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arnumber=661967 Dear Sir, Looking at web sites after reading W Thornhill's recent post re electric univers e, I am considering that such technology as the use of a living organism, such a s sulfur bacteria, may have been the choice long before we considered using it. The problem Tesla had was the fact that a catalytic battery does not produce a u sable charge and if any amount over what was oscillated between magnetic and ele ctric held within the coil was introduced, it immediately discharges the entire circuit. Imagine if you will, a smarter us that developed the same technology and utilize d not the lithosphere as Tesla hoped but living organisms, such as sulfur bacter ia or phytoplankton, which has been deemed to be the largest living mass on Eart h. Such a storage field would hold enormous voltage and useful as a power sourc e. Thinking along these lines, I remember that when the WWII loser Germany stru ggled to pay war damages, the plan to mine the sea for gold collapsed when the s ea water analysis found much less gold than expected. And there are those stran ge magnesium nodules. So, could the tear in the ionosphere/stratosphere above the Cayman Trench be the result of a discharge of an entire circuit utilizing our living oceans? And re sulted in a sterilized sea? sincerely Ms Kathleen Sisco J Goldbloom's character in the Jurassic Park sequel in reply to assurances that all the mistakes of the past would not be repeated, says: No, they would be all new ones. EARTH CORE A RAY BLASTER THANKS TO FLUFF COMPRESSION Or a more apt interpretation may be that this core heating/atmosphere thickening is due to our solar heliosphere being compressed by Fluff who may have received a cosmic energy input, aka birkeland current via the universal ley lines. If s o, then my physics interpretation applies. And if the E is building up a super hot core by compression, and we have a year and a half to go, that energy is goi ng to be viable to any approaching body, aka a comet. Current science says an exchange between bodies is due to a birkeland current circling the E, receiving its energy via the sun from the cosmic circuit. I suspect the energy is being s tored in the core and is subject to discharge. The comet is not going to hurt u s, we are going to eliminate the comet without any intervention ala Haarp, whose purpose has more to do with producing interference waves in the low electromagn etic spectrum. The E will emit a blast that will eliminate the comet and will come forth from E's core and woe betide any living creature between the interlop er and the exit site on E. I am well aware that energy is being stored in the ionosphere when E is impacted by a CME. This is separate energy from the heated core energy. Note the core e nergy is not often present, every 5,000 y if my interpretation is correct. Does the ionosphere discharge when full---perhaps before the core discharge. The co re discharge may be on the cusp of the release of the magnetic charge before ebb ing. We may consider the heating of the E core how the energy renews as to con tinue radioactive release which science now says is half the energy of the core dynamo. THE STORY OF HOW WE GOT HERE As scientists now understand, an energized Fluff (thank you NASA) swells with en

ergy and begins to exert itself forcefully. Free gases are swept forward and co mpressed. Any solid body in this area of Fluff' expansion finds itself compresse d. A run-over solar system like Sol begins to experience a contraction of its h eliosphere from all points. Inside the continually reducing heliosphere the bod ies experience compression in obedience to the gas laws; and as Fluff compresses further, crossing into areas of Sol's previous control, the edge of the magneti c wave front washing over the planetary bodies in their gravity orbits, the bodi es go from being solar compressed to electromagnetically expansive.The energy in put that began the expansion determines the depth of Fluff's incursion. Or mayb e not. It is obvious that Earth experience a massive solar compression, all th e free gases compacted in a small sphere of much reduced heliosphere. This woul d have the effect of core heating, atmosphere thickening, global warming, sea li fe going extinct due to excessive heat. This is a description of the 65 my old extinction event where puzzlingly the shallow sea life died but the deep life li ved on. If Fluff succeeds in ebbing over E, then you have the 250 my old extinc tion event where 90 % of life dies. The compression Sol exerted is suddenly con verted to electromagnetic expansion, pyroelectricy being released upon crystal r ealignment of axes. S W Carey's expansion events are real. The Earth's dance c ard with Fluff was short, or we wouldn't be here. Mars did not leave Sol's much increased compression zone during the 65 my compre ssion. In fact, the compression was so great that the crystal axes realigned ac cordingly released energy, and the Valles Marianas resulted. The energy that cr eated the Valles Marianas was not a Birkeland current surfing the ley lines of t he universe but an accumulation of core electrical energy that exploded outward. Had Mars been overrun by Fluff perhaps it would be viable today. Earth surviv ed because it was decompressed by pyroelectric energy realigning the crystal axe s outward. It did save Earth. But as the extinction record of 250 mya shows, the expansion allowed H2O to sublimate into the atmosphere. The planet surface was scorched and dry, the oceans emptied into the air. Birds evolved with air s acs to accommodate the thin air. The largest land life, Gorgons, (reference Dr Peter Ward) inhabited the highest land and R Buick found evidence of beginning a ir sac adaptation in fossilized bones of the gorgons. The E was on the verge of dying again and was spared at the last moment by the end of the incursion of Fl uff. You may see this as a capacitance battery being overloaded and discharging the entire circuit. Mars was the site of the circuit discharge, then or at an earlier time. Fluff's release of control allowed the saturated atmosphere to dr op all at once. The thin air almost magically morphed into the thick oxygen of dino times. Birds, the sole survivor of the expansion became the ruling life en joying the reborn E, the dinos. This double whammy of one event followed immediately by its opposite has been th e confounding of science. Additionally, science now sees (Aug 2011) Mars 'weeping.' This release of what appears to be water may be the result of the magnetic cloud compressing Sol's he liosphere. As all nations capable of doing so have satellites in orbit around E and Mars and Venus monitoring this compression event, we will surely be informe d of 'new discoveries' and 'baffling' appearances. The discoveries are neither new nor baffling; they are the reoccurring physical evidences of heliospheric co mpression by the magnetic cloud NASA has named Fluff. This period, when we are no longer the planet at the edge of the magnetic incurs ion, will produce the most information as to our past and future. If Mars conti nues to 'weep', we may deduce that perhaps water is being 'made.' If the 'weepi ng' falls off, we may conclude that this compressive event has finally wrung the last few drops of water from Mars. We await science's observation breathlessly .

HOW TO MAKE A BROWN DWARF A LIT STAR The most unusual aspect of this seems to be the way the magnetic cloud reduces b y one body each expansion, which is itself periodic according to some input from the cosmos, or, the other more obvious choice, that the magnetic cloud Fluff's initial victim of our solar system was Sol's twin sun, Pal. Pal would be been the first victim by being the primary of a twin sun system, wi th Sol being the brown dwarf; this is the idea behind W Thornhill's statement th at life originates on a calm, brown dwarf star system. We were that calm brown dwarf. After Fluff's wrap compressed Pal to nova, and left it super energized w ith the remnants becoming the Ort cloud, it began a periodic expansion cycle tha t incurred into the area of Sol, the remaining star and a brown dwarf. The magn etic wrap proved to be the ignition, not the destruction of Sol, who became a li t star and left brown dwarfhood behind. Sol experienced regular incursions from Fluff which may be on the order of a per iodicy of 5,000 y. This date does not agree with any of science's dates for cat astrophic extinction events on Earth. It may correlate with the fact that heavy magnetic exposure resets carbon clocks. Science estimates that Fluff is only 1 0 my old. That would make everything we have in this system begin from then. On brown dwarf proliferation in the solar system and the universe: If our syste m is typical, a two star system of which one is primary, a lit star, and one is unlit, a brown dwarf, an observation might be made. Since in our own case the m agnetic cloud that compressed Pal, the primary, to Nova, and then used that ener gy to compress and ignite the secondary, the brown dwarf, the conclusion seen in our interpretation of the electric universe, that our system, hence the univers e, is literally littered with brown dwarfs, is incorrect. The magnetic cloud mo st likely would proceed to ignite the brown dwarf and not leave it unlit. This means that there are few brown dwarfs wandering around with strings of frozen pl anets where life develops under the ice. We go from life being uncommon, common and now again uncommon. Additionally, if advanced life were to view the heavens and note that a star nov aed, then within a time frame that eliminated the possibility of misinterpretati on of astronomical data, reignited, one may deduce that life does not die, merel y transforms into a new body. A faulty interpretation yet one that may easily b e made. HOW TO MODERATE A PLANET SUFFERING FROM MAGNETIC WRAP All this is a supposition: Fluff's next incursion of compression stopped before wrapping Sol, it compressed to the orbit of Mercury, which suffered a core comp ression blow out which served to release the charge of the entire circuit. Next incursion, Fluff stopped at Mars, the compressed area now including lit Sol, an d discharged Mercury. Mars blew out at the Valles Marianas releasing the energy of the entire capacitor circuit. This left Sol lit, with both Mercury and Mars dead. We suspect Mars was just like Earth and I agree. Dead now though. Next, the coming incursion wave should have stopped outside of E's orbit, leaving E i nside the compression zone with Sol, dead Mercury, and dead Mars. We were going to compress with a super hot core like a loaded gun ready to go off. I stray i nto science fiction: say a smarter us has witnessed the last event and understo od the principles of capatance and since one is unable to change the universe, o ne may moderate its actions. The pyramids were purposeful. They, as M Mathis d escribes, both absorb energy and emit energy. Instead of leaving the core energ y poised for blast out, the pyramids moderate the discharge by slow absorption w hen in the cloud's wake creating expansionism, and emission when in the front of the cloud's wave front to counter compaction. I hope. After all, the Grand Ca nyon isn't anything like the Valles Marianas. That would mean that we owe our l

ives to our smarter selves whom we have thanked by trashing the planet. The pyramid recover/release isn't sufficient to keep the planet from amassing ch arge, just enough to keep the planet from suffering a BLOW APART, instead we hav e a BLOW OUT. Survivable, and traceable. Those 'hot spots' science is so fond of? They are the record of the BLOW OUT from the super charged core. If we beg in with the most recent ice age melt at 40,000 ya ago, when 1/3 of the ice cover melted in 10 years, when humanity suddenly got smart and left those cave painti ngs in France, the that would make 8 incursions of Fluff in 5,000 y cycles. Are there 8 'hot spots'? They would be records of a magnetic incursion we survived .

VENUS IS FOR VESUVIANS Right now, the magnetic Fluff is incurring once again, and if the record I see i s correct, Fluff will stop outside of Venus' orbit, with Sol, dead Mercury, dead Mars, and so-very-much-alive Earth inside the compression of Sol. Venus will b e inside with us if Fluff stops outside Venus' orbit. The planet will experienc e compression. Gases will condense, atmosphere will thicken, and magically, the planet may gain life, once taken by Fluff only to be given back. Earth will al so compress, our previous expansion events a thing of the past, and the compress ion will take back the expansion bubbles littering the deep lithosphere, hence t he earthquakes. We may well expect an event like the Cayman Trench BLOW OUT or the event that launched India and Australia, a BLOW OUT off the east coast of Af rica. BLOW OUTS are much preferable to BLOW APARTS. Mars will continue unenlivened, but Venus may become a new temperate world. May I suggest that we clean up our E as to be good neighbors on the block, and not to be the vagrants that scurry to infest the new dwelling going up. EARTH AND AGRICULTURE 12,000 ya the people living on E established themselves in North America, and by dint of necessity, eliminated the large life. We do not know them by other tha n their stone points, the Clovis. In 2 thousand years they erased large life an d then themselves due to their bodies demand for protein that far surpassed the little humans demand for protein, us. Why we don't know. We do know that they did not 'evolve' into anything, they went extinct. Science now knows that the v ery basis of life, the multi cell is a archaebacteria partnership with eubacteri a. After all this time, 1.5 my, they are still in control of the same functions they contributed to the partnership....a true balance of power. So, we may dra w from this that the seas failed to offer much in the way of protein. It would appear this is the result of a BLOW OUT that preserved life but required restart ing. There were enough of the little humans to find watered land and guard the source of protein, milk and grain. We are still doing so but in a form that den ies reciprocity. Without reciprocity there can only be retribution. LIFE IS STRANGER THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE Our science has made the statement: Life is stranger than we could possibly ima gine. Imagine that life did evolve under the ice, after all, Ice is the true na me of our planet. Since talking would not be possible, vibratory emissions woul d be the form of transmission of higher cognition awareness. Think whales or ba ts. In the event ice retreated and left air pockets, perhaps added to vibratory emissions would be a chemical transmission. West of Eden would be the most inf ormative book to read to to begin to think about life in another from than human . My postings re Celts omitted some important information. Nora Chadwick's 1971 The Celts adds to this: the Celts claimed to have one father, Dis. Sounds like cloning. They were all elites, kindred groups linked by 4 generations to the s

ame great grandfather. Their society had no jails as none were needed. The KIN DRED kept the society of KINDREDS in order. Societal pressure on each other. One was not recognized; if necessary, the KINDRED, was fined. The most severe D ruidic judgement was ostracism. Amazing how early Greeks used the oyster shell to name the individual who would serve a 7 year banishment, hence the word ostra cism. The KINDRED included the Druids, the teachers and law presenters. Altho ugh they were KINDRED, they could be entered by the free citizens whose only out let was to be intelligent enough to enter the druids, as they could not own land and were 'free' only in the area of their king-controlled valley. Slaves were as always in the earliest society, the base for free labor. The most amazing aspect of the KINDRED was that this form of government kept it self; it was self regulated and perfectly suited to a balance of power. Cesar w as reputed to have killed almost 2 million Celt in a single battle, hard to beli eve, but if the early Celt, who disseminated themselves under KINDRED control th rough out Europe and were the Phoeneicians, Cretean (this attempt ended badly wh en Santorini exploded), and later Urnfeld cultures, the only thing that kept Eur ope from early unification was the Roman rise, and the Celtic reluctance to inst all a high king over all for rapid decision making. Their delay in meeting Cesa r allowed him to own the field against a far superior numerical force, and kept Europe from uniting into a single government under the Celtic KINDRED. If one takes Harry Harrison's alternate view of life a little further, one can i magine the manipulation of DNA to produce an organism that would be taken up bec ause of its usefulness, and since it would be engineered to spread with abandon, be able to incorporate itself into all aspects of the existing cultures. Since this scenario assumes a purpose, the purpose would be to direct life into a for m of existence that would make units of related individuals both recipients of t he benefits and responsible for maintenance of the system with the ultimate goal of producing a world government without war. Note this does not create any 'fr eedoms' individuals supposedly enjoy in a democratic government, as they actuall y do not exist. This is a interpretation of history that serves the current rul ing class. The Magna Carta allowed for a trial by jury of peers but of course, 5/6 of all the people were serfs, so the jury trial was a benefit for the nobles only. Remember the winners write the history. As the Celts failed to make a united European government at 1,000bc, the enginee red organism that swept N&S America of large life, while preserving the ecologic al fauna of Africa, was of no benefit because the failure to unite Europe left N &S America open to western colonization. The train wreck of Europe unification failure continues today in ocean fauna decimation, genetically manipulated virus es to delete specific ocean life, the eels, and electromagnetic interference bro adcast world wide to interfere with low frequency sound waves. How our society will cope with the compression events has yet to be determined.

PREDICTION Science has no explanation for the anistrophic tear in the atmosphere above the Equator and the Cayman Trench area. Because it is underneath miles of water, it is not yet known whether there is a 'hot spot' at the site. I predict there is . This Cayman Trench is Earth's most recent release of heated core energy. It is recorded in ancient Chinese annals as Gong Gong fighting the five, goring the mountain, after which the skies tilted NW and the rivers ran SE. These warm sp ells between covering ice are short, why has this one been so warm and so long? It is interesting to note that science has found that nova explosions seems to s tart and stop, totally unexpected. Perhaps a phase change when the charge of rea lignment of the axes is released? electric universe re nova

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