Business Basics - Workbook

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Basics Workbook David Grant and Robert McLarty OXFORD DDO Business Basics Workbook David Grant and Robert McLarty OXFORD UNIVERSITY DRESS OXFORD Great Clarendon Suet, Oxford ox2 60? Oxford University Press isa department of the Unversity of Oxford Infrthers the Unsersy's objective of excellence in research, sols and education by publishing worldwide in. Oxford New York ‘Auckland Bangkok Buenos Ares Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sio Paulo Shanghal Taipet Tokyo Toronto oxfoxD and oxronp kwctis are registered trade marks of Osford University Pressin the UK and in ceain other countries (© Oxford University Press 2001 ‘The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford Univesity Press maker) Fire published 2001 2008 07 2006 2005 2004 No unauthorized photocopying Allrights reserved. 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(Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibilty for the content san or9as73a09 Printed in China ‘The athars ond publcher wou ie to thank teflon Jor te ae af hetgrahs:Asbus ndustiep 15: America Online, Ie_(Ameriea Oaline, ‘AOL, and the AOL logo are registered trademarks of America Online. ne. in the United states and other counties) p50: Apple p31: BAA p 24 (RPM PhotographicyMike Hodgkinson) SeilYoringer p12 imtate airplane): [Birdseye p51; Corbis p 4 (Paul A. Sousersjview of Toronto), p 14Kevin ‘Morris, p38 (Owen Franken): Daily Telegraph Abbie Tayler Smith) p70 ‘The Dorchester: London p24: Fat Auto UK p 8: Getty One Stone p12 (Hugh itonpDubai Rank Machine) 29 Ary Diesendruck/Buenos Alte) 1p (Chris Everardjbirthday cake) (Myles/SIimasina/Father Chests) {Steve Blypumpkin. p36 John Nilarfman at desk p39 (Nick Doldingiman. ‘on mobile phone. p34 (David Hanoveriman on computer, Hugo Boss AG Pt Hutchison Library. London p10 John Burbank) 3 (Tony Souter Image Bank p35 Haralé Sundboafire night, p39 (LD Gordon “MeDonald’s Restaurants Limited p20 (cheeseburger MetroGoldwyr-Mayer Inc. p51: Michelin Tyre ple p 6: NEC p 38: Pizza Hut p20 (pizza: Rolls- Royce and Bentley Motor Cars Li. p46 Siemens Business Services Lid. 1 26: The Stock Marketp 24 (Covent Garden Opera Housel, p 29 Pat See(iguazs Falls p36 [receptionist LVMHVTAG Hever p63: Telegraph Colour Library p 24S. Harelgrovepdennim Dome), p 35 francesca Yorke/Valensine's Day p 36 man on mobil UWA p66 ‘sates by Stefan Chabluk pp 16,18 42,44 62; Nigel Paige pp 13.17, 19,25, 48,56, 59,68, 73 Contents Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Answer Key You and your company Preparing a trip Away on business Visiting a company New developments ‘Arrangements Describing and comparing Life stories Deating with problems People at work Getting a job The world of work 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 16 Olevia 1.1 People in business fH Talking about @ Look at this list of participants for an IT conference in Toronto. Use the people information below to help you fill in the gaps, as in the example. Ms Ishikaz'’s frst name is Minako. ‘The translator is twenty-eight. Minako and Alicia are colleagues. Minako and Miho are both Japanese. ‘The Spanish woman lives with Igor. Igor and Miho are the same age. Mr Nanni is a salesman. (itier ree ee Claudio Alicia Mino Teploukhin 4 Lopez kuta 2 Telefonica LRC 18M Sony Job Systems Engineer Salesman 5 Designer analyst Nationality Japanese Russian tafian Spanish 6 Residence Barcelona 9 Rome Madrid Tokyo Age 25 30 2 28 7 © Answer these questions. What nationality is Igor? Where is Alicia from? o.oo What is Minako's job? . How old is Claudio? Where does Miho live? Who do Minako and Alicia work for? 4 You and your company G Introductions Question making O Pronunciation © Complete these questions and answers, as in the example. 1 Is Minako Spanish? Me 2 HEAL cocsnnane NOT’ not, 3. Is Alicia twenty-eight ? = $ covmumsininnnnnnnneanen —YOS,he is, Are Miho and Minako Japanese? 5 6 Are Igor and Miho twenty? Ars...get.. BEA At the conference, Minako, Alicia, and Igor meet. Complete the dialogue below. A: Igor let. to my colleague, Minako. i How... 22 3 Igor. M: Pleased sn AGOE: MY sen Minako. I: What anit M: I'ma systems analyst. What v I: I'man engineer with Telefonica in Madrid. Where ......0.0 « were 18 M: I'm from Tokyo but I 9 in Barcelona. I: Really? Match the questions on the left with the answers on the right, as in the example. 1 Is she married? a No, they're not. 2 Where are you from? b No, she’s colleague. 3 Ishe new? ~c Noysingle. 4 Isshe your boss? No, he isn't, He’ German, 5 Whatis your job? € I'm from Sweden. 6 Are they here? f Ima designer. 7 How old are you? g Nearly forty. 8. Ishe Dutch? h Yes heis Find the other letters in the alphabet (if there are any) with the same sounds as the letters below. Write them in column A of the table below, as in the examples. © Find words in the box below with the same sounds as the letters above. Write them in column B, as in the example. There are two words for each letter. French tine know bar do. 90 date team tight men new are week pay You and your company 5 1.2 You and your company BY Talking about a company Look at this article about Michelin, the famous tyre-manufacturing company Fill in the gaps using words from the box below. The first letter of each verb is given. is has owns sells publishes ‘supplies, live sponsors are have plans employs manages advertises manufactures Bi Vocabulary 6 You and your company Michelin isa famous old family company with a dynamic young chairman. Edouard Michelin iS. .! the great-grandson of the founder of this ‘company, which is based in Clermont Ferrand in the centre of France Michelin sdiaud2?t2ryrest and e4fj04/-@5.__3 them allover the world. The company #/92.2¥.5.4 about 120,000 people and 4 $ annual sales of over €14 billion. Goodyear and Firestone 4 ® Michelin's main competitors, Edouard Michelin Phone wd the company using modern methods. At the moment, Michelin &. 8 tyres to the BMW Williams team. The company has two main markets, Europe and the USA, but it P.. .° to develop the Asian market. In the USA it¢ vve!0 the Uniroyal company. It @conisminnstit! alot on TV and in magazines and €... 12 racing events It also 2. 8 the famous Michelin guidebooks. Edouard Michelin and his wife 4.0mm! five children and /.. 18 just outside Clermont Ferrand *UK tyres US tres Choose the correct word to complete the sentences below, as in the example. 1 Michelin is a tyre fabric Kmanufacture? } product 2. There are aver 120,000 employs /emplayees / employers. 3 Ithas a profit /Ioss / turnover of over €14 billion. 4 The company / society / factory has a young chairman. 5 Michelin is BMW Williams's tyre buyer / retailer / supplier 6 Michelin gets / owes / owns Uniroyal. 7 Michelin's head office / head hunter / head room is in Clermont Ferrand. 8 _Itsmain competes / competitors / competitive are Goodyear and Firestone. An interview Person B works for Michelin, He is talking about his job. Complete the dialogue. ‘A: Who do you work for? A: Is that a French company? A: Where 3 B: It is based in Clermont Ferrand. A: What does the company do? — 4 A: How many... does 2» B: About 120,000. Be Whe 1 ee YOU een 28 B: We advertise on TV, in magazines, and at ‘motor-racing events, A: nen ne ns nn CleeMORE Ferrand? B: No, I don't. I work in the United States. A What... * B: I'man engineer. DF Famous Complete the word grid with the names of famous companies described below, companies as inthe example, American computer manufacturer famous British sports car company owned by Ford Japanese electronic game manufacturer French mineral water producer Dutch electronics company Swiss chocolate company German electronics and engineering company famous Italian industrialist You and your company 7 1.3 Company facts and figures EY Reading Read these texts about a German media group and an Italian vehicle manufacturer. 1m Based: Turin ; Activity: Automobile production. It also manufactures agricultural and commercial vehicles and equipment for the construction industry. ’ AXEL SPRINGER VERLAG Whos sani AXEL SPRINGER VERLAS rope’ largest Publishing (La Stampo newspaper) ] ‘When I was young I E 7 JPL She the letter immediately. 8 (_J[0)[-]j(c] [eo ‘When I arrived I... something strange. 9[E —][=][E] [D] im the sixties the company .....-.. 20,000 people. 10 [- =][E]{D] We had no food at home $0 We sn 10 €at out. © What word is 11? Make a sentence with it. © Complete the following questions and answers, as in the example. Use the information in @ to help you. 1 Did they talk in French? Yes,.they. did 2 Pid. No, he didn’t, pect..them. at 2.202 22. Visiting a company 3. Did he listen carefully? 4. Did the meeting end at 6.30? 5 msn - Yes, he did. 6. Did he like maths when he was young? 7 ‘Yes, she did. 8. Did she notice something strange? 9 Did the company employ many people? 10 No, they Question making ‘A business person is answering questions about a recent trip. Make the ‘questions, as in the example. Choose the question words from the box below. what? why? what time? who? when? how? where? I stayed at the Holiday Inn. 2 1 visited Hans Klinger. 3 arrived on Wednesday. 4 travelled by car. 5 Thired a car because the factory is 30 km outside the city centre, 6 We discussed a new contract. 7 arrived back yesterday. 8 I started work this morning at 9.00. 9 oo Ttelephoned Hans Klinger at 9.15, 10 He signed the contract yesterday. Match a sentence from 1-10 with a reply from a. Of Welcoming A B 1 Thank you for coming to meet me. a Yes, thanks, I did, 2 Is this your first visit here? b_Itstarts at 10.00. 3. How was your journey? That would be nice. 4. Did you sleep well? 4 No, that’s OK. It's not very heavy. 5. Can I show you around? e Inthe car park. It’s not far. 6 Would you like a coffee? £ No problem, 7 I'm afraid the computer is down. __g_ Yes, please. Black if possible 8 Where's your car? h That'sa pity. 9 What time is our meeting? i No,I came here as a student. 10 Can I take your bag? J Fine, thanks. Everything was on time. Visiting a company 23 4.2 Reporting on a trip y. This is Reading Mike Hodgkinson is the Chief Executive of British Airports Authorit his diary for last week. @ Fill in the gaps using the verbs from the box below in the correct form. get leave see have be visit arrive make meet. == go travel attend = go return Monday ‘Tuesday Wednesday ‘Thursday T ceocon! up early and 1 smn the opening speech Anormal morning at the Trip to Stansted Airport: 2atthe office a 800 for the ACI conference and office. Thad lunch witha___meta lot of staf and Am, AE.O0T ona then nw 0 different talks journalist who wanted to. customers. Poomnu!9t0 meeting with Gabriele and seminars during the day. hear about our future plans. London in the evening and Renzully, the Director of Tenn! ots of old In the afternoon I attended a 14 to the opera to see Naples Airport. After a nice contacts board meeting and made a La Bohm func I nto the bank to discuss future investments. E500 pam. Toons the office and senna® to the Millennium Dome by boat. 1 ssnanT delegates for the ‘ACT conference. In the {© Change the order of these words to make questions, presentation on our future strategy. In the evening my wife and I onl? our son. and daughter-in-law for dinner. 4 ont evening there vanunB a as in the example. Then answer the questions conference dinner at the 1 morning who he Monday on did meet? Doeteeee ae. ¢ Whe. did he. meet.on Mendau,merring? te.met Gabrisle Renzulle, 2 the Dome time he did what visit? 3° travel how he there did? 4 he evening on dinner where have did Monday? 5 ondid lunch he who Wednesday have with? 6 he who on evening did visit Wednesday? 2 7 did Thursday on where he evening go? 8 see he did what? 24 Visiting a company © Now answer these questions with full sentences. 1 What did he discuss with Gabriele? He, 2 What time was his first meeting on Monday? 3 What did he make on Tuesday morning? 4 Where did he spend the day on Tuesday? 5 What did he attend on Wednesday? 6 What did he do there? Where did he go on Thursday? 8 Who did he meet? B Past tense ‘There are twelve verbs in the past tense in the grid. Find them and use them to puzzle complete the twelve sentences, as in the example. The words can read across, down, or diagonally. 1 He... . the office at six o’clock and we. the six thirty train, 2 She seven 0 Paris on Thursday and osnnnnn On Friday. 3) Tvmnsuinmnnnn thee times but nobody . 4 On the plane he 7 a posteard and uu a book. 3 He... at the hotel at seven o'clock and dinner at eight. 61 ncwmuenn in the office when you .. . the e-mail. Visiting a company 25 4.3 Describing company structure Reading { ‘SBS stands for Siemens Business — Services. It is a division of the famous: | German company Siemens. It is only about five years old but is already responsible for a considerable part of Siemens’ tufrover! How? Siemens had the idea in 1995. A whole department of ‘Siemens was at the time responsible for ‘the information and communication activities of Siemens. The idea was to. offer this service not only inside the company but outside too. SBS is now one of the world’s leading providers in the SBS area offelectronic business solutions and services. Friedrich Froeschl is the CEO and SBS is now an independent division with 33,000 employees in 88 countries and turnover of €5.8 billion. One of its largest customers is the British government, SBS ‘organizes and manages the passports and national savings accounts for Britain. In Europe its main conipetitbr$ are IBM, Cap Gemini, and EDS,With, growth in this market of at Tedst 15% the future looks bright for this German service company. Read the text and choose the correct answer to these questions. 1 What is the activity of SBS? a electronic engineering b printing ¢ database management 2. Which company does Friedrich Froesch! manage? a Siemens Business Services b Siemens ¢ IBM 3. One of its largest customers is: a EDS b sBs ¢ the British government 4 €5.8 billion represents: a. Siemens turnover b SBS's turnover € SBS's profit 5 SBS manages electronic services for: a IBM b British passports, € 88 countries 6 SBSis: a a branch of Siemens b a department of Siemens © a division of Siemens 26 Visiting a company | Bi Vocabulary Word partners Find words in the Siemens text which match these definitions. Bose 1 acomputer application for keeping records .d¢.¥ 2 alist of company employees . 3 annual sales YZ. ow/¢ 4 clients. 5 6 7 ‘companies in the same market a document for travelling from one country to another an increase Look at this list of words. Match pairs of words, as in the examples, to make the expressions defined below. sales annual company development office human tesenseh-—=—_marketing stock market resources. «managing head parent. ~—direetor- production site public relations. turnover a department in charge of finding new ideas nt = Research oy eat pieeareh + devitee 2. a person in charge of a company managing + directer = Managing 3. a firm which owns subsidiaries 4 a department in charge of finding and increasing the number of customers 5 a factory or a plant 6 department in charge of recruitment, training, and personnel the administrative and central building of a company 8. the value of a public company is quoted here the total sales of a company for a year 10 the department of a company which is in charge of external communication, Visiting a company 27 Unit 5 5.1 Current activities ‘G)Present actions o Present simple or continuous? 28 New developments Complete these sentences with a verb in the present continuous, as in the example. Use the verbs in the box below. See SIT Si improve recruit ee es develop have ‘bute Hello. I'm, calling from the airport. Can I speak to Dan Vermont, please? The company, 3. 222/21iVinithree new sales staff for its Madrid office. weied..4:£/e¢0 bid activities in South America Pm afraid she .3.J2.../. lunch at the moment. Can I take a message? I nee They 2.5%. ‘Our new training programme !2...%4/2. employees. I'm sorry, but you. down a little? a prototype for a new car engine. ‘2 factory just outside Krakow. {h,fthe spoken English of all our e£4E4.n00 quickly for me. Could you slow #4 new product into the Asian market Don't go into his office ~ he 12.4%." £. an important report at the moment. Read this dialogue between a Polish businessman and his British colleague. Cho Eric: Jan: ose the correct form of the verb in italics, as in the examples. Hello. 'm Eric Johnstone.({ work) I'm working } here in the IT department. ‘Nice to meet you. I'm Jan Mazowiecki, from PDC Poland. J visit / ? the head office here in London, Ayes Theard you were her, Would you ike a cigarette, 90.91 212 No, thanks. (don’t smoke Y P’m not smoking 3. But please ahead. ‘Thanks. So where in Poland (io You comp/ are you ene He T'm from Gdahsk. And how long do you stay /are you staying’ here in England? T work /Ln workingy here for three months. I learn / T'nrlearningY about PDC's operations in the UK, Are you based in London’? Yes: Fhave/ I nave pstmanent office here, but\TéravelY [I'm travelling alot ~ three, or sometimes four days a week. Where/do eS ‘are you going 10 on your business trips? pe, and sometimes South America. Sodo you enjoy / “enjoying "} your stay here? Yes, it’s very interesting. cyan iy ts 7 And(@o you find are you finding !2 time togo sightseeingyin London? No, not really, But I hope to have time before I leave. Reading Read the text and answer the questions below. i JOURISM is one ofthe ‘twenty-six new hotels This includes a fasten crowing eetiesin now SOO om luxury Hiton hot! fteworidand Agentnalas en ahopping complex in Puro. | ceay stem taipuransecors Mader ta ey wa was | Dooming At the moment, even out oan industral Only few | ‘ten visitors to the country stay inthe years ago. | ei ee eegeg I oa a aes toring | ‘Tourism Secretary, Santiago Tesources as a centre for business leebatietoeegiieen carvan Bila Array now | Eanes tires traction, such gs the yraterfals of ‘operates direct non-stop fights iat and the tar co between London and Buenos Aires iliicas Tm fretajt a posl Accoting oe ‘Buenos Aires is currently atracting President of Congresos Internacionales, a Buenos Aires-based | conference organize, tho capital receives between sixty abd apuenty,. Conferences a you. He tides“ annual growth at about 15%. nllions of dollars of ivestment in the tourist sector. Between 1901 and 1996, hotel groups invested about 800m in building projects. This figure doubled to more than $1.Sbn ‘between 1996 and 1999. This year alone they are building sae = @ Find words or expressions in the text that mean the following. p.2 BH ection s economically active and successful places for sightseeing animals in their natural environment countryside / open spaces wohnung increased by 100%... DL ed increased by prceboce gee an area with old factories that are no longer used wl. A prow s expansion / iherease in size. f. .OM2.2. Complete the questions, as in the example, Make sure you use the appropriate question form (present simple, present continuous, or past simple). 1 Where gre they £ui/ding a hotel and shopping complex? In Puerto Madero. 2 Where de seven out of ten visitors #¢2 In Buenos Aires 3 What 5... MrLombarai /.9P € To interest tourists in other parts of the country. 4 How much cd. 2S between 1991 and 1996? About $800m. 5 How many hotels .2.€. hotel groups’ {jue they 4 Lal) this year? ‘Twenty-six. + 6 How often AL 2S British Airways Five days a week, flights to Buenos Aires? How many conferences £22 Between sixty and seventy a year. New developments (29 5.2 Company developments Describing trends Complete the crossword. Sometimes the first leter of the word is given. DOWN mao z= asst Nach 1 There are more police on i jale 2 |e ] Si rin aie Sie 1 te number of cifies."¢ t 0 oO ium... decreasing. = 4 . y (2 tetween 1984 and 1996, $ f vu the number of divorces is oa € £228... by 16.88%. M Elna vA d 3. Taxes often 2. Qu Oo l nh down just before a big a 7 election. > L L£(O0 4 Prices usually fall. 8 my 7 when you open a market e to competition. % 19 5. Our share price ./0.10." al é}o} ult ¢ up when they announced oO ¢ A our half-yearly results. F 3 6 House prices generally Milo] Ut] s Wo |% TQS Gom when the economy is strong. 8 The average household ACROSS ceils AD Sales of mobile phones are by 20% a year. PRET: Share prices in London £. ore or less the same 9 This month was yesterdays good, but LAS. month 7 OU profit margin decreased by 5% a cep 8 Because of increased competition, our sales F/I... u ipectancy increased, vied meee {8 EN tear car mas ayn Wasim Eatope ented erie 12. February was a very good ins. Efor us. sel 13 Masson Was there an increase in customer complaints in . io BI Word stress Underline the syllable whichis stressed in each word. Circle the word in each 30 New developments ‘group of four which is different. product China recruit expand entering \Wraueune produce straining programme apa Thailand Europe esign (gper employ compare (figured remaip us visiting ‘mproving) travelling, 4 fantastic exciting — diagram perio vertical Presenting ‘An advertising consultant is giving a presentation at a company which figures manufactures baby products. This is the data she is going to present. oo — | if you could only have one child, would you prefer a For you personally, do you think itis necessary or not boy ora girl? necessary to have a child at some point in your ite? No Country Yes No Country Boy Girl preference © ugaay nS oi = ANTES, Thailand 85 B a | France! B 26 Gait Sies Te SE. Mexico Gl 38 France Ce 28 aa 6 39 Mexico Se 45 - . e Great Britain 31 26 43 ee 2 D Germany oan 19 60) ae, aS Spain 2027 53 ga phe © Read the first part of the presentation. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box. shows attention see notice like —_‘Figures look answer as_—stide. = draw column Let's have a vol at the first... ow 2 This table -wunun the preference of each nationality for a male or a female child. The frst cond shows the percentage of people who prefer a boy. Can everybody 5 that clearly? Good. - you can see, the preference in most countries is for a boy. But I WANE £0 vss? YOUF snes to the bottom of the table, where you see the con® for Spain. 10 that in this country, there is a small majority of people who prefer a girl. Why should this be? Pd .. 10 vsnnnnsn? this question a little later. © Now complete the description of the second slide. out first, let's hare leek at my secend slide, This table. New developments 31 5.3 Personal developments — Meeting an old ‘Two friends meet by chance at a trade fair. Complete the dialogue with the friend expressions below a How do you dot © How's Virginia? tb That's great news! ® How are you? ¢ Nice to meet you. b Business is fine. 4 I'm sorry to hear that. 2 How's business? © I'm very well. j Let me introduce you See! D A: I'm fine, too, iota at you generis ee ES og = SOA Ceo aay Urea eee re ts 4 We've just got a big new contract with Turismo, ‘A: No, she lost her job, unfortunately. Her branch closed. make some useful contacts. But, here's someone else Pd like You Meet, nunctonn to Marcello Baresi, — our new Area Manager for Ttaly. BF Having a @ Match the adjectives in the box below with their opposites, as in the example. wonderful time cheap Svinteresting friendly) quiet oring terrible (convenient long dnoisy short |\pexpensive unfriendly. fantastic inconvenient fried. d..untciendig 32 New developments @ Now use eight of the adjectives from @ to complete this postcard from Turkey. Dear valerie, We arrived in Istanbul yesterday morning, very Yirea after our ! overnight Flight. The city is really 2 with lots of trattic, but our hotel is on @ small side street, and very 2. IP's also very « 4 for the conference centre — just two minutes away. The hotel staff are very 2 and welcoming. It's the second aay of the conference today. The prapranms ‘dosent look vary ALVES, 20 I'm going shopping. Tre got a really thst 29 goiaebook which fells you where to find the best shops and found here, 50 2m sure Il] buy a lot of sowenirs to take home. oA markets. Everything's very Love Anne-Marie Like and would @ Match questions 1-7 with answers a-g. like 1 Do you like working for your company? a_ No, thanks. 'm fine, 2 Would you like to work in another country? b_ Fantastic. We had a wonderful time. 3 Would you like something to drink? Very nice. She has a lot of good ideas. 4 What do you like doing in the evenings? d_Reading, or playing the piano, 5 What was your weekend like? Not really. 'm looking for something different. 6 What would you like to do this evening? fA meal in a restaurant would be nice. 7 What's your boss like? g Yes. Maybe for a few years. © Now write your own answers to questions 1-7. New developments 33 Unit 6 6.1 Dates and schedules Arrangements Checking the diary MONDAY MORNING: 1 CO Meeting with . 2 AFTERNOON: on.3 00 + mectng, TuEspaY 225 co meeting vite! WEDNESDAY, -_ SE oeapaiainees 7 30 Managing Drector - Station. Dimer wth Mane gn ac Eee 9 Spaebe. Lptec THURSDAY Travel to sssscndeict9, FRrBAv ww! 00 Meeting with .. 2 SATURDAY Return from A B: PP erer © This is Mrs Dillon's diary for next week. Complete the missing information in the diary using the information from the conversation below. So, Sarah, what’s happening next week? Well, the Managing Director is coming. When is that? He's arriving on Wednesday and leaving on Thursday. ‘When's he coming? T'm meeting him at the station at half past four. Where's he staying? At the Grand Hotel. You're having dinner with him there on Wednesday. When is the Rotterdam trip? You're flying there on Thursday afternoon, and coming back on Saturday. OK, and when is my appointment with Mr Zenden? You're meeting him on Friday at two. : Where? A At the factory. Right. We need to prepare that meeting. Have we got the figures? ‘The Production Manager is coming here on Tuesday morning. You're seeing her at ten. ‘And on Monday? You're going to see the bank manager in the morning, and in the afternoon we're having our monthly personnel meeting. What time is the meeting at the bank? It’s at eleven. The personnel meeting starts at two. So, quite a quiet week, then! @© Look at the dialogue again and complete the questions and answers below, as in the example. 34 Arrangements Where is she going on Monday morning? 7 ‘What time is she meeting Mr Zendent When is she coming back? Who is she seeing on Tuesday morning? ‘When is the Managing Director coming? vevsmnuenene? At the Grand Hotel a % To Rotterdam. At the factory. D Free time Elizabeth and Laura are discussing their plans for the weekend. Complete the spaces using an appropriate form of the words in brackets, as in the example. E: What are. yeu..deing.! this weekend? (you / do) Le nnn? away. (I/ 80) Ee WERE somone 23 (YOU! go) Paris. How 4 there? (you / get) the Eurostar. (we / take) Where 2 (you / stay) Ata small hotel near the river. What about you. What 27 (you / do) woe some friends. (we / visit) When ® (you / leave) (On Friday evening and seven! back on Sunday. (we / come) swe! with you? (Jack / go) NO. conned? a8 usta 13 my sister. (he / work); (I / take) L: Well, have a good weekend! You too! Checking the @® Write the appropriate date next to these events. Write the date in full, hen in date figures in American (USA) and British (UK) style, as in the example. 1 Valentine's Day if. Feéruary § 6B.14/2..... USA.2UIt... 2. Christmas Day 3. New Year's Day 4 Bonfire Night 5 Hallowe'en 6 Your birthday oe © Complete these sentences with the appropriate ordinal number. 1 March is the... month of the year. 2 The person who finishes von Wins a silver medal. 3 2000 Was the wanna Year of the new millennium, 4 Tay sous is @ public holiday in France, 5 20% =one.. 6 Fully snsnsnens iS @ public holiday in the USA. Arrangements 35 6.2 Getting connected Talking on the Look at this telephone conversation. There are three people talking, Lynne (L), telephone Richard Martini (R), and Charles Kent (C). Put the dialogue in the right order, indicating who says what, as in the example. BI Telephone language ‘example, Bay Is that you, Harry? Good morning, Robertson Foods, Lynne speaking. How can I help? Bye. I'm sorry. The line is busy. Will you hold? Harry Wood's phone. ‘Thanks for your help. Bye. No, its Richard Martini, I work with Harry. 'm afraid Harry is out. Yes, OK. OK Charles. I'll give him the message. Hello, could I speak to Harry Wood, please? Do you know when he'll he be back? ‘The line’s free now. I'm connecting you. Tomorrow I think. Would you like to leave a message? Y¥es, please. Could you tell him Charles Kent called and I'l call back tomorrow? Make three-line dialogues by taking one sentence from each column, as in the 2 [Could speak to Sarah, please? ] [Sorry. He’s away on business. Yesterday. 3 [Did you get my message? Speaking. [Tm afraid he’s away today. Can Thelp? | 4 [Sales Department (When wile be bac >. [Is that Jack? When did you leave it? Gai Sarah, it’s Tim. ] © [is Johr: Waters there? [(Can I speak to the manager? Sorry, wrong number. 36 Arrangements Telephone ‘Complete these expressions using one of the words in the box below. expressions that jon calling hold yp through leave later ey Ris an Just a minute, I'l put you mn Can you call back.a¥.2%..? Pm tne the other line, Could you speak sf. ? The ling is bad ‘The line is busy. Would you like to As! z I'm affaid she's out. Would you like to 1s. .b8! Sarah Thanks for 0.4.!Cla & a message? 8 OF Telephone You are telephoning in English, How do you reply to these sentences? responses mandi = aiid f } | } ——— UN HEU Arrangements 37 6.3 Making appointments Time expressions It is Saturday, 17th March, 2001. It is 7.30 p.m. Match the time expressions on. the left with the correct times on the right, as in the example A B ‘One hour ago —— ten past seven 1 2. The day before yesterday 19/03/01 3. Twenty minutes ago. 18.30 4 Last month ~ \ed. athalf past eight 5 The day after tomorrow \AV e 10/03 6 Inan hour ———— f 18th March 7 Next Saturday AC |g the twenty-fourth 8 Tomorrow h February 9 Last Saturday ‘i Thursday 15th March @ Making Read these dialogues about people arranging to meet, Fill in the gaps using the arrangements expressions from the box below. Would it be possible to meet? I look forward to meeting you. Do you want to meet up? Tm sorry, I can't make it then. When would be convenient? _—_Are you doing anything this weekend? What time would suit you? Would Tuesday be possible? How about Sunday lunchtime How about Saturday afternoon? at the King’s Head? @ Lise and Frank are studying at a language school. They are in the same group. F: Hello Lise, How are you? Fine thanks, Frank, wt Not much, That would be nice. ‘That would be fine. See you on Sunday, then. 38 Arrangements nncarlo Baldi is Purchasing Manager for an Italian electronics company. ‘Andrew Napper isa salesman who wants an appointment with Mr Baldi. He doesn’t know him. Crossword n : Mr Baldi, this is Andrew Napper. Isent you a brochure last week. : Yes Mr Napper, I remember. Pm in Italy next week. a Possibly, I'm very busy. 2 : P'm afraid I'm busy on Tuesday. er I'm free on Thursday afternoon. That's fiN€. one st So that's 5.15 on Thursday. : Until then. Good bye. Good bye Mr Baldi. ‘Complete the sentences with the correct word, as in the example. Then fill in the grid below. All the words come from Unit 6. ujefejo 7 What time would F... We cancelted the meeting because nobody could attend. Transfer is another word for put t Myé. number is 3354, Heé me to lunch and I accepted. What time is he 4c onsnm back? ‘We arranged to meet on Wednesday and then it to Friday, you? from the office. There's no £.... Would you like me to take a message? Tean’t 21, jonday. Tm afraid he's 2 of the office today. What day would be & for you? Arrangements 39 7.1 Comparisons and contrasts , EX Comparing cities 7/2/1788 yifest 18/6/1829 6,008,578 4,462,064 1,677,616 801,600 km? £227,600 km? 2,525,500 km? 2arc / 12°C (Sydney) zor / 10°C (Melbourne) 24°C / 13°C (Perth) 102 mm / 30 mm (Sydney) 47 mm / 48 mm (Melbourne) 8mm /174 mm (Perth) 40. Describing and comparing 1,900 km 1,800 km 12,500 km long big _, populated ‘small ae recent short dry cool In terms of area, New South Wales i . than Victoria, but ‘than Western Australia. ‘With more than six million inhabitants, New South Wales is the other two states. In January, Perth is a lo with 174 mm of rainfall. _ than Sydney, but in July it’... ‘The coastline of New South Wales is much v~» than that of Western Australia, ‘The foundation of Victoria is .. than the other two states. ‘Temperatures in Melbourne are .. than in Sydney or Perth. Victoria's coastline isn't... as that of New South Wales. Bi Incorrect statistics Travel, trip, and journey @ Look again at the table in A. In these sentences, the information given is wrong. Change the superlative form to make it correct, as in the example. 1 Perth has the cokdest winters, the..hettest. ‘New South Wales is the least populated of the three states. . Perth is the wettest in January. New South Wales is the youngest of the three states. Victoria has the hottest temperatures. Victoria is the biggest in area. Victoria has the longest coastline. Write five sentences to compare your home town with another town or city in your country. 1 2 3 4 5 Study these notes, then complete each sentence with the word travel, trip, or Journey. to travel: travels a verb, We cannot say a travel. journey is a noun, When we travel from A to B, and we describe the process of getting there, we call ita journey. trip: trip isalso a noun. When we travel from A to B, and we are describing what we did and where we went, we call this a trip. 1 Thank you for visiting us, and have a safe home. 2 How was your sum t0 Paris last weekend? Did you have a good time? 3. When we were in Dubrovnik, we went on a sightseeing . round the islands. 4 Desens a Jot for my work, 5 How many business ......... do you make every year, on average? 6 How long does the suum» to Madrid take by train? 7 Itwas a very long + because there was a lot of traffic on the road. Describing and comparing 41 7.2 Describing products and services — EY Describing Look at this diagram of the Federal Express delivery process. Complete the processes description of the process below, using the verbs in brackets, as in the example All the verbs should be in the present simple passive Res a First ofall your package (pick up) és, picked up." from your home, and all the details of your shipment (record) 2 by the driver on a barcode scanner. Then your package (take) .........3 0 the nearest collection station. International and long-distance shipments (send) .. ..4 to the airport, where they (fly) 5 to an international hub airport. These (locate) ...«8 in more than 200 countries worldwide. When they arrive, shipments (transport... 7 by plane to a regional airport, or they (transfer) 8 immediately to a delivery station. Finally, your package (deliver) .9 to its final destination. The progress of your package (monitor) .. vue! at all times by our tracking system, ‘and you cen contact us at any moment to find out where itis. BF Active or ‘Complete each pair of sentences with an appropriate form of the verb indicated, passive? as in the example. One sentence is passive, and the other active Spesie | English cc, spekenasa first language by nearly half a billion people. My wife szeake very good English. PARKS 2 Canon seeonnnne a Wide range of high-tech products for the office and home. ‘The bodywork is Spanish, but the engine in Germany wee) 3 We this process to speed up production. This software to detect errors in the system, Bie!) 4 This list of company rules... to every employee. My 086 sven Med long list of things to do every morning, 5 Allour meetings at least a week in advance. Her secretary all her appointments. 6. This graph our results for the last quarter of the year Visitors to the company the main factory, but not the high security block. 2H) 7 Our new low-price range of CDs only in supermarkets. They a lot in the USA, but not many in South America, 42. Describing and comparing G Word puzzle DD Word partners Read the clues and complete the word puzzle. 1 Westore information about all our clients om a dns 2. The fan of copying and printing the document takes about two minutes. 3 In business, we say that the @..ccn0n is always right, 4. They promised to send us the goods #. two weeks. 5 Pd like to 2 another visit for next month. 6 Our machine isn’t working again; can you send someone t0 Lense it 7 In the Quality department We ooo coe many different types of tests, 8 What day cam you 4.0.00 the goods to our factory? 9 The person who takes your payment in a supermarket is the &. 10. Before you take a plane, your luggage is always €. www to check you aren't carrying any dangerous objects. LL Wewill try to £ the problem in the quickest possible time 12. Maintenance staff are often called £... 12 Viojaltf{alslalsle 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ° 10 7 Find words in [@J that can be used with all the following expressions, as in the example. a regular / difficult / good ¢, 1 2 an administrative / technical / simple 3 tocall back ‘twenty-four hours / three days / a month 4 0 a study /a job / maintenance work 310 veesnnmenee €arly /on time f late 6 4 meeting / an appointment / a schedule Describing and comparing 43 7.3 Evaluating products BY /Describing ‘The sentences below describe the objects in the table. Complete the table as in objects the example. rae — 2 6, 2 2 72 I £ @ L | 619 | 3 D_ Irs about 2.5 em in diameter... * (2) can be used foe tipping ‘Wwaitefs in restaurants, 3, The single version is usually about 2 m long and 1 m 50 cm wide. 5 essed for goingin aiid out of room. & It’s about 3.5 cm in thickness. I's round. It’s usually white, but sometimes orange. Itweighs about 20g. pe» ve It’s made of wood, and the handle is usually metal It’s rectangular. It’s normally used at night. Its spherical, (, It’s made of fUbbér and plastic, It’s square - 9 cm by 9 em. It’s made of plastic and metal It’s about 60 em in height. Its weight and diameter depend on its value. It’s made of metal. (9.) It’s used for storing information. It’s about 2 m high and 1 m wide. sDESeURe wR) cas Q 1) size and © Complete this table. — dimension =a length | death the high wide He sciese bea UY10 the heaviest w 44 Describing and comparing © Now complete the following sentences using words from the table. ‘The Seto-Ohashi Bridge is 12.3 km... . ‘The drilling equipment for the Channel Tunnel was 575 tonnes in The voosnon Funning race at the Olympics is the marathon, ‘The CN Tower in Toronto is 553.54 m that’s more than 100 m than the Empire State Building, ‘The area of a rectangle is the _ multiplied by the .. The gold mines of South Africa go down to a maximum .. 3,500 m of Pronunciation Put the words below into one of the five groups according to the pronunci of the vowels underlined, as in the example. ‘high = deep. white pink depth grey height wide heavy = green red weight — width _—_ length 1 omy why 2 ten wet 3 day _ sight 4st it [5 see be OF Giving opinions ‘Three managers are discussing the best location for a new car assembly plant. Choose the correct alternative from the expressions in italics. ‘A So we have three possible locations — Ireland, northern Italy, or the north- east of France, What's your think / view ! on this? B: Well, J think Ireland isn't / don’t think Ireland is? a good choice, because it's too far from the rest of Europe. In / to? my view, Northern Italy would be better. ‘A: How / What do you think, Lucy? G_I/T'm3 agree with Des when he says that Ireland isn’t really a possibility. But I'm not / I don’t agree that Italy is the best choice. If you ask me / to me7 north-east France is the ideal location. It's much better placed for the Scandinavian market, which represents 40% of our sales. A: Yes, you have /are® right, Lucy. But don’t forget that a lot of our parts come from Romania and Turkey. Personally, I think / I'm thinking 9 it’s better to be near our suppliers. B:_ Yes, I think it /so ! too. That's why I prefer Italy. Describing and comparing 45 Life stories 8.1 Success stories — BY Reading Read this article about two famous men and fill in the gaps in the text using the verbs in the box below. became died met went: founded began agreed set sold crossed acquired moved was got bought. ENRY ROYCE was born in 1863 in Peterborough. Charles Rolls was born in London in 1877, Royce was THis senotanites wo Pas nom of cnet Roe wrk at i gt of He 2 newspapers for a few months, then .. a job as an apprentice engineer with GNR, one of the railway companies in Britain. A few years later he -...--tto London and worked for an electric company: In 1884 he was made redundant and he devices to factories and cotton mills. He Sich aNd 7 his first car. It did not work very well so Royce decided to produce cars himself. ~Shis own company. H.R. Royce sold dynamos and other electric ‘At the same time Charles Rolls was a student at Cambridge University. In the 1890s he 8 to France and bought his first cas, a Peugeot. In 1902 he started his own company selling cars. At the time he swum champion driver and the following year he 0a new world speed record. Rolls loved cars but he really wanted to have his own name on a car and in 1904 he 2M Henry Royce. They svcn.n!? to set up the Rolls- Royce company. Two years later the company produced the Silver Ghost ‘The same year Rolls 13 the English Channel by hot air balloon. He loved speed. Unfortunately fours year later he . accident. ina flying Royce continued producing cars. In 1931 Rolls-Royce .....-!8 another company, Bentley. Royce died in 1933 at the age of seventy. © Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Royce was older than Rolls. Rolls and Royce were students together at Cambridge. Royce set a world record in 1903. Rolls died before Royce. Rolls-Royce was bought by Bentle 46 Life stories B Past simple passive Time expressions Make passive sentences using the verbs in brackets, as in the example, 1 Electricity (discover) in the 1880s. Electricity was. discovered in the, 18S. HLR. Royce (found) in 1884. 3 Rolls and Royce (be born) in the nineteenth century. 4 The dynamos (sell) to factories and cotton mills. Rolls Royce (create) in 1904 6 The RR Silver Shadow (produce) in 1906, A new world record (set) in 1903. 8 Rolls (kill) in a flying accident. 9 Bentley (acquire) in 1931. Make questions for these answers. Use the passive form, as in the example. 1 bhen.was..charles.,Rells. ber’. He was born in 1877, Where 2 He was born in Peterborough. 3 When f 2 He was made redundant in 1884. 4 What year zi Bentley was acquired in 1931. How He was killed in a flying accident. When z It was produced in 1906. Henry Royce died on April 23rd 1933. Using this date as a starting point, match the time expressions on the right with the dates on the left, as in the example. May 1933 in 1934 23 / 04 / 1933 (UK) in 1931 the following year. the next day ‘ ten years later the same day two years before the following month. one week before ———04/ 16 / 1933 (USA) Life stories 47 8.2 Making money BY Financial vocabulary savings ol. © Complete the gaps in the table below. P Bap: a Co share borrowings borrower 1 Bi Confusing words 48 Life stories Complete these sentences using words from the table. We spent more than we earned so we made a.(.2..2.5.2 At the Annual General Meeting the year’s results are presented to the hol don ° She The bank gave us aldo Every month I Pees... 5% of my salary in a fund. ent Can you (. me some money? The bank is closed. Choose the correct words to complete these dialogues. On B: That's a beautiful car. Where did you sell / buy it?! Ata garage in Rome. It's worth / worse ? £15,000 but I paid / bought £12,000. ~ Hi! How's the new job? It’s OK but I don’t win / earn # enough. Where are you living? Ina new flat. I lent / borrowed 5 some money from the bank, but I think I will have to sale / sell my car. How are you? Fine. I'm going to the Bahamas next week. Really? That's expensive. How can you offer / afford 7 it? T bought some parts / shares * in a high tech Company and I sold them last week at a big benefit / profit. ° Match a word from A with a word from B to make the expressions defined below. The word from A can go before or after the word from B, as in the examples. Use each word from A twice bank rate credit share insurance cash policy statement ‘account price life profit control card interest exchange flow box 1 money paid out if you die (fe, insurance. 2 adocument which proves you have protection against fire, theft, or illness dnsarance. pelicy.. 3. away of checking that your customers have paid credit 4 the value of an investment in a company share 5 aplace to keep money on deposit or for current use sen ACCOUN 6 adocument sent regularly to confirm your financial position bank 8 the money going in and out of a company svn flow 9 ameans of calculating when changing money from one currency to another ereaNg sic 10 a place for keeping money during office hours cash 11. the extra amount due when you borrow money from a bank rate 12a bonus paid on the good financial results of a company PIOLIE san Life stories 49 8.3 Company history 1 Reading 50 Life stories Read this text about the history of America Online Inc. IN MER iia Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 The company in 1985. (found) 2 In 1999 Netscape by AOL. (buy) 3. From 1992 to 1994 the number of subscribers 1,000,000. (reach) 4) Time Warner... in 2000, (acquire) 5 The monthly payment sum in 1996, (introduce) 6 The joint venture with Bertelsmann to expand AOL in Europe. (design) 7 In 1993 Steve Case CEO. (appoint) 8 Im 1992 shares i AOL wensnnsnnnnn at $11.50, (Quote) Make questions for these answers, as in the example. 1 When was Netscare bought? It was bought in 1999. 2 2 He became president in 1998, 3 4 It was introduced in 1996. 4 2 Itled to many problems. 5 2 They were quoted on the NASDAQ. 6 ses a 2 4 It went public in 1992. 7 2 It started as Quantum 8 i 2 It stands for America Online. B Reading @ Read the short histories of some famous companies below. Match them with the correct logos and name the companies. Formed in 1924, this ‘company wes for decades the most famous Hollywood motion picture studio, with many of the best and brightest stars in the industry including Judy Garland, Greta Garbo, Clark Gable, and katherine Hepburn. Company: ‘Steve Jobs ran this company from his father’s garage in the seventies. He named the company after a fruit and was the real inventor of the personal ‘computer. He discovered the ‘mouse and persuaded a senior ‘executive of PepsiCo to join the ‘company in the early eighties. Unfortunately, Jobs left the company in 1985. He bought Pixar, the makers of Toy Story, became a billionaire, and then returned to his first company where he launched the iMac. Company: This company was founded BIRDS EYE in 1930 by a man with the fahren ee th mono 6 after they were caught. Today many of the world’s freezers are full of this company’s fish, vegetables, and hamburgers. ‘Company: © Decide if these sentences are true () or false (F). If they are false, correct them, as in the example. 1 Steve Jobs left Apple in 1995..F. He. loft in. /aes Mr Apple was a real person. Mr Birdseye was a real person. You keep Birdseye products MGM was founded in 1942. Birdseye made “Toy Story’ ‘The iMac is an Apple product. . “ Iu te sented har are in gavage Birdseye was founded in 1903. MGM make films. a freezet. con Life stories 51 Dealing with problems 9.1 Making decisions Spontaneous Complete the dialogues below with the appropriate responses a-h. decisions Shall 1 ask him if he’s free the day after? ‘One moment, please. I'll see if he's there. Then we'll have the meeting without him. Hold on a moment — I'll ook in my address book. Shall I try her on her mobile? T'll just check the register. No, I'll try again a litle later. Tll wait for her to come down, rR ae ance A: She's not there ~ it’ just her C: He told me he can't come tomorrow. answerphone. G You can try, but I think he’s busy all ‘A Yes, OK, but I don’t have the number, week. E Do you have a Ms Tiffany staying here? G: Could I speak to Antoine, please? Yes, we do, Shall [call up to her room? Hello, 'm afraid he’s still at lunch, Can I E No, that’s OK, she’s expecting me. take a message? Bi Decision or Look at the conference programme opposite. Then read the dialogue between arrangement? two colleagues who are attending the conference. B has decided what to do this morning, but A hasn't. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb. 52 Dealing with problems Which session are you attending / will you attend ! this morning? CONFERENCE ON Fl go / Tm going ?to the talk by Graham Overwood. You too? COMMUNICATION ¢ Idon't know. What will he talk / is he talking 3 about? SKILLS Meditation techniques ‘Oh yes, I saw him do that last year. I think I'll go / Tt going to the other Dora 7 rae A session, What is it? ROOM 135 10.00-12.00 8: Just a minute, I'l check / I'm checking 5 the conference programme, Here it HOW CAN MEDITATION is, It’s Petra Durkin, She will give /is giving a presentation on in-company IMPROVE COMMUNICATION? petits Graham Overwood A: She's avery good speaker: I'll try /I'm trying? that. What time will she start / is she starting?® ‘ROOM 216—10:30-12:00— sRcoupmccommunicanon-B: At 10.30, Oh, I've just remembered ~ there was a message on the CHANNELS CANCEL noticeboard. She won't come / She isn’t coming because she’s not well. Petre-Durkin DUETO™ A: That's a pity. OK, in that case I think I'll do / T'm doing 10 alittle shopping "Ness this morning. I'l meet / 'm meeting }! you in the bar at lunch time, B: OK, see you later. Verb and noun Match the verbs in the box below with the words and phrases that can be used pairs with them, as in the example. ae hire send invite order print remind book check —_pick up o question a a notel 00 ask for information Aes a holidey Se ah 0 q oP ty fone tine food ; 24, "8 restay 0 ran hire photocopy paper” a a conference programme rank at anotnes goo . for the weeven Ga someone gon? someone to dinner meone to soe ak eon 60 lock the 4 loor someone to pay an invoice mai a letter by post ta meetings 1 frst o> someone a> a. parce ort ein om jor erence ob avs o a cont a brochure at the printer's temporary staff Your op. z hildre, ey ” from a Schoo, Dealing with problems 53 9.2 Thinking ahead Dif... {A father has a problem with his son who is studying at university for a business degree. Read this e-mail to his son, and complete sentences 1-8 with phrases a-h. o = anny To: Sam a From: John Wilson-[] i Subject: Job Interview: Dear Sam, ! ‘Your mother and I were very surprised to hear about your job offer from IPC. Of course, we are very } pleased to hear that they want you, but we really think that if you don’t finish your degree course, / a First ofall, you say that if you take the job, 2 Do you have a big problem with money at 3 then I'll send you some more — you know we are always happy to help the moment? you. if the company is really interested in you, .... 5 \'m sure they understand that if you pass ‘your exam: .6 And if you are well qualified, you'll be in a better position for promotion. ‘And what will happen .. 127 You'll certainly regret it then if you don't have a degree. Secondly, you say that if you don't accept the job now... «4 Is this really true? We think that | Its very difficult communicating by e-mail, and you're never there when we call you. Why don’t you ‘come down and see us? I'll pay for your train fare. 5 we'll talk about al this in more detail before you make your decision. Give us a call. they'll wait until you finish your degree course If you come this weekend Ifit’s a question of money you'll regret it in the future you'll have one of the best business degrees in the country if you decide to move or you lose your job you'll be on an excellent salary they won't offer it to you again later eance ro 54 Dealing with problems i Company Decide which phrase (a, b, or c) best completes each sentence. strategy 1 We dor’t have enough money to finance our new research and development programme, so T think we'll lend some money to the bank. b we'll attract more shareholders and increase the share capital ¢ we'll reduce our profits 2 We have too much work at the moment, and none of the staff want to work longer hours, so we won't have enough work. 'b we'll have to think about taking on more staff. ¢ we'll ask them to do shorter hours. 3 Wehave a 75% market share in our country, but only 6% of the world market, 60. aI think well concentrate on developing our export activity b Tdon't think our share of the home market will be very high. € welll probably import more goods. 4 If we don’t get any better candidates for the new sales job ... a well take the worst one. b we won't have any sales © welll have to advertise again. 5 We won't interest the general public in our new range of computers if .. a we don’t offer competitive prices. b wedoa direct mailing. © we offer them free technical assistance. @ Distribution and = @ The words in the boxes below are linked with distribution and marketing. For advertising each box, make sets of word pairs by matching the words on the left with an appropriate word on the right, as in the examples, Target customers Distribution / sales outlets Advertising 1 married a boys 6 travel a stores 11 local a adverts 2 teenage \ b age group 7 sports. \ border 12 business b_ mailing 3 general \c couples 8 shopping \ c shops BW newspapers 4 business d_ public 9 department \d_ centres 14 direct radio 5 the 50-70 people 10. mail fe agents 15 daily © magazines © Which customers, distribution outlets, and means of advertising would you choose for the following? 1 an exercise machine ...... 2 acomputer game . 3° alusury hotel by the sea Deating with problems 55 9.3 Complaining and apologizing EY A hotel ‘This is a conversation between a hotel manager and a guest. Put the sentences in complaint order, as in the example. a Isit the same price? b_ You're welcome. Shall I send a porter to move your luggage? ¢ I'm very sorry about that, sir. I'm surprised, because the system was checked last week. d_ No, it’sa little more, but we won't ask you to pay the difference. € Maybe it was, but could you send someone to look at it again? £ No, that's OK, thanks. I can manage. 8 h Good mo: 12, sir. Did you sleep well? OOOO Yes, please, if you have one. i Let me check. Yes, Room 312 is free. That's on the third floor. j No, not really. I think there's a problem with the air-conditioning in my room. It’s very noisy. k Thank you. That's very kind of you. 1 Pmafraid that’s not possible on a Sunday. Would you like me to find you another room for tonight? The e-mail below is in an informal style. The fax opposite is a more formal version of the same message. Complete the missing words in the fax. The first letter of each word is given. = SSS === =o) To: Grenville } From: Yolende@samex.{r Subject: Visit to Essonne production plant Dear Grenville, I'm afraid | have to cancel your visit to the Essonne production plant at 9.30 on Friday, as the Production Manager is il this week | Shall we fix some other appointments with head office staf for the Friday morning? Could | you let Sandy know asap? She'll make the arrangements, | Sorry about the last minute change. Have a safe journey, and see you on Thursday ! afternoon, } Regards | Yolande ] § Kee a aa 56. Deating with problems What is ‘it’? Dear Mr Bentsen (open 0 2 you that that |have to cancel your visit to ‘our Essonne production plant at 9:30 a.m. on Friday morning, as our Production Manager is unwoll Htyou wish, we will be £. to fix some other appointments with head $e 2. contact my secretary Sandra Toyes as soon as possible to make the necessary arrangements. office staff for the Friday morning. | Sityou 7 forthe last minute change to your schedule. | 9, ‘you have a safe journey, and we /. to Ps ramnnnnan 11 you on Friday, Here are some complaints. Say what ‘itis in each case, asin the example. 1 It's wrong. It says here that we had three bottles of wine, but we only had two. Ets the, bill lin a restaurant or wine bar). 2 Itofien goes off for no reason. Last night I had a call from the police because it started ringing at 2.00 in the morning. 3. Every time I try to open it, [get an error message on the screen. 4 I'msorry, but the date on itis wrong. I said I wanted to travel on the 15th, but here it’s got the 16th written on it. It makes a strange noise every time I accelerate or turn a corner. 6 You told me I could use it in any machine, but the first time I tried to take some money out, the machine ate it. Why don’t I want it? Because it's nearly cold, it tastes like dishwater, and there's a fly swimming in it! Dealing with problems 57 Unit 10 | People at work 10.1 Suggesting and recommending Vocabulary Complete the dialogue below using the words in the box. mailed contract advertising —_staff lease discount turnover premises competitors. rent A: How's business, Carlo? B: Not very good at all. OUP eeoo-meon! is down 20% compared with last year. A: Whyis that? B: Well, we lost a big www? in Japan, One Of OUP eavnnnnon3 offered a much better price. That's too bad. How are the # They're not very happy. I couldn't give them a pay rise in January. T'm sure things will get better. Maybe in the new... $ We are moving in June. Why? ‘the. ‘came to an end and the owners wanted to increase the a .~7 by 30%. That makes £4,000 per month for 200 m2. It’s too much, ‘A: So what are you doing to get more business? Wen vm our new brochure to 10,000 addresses and we are offering 1590 sovonnrnnnnne® t0 all new customers, We ate alS0 -..-.-.--!0 on local radio. A: OK. Well, good luck. i Making ‘Two friends are discussing possible careers. Match sentences in 1-5 with the suggestions (1) appropriate responses in ae. [1 what ae you planning to do when you graduate? \ a TRAN peecoR RRR IR — { Pc? | 2 How about continuing your studies? } |b I'mnot sure really. | must start Wat about registering with arecrutment agen? | | Oke ; = | earn some money. 4 registered with Manpower. You should also start 4 I got The Times this morning, but 'm looking in the newspapers. } \ not really sure what kind of job | \ e That's a good idea. Do you know a at ‘good one? — 5 In that case, why don’t you look on the Internet? } want. Maybe you'll get some ideas. __ 58 People at work Making @ An English language school wants to attract more business customers. A suggestions (2) consultant makes some suggestions. Match the suggestions with the reasons. 1 mal companies direct [your promises are wellsituated 2 refurbish the premises |b better value for clients ~ more L___ opportunities to speak | 3 not sponsor sports events © attract more local customers 4% increase the number of teaching hours | d the marketing budget is not large enough 5 teach other languages as well as English | e provide better facilities | 6 redesign your documents attract customers from new countries 7 reduce the class size to six @ give them a more professional | | image 8 not move make courses more intensive [9 advertise on the Internet increase corporate business | © Now use the suggestions and reasons above to write the consultant's report. Use the expressions in the box to help you. Write sentences, as in the examples. why don’t you ...2 ‘I think / don’t think you should ... how about T would advise you to ... 1 [don't think you should .meve..a8..yeun..premises..are,.wellcsituated, 2 Twould advise you to refurbish your premises, .as,yet.witl. 6, able. te. efter..ketter. facilities, 3° Whydor't you . People at work 59 10.2 Responsibilities and regulations — BY Regulations ‘A new employee is starting work. She is checking the rules. Complete the dialogue using the correct form of verbs from the box below, asin the example. (don't) have to (not) be allowed to must / mustn't can / can't ‘A: What are my working hours? B: Well, we have flexible hours here. You te.u.! be here between 10.00 a.m, and 3.30 p.m. It’s a thirty. choose to start early or finish late, five hour week but you .... 2 Ah ond decide now? B: No. You can decide each day. & A smoke anywhere? Br YOU eonmunnnn5 smoke in the smokers’ lounge on the second floor. You 6 smoke anywhere else for safety reasons A: What about dress? B: You must be smart but not too formal. You 7 wear a tie, for example. ‘A; Good! What about weekends? Br YOU MVE soennnsnnneS work at Weekends. IN f2Ct wane? come into the building at the weekend for security reasons. ‘And what about holidays? B: You have four weeks per year, BUt e.nmmnn!0 take two of them at Christmas. The other two you can take when you want. BI Jobs (1) Match the first half of the sentences in 1-10 with the second half in a~j. 1 Alorry driver isn't allowed to be good with figures. 2. Teachers have to b doesn't have to wear uniform 3° Aminer has to off-duty. | 4A flight attendant © disclose company secrets. 5 Areceptionist has to be welcoming to visitors. 6 Staff must never work underground. 7 Someone who works from # doesn't have to travel to work. home 9 be on call at night. 8 Employees are not allowed to ob prepare their lessons. 9 An accountant must i steal company property. 10 Doctors sometimes have to drive more than two hours 60 People at work without a break. @ Vocabulary In this word chain the last leter of one word is the first of the next. Complete the chain using the definitions provided. 1 Ona plane you must off mobile phones before take-off. 2 Ona construction site you have to wear a v0 protect your head. 3. In many companies you cannot .......- holidays at busy times. 4 Employees are often not allowed to .. in their offices, only in the canteen, 5 In some companies men have to wear a 6 Cleaners often have to work in the 7 Someone in Public Relations has to be . 8 9 ‘when the offices are closed. with people. ‘must never reveal confidential information about a patient. A Employees must ... A perfect employee never breaks the .» to switch off lights and equipment. D Rules Where would you see these rules? The answers are on page 85. ——— SHIRTS must be worn at all times PLEASE DO NOT TALK TO THE DRIVER SILENCE NO PARKING permit holders only People at work 61 10.3 Checking and correcting information DD Reading ‘Complete this dialogue between a journalist and a representative of the perfume industry, using expressions from the box below. Can I read that back to you That's right Did you say eighty or eighteen Ready T’m sorry, I didn’t catch that go ahead Tye got that go on A: So here are some facts and figures. a B: One moment, I'll get my pen. OK, . 2 A: The main manufacturers are L'Oréal, Unilever, Procter & Gamble and Estée Lauder. 8 3 LOréal, Unilever A: Procter & Gamble and Estée Lauder. B: P&G and Estée Lauder. OK, 41s it avery complex Merchandisinateel manufacturing process? Well, to take an example, in Chanel No. 5 there are eighty ingredients Sorry, Eighty. Really! It must be very expensive to make? ‘Well, for a bottle of perfume which costs $50 the contents cost $5. The rest ‘goes on marketing, packaging, royalties, and a discount to the retailer. That's very interesting, Please .... 6 ‘A: Well, that’s all realy. Except to tell you that perfume sales in the UK total £800 million a year. B: Great. Well, thanks for your help. Could | have your number if I need more information? A: Sure, it's 0132-4798. 27 0132-4798, A 8 packaging 35% Pereer 2 Gi Short answers Give short answers to these questions, as in the example. 1 Are you American? Ke, Dim. not Were you born in the sixties? Are you learning English for your job? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you enjoy learning English? Does your English teacher speak your language? Do you use the Internet? Is the economy doing well at the moment? Would you like to change jobs? 10 Are there any English-speaking people in your company? 62 People at work Writing Look at these notes on the history of Heuer, the Swiss watch company. Expand each line into a full sentence, using the past active and past passive forms of the verbs, as in the examples, Then link the sentences together to make a paragraph. ee] Correcting information 1860 Edouard Hever founds company in $ 1862_He fles his fst patent for a watch. 1985 TAG buys Hever for Sfr 20 million. New name for company — TAG Hever. 1987 TAG Heuer appoints management consultants Booz Hamilton. Christian Viros leads the Booz Hamilton team, 1996 Flotation of company 1999 French luxury goods company LVMH buys TAG Heuer, the comeany wos. founded. in IN. Two. yore. later Edeward. tener filed. aie. fucst. patent., Look at this information about the director of TAG Heuer. Then read the dialogue below and fill in the gaps. A: So, Christian Viros was born in 1958. x — B: No, he »! he was born in 1948. = A: At university he studied chemistry. z — Br NO, Re vesnnone Home 7 Degree: Civil Engineering ‘As And he got his MBA in 1977. ye er B: Yes, he 3 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY A: He joined TAG Heuer in 1977. 1973-1077) Engineer for World Bank B: No, he joined Booz Hamilton 4 ‘MBA Columbia University A: He was a consultant with Boor Hamilton for eleven 1977 eae 1977-1988 Consultant with 2 Sear : Boot Hamilton (Paris) : 1885-2000" CEO TAG Heuer watches He's now the CEO of TAG Heuer. 1968) Presid WES, HE onan ‘And he lives in Paris. No, he scene? «He senna’ in Switzerland People at work 63 Unit 11 | Getting a job 11.1 Recruitment processes — BY Likes and @ Read the text about Werner Baldessarini and fill in the gaps with an appropriate dislikes verb in the -ing form, as in the example, WERNER BALDESSARINI HE HUGO BOSS chairman doesn't like too much time in his office. Before spending..." being appointed to the top job in 1998, Werner Baldessarini always worked in an open-plan office. — 64 Getting a job He has just returned from three weeks in Milan, Paris, and New York, attending the presentation of the new fashion collections for next winter. it's a tiring schedule, but he enjoys 2 his colleagues in the evening and 3 about the day's work, “t's fun,’ he says. When he started his new job, he didn’t really lke. a English. ‘At the first meeting with analysts, | had a big speech written down, because my English isn't very good.’ But now he speaks more freely, and he doesn't mind =i mistakes." I can say better what | feel and what | think,’ he says. ae Baldessarini doesn't have much free time, but he enjoys 6 - once a year he rents an old wooden boat in | Turkey, ‘You do nothing, and each day you sail to a new bay. You see nobody.’ He then hates ‘ .7 to civilization. ‘When you come back and hear | the first car go “toot, toot,” you go crazy." DOES fe HKE nnn 8 im his free time? Not really, ‘ve taken the same book on holiday | for the past five years.” But he really enjoys . 3t0 music, with a particular | preference for Rod Stewart. He | 10 fast cars also likes . Eoactnedcaiv, a | te 4 © Write five sentences about your holiday or free-time activities. 1 2 3 4 5 I really enjoy I quite like don't mind don't really Hike vn Thate BD Personal qualities Pronunciation Complete the sentences below with the adjectives from the box. sensitive outgoing good with figures patient —_ energetic ambitious adaptable attentive to detail creative _ persuasive She often gets angry with her secretary. She isn’t very .. He never corrects his spelling mistakes, He's not. He's not interested in getting a better job. He's not at all enw She's not good at coming up with original ideas. She isnt really a snes POTSOR. He never talks to anyone. He just sits at his desk. He isn’t at all 6 He never wins arguments in meetings with our boss. He’s not a person. She's always tired, even first thing in the morning, She's not very 8 He can't work out 2 + 2 without a calculator! He's not... 9 She always says the wrong thing and gets people angry. She's isn't a so wo» person. 10. He just refuses to use the new software program. He's not at all ut these words in the correct column according to their stress pattern and number of syllables, as in the examples. There are three words in each group. “shortlist: interview resignation independent attentive apply offer energetic ambitious adaptable accept —_responsible persuasive patient advertisement candidate resign —_ sensitive intecriom : Getting a job 65 11.2 Applying for a job EY Time expressions was really busy I'm very Bi Reading e ve worked for the same company He's studied English She called about half an hour He's been Marketing Manager red. I've been here They moved t0 Pais wn 19 We've used this supplier Complete these sentences using for, since, ago, or in 1998. six months. » but she didn't leave a message. nearly a year. April, but now things are quieter. The conference finished three days The company has been based in Barcelona the 1980s. 7 o'clock this morning. the last three years Read this article about Ted ‘Turner, the American television entrepreneur. Name the three TV companies associated with him. 1 2 3 Ted Turner- Mr wr \WY7 ORN IN CINCINNATTI, Ohio in 1938, Ted Turner became a CEO at the age of only 25 when he took over his father’s advertising company. In 1970, he moved into television when he bought a small Atlanta TV station, WJRJ. He later changed its name first to WTBS, then to ‘TBS. In 1976, WTBS was the first TV station in the USA to transmit to cable systems nation wide via satellite. In the same year, Turner bought the Atlanta Braves baseball team. 1977 was another sporting year for Ted Turner. He bought a basketball team this time, the Atlanta Hawks. He was also captain of the boat Courageous, which sailed to victory in the America’s Cup. In 1980 he launched CNN (Cable News Network), which is now recognized as the leader in instant coverage of world events. Six 66 Getting a job years later he bought the MGM / United Artists Entertainment Company, and then founded a new TV company, TNT (Turner Network Television) in 1988. In 1990 he created his own charity organization, the Turner Foundation. In 1996 Time Warner bought TBS for $7.5 bn, and Ted Turner was no longer in charge. ‘I've been a CEO for thirty-three years, and that's a long time for anyone,’ he said at the time. ‘I'm married to Jane Fonda, so I know what its like to be number two. © Now complete the fact file about Ted Turner, using information from the article. | a | | Name: Ted Tacaet. Year of bith: Basil Proce of bith: 2 Maal staus: 3 Media successes Other interests Saliog ~ won 10 in 1977 Basketball / baseball - bought Atlanta Braves in 1970 bought WI}. ter became TBS. Since See | | + took ove fathers advertising company. | sven TRS has been owned by 3 Time Warner 2 1976 TBS started using... cin PERRBapy ‘seven ain ae transmissions J] 1980 Feated nnnnnnnnnane I | purchased MGM / UA |) 1988 launched @ Past simple and @ Complete these sentences about Ted Turner with the correct verb form, as in the present perfect example. 1 Ted Turner/fvas) has been born in 1938. 2. For several years he managed / has managed his father’s advertising company, 3. TBS used / has used satellite since 1976. In the 1970s, Ted Turner bought / has bought a baseball and a basketball team, CNN reported / has reported on world events for more than twenty years. For many years, Ted Turner was / has been married to Jane Fonda, ‘The Turner Foundation existed / has existed since 1990. Ted Turner launched / has launched TNT about fifteen years ago. He worked / has worked in television since 1970. Time Warner acquired / has acquired TBS in the mid-nineti 1 © Now make questions for the sentences in @, as in the example. 2 1 When was, What How long... What... How long. 4 Turner bo) Getting a job 67 11.3 Staff profiles Staff movements @ BF Present perfect or past simple @ 68 Getting a job Complete the table below, as in the example. dismiss dismessal® rate soon | resignation transfer | recruit | to make someone redundant Now choose an appropriate word from the table to complete each sentence, Sometimes you have to change the form of the word. 1 When he lost his job, he received a big ss. payment. 2. He came to see me to ask for a to another branch. 3 When! {n 2010, I'm going to go on long holidays abroad. 4 Wewere surprised that he smn from the company — we all thought he was happy there. 5 The company seven fifty PeOPIE susnnee When they closed down, 6 The Personnel Manager is responsible for .. of new staff. 7 Ive decided to take early... . so I can spend more time with my grandchildren. 8 Didhe.... from the company, or was he because of his bad results? Choose the correct verb form to complete these dialogues. Have / did ! you ever lived abroad? Yes, I spent / have spent? two years in Nigeria in the 1990s. Oh really? What did you do / have you done there? Twas / have been + a Project Manager for BP. Did you have / Have you had good sales results this year? Yes, they were / have been ® much better than last year. Did / Has? business go / gone ® badly last year, then? No, not really. But our profits were / have been down because of the high dollar. POEo Pree :: Did you see / Have you seen © Tom today? No. He went / has gone !! to Paris, I think. Did you speak / Have you spoken 12 to him yesterday about the new marketing campaign? Yes, and he thought / has thought ! it was a good idea 3: When did / has!4 the company first contact / contacted '5 you about the job? In May, when I went / have gone !® to England for the sales conference. And did you hear / have you heard *? from them again recently? Yes, they called / have called 18 me twice in the last month. Crossword Complete this crossword using the clues below. ACROSS Ve You make a vane Of candidates after receiving all the applications. 5 What languages did you study school? 6 The interviewer asks the candidate questions about his personal and professional 7 This . shows the number of people who have left or joined the company this year. 8 We have to . the applications to make an initial selection. 12 Another word for candidates. 15. The opposite of difficult. 16 The company have asked me to an interview. 10 u 1B 14 ‘The person who does this job often has to travel a lot and be persuasive. If your application is successful, the company will you the job. A contract is a document. The company wants to on fifteen new employees. Documents that are sent with letters of application. ‘The best candidates are a second or third interview. The opposite of love. We are advertising for the suman Of Chief Accountant. Some employers ask you to do a psychological .. Getting a job 69 Unit 12 | The world of work 12.1 Changing careers Reading Read this article and answer the questions below. MIKKPBEGKENT 2s eee) their two children. He took She doesn’t work at ‘early retirement from IBM, weekends and takes all her ‘W6KI BECKETT was ‘The company was founded yesterday named in 1994 and now employs holidays. Her employees can Businesswoman of the Year. 600 people. work from home if they She received her prize ata What is the secret of her want to and she allows them. ceremony in London. At the success? She has always age of thirty-eight she is the been ambitious. After school chief executive and founder she took a summer job with of a software business with IBM and stayed for offices in America, France, fourteen years. ‘I then knew Germany, and Britain, anda I wanted to run a public time off for their families when necessary. ‘T see someone’s career asalong Journey. We are long-term | ‘employers,’ she said, after receiving her prize from the turnover of £50 million. company by the age of sponsors Veuve Cliquot. NSB Retail Systems thirty-five and after that ro ‘These are very strong, old provides software packages have a company worth £0.5, fashioned values from todepartment stores and —_billion by 2001.” Another someone at the head of such fashion chains such as reason is her husband, a modern, high-tech ' Selfridges or Debenhams. Geoff, who works part-time company. | ~ . — AA ee — ri? yl 70 The world of work ‘Complete this table using information from the text, a Name Nikki Beckett 2 Name of company | | Position eer nnn Number of employees | : wit z «| Office locations =i | Annual sales Ee = 6 | Glients sen : 7 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? If they are false, correct them. [NSB Retail Systems has offices in four countries. Geoff Beckett runs NSB Retail Systems. . pea Nikki and Geoff both worked for IBM. nnn Nikki often works at the weekend. ‘The company supplies software to retailers. ‘The Becketts have three children. : [Nikki Beckett likes employees to stay with the company a long time... ‘The competition was sponsored by Moet & Chandon. B Question making id the mistakes O Tense review Look at these sentences and make questions for the words in italics, asin the example. 1 where. de, they. lire? The Becketts live near Newbury. Nikki worked for IBM for fourteen years. She has worked for NSB since 1995. Her sons are six and eight. Alan Vickery is the Chairman of NSB. NSB employed eighteen people when it started. Nikki started the company because she saw a gap in the market. She works about eighty hours a week. ‘There is one grammar mistake in each of these sentences. Find and correct it, as in the example. 1 Nikki work about eighty hours a week. ..werks, She has thirty-eight. - She's started the company in 1995. ‘The company gone public in 1997. NSB is not as large than IBM. ..ssssnnnnn Alan Vickery is Chairman since 1997. 3 In 2000 the company is valued at £500 million. NSB has any very important customers. Look at Andrew George's diary and answer the questions below. Itis 8.30 p.m. on Wednesday 5 October. 1 What is Andrew doing at the MONDAY Fly te Boston (British Airways) moment? “Meridian Hotel. 2 Who does Alan Broomhead work for? Tuson eashigy GRE Tia Raa SETI 3. How long has Andrew been in Boston? 4. How did he get to Harvard this Weowtsoay sir: Gar meet Prssleate sty ena 5 What time is his flight tomorrow? 6 What's he doing tomorrow HURSDAY Fly Boston — New Yor! am fighh) evening? THON i este A ee eae ee 7 What does he have todo on Eroniaee Oar pl DE pare alte Friday morning? FRoay New York = Landon Set pre: we 8 Who is coming for the weekend? Parents-inlaw for weekend! Vf er The world of work 71 12.2 Work environments Vocabulary i Complaints and apologies 72 The world of work Complete the word grid using the clues below, as in the example. All the vocabulary is connected with computers. 1 You use... £20M6F....t0 Copy images into a computer. ‘Making changes to a letter is easy, Just cut and P. You should not work in front of a computer £. for too long The We keep records of all our customers on a 4. w» is used to move the cursor on your screen. You should keep documents in a f.. them, 7 YahOO is & farwnnnnonnnnen ENGINE. 8 Most applications are kept on the 4. 9 L forgot to £. 10 To send an e-mail you have to connect your 11 You can P.... 12. [calculate all my tax with a simple ¢. so you know where to find my document and I lost it. v= documents in black and white or colour. 12 ‘Psiclaln[njelr 2 | af 4 7 T 5 Lj eft ut 1 7 . | 9 10 n Where or when would you hear these complaints and apologies? Match each complaint with one of the places in the box below. at a hotel at a school at work at a garage at a restaurant at an airport at a nightclub after a match Excuse me, this is too strong. Can I have some water? Excuse me, my room is really too small Mr Jenkins, this report is not detailed enough. ove it but it’s too expensive. Have you got an older model?

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