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Shadow Education: A role of Private Tutoring in Learning made by Khim Rj Subdei in

Nepal last July 27, 2018. The process, motivations, and effects of private tutoring are examined

in this article as seen by community school secondary teachers and students. Based on

information gathered from focus group discussions and interviews, this study is qualitative.

Although there are no appreciable differences in instructional approaches between private

tutoring and regular education, the article contends that pupils felt their learning increased as a

result. The primary causes of seeking private tutoring are exam-focused learning, subpar

classroom instruction, peer culture, parental pressure, and indirect teacher pressure. Positive

outcomes of private tutoring include the growth of students' self-confidence and enhanced

learning due to immediate help and feedback from their professors. In a similar vein, there are

drawbacks to private tutoring, such as difficulty passing exams, loss of focus in class, increased

costs for parents and teachers, and fewer classes during regular class times.

Private tutoring is a widespread practice in Nepali culture. It is envisioned as an essential

supplemental learning tool for traditional education. Private tutoring is currently a popular trend

among students in both community and institutional schools. Due to the fact that it bridges the

gap between students' expectations and what they are really learning in the mainstream, some

academics see private supplemental tutoring as a type of shadow education. Private tutoring

exists solely to supplement traditional schooling. As a result, private tutoring's content and

methodology vary along with changes in the mainstream educational system. When educational

needs are not fully met, both high-achieving and low-achieving children may desire to obtain

supplemental instruction.

The goal of such private tutoring is to raise the SEE exam pass rate of their students. The

other goal of such practice is to help pupils do better on the SEE exam. The profitability of

private tutoring is criticized for "distorting pupils' ability to learn by pushing rote memorization,"

yet. Although there is little evidence that private tutoring helps students learn, it has a long

history in Nepal's educational system. Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that the accelerated

use of private tutoring contributes significantly to the crisis in public education.

Shadow education refers to private instruction provided by unofficial educational

organizations or unofficial tutoring provided by certain teachers or individuals not affiliated with

the school system. Private supplemental instruction is frequently regarded as "shadow

education,". Thus, private tuition provided by organizations or by private parties is considered

shadow education. Since it is informal, it is taught in addition to formal education. Similar to

how private tutoring is mostly done for financial gain, it is also seen as a sign of social isolation

in India and other countries.

Coaching classes are frequently divided and tiered based on socioeconomic status. In

other words, similar to mainstream schools, kids are commonly seen streaming between low-

cost, low-quality tutoring centers and high-end, relatively better-quality coaching institutions,

making it tougher to promote social interaction and teamwork among pupils.

In Nepal, the literature on and discussion on shadow education are still in their infancy.

Therefore, it is crucial to research the effects of private tutoring on traditional education. This

essay's goal is to examine how private tutoring functions, why it exists, and what effects it has on

secondary school students and teachers. How do secondary level teachers and students perceive
private tutoring? was the study's research question. I want to learn more about the reasons why

students choose private tutoring in Nepal as well as the problems associated with it through this



The paper was made accordingly to how a research paper should be made. The paper

consists of all the things that are needed in order to make a successful and useful research paper

for everyone. Like other papers, this paper also has its own flaws and negative parts that are to be

criticized by people and its readers. In this paper, we will criticized the parts, the construction

and the most important things that are present in the study like the results, analysis, and

presentation of the data.

The first thing that will be criticized was the way the paper was constructed. The

presentation was good at fist glance, but as the papers goes by, the way the paper was

constructed became a little bit grumpy. There are some errors that can cause misreading and

misinformation to the possible readers and critique of the paper. Next one is how the paper was

presented. There are many errors of presentation present in the paper, such as the tables, the

graphs and other visuals that are present in the said paper. However, these graphical and visual

errors may not cause a major error since there is also a typed explanation about it present in the


In every paper there are strength and weaknesses present, and as the reader who will

criticize the paper, we will also tackle about it. The first strength that I saw from the paper was

the values and its supporting details. The values presented in the paper was supported diligently
by its best supporting ideas that can make sure and add credibility to those values present in the

paper. These values are one of the most crucial parts of the paper because these will be the

verification of how credible the paper can be in the eyes of every panel and researcher that can

use it as a primary support for their future reference in their own research related to this topic.

The weakness that I saw was the way the results and discussion of the paper was shown. The

results and discussion part of the paper was a little bit grumpy because the presented part can be

a little bit unclear for readers and can cause a little bit of confusion to the readers of the paper in

the future.


The paper was a good paper over all, its just that there are some parts of the paper that

was unclear for me because of the errors present in the paper and some grumpy details present in

the paper. The paper can be a good reference for future research that is a credible source in terms

of the values present in this paper. Also, the things that are needed in a presentation of a research

paper is present, but according to some of its parts, it can be an uncredible source once it is

interpreted wrongly by readers of this paper. I suggest that in future researches focus more on

things that will make it a very credible source in the future and also present all the words,

phrases, values, and visuals in the paper correctly as possible.

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