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Traditional Baby Care Practices of Mothers of Children Aged 6-12 Months in

The Provincial Centre of Trabzon, Turkey

Article  in  TAF preventive medicine bullletin · February 2011

DOI: 10.5455/pmb.20101223033611


6 260

3 authors:

İlknur Kahriman Murat Topbas

Karadeniz Technical University Karadeniz Technical University


Gamze Can
Karadeniz Technical University


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TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2011: 10(1)

Araştırma/Research Articl e TAF Prev Med Bull 2011; 10(1) : 61-70

Traditional Baby Care Practices among Mothers with

Children Aged 6-12 Months in the Turkish Province of

[Trabzon İl Merkezinde 6-12 Aylik Çocuğu Olan Annelerin Bebek Bakımına

İlişkin Geleneksel Uygulamaları]
ABSTRACT İlknur Kahriman1
AIM: To evaluate traditional baby care practices employed by mothers in the Turkish province of Trabzon. Murat Topbaş
METHOD: This descriptive study was planned around babies born in the provincial center of Trabzon between 1 2
Gamze Çan
June and 31 December, 2005, and aged 6-12 months at the time of the research. Data were collected in July-
September 2006. In order to determine sampling size the prevalence of mothers using traditional practices was 1
Karadeniz Teknik
calculated at 50%, with a deviation of 0.05, giving a sample size of 384 mothers, the final number being put at
Üniversitesi Trabzon Sağlık
400. The study was performed at six clinics selected on the basis of settlement location and socioeconomic level
out of 11 health clinics in the city center of the province of Trabzon. Data in the study are presented as numbers, 2
Karadeniz Teknik
and percentage distributions as mean±standard deviation.
Üniversitesi Trabzon Tıp
RESULTS: It was determined that 69.8% of mothers breastfed their babies immediately and that 91.3% gave
Fakültesi Halk Sağlığı AD,
them colostrum. It was also determined that 3.7% of mothers resorted to various practices in order to ensure a
male or female baby, 44.5% in order to facilitate labor, 25% in order to avoid puerperal fever, 63.5% in order
eliminate postnatal pain, 88% to prevent their babies smelling, 86.2% for the shedding of the umbilical cord,
Key Words:
54.2% to protect their babies against jaundice, 73.7% to protect their babies from the evil eye, 26.2% so their
Baby Care, Traditional
babies would be good-looking and 40.7% to safely complete the first 40 days after childbirth. The main practices
Practice, Child Health.
having a harmful effect on health in the study were swaddling, salting the baby, waiting for the call to prayer
before breastfeeding the baby after birth and not giving colostrum.
Anahtar Sözcükler:
CONCLUSIONS: Traditions were observed to have an impact and to be persisting in childcare in Trabzon. This
Bebek Bakımı, Geleneksel
suggests it will be useful for health personnel working in the field of infant care to evaluate the traditional
Uygulama, Çocuk Sağlığı.
characteristics in the locations where they work and to correct negative behaviors.
Sorumlu yazar/
Corresponding author:
AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada Trabzon‟daki annelerin bebek bakımlarında yaptıkları geleneksel uygulamaların
İlknur Kahriman Karadeniz
değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Teknik Üniversitesi Trabzon
YÖNTEM: Tanımlayıcı tipteki araştırmanın evreni Trabzon il merkezinde 1 Haziran – 31 Aralık 2005 tarihleri
Sağlık Yüksekokulu,
arasında doğan ve çalışmanın yapıldığı dönemde 6-12 ay arasında olan bebekler olarak planlanmıştır. Veriler
Trabzon, Turkey.
Temmuz–Eylül 2006 tarihlerinde toplanmıştır. Örnek sayısını belirlemek için geleneksel uygulama yapan anne
sıklığı %50, sapma 0,05 olarak alındığında örnek büyüklüğü 384 anne olarak hesaplanmış, bu sayı 400 olarak
planlanmıştır. Çalışma, Trabzon İl Merkezinde bulunan 11 sağlık ocağı arasından yerleşim yeri ve
sosyoekonomik düzeyleri gözönünde bulundurularak seçilen 6 sağlık ocağında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler, anket
formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Çalışmada veriler sayı, yüzde dağılımları, ortalama±standart sapma ile
BULGULAR: Annelerin %69,8‟i bebeklerini hemen bebeklerini emzirdikleri, %91,3‟ünün bebeğine kolostrumu
verdiği saptanmıştır. Annelerin %3,7‟sinin bebeğin kız veya erkek olması, %44,5‟inin doğumun kolay olması,
%25‟inin al basmasından korunmak, %63,5‟inin doğum sonu ağrısını geçirmek, %88‟inin bebeklerin kokmaması,
%86,2‟sinin göbek düşmesi ve bakımı, %54,2‟sinin bebeğin sarılık olmaması, %73,7‟sinin nazardan koru mak,
%26,2‟sinin bebeklerinin güzel olması, %40,7‟sinin kırk basmasından korunmak için herhangi bir yöntem
uyguladıkları saptanmıştır. Çalışmada bebeklere uygulanan sağlığa zararlı uygulamaların başında; bebeği
kundaklamak, bebeği tuzlamak, doğduktan sonra emzirmek için ezan vakti beklemek, kolostrumu vermemek gibi
uygulamalar yer almaktadır.
SONUÇ: Bebek ve çocuk bakımında Trabzon‟da geleneklerin etki ve izlerinin sürdüğü görülmüştür. Bebek
sağlığı konusunda çalışan sağlık personelinin hizmet verdikleri yerlerdeki geleneksel özellikleri değerlendirmeleri
ve olumsuz davranışları düzeltmelerinin yerinde olacağını düşündürmektedir.

INTRODUCTION need to understand how the group receiving care

perceives sickness and health and how it reacts to
People‟s beliefs and practices concerning health them (1).
are part of the culture of the society in which they Society‟s cultural values, attitudes, beliefs and
live. To be able to provide a better health service we behavior affect people‟s life styles, and therefore also 61
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2011: 10(1)

health conditions, and society‟s cultural values are at METHOD

the same time clues that enable contemporary
medical practices to be implemented. Awareness of The study was a descriptive one, with data being
these clues is the key to establishing communication collected in July-September 2006.
with individuals in the provision of health services to The study was planned to be performed with
society (2). Individuals‟ health-related beliefs, culture babies aged 6-12 months and born in the Trabzon
and previous experience of sickness/health constitute provincial city center between 1 June and 31
an integral whole and play a vital role in the December, 2005. Study data were collected in July-
development of individual health (3). September 2006, following approval from the local
It is of great importance in terms of health service ethical committee No. 133 dated 01.06.2006.
efficiency for doctors, midwives and nurses working According to data from the Trabzon Provincial
in health services to be aware of the cultural structure Health Directorate Statistical Office, the number of
and practices of the individuals, families or children born at Trabzon Health Clinics between
community they serve in their catchment areas. It has 01.06.2005 and 31.12.2005 was 1461.
been reported that society‟s cultural features have a No similar studies on the subject have been
significant impact on the health or sickness of conducted in the region. For that reason, since the
individuals, and of babies in particular (4). prevalence of families using such practices was
One important issue affecting child health in unknown, a prevalence of 50% was adopted to
Turkey is the care given to children. Prenatal determine the sampling size. With a traditional
maternal care, giving birth under hygienic conditions, practice prevalence of 50% and deviation of 0.05, a
the reduction of behaviors having a negative effect on sample size of 384 mothers was calculated. The final
health, and measures such as making surroundings number was planned as 400. The study was
suitable and ensuring water is clean all have a performed at six clinics selected on the basis of
positive impact on child health. Proper care does not settlement location and socioeconomic level from 11
just protect the child against disease and other ills, but health clinics in the center of the province of
also enables it to grow and develop in psycho-social Trabzon. Mothers were determined in proportion to
and cognitive terms and makes possible the creation the health clinics in the region, and health clinics on
of a healthy environment. Some births in Turkey are the basis of their level of settlement representation.
still performed by local midwives, and this is A two-stage sampling method was employed,
reflected in child health, particularly the care given to with the health centers to be studied being selected
sick children, and even when it comes to treatment, first. The mothers of 6-12-month-old babies and their
traditional practices are sometimes tried first, with addresses were then located using Baby-Child
doctors only being called in if these fail to achieve Monitoring Forms and Pregnancy Postnatal
results (5). Monitoring Forms in the relevant clinics.
It has been emphasized that the improvement, A questionnaire was prepared, based on studies
protection and maintenance of child health levels and and information in the literature, in order to evaluate
the health care to be provided in the treatment of mothers‟ knowledge of baby care and also traditional
disease are also related to a community‟s structure beliefs and practices on the subject. The form
and culture; those involved in medical and social consisted of a total of 111 questions. Data were
sciences have recently drawn attention to traditional collected by a researcher at face-to-face meetings at
practices having a positive or negative impact on home with mothers who agreed to participate in the
infant health (3). study.
For that reason, health care providers must bear in The first part of the questionnaire contained
mind the effect of culture on health, be aware of the questions about the sociodemographic characteristics
cultural features of the region in which care is of mothers and fathers participating in the study.
provided, be acquainted with traditional practices These refer to mother‟s age and civil status, father‟s
affecting health, correct traditional practices that may age, the parents‟ educational level and professions,
have a negative impact on health and further enhance age at marriage, social security, total monthly income
those having a positive impact (3). and the other people they lived with. Part 2 refers to
This research was planned and conducted with the the baby‟s characteristics with questions about the
aim of investigating traditional childcare methods baby‟s age and gender. Part 3 contains questions
known to and applied by mothers with babies aged 6- about the mother‟s fertility. These elicit information
12 months in the provincial center of Trabzon. about the mother‟s age at first pregnancy, total
number of pregnancies, number of live births, number

TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2011: 10(1)

of still births, number of miscarriages, number of morning, praying, and the father putting his hand on
abortions, family planning techniques employed the mother‟s stomach and praying for a child of the
before the last pregnancy, after birth and at the time desired sex.”
of the study, and about the most recent pregnancy and It was established that 55.5% of mothers
birth. Part 4 refers to traditional baby care practices employed methods such as exercise, walking, sport
applied by the mother. These include measures taken and swimming to facilitate childbirth.
by the mother to ensure a male or female child, for Twenty-five percent of mothers practiced some
ease of birth, for protection against puerperal fever method to prevent puerperal fever. These included
and for the relief of postnatal pain, the time of the praying, mother and baby remaining indoors for a
baby‟s first feeding, colostrum, what was given at period of 40 days, matches, bread, the Qur‟an, beads
first feeding, and practices involving reciting the call for warding off the evil eye, crochet hooks and water
to prayer into the baby‟s ear, swaddling, umbilical being placed in the baby‟s swaddling clothes, and the
cord care, jaundice, the evil eye, the baby being good- mother wearing red texts or ribbons.
looking, completion of the first 40 days after It was determined that 36.5% of mothers
childbirth and a menstruating woman being permitted employed various techniques in order to obviate
to approach the baby, with mothers being asked open- postnatal pain. These included medical ones such as
ended questions in order to establish their opinions. taking pain-killers, as well as keeping the abdomen
Data are given as number or %. warm and wrapping it up.
Of the mothers, 69.7% breastfed their babies
immediately, and 26.8% 1 hour or more after birth.
RESULTS Three percent of mothers stated they breastfed their
babies after the call to prayer had been recited into
Of the mothers enrolled in the study, 61% were in their ears, and 0.5% after waiting for the call to
the 24-34 age group; 44% of mothers were primary prayer to be issued. When mothers who did not
school graduates, 44% middle school graduates and breastfeed their babies immediately after birth were
28% high school graduates. Of the mothers‟ spouses, asked why, 30.8% suggested this was because of
47.5% were in the 31-40 age group, with 35.3% being Caesarian sections, 21.6% because they had no milk,
high school graduates and 22% university graduates. 20.0% because the call to prayer had not been read
Eighty percent of the mothers in the study were into the baby‟s ear, and 4.5% because they were
housewives, 14.2% worked in clerical positions, 3.5% waiting for 3 calls to prayer to be made. In addition,
worked in private businesses and 2.3% were manual 97.7% of mothers said they had had the call to prayer
workers. Of the fathers, 44% worked in the private recited into their babies‟ ears at birth.
sector, 30.8% were laborers, 24.7% occupied clerical We determined that 91.3% of mothers put
positions and 0.5% were unemployed. It was also colostrum into their babies‟ mouths, while 4.1% did
established that 54.3% of families had a low income not.
level while 21.0% were of an extended type. Average In addition, 93.3% of mothers gave their babies
age of mothers at first marriage was 21.5±3.3, mother‟s milk at first feeding, 2.7% giving them
compared to 25.4±3.8 for fathers. Only 1.2% of mush, 1.2% sugar water and 1.0% cow‟s milk (Table
families had no social security provision. 2).
Of the babies in the study, 174 (43.5%) were 12 It was determined that 31.3% of mothers
months old, and 204 (51.0%) were male. swaddled their babies. In terms of preventing their
First pregnancy occurred at 22.6±3.6 years of age, babies smelling, the most popular practice (32.5%)
with 37.3% having undergone 1 pregnancy and was washing, followed by 31.5% putting “salt into
15.5% 4 or more. We determined that 4.5% had the water they used for washing.” For umbilical cord
experienced stillbirths, 13.3% had miscarried and maintenance, the most popular practice was
8.5% had had abortions. We also established that bandaging the cord, used by 71.2% of mothers, with
81.3% of mothers had become pregnant intentionally, 6% keeping it clean. A further 45.8% of mothers said
99.5% had given birth in hospital, 54.5% had given breastfeeding was needed in order to avoid infantile
birth with the assistance of a doctor and 57.5% had jaundice and also recommended washing in water
had normal births. into which gold or wormseed had been placed.
Additionally, 3.7% of mothers had used various For protection against the evil eye, 73.8% of
measures in order to ensure a male or female baby. mothers said they pinned beads, the Qur‟an, talismans
These techniques included “eating sweet food for a or prayers onto their babies and also prayed over
boy, bitter food for a girl,” or “rising early in the them. 63
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2011: 10(1)

Table 1. Traditional methods employed by mothers to determine the baby’s sex, for ease of birth, to protect
against puerperal fever and to relieve postnatal pain.

Traditional practices No %*
For a male or female baby (n=15)
Eating sweet foods for a boy, bitter for a girl 6 40.0
Rising early in the morning, praying, the father placing his hand on the mother’s 5 33.3
stomach and praying for the desired gender
Post-menstrual washing for a girl, washing at time of menstruation for a boy 3 20.0
The woman experiencing sexual relief first for a girl, the man for a boy 1 6.7
For ease of birth (n=222)
Exercise, walking, sport, swimming 189 85.1
Frequent bathing 8 3.6
Sitting in the warm with the feet in warm water 6 2.7
Doing housework 6 2.7
Not putting on excessive weight 5 2.2
Swallowing dates or rice that has been blessed 3 1.3
Regular check-ups 2 0.9
Harmonious relations with spouse 1 0.5
Drinking mint tea every day 7-10 days before birth 1 0.5
Not lifting heavy weights 1 0.5
For protection against puerperal fever (n=100)
Praying 20 20.0
Not going out at night 16 16.0
Placing bread, water, matches, the Qur’an and beads to ward off the evil eye in the 15 15.0
baby’s swaddling clothes
Red scripts or ribbons being placed on the baby, wearing red clothes 13 13.0
Not leaving the mother and baby alone 11 11.0
Placing a Qur’an by the pillow 8 8.0
The husband’s jacket being alongside the mother and baby until the 40-day mark 5 5.0
has expired
Blessing by an imam, writing on red paper 4 4.0
Avoiding other women who have just given birth 2 2.0
Nothing hot being poured outside at night 2 2.0
Not lying on one’s back 1 1.0
Leaving the light on 1 1.0
Hanging a broom above the child’s head 1 1.0
Pinning a crotchet needle 1 1.0
To Obviate Postnatal Pain (n=254)
Taking pain-killers 195 76.8
Keeping the abdomen warm, wrapping it up 21 8.3
Rest 12 4.7
Walking, exercise 12 4.7
Drinking sherbets and warm liquids 5 1.9
Avoiding foods that cause stomach gas 3 1.2
Bathing 2 0.8
Frequent breastfeeding 2 0.8
Massaging the abdomen 2 0.8
Percentages obtained from “n” numbers

TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2011: 10(1)

Table 2. Traditional practices employed by mothers Table 3. Traditional practices applied by mothers in
concerning baby feeding. daily care of their babies.

Traditional practices No. % Traditional practices No. %*

Feeding time Swaddling
Immediately after birth 279 69.7
Yes 125 31.3
1 hour or more after birth 107 26.8
No 275 68.7
After the call to prayer has been 12 3.0
recited into the baby’s ear To avoid the baby smelling
Waiting for 3 calls to prayer 2 0.5 Washing 130 32.5
Colostrum Washing with salt water 126 31.5
Given to the baby 365 91.3
Wiping 48 12.0
Don’t know 18 4.5
Rubbing with baby cologne, oil
Thrown away, not given, 17 4.2 4 1.0
or cream
Keeping clean, dressing in
1 0.3
clean clothing
Percentages obtained from the “n=400” number.
For care of the umbilical cord
In order for their babies to be attractive, 26.3% of
Bandaging 285 71.2
mothers ate quinces, strawberries, peaches, apples,
dates or pomegranates, and that when they felt strong Keeping it clean 24 6.0
caprices or when the baby first began to move they Using medicaments (rubs) 6 1.5
looked at pictures of someone they loved, at pretty
babies or in the mirror. Powdering 5 1.2
In order to ensure the safe completion of the first Plentiful feeding 5 1.2
40 days after birth, 40.7% of mothers did not leave
the home after the afternoon prayers until the 40 days Rubbing with cloth doused in
5 1.2
were up, while some did not buy meat that had been
weighed until the expiry of the period. In addition, it Squeezing mother’s milk 4 1.0
was determined that 73.3% of mothers placed prayer It will fall off of its own accord 4 1.0
beads or gold in washing water, took their babies out
and about or had prayers read when the 40 days were Rubbing with oxygenated water 2 0.5
up. Frequent bathing 2 0.5
A total of 45.5% of mothers said they did not
allow menstruating women to approach their babies; Frequent rubbing with soapy
1 0.3
43.4% said this was customary, 36.3% that this would
cause itching in the baby, 6.6% said warts or heat Keeping it dry 1 0.3
rash would break out on the baby‟s face, 3.8% said No bathing until the cord drops
rufiya (miliaria in Turkish) would break out on the 1 0.3
baby‟s and 2.2% said the baby would develop sores.
Finally, 24.8% of mothers had prayers recited
*Percentages obtained according to the “n=400”
after the birth of their children, 14.5% had sacrificial number.
animals slaughtered, and 6.3% gave help to the poor.

The greatest limitation on the study is that it was

DISCUSSION carried out in the city center of Trabzon and might
not reflect rural tendencies.Yet even if the great
This study investigated traditional baby care majority of the local inhabitants of Trabzon live in
practices of mothers with babies aged 6-12 months in the city they still have close links to outlying villages.
the provincial center of Trabzon, and examined the For that reason, we can still say that the study does
results and the relevant literature. reflect rural practices. 65
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2011: 10(1)

The first thing that comes to mind in the context of Analysis of the practices used to facilitate
family and community traditional baby care is those childbirth revealed that the most frequent (47.2%)
measures intended to obtain the desired gender. was “exercise, walking, sport and swimming.”
Katebi investigated traditional practices concerning Katebi determined in one study that 39.3% of
pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period among mothers applied contemporary practices and 18%
married women aged 15 and over living in different traditional ones in order to have an easy childbirth.
cultures and determined that 62% of mothers resorted Heading the list of the traditional practices was
to such measures as changing a daughter‟s name, reciting the “bismillah” prayer (in the name of Allah,
lying on their right sides following relations, eating the Compassionate and Merciful), ritual ablution,
sweet foods, making vows, reversing a daughter‟s reciting the call to prayer, blessing and rubbing the
placenta, falling pregnant in fall or winter and back, rubbing the back with vinegar, sitting in the
entering into relations on specific days in the warm, rubbing the stomach and back, jumping from a
menstrual cycle in order to have male children (6). high place, drinking water from the husband‟s shirt,
Practices intended to produce a female baby include rubbing olive oil on the womb, boiling and drinking
making vows, praying, lying on the left after cumin water, drinking water from the hand of a
relations, falling pregnant in spring or summer, woman who had had an easy childbirth, unraveling
entering into relations on specific days of the knots, eating dates, putting one‟s hair in one‟s mouth
menstrual cycle and eating bitter and low-calorie and eating fat (6). In another study it was reported
foods. In one study by Özden, 19% of mothers said that 37% of mothers employed such traditional
they ate bitter foods for a girl and sweet foods for a practices for an easy birth as giving birth in a sitting
boy, 4.8% said they had themselves blessed by a position, drinking sugared water, drinking oil,
religious figure, 52.4% gave a special name for the jumping out of water, putting it in cloth and shaking
purpose, and 23.8% lay on a specific side after it and having the Qur‟an or the call to prayer recited,
relations (2). Biltekin et al. investigated traditional with 8% breathing easily, going to the doctor, and
baby care practices among mothers in the Naldöken 40% doing nothing (2). Biltekin et al.‟s study, the
Clinic Region and determined that 16% of mothers practices employed for easy birth included passing
with babies aged 0-11 months sat on two cushions olive oil between the legs and rubbing it on the vulva
tied together, and believed that if these separated the (7). In a study by Şenol et al., 33% of respondents
baby would be a boy, that eating fried pepper would said that among the measures in the region taken for
result in a boy, turning to the left after relations easy childbirth were unraveling the woman‟s bound-
would result in a boy and to the right in a girl, and up hair, knotted goods, the husband‟s shoe laces or
that the most frequent practice was that of eating knots; 8.3% said that water should be drunk from the
sweet/bitter foods. The practices intended to hand or skirt of a woman who had undergone an easy
determine the gender of the baby in this study were “a labor or that her blouse should be wetted and the
woman eating sweet foods for a boy and bitter foods water drunk from it, and that no heavy work should
for a girl” and “rising early in the morning, praying, be performed during pregnancy. It was established
and the father putting his hand on the mother‟s that 15.3% of mothers employed such methods (8).
stomach and praying for the desired gender (7).” In addition to the facilitation of labor, physicians,
In our study, mothers stated that they ate quinces, nurses and midwives must also be aware of
strawberries, peaches, apples, dates or pomegranates traditional practices for relieving postnatal pain. In
during pregnancy in order for their babies to be the event that these methods are incorrect or
attractive and looked at a picture of a loved one, inappropriate, they may lead to puerperal sepsis and
pretty babies or in the mirror when craving special have a negative impact on sex life and subsequent
foods or when the baby first moved. Biltekin et al. pregnancies. For example, Polat reported that in order
reported that blood from the umbilical cord was to relieve pain, mothers drank honey water, boiled
smeared on the mother‟s cheek, that the baby was and drink hot peppers and that equine scoria would be
squeezed to prevent its nose subsequently growing placed in hot water and then squeezed out, and the
large or wrapped in cloth in order to stop it water drunk (9). Biltekin reported that it was believed
developing protruding ears (7). that it was necessary to fast one day for the first baby,
One of the subjects of the greatest interest, two for the second etc., and that no painkillers were
concern and fear to mothers is that of the facilitation provided(7). Practices such as keeping the mother
of childbirth. warm, drinking aniseed, sage tea, linden tea, mint,
lemon or sweet marjoram and having the mother
blessed were also used to reduce postnatal pain (6). In

TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2011: 10(1)

Özden‟s study, 65.5% of mothers reported placing 43.4% of mothers cited maternal and baby health as a
hot salt or soil on the stomach, boiling oil and treacle reason for delaying the start of breastfeeding, with
and drinking the liquid, eating carrots, eggs, dates or 16.8% saying they were influenced by older members
dried mulberries, placing crushed groundnuts on the of the family and 12.1% saying that religious beliefs
abdomen, sweeping around the house or calling in a played a role in this (17). A similar situation was
religious figure to give a blessing in order to relieve observed in this study, with 3% of mothers saying the
postnatal pain, while 12.5% said they went to the call to prayer was read into the baby‟s ear before
doctor and 4.5% said they did nothing (2). Analysis breastfeeding and 0.5% saying they waited for 3 calls
of the practices applied by mothers in this study to to prayer to be issued before breastfeeding. The fact
relieve postnatal pain revealed a preference for is, however, that delaying breastfeeding is a matter of
medical methods over traditional ones, with 48.7% of considerable importance as it may lead to various
mothers using pain-killing drugs and only 5.3% unwelcome consequences, such as reducing milk
keeping the abdomen warm by wrapping it up. production and breastfeeding duration, delaying the
Puerperal infection is popularly known by various development of the mother-child bond in the early
other names in Turkey. The reason for puerperal period and failing to meet the baby‟s increasing
fever is poor care. Bearing in mind the impact of energy needs. The baby‟s blood sugar falls to the
puerperal fever on the mother‟s health, the fact that lowest level in the first 2-4 hours postnatally. If the
none of the methods employed has any protective baby is not breastfed within that time frame, and if
qualities is significant in showing the risks that breastfeeding does not take place until 3 or 5 calls to
mothers face (2). Practices aimed at protecting prayer have been issued after birth, the baby will
against puerperal fever include placing a knife, a become hypoglycemic. In fact, it is incorrect to
needle or the Qur‟an under the pillow, placing the ascribe any religious basis to this practice, since it is
Qur‟an, a broom, a needle, a knife, bread, scissors or something that has no place in Islam. For that reason,
a comb over the head, tying a red cloth, keeping a it needs to be emphasized to parents-to-be, and even
copy of the Qur‟an, a broom or a man‟s shirt in the in training provided for older people, that this
room, covering up with a red duvet or tying a red practice is incorrect in both health and religious
ribbon, fixing a needle to the duvet or headscarf, terms.
keeping to the room, wearing black beads, blessing The importance and value, in terms of
by a religious figure, not leaving the new mother immunological characteristics and neonate and baby
alone, not going out in the evening, wearing red health, of foods containing colostrum is so great as to
clothing, putting one‟s hair in one‟s mouth, not be indisputable. Unfortunately, however, studies in
annoying the new mother, putting fire in front of Turkey have determined that colostrum may be
anyone entering from the outside and not leaving thrown away rather than being given to the baby
clothing outside in the evening (2,4,6,7,10). Despite (7,13,17-20). In this study, 91.3% of mothers gave
believing in puerperal fever, some mothers say that their babies colostrum, and only 4.2% not.
nothing can be done to protect against it and that For the first 6 months, the baby should be fed on
“puerperal fever comes from Allah.” Among the mother‟s milk alone even if no water is provided
practices employed to protect against puerperal fever unless necessary, and breastfeeding should then be
in this study were reciting prayers, the new mother maintained with the provision of appropriate and
and baby not going outside for 40 days, placing sufficient supplementary foodstuffs (4). The giving of
matches, bread, the Qur‟an, beads for warding off the mother‟s milk first of all is widespread in Turkey,
evil eye, crochet hooks or water in the baby‟s though mush, rice flour, sugared water and cow‟s
swaddling clothes, and pinning red writing or ribbons milk have also been reported (7,21-24). In addition,
on the new mother (2). traditional practices also include sugared water
There is a practice in various parts of Turkey blessed by a religious figure or bread soaked in tea
concerning waiting for 1 or 2 (sometimes even 3 or 5) (4). We determined that mothers first fed their babies
calls to prayer before breastfeeding the baby after with mother‟s milk (93.3%), but observed that mush,
birth (2,7,8,11-16). In addition, there are also sherbet/sugared water and cow‟s milk were also
practices with a religious orientation, such as dust given. Such measures are unacceptable, since they
from the Qur‟an being placed in the baby‟s mouth delay the secretion of mother‟s milk and can even
before suckling so that it may subsequently learn it by have a negative impact on the chemical nature of
heart, suckling the child after reciting the call to mother‟s milk, and represent a matter requiring
prayer in its ear and giving the baby water from the special attention.
well of Zemzem to drink. Eryılmaz reported that 67
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2011: 10(1)

One of the significant features of baby care in (4). Practices aimed at avoiding the evil eye are
Turkish society is swaddling. Studies performed in widespread in Turkish society, and include attaching
Turkey report prevalences ranging from 41% to 79% the Qur‟an, talismans, metal plates, beads for warding
(4,5,7,8,14,18,25-27). Although this study was off the evil eye or blue beads to the baby, pouring
carried out in the Trabzon provincial city center, a molten lead into a bowl, saying „Masha‟Allah,‟
high rate of swaddling, 31.3%, was still determined. pinning 41 black cumin seeds or gold to the infant,
This subject must also be concentrated on in check- smearing a black mark between its eyebrows or
ups and monitoring both during pregnancy and covering it in red muslin (4, 6, 7, 14, 18, 25-27).
postnatally. Mothers in this study pinned beads to ward off the
One interesting practice in Turkey is that of evil eye, the Qur‟an, talismans or prayers to their
rubbing the baby with salt or washing it with salty babies and prayed in order to keep them from evil.
water to prevent it smelling (5,7,14). Şenol et al. Babies reaching 40 days of age are described as
reported that 44% of respondents salted their new having “passed the 40 mark.” The idea is a baby
born babies to avoid diaper rash and prevent their reaching the age of 40 days is now able to survive
babies smelling unpleasantly when older, and also as and has become acquainted with the world. The
a requirement of the Sunna of the Prophet mother is also perceived as having her womanhood
Muhammed. We also determined that 31.5% of restored. For that reason, passing the 40 mark is
mothers “put salt in the water they used to wash their important for both baby and mother, and cleaning in
babies (8).” that period takes place in a manner different to
Studies have reported that once the umbilical cord normal cleaning. For example, 40 stones, barley,
is cut, mothers rub it with substances such as ash, worry beads, green leaves, a comb, wheat, soap and
salt, oily dough, butter, hand cream, the ashes from flowers are placed in a bowl and the baby washed
burnt cloth, coffee or talcum powder (4,6). No such before the mother. Alternatively, gold may be placed
harmful substances were encountered in bandaging in the washing water. Similarly, in this study,
the cord in this study. practices such as placing worry beads or gold in
Jaundice in the neonatal period is a condition washing water when the baby passed the 40 mark
needing to be controlled both physiologically and were encountered (4,6,8). One activity frequently
pathologically. Delay in the treatment of jaundice encountered among passing the 40 mark practices is
may lead to kernicterus and even death. Jaundice is reciting the “mevlit,” a nativity poem, and this was
equated with yellow in Turkish society, and attempts also observed in our study.
are made to prevent or treat it sympathetically with Keeping menstruating women away from the
yellow objects, plants or substances. Among the baby to prevent itching or warts or rashes breaking
measures reported to be used by mothers in order to out on the face were also observed in this study.
prevent or treat jaundice are washing the baby with Ninety-nine percent of mothers said they believed
gold water, pinning gold onto the infant, washing the call to prayer should be recited into the ear of the
with poppy juice, washing with egg yolk, not putting baby when it is born, and 97.7% stated that they had
yellow clothes on the baby or, in contrast, wrapping the call recited.
up in yellow cloths or putting yellow coverings over In conclusion, the results from this study show the
it, and even such traumatic measures as making a cut influence and traces of traditions in Trabzon and how
between its eyebrows using a razor blade (4, these are reflected in practice, and that features of
5,7,8,12,14,25-27). In this study, 54.2% of mothers social change in the modern sense are now making
engaged in some practice aimed at avoiding jaundice, headway.
the most important being breastfeeding the baby,
together with the baby being washed in water into
which gold or wormseed has been placed. However, REFERENCES
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