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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
Graduate School Mabini Colleges, Incorporated
Daet, Camarines Norte

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for
EDUC 200 (Methods of Educational Research)

Kim Ann O. Villarosa

November 2022
Chapter 1

Distance learning became very common nowadays since the Covid-19 pandemic

affects most of education sector in the entire world. Distance learning, also called

distance education, e-learning, and online learning, is an intervention of many

institutions to include physical separation of teachers and students during class

instruction by employing different products of technologies to facilitate student-teacher

interaction. (Simson, 2022).

Nowadays, technology plays a pivotal role in pedagogy of teaching. It was

merged in the pursuit of knowledge and skills so that the learning process is more

engaging and the fulfillment to develop lifelong learners will be achieved. Computer

based devices like laptops, smartphones or tablets became heavily used by our

education sectors. The necessities of technology in education are evident now as it

became part of our teaching and learning process. With the ongoing pandemic, we have

witness how technology provides useful tools and software’s to facilitate learning. In

fact, it has been labeled as the “silver lining of our education system” several

interventions were conducted to continue education and make the learner safe in the

danger brought by the pandemic crisis.

With the current situation in education, still, pandemic has a threat for many

students and teachers since the government launches full implementation of face-to-

face classes for all. However, face-to-face class may still go back to distance and
blended learning when there were cases of covid-19 infections arises within the school.

(DepEd Order 34, Series of 2022).

Not only pandemic could severely affect our education, Philippines which belong

to a tropical country experiences many calamities like flood, earthquakes, and typhoons

that may interrupt classes and so blended learning should be implemented with the

affected areas to ensure that learning continues even the most difficult times (Mateo,

2022). Therefore, every institution should create a contingency plan that could

implemented projects or programs that ensure teaching and learning continues in

whatever conditions we face.

Nowadays in the field of education, teachers find ways to impart knowledge to

the students in the most convenient and appropriate way. In modular distance learning

that are widely implemented of most schools, in their subject science, teachers use

books, modules as manuals on where they based their topics on. Assessments were

also taken mainly from modules (Aj Yes,2021).

Students (Grade ten), as one of the beneficiaries of this study, find it hard to

search for other references like handouts or basis for the subject in science. They find it

difficult to gain more knowledge about science, mainly because of the scarcity of finding

good references. Another cause of the problem is also unfamiliarity of students where to

search for additional information with regards to science.

It has also been reported that modular distance learning using printed module is

more expensive for the department of education. Therefore, the secretary of education

Leonor Briones hopes to reduce dependence on the modular setup of learning and shift
to blended approach which technology-based gadgets and internet will be widely

utilized. (Magsambol, 2020).

In connection to this, the researcher proposed a web-based system entitled

sciebooks that aim to lessen the problem encountered by the beneficiaries of this study.

Sciebooks a web-based application may serve as a reviewer, guide and possibly

an intervention in distance learning since it could be installed on their mobile phones, or

tablets of the school which learners can be barrowed. It may also be access online if the

learner has internet access.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher thought of a way to help students of Pablo S. Villafuerte High

School in terms of searching information about certain topics in their science subject by

making an informational web-based application which will contain topics, videos, trivia,

as well as additional information with animation and images about science for grade 10

(ten) students.

Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Science Information Resources

2. What are the problems encountered by the users in manual searching through

books, module about science in terms of:

a. Speed;

b. Accuracy;

c. Ease of use;

d. Cost.

3. How does the proposed web-based application (sciebooks) operate in terms of:

a. Speed;

b. Accuracy;

c. Ease of use;

d. Cost.

4. What is the significant difference between the existing and the proposed web-

based application in terms of;

a. Speed;

b. Accuracy;

c. Ease of use;

d. Cost.

5. What programs could be implemented to apply sciebooks web-based application

in the teaching and learning process in schools.


There is no significant difference between the effectives of the proposed system

as compared to the existing system in terms of speed, accuracy, ease of use and cost.
Significance of the study

Through the use of Sciebooks, the researcher believed that this study will be of

great help to the following.

The Grade 10 Students. As the main benefactor of this study, it may help them

gain more knowledge in their subject (science). It may also give them advance learning

since the system have videos, and trivia per topic which will surely be a great help in

enhancing their learning.

The Educators. The proposed system also provides topics and lessons that may

serve as additional references for their teaching and other sciences purposes.

Sciebooks will follow the format or outline of lessons found in the science modules

therefore allowing the students to keep track of their progress. The application may also

be accessed offline therefore installing it in school dcp tablets may also use and be one

of the teaching material of grade 10 science teacher.

The Researcher. This study will be of great help to them as it provides ideas and

bring out knowledge about developing web-based systems. It also capacitates them

enhance their skills in the field of multimedia, scripting, and the likes.

The Future Researchers. The research will provide ideas and concepts which

will serves as their basis for the coming researchers with the similar study,

Scope and Delimitations

The proposed system (sciebooks) is an informational web-based system aims to

give additional knowledge to the learners. It contains selected topics, related videos,

illustration or images, animation, and trivia for every topic all about science 10. Grade
10 students will be benefited the most for they are the main benefactor of this study.

The contents of the system proposed were based on the K-12 science book of grade 10

which was recommended by Department of Education to be used both private and

public schools.

The proposed system sciebooks was created to help grade 10 (ten) learners by

providing them an additional option of learning tool which may improve their skills in

science subject. It is also created for students and teachers to have more improved

interaction not only inside the classroom but also even when they are at home. This can

be use in implementing modular distance learning via installing the system in different


Furthermore, in developing the system, the researchers only used HTML,

Cascading style sheets, Java script and J Query to build the system and to make it

more interactive to learners. Also, some application like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe

Fireworks, Logo Maker, Animation maker and other designing tools were used for lay-


Simonson, Michael and Berg, Gary A.. "distance learning". Encyclopedia Britannica, 7
Nov. 2016, Accessed 24 September
Chapter 2

This chapter presents the relevant theories, literature and studies conducted

neither locally nor abroad that are related to the present study. The opinions coming

from the authors of the resource’s materials are in the form of books, journals, articles,

and the likes that replicate background, insights and direction towards the present

study. Analyzing and comparing the related literature and studies will help the

researcher identify the similarities and differences that could solve the research


Related Literature

Foreign Literature. The needs for educational website have increased

dramatically since the online mode of learning were utilized in education to improved

students’ academic performance and satisfaction (Abuhassna, 2020). Education

website should be complete in details, from the information about the schools, the

contents, and the features itself that provides efficiency to easily access data or

information by the users. Furthermore, designing an educational site on the internet

with complete school like features will really help learners to maximize their knowledge

on every topic. In addition, random test should also be present and displayed on the

students and teachers account for feedback purposes (Qudah, 2016).

An educational website should have also a role to carry out such as updating all

the materials posted in the website and infusing advance features in the website such

as teachers, students, and admin portal to maximize the capabilities of the website in

distance learning (Barikzai, 2009).

Local Literature. On the demand to shift on online platforms in education, virtual

learning environments were materialized by many. Nowadays, many academic articles,

virtual learning environments and other educational tools that are readily available in

the internet can be used by ordinary people (Enriquez, 2014) therefore, the

combination of education and technology can build dynamic teaching and learning

experiences that are tailored to developing and transforming the educators and learners

needed to power the digital economy (Garcia, 2017).

Related Studies

Foreign Studies. Parallel to the study of the of Tubin and Klein, 2017 which

studied one institutional website in Israel entitle “Designing a school website: contents,

structure, and responsiveness”. They have found out the website was congested of

other websites which is not related to the institution. Search engine results where just

link on google with no specific answer were displayed. School organization, population,

school activities, and administration was intensified rather than extra-curricular

activities, survey, class forums and e-mail contact with the principal and teachers were

the least frequently applied.

This is similar to the study of Kelly, L and Breault, 2006 entitled “Developing

Educational Website; investigating internet use by the students and teachers” the study

highlighted the qualities of a good website. From the data collected they have found

out that a website should have the following: Concise information, New and related

information/up-to-date, Easy to access and downloads, Interactive, Copyright free

images, sharp and attractive information. Moreover, the teacher’s content should be

linked to curriculum guide which can easily be followed.

Aside from the feature of the website for educational use, content posted in a

particular website were less expensive than print equivalents. The cost of using books

for research can turn out to be quite high depending on the topic

Local Studies. Website should not only be as simple as posting information, but

it must have features of performing operations like portals so that the teachers must

have full control and has an access for students’ assessment for possible feedbacking to

students. The study of Marquez, 2018 Edmodo as a virtual learning environment it

offers teaching controls such as posting assignments, topics and projects. Interactive

platforms for collaboration or group works. However, since it is online students

somehow may alter other works that may affect the integrity of the site for securing

data being submitted.

The study of Tupas, 2015 about “Design and Development of LPU-B High school

website” have mentioned that the study focused on website content, efficiency,

functionality, and usability. The goals of this project included: designing and developing

LPU-B High School Website. Both applications were built as web applications. It

comprises of three aspects: a database component, the use of a programming/scripting

language, The user interface was written primarily in Hypertext Mark-up Language

(HTML) and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and is accessible via any web browser. The

processing application handles request/tasks performed by the user on the server side

using PHP content management system technology such as WordPress. the design and

implementation of the graphical user interface (GUI). These components tie together to

form the complete web applications

Process Model: Rapid Application Development

Rapid Application Development model also know as RAD is a type of incremental

model. The components or functions are developed in parallel as if they were tiny

projects. It provides numerous tools the build graphical user interface that would take

large development efforts. This is one of the recommended models in creating websites

since it provides convenience to the developer because of its. speedy development


Phases of Rapid Application Development Model

Requirements Planning: In this phase, the researcher planned about the

proposed website. Gathering data or information were done to achieve the maximum


User Design: in this phase the formulation of design is laid out. The researcher

used papers to write draft or layout the website. It serves as a guide of the developer

links or pages as well us features of each page must be listed.

Construction: the making of the prototype is performed. Researcher start to

code the program such as HTML pages, css pages, java script and the likes that is

needed to build a website.

Cutover: the researcher will polish the website. The system is tested for its

efficiency and usefulness. Trial and error process is applied to ensure that the system

will achieve the performance required. Whenever problem occur, researcher will go

back to square one of this model to check, review and alter factors that might affect

performance of the website. After fixing, researcher will now proceed to the other step

to add more details on the website.

Requirements Planning

User Design Construction

Figure 1
Phases of Rapid Application Development Model
(James Martin)

Conceptual Framework (IPO)

Input Process Output

 The Respondents  Survey

 (Grade 10) questionnaires for
 Internet
 Research for
 Adobe Photoshop CS6 information
 Editing tools
 Adobe Dreamweaver cs6  Software used for
 K to 12 Grade 10  Guide in gathering
modules/books information Sciebooks
 Software used in
designing the
 Logo Maker
system and logo
 Software for
 Swishmax 4 animation
 Collecting Data,
interpretation of
data, analyzing

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework of the Study


The related studies of this research give useful information and insights that

guide the researchers to determine the similarities, differences, and uniqueness

among the previous studies and the recent study.

The recent study of the researcher is like the study of Kelly, L and Breault, 2006,

which ensure that an educational website should provide convenience to the user. It

should provide easy way of searching information which is the main goal of the website.

It also reflects to the study of Tubin and Klein, 2017 that a website must have search

engine so that a website will not be congested of information. Every topic or lesson

must have specific pages and the user must be guided by having site guide on top of a


In formulating or designing a webpage is similar to the study of of Tupas, 2015.

A website must have offered features like back-end accounts, teachers account and

student account that there will be an interaction between the student and the teacher.

Also, the model of the webpage is also made by the webpage software’s such as HTML,

dreamweaver, css, javascript, jQuery, Wordpress, Photoshop, Filmora, Logomaker and

Phpmyadmin for database. The researcher also ensure that the alteration of contents

will only be made by the developer of the website and the teachers since the study of

Marquez, 2018, has a situations alteration of contents since edmodo is an open

application that anyone can modify contents.

In connection to the published journal of stating that having a

learning website is not expensive since it will be accessible using internet. Also, schools

will not purchase printing materials for modules, books, learning manuals and the likes

since the topic, activities and assessment is a part of the feature of the sciebooks


The researcher will maximize the Wordpress software to make the website

exclusive for science 10 and has a conducive feature for learning. Students will gain

learnings by having fun also with a bunch of information even without the presence of

their teacher.

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