B074 2020 Vop

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PEJABAT WILAYAH TENGAH AABATAN KERJA RAYA SARAWAK TINGHAT 0 & 14, WISHA SANYAN “ JALAN SANYAN, tnosey pea Ru) Kami: PWDICROIBLGIHOIBO74/2020 PL.s(32 ) Tarik 30 NOV 202 PN CONSTRUCTION SD\. BHD, 1 Fleer Lot 9687, Pending Poirt Jalan Pending 183450 Kuching Sarawak, Fax 022455044 Dear Sir, Without Preiudice” CADANGAN PEMBINAAN GANTIAN PENUH 12 BILIK DARJAH DAN (10 UNIT) RUMAH, GURU DAN LAIN-LAIN KEMUDAHAN Di SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN KG. TANAM, DALAT. SARAWAK. Pursuant to the Pokeliing Perbendaharaan Malaysia PK 2.4 dated 15 duly 2022 on the PELAKSANAAN SYARAT PERUBAHAN HARGA (VARIATION OF PRICE ~ VOP) DAN INISIATIF. TAMBAHAANKERJAAN PASCA’ PANDEMIK DALAM KONTRAK KERIA IKERAJAAN' I, and with ference to your eal ltr ret PNIPNP2002/SKKPGTANAMOI118, died B November 2021 accepting VOP offered to your previously, the Federal Government is hereby offering you o incorporate the Special Provision fr Variation of Price (VOP) with adaitonal ‘material in the above Pederal-unded Contract as follows: (@)_VoP ‘o1ousng materi at as stpustodin re Special Provisions tothe Contons {of Convact (Variation of Pres for For Bullaing Works) Lamplran ABWIKSLcoy sttaches) andor" {®}-YOP fo: cit ongncaring ators at as stpustd nthe Spool Provislons othe onditons of Contract (varaion of ie tor Gil Engineering Works) Lampien SiCWACL copyatached}an or (© VOP ormethanical and lactis! matrilal as spulated ne Spell Provisions {o the Conditons of Contract (Variation of Price for Mechanical and Elctcal Wort tampiren IME copy atachec (Tre spacial Provisions 2s mentonad I (a Ff and /o (6 shal ny be In foce ect {January 2002 (or wore Conrete why Leta of Aesepancs wae aed efor January 2022) unt practi completion othe Works (©) the amount payabe by the Government to the Contato upon issuance of tho any intr area bythe Supermanamg cer (S 0) unser inure eons Stand on o Gnract Form BW Form 208 Rev 42040) PWD 2098 few 12010) heeot ‘hal beaded or deducted scrordnoe wth he Spacal Provlone se mentonad (Gy and Por 8jeandar (cr above commencing | January 2022 unl praca ‘Smpleien and shal be ncused the al valuation of be Wes in accordance wah ‘louse 3 fhe PID Form 205 Rav /2010}4 PD Fer 205A (Re. 12010), & osha serawak gov ny FH coporatie@gmalcom pst facebook comusaauah @ eS Ry). Kemi: PWD/CROMBLGIHO/B074/2020 PL.) Tarik 30 NOV 202 (0) le herby sored ina tn Contractor shal not nto clam fo lss and expense {hat may arse due tthe execution of sa Specal Provisons and (@) a Sepplmertary Contrast No.1, shal ba instte to fora he stove. Th cst ot Stamping forthe Supplementary Contact shale Dorey you. Caen ary shel bes [Ssounlegal costs ang expenses and any castsneuodinconnton wh te execuon ‘here and (tthe Conran shal ny be enti ote adore! Special Provision for Viton of Pree (VDP) sat in PK 24 ted 18 July 2022 only 2. Your prompt response within one (1) week from the dato of this letter is highly appreciated “BERSATU BERUSAHA BERBAKTI” “AN HONOUR TO SERVE” (ir GLEWENT Sia kif O1NG) Superintending Ct Regional Manager Central Regional SK DPW Dy. DPW (Building and Specast) esd of reject (HOP) Assistant Diector(Bulsng) Assistant Director (QS) GF vetmontcncxcmieen @e@ LAMPIRAN AIBWIKA. (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinaan) ‘SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (VARIATION OF PRICE) FOR BUILDING WORKS VARIATION IN PRICE OF 15 SELECTED MATERIALS (VARIATION IN BUILDING MATERIALS COST INDICES) Adjuetmonts (upwards and downwards) shall be made to the monthly interim payments and finally to the Contract Sum where there is variation in the Building Materials Cost Indices which are deemed to reflect any changes in the prices of the selected Materials described hereunder: () Cement; (i) Steel; (li) Bricks and wa () Glass; () — Agaregates; (vi) Calling materials; (vi) Roofing materials; (vi) Timber; (%) Plywood () Sanitary fitings: (2d) Floor and wal ies; (ail) Plumbing meterials; (il) Steet and meta sections; (iv) Sand; and (6) Paints ‘Any changes in the prices of Materials other than the above and the cost of plant shall be deemed to fallow that of the above described Materials, but any changes inthe cast of labour and the amount for proft and overheads shall not be reflected Inthe indicas, ‘The reference publcation to determine the “Building Materials Cost Indices” of Materials speciied in paragraph 1 shall be the Special Release 2 published by the Department of Statistics in the particular month in which the Materials are delivered to ste foruse, LAMPIRAN A/BWIKL, (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinaan) Basic Indices ‘The "Base Indices" for the purposes of calculating variation of price for the Materials specie in paragraph 1 shallbe tha appropriate Building Materials Cost Indax as stated inthe Special Release 2 published by the Department of Statistic ‘and shall be inserts in Appendix A to this provision, “The Base Indices shall be determined as follows based on: (The month during which tender closes (for tenders closed on and after 1* January 2021} oF (i) The month December 2020 (For tender closed before 1" January 2021) ‘Application of Adjustment (i) The adjustments shall only be applied to the "Effective Value of Works! (as. defined hereunder) in respect ofall materials used and plant employed from ‘1st January 2022, The "Effective Value of Works" shall mean the difference between: ‘) The amount of all builder's works (Including any site and external works) ‘executed ty the Contractor up to the date of the current monthly interim valuation ess the amounts for Preliminaries” items and any items based ‘on actual casts or current prices and excluding any works dealt under Prime Cost Sums and Provisional Sums executed by others. Where the Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) works are executed by the Contractor, the value of the MBE works in respect of seven (7) main components shal also be excluded from the value bulide’s work; and 'b) The amount calculated in accordance with (a) above up tothe date of the preceding monthly interim valuation. (Variation of price for MAC Works shall be in respect of (7) maln components shall be deat separately as detalled in the “Special Provisions to the Conditions of Contract (Variaton of Price) for MB&E Works” (li) The amount 1 respect of all the materials used and plant employed are deemed to constitute a certain percentage of “Elfectve Value of Works’. This percentage is referred to as “Recovery Factor” and is specified in Appendix Ato this provision. LAMPIRAN AIBWIK-L (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sodang dalam pembinaan) Variations in the Buting Materials Cost Index (i) The Variation i the Building Materials Cost Index shall mean any increase or decrease inthe “Current Index" (as defined under paragraph (i) hereo!) as ccamparad to the Base Index (as defined under paragraph 3 above) for the relevant category or categories of building or works as stated in Appendix A to this provisien. (i) The Current Irdox shall mean the appropriate Building Materials Cost index ‘as stated in the Special Release 2 issued by the Department of Statistics for the month preceding the date ofthe month of interim valuation Provided thatin respect of Works executed ouside the period permitted under the provisions of the Contract, the Current Index shall be the appropriate Building Materials Cost Index as stated in the Special Release 2 issued by the Department of Statistics for eithar the final month of the period permilled under the provisions of the Contract, or the month preceding the date of the monthly interim valuation, Whichever isthe lower. Calculation of Adjustment The increase or decrease payable or deductible shall be calculated by multiplying the Effective Value of Works by a factor referred to as Fluctuation Factor which shall be ascertained from the product of the relevant Recovery Factor and the difference between the relevant Current index and the Base Index, divided by the Base index as follows: Current index ~ Base index Fluctuation Faclor = Recovery Factor x a Provided that ()(@) the relevant Current indox had not been published by the date tho lnverim payment certificate isto be issued, or (©) _fthe total amount of any monthly intrim valuation (excluding any sums for increases or decreases under these provisions) is, inadequate to justly the issue of an interim payment certificate, then the increase or decrease payable in respect ofthat monthly ) a, LAMPIRAN AIBWIK-L (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinasn) interim valuation shall be added to or deducted from the amount payable upon the issue by the Superintending Officer (8.0.) of, the next interim payment cerfcate afterall the relevant Current Indicas have been published or when the total amount of the rmonthy interim valuation is adaquate to jusify the issue of the said certificate, as the case may be ‘The Fluctuation Factor forthe Effective Value of Works in respect of site and external works shall be tho simplo average of the Fluctuation Factor ofthe relevant categories of buildings (excluding pling works) contained inthe Contract. ‘The Fluctuation Factor for the Effective Value of Works in respect of any balance due or to become due and payable to the Contractor after the payment for works executed up to the date the work is certited by the 8.0. as being completed had been made, shall be the ratio of the aggregate tolal of all the previous increases andlor decreases and the correspondng cumulative total of all the previous Effective Value of Works as follows: ‘The value of increase or decrease payable or deductible in respect of the balance due or to become due and payable tothe contractor, “The amount ofthe balance due or to become due and payable to the ‘contracior (excluding the value of L’, and any works dealt under Prime Cost Sums, Provisional Sums. Where the Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) works in respect of seven (7) main components are executed by the Contractor, the value ofthe M&E works shall also be excluded) affer deducting the amount in rosoect of Preliminaries and items based en actual costs or curent prices; = The aggregate total amount of increases or decreases payable under the above provisions in respect of all the previous interim payments made; = The comesponding cumulative total of al the previous Effective Value cof Works LAMPIRAN AIBWIK-L ‘Appendix A. (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pombinaan) LIST OF RELEVANT CATEGORIES OF BUILDINGS AND BASE INDICES ‘SUBJECTED TO PRICE VARIATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE “SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (VARIATION OF PRICE) FOR BUILDING WORKS” Base doe (cresting category 08g Recovany | Mate Contin {Irrelevant Categories shall be deleted) Factor ‘al Te mono i Shai rey Bing os fi, zaSoeyRe-Salang et oo) | O80 tL ZaSrey Re bong ones Root) | 08 th Stony an stn Rong a0 (For Accomodation) x. {Sony an ato Re. Bung oso | iroromen vi Sinbor bakiog oa Mi, Tee ig oa i Re ning a0 vis + Aun Pon, Kd, Pat Bok Seg nah Postion Kiss opr, aa on Np Serbian ote “2 -Pang * F Kelantan dan Tarenggants “The ‘Base Index’ shall be the appropriate Building Materials Cost Indox (with steel bars) ae stated In tho Special Release 2 published by the Statistics Department. “Tho Base Index shall be determined as follows based on:- (@) The month during which tender closes (for tenders closed on and after 1" January 2021); oF (i) The month December 2020 (or tendr closed before 1* January 2021) 5 LAMPIRAN CIMEIK-L (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinaan) ‘SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (VARIATION OF PRICE) FOR MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL WORKS. “This provision shall be applicable for Mechanical and Electrical Works carried out Under the fllowing arrangement; (Direct contrac (i) Prime Cost Sum by Nominated Sub-contractor under the Main Contract; and (li) Packaged as part of Builder's Works under the Main Contract ‘Adjustment (upwaids and downwards) shall be made to the monthly interim payments and finally to the Contract Sum where there is variation in the Component Cost Indices in respect of seven (7) main Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Components described hereunder: () Copper Cabes: (i) Switchgears; (i) Transformers; (i) Generators; () Lightning Protection System and Earthing System; (i) Air Conditioning System; and (ui) Motor (Pumpset). Reference Publication ‘The reference publication to determine the “Component Cost Indices" of M&E Components spectied in paragraph 2 shall be the Special Release 3 published by the Departmentof Statistics forthe month of installation, Base Indices “The "Bace Indices’ for the purposes of calculating variation af pica forthe MAE Components spectied in paragraph 2 shall be the appropriate Component Cost Index of the M&E Components as stated in the Special Release 3 published by the Department of Statistic and shall be Inserted in the Appendix A to this provision prior tothe signing ofthe Contract LAMPIRAN C/MEN-L (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinaan) “The Base Index shall be determined as folows based on:~ (The month during which tender closes (for tenders closed on and alter 1% January 2021); (i) The month December 2020 (for tender closed before 1* January 2021) ‘Application of Adjustments, (The adjustments shall only be applied tothe "Effective Value of Work Done” (as defined hereunder in respect of each M&E component installed on site from 1st January 2022. The "Effective Value of Work Done" shall mean the difference between: {@) The amount of each relevant component installed on site by the Contractor up tothe date of the current monthly interim valuation less the amount for any items based on actual costs or current prices; and (©) The amount calculated in accordance with (a) above up tothe date of the preceding monthly interim valuation, (i) The total tendered price of each M&E component is the total price of the supply and Insalltion as tendered by the Contractor. The “Recovery Factor” fof each component is the percentage of the supply component price with respect to the tendered price. The Recovery Factor of the selected M&E ‘component is specified in Appendix A to this provision, Variations in Comgonent Cost Index (The Vatiatior in the Component Cost Index shall mean any increase or decrease in the "Current Index" (as defined under paragraph (i) hereof) as ‘compared to the Base Index (as definad under paragraph 4 above) for the relevant category or categories of M&E component as stated in Appendix A to this provision. (®) The Current index shall mean the appropriate Component Cost Index as stated in Special Release 3 issued by the Department of Statistics for the LAMPIRAN CIMENC-L (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinaan) Provided that in resoect of Works executed outside the period permitted under the provisions of the Contract, the Current Index shall be the appropriate Component CCost Index as stated in the Special Release 3 issued by the Department of ‘Statistics for either the fnal month of the period permitted under the provisions of the Contract, or the month of the monthly interim valuation, whichever is the lower. Calculation for Adjustments ‘The increase or decrease payable or deductible shall be calculated by multiplying the "Effective Value of Work Done" by a factor referred to as Fluctuation Factor hich shall be ascertained from the product of the Recovery Factor of relevant ‘MBE Component and the diference between the relevant Current index and the ‘Base Index, divided by the Base Index as follows: Current index — Base indox Fluctuation Factor = Recovery Factor x —Cumentnwex mesa Nor Provided that () (2) Ifthe relevant Current Index had not been published by the date the interim payment certincate is to be issued, oF (0) the total amount of any monthly interim valuation (excluding any sums for increases or decreases under this provision) is inadequate to jusify the Issue of an interim payment certificate, then the increase or decrease payable in respect of that monthly interim valuation shall be added to or deducted frem the amount payable upon the issue by the Superintending Officer (S.0)} of the next interim payment certificate afterall the relevant Current Indices have been published o when the total amount of the ‘monthly interim valuation Is adequate to justify the issue of the said cortficate, as the case may be. (li) The Fluctuaion Factor forthe Effective Value of Work Done in respect of ‘any balance dus or to become due and payable to the Contractor after the payment for each component installed up to the date certifed by the S.0. ‘88 boing conpleted had been made, shal be the ratio ofthe aggregate total of all the previous increases andlor decreases and the corresponding ‘cumulative toa of allhe pravious Effective Value of Work Done, as follows: LAMPIRAN C/ME/C-L (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinaan) M tse xt Where L ‘The value of increase or decrease payable or deductible n respect of the balence due or to become due and payable to the contractor, F ‘The amount ofthe balance due or to become due and payable to the ccontracor excluding the value of | after deducting the amount in respectof items based on actual casts or current prices: M_ = The aggregate total amount of increases or decreases payable under the above provisions in respect ofall the previous interim payments, made; E = The coresponding cumulative total ofall the previous Effective Value of Work Done, LAMPIRAN C/ME/C-L ‘Appendix A {untak digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinaan) LIST OF RELEVANT COMPONENTS, RECOVERY FACTOR AND BASE INDICES ‘SUBJECTED TO PRICE VARIATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE “SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (VARIATION OF PRICE) FOR MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL WORKS” OO Base Index 1 ‘Component in Recovery 5 Bil, Catagory Of Components fore | region for the months of i. | COPPER CABLES | |) Concealed! Surface wiring using G..| 0.50 conduit (per uit point) 4) Cables in gavanized trunking (per! 0.55 meter run) ii) Cables ald underground (per meter run) 2) 120 sq. mm and above 0.90 ) Below 120 sq, mm 075 Iv) Gables on tray/ ladder (per meter run) 2) 120 sq. mm and above 075 ') Below 120 sq, mm 50 ¥) Busduct 075 2. | SWITCHGEARS | ) HT Switchgeers 0.90 il) LV Switchboards (Incomer breaker! 0.85 600A and abeve) li) LV Switchboards and Sub| 0.85 ‘Switehboards (Incomer breaker below 600A) yy TPN & SPN Distrbution Boards) 0.85 (lncomer breaker 100A and below) [3 [TRANSFORMERS |) Low Loss Cast Resin Transformer 0.0 Low Loss Hermetically Sealed (Oil| 0.80 fled) Transformer LANPIRAN CIMEN-L ‘Appendix A (untuk digunakan bagi projek yang sedang dalam pembinaan) Base index (of Recovery |. component in Bil, | Category Of Components scowery | eaion : forthe months of 3, | GENERATORS |) Generator Raings Above S00KVA 08s i) Generator Ratings S00kVA and below 075 5. | LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM & EARTHING SYSTEM i) Lightning Protection System ae) i) Eanthing system {@) Eathing System for Main 075 Schboards and Sub Switchboards {b)Earthing System for Distibution | 0,50 Boards 3. | AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM |) Water Cooled Chiller 075 i) AirCooled Chir 0.90 fi) Water Cooled Package 070 iv) Air Cooled Package 075 ¥)Splt Unit Syctem (@) Wall Mounted 075 (0) Ceiling Cassette Mounted 0.90 wi) VRVSystem (2) Indoor 08s (b) Outdoor 095 7] MOTOR (PUMPSET) i) Condenser Water Pump a0 3) Chiled Weer Pump oan il) Hose Reel Pump 058 Noes: * Penisular Malaysia + Saban + Sarawak

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