: We should measure the average number
of meetings an active user would have joined versus how many meetings they have started
from their account.

5. Hosting Webinars and Number of attendees: We should be measuring how many

webinars are hosted and segmentation based on number of attendants.
Retention Metrics
1. Active Users: Daily Active users and Monthly active users gives an idea whether the product is
being used. If there’s a significant drop noticed, there may be bugs in the Zoom functionality.

2. Usage Rate by Account Creation: “How new customers adopt different features” - It would
be helpful to measure the percentage of customers who uses each feature in the weeks before
and after they purchase Zoom Pro.

3. Apps installed in App Marketplace: Zoom features a marketplace of Apps that can be added
to the user’s Zoom experience. It would be helpful to measure which of these apps are popular
with users and for which areas they would like more permanent functionalities.

4. Churn Rate: The average churn rate for SaaS products is around 5%, and a good churn rate is
considered 3% or less. However, this would be a good metric to compare product performance
on a monthly and yearly basis.
Revenue Metrics
1. Average Revenue Per user: ARPU helps to measure how much revenue the company can
generate over a period of time.

2. Conversion Rate: This metric helps us gauge how many users converted from a basic free
account to a paid subscription.

3. Revenue by Premium Subscriptions & Add ons: This metric measures which revenue
streams generate revenue for the product and then help make decisions on areas of

4. Zoom Room Conversions: Number of Customized Zoom room kits purchased. Zoom Room
uses partnerships with tech companies to provide better meeting experience. Measuring it
gives an idea if this stream provides a high conversion rate for B2B users.
Referral Metrics
1. Referral Invites Sent: The number of referrals sent represents how many times or the
percentage by which current users promote Zoom or its products.

2. Net Promoter Score: NPS measures customer experience and predicts business growth.
It helps us judge the effectiveness of Zoom’s product being used.

3. Viral Co-efficient (K): The viral coefficient is the number of new users the average
customer generates. This metric is a result of the product itself. Improving ‘K’ begins with
improving the product itself and thus assists with bettering the conversion rate of the
Part 2
Building the Wireframes for the
Web-based Analytics

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Wireframe - Analytics Dashboard
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