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Research title:

Algae-Biofuel: Potential source of sustainable green energy OR Sunflower oil: A sustainable source of
biofuel for sustainable environment

1. The target populace of the research are the people that uses fuels every single day of their lives.
They will be the one that will benefit from the research since most of our fuels prices as of today
are very high. We can also help those drivers of public utility vehicles to have the chance to
lessen their fuel expenses and have more time to find passengers every single day and that they
can have a chance to give more income in their respective households.
2. They use fuel in everyday of their lives because it is the one that will be beneficial for them to go
to their respective works, schools, and offices every single day of their lives. The biofuel that will
be make in this research will be beneficial for both commuters and PUV owners and drivers.
3. We think that we can help them to find a low-cost fuel product that is also as efficient as the
market brought one that they are using today. We can help them lessen their expenses in fuel
usage every day. We can help them to find a more sustainable source of fuel that will not harm
the environment that we live in today.
4. We can help by means of lessening the chances of global climate change because of fuel mining
in other parts of the world because we all know how dangerous it is for our environment. We
can also help by means of producing a potential source of sustainable oil that can be out for the
market to use.
5. The proposed product to help them is the biofuel our of green algae that will help everyone to
have a sustainable and low-cost yet effective and efficient at the same time as the fuel that they
are using as of today.

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