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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about a serious issue that we have recently faced at your cinema. I and my
friends were waiting for our parents to pick us up in the lobby after watching the movie. We were just
sitting there withour making any oise or interfere with people waiting in the queuses but the manager
tolded us to go outside and not wait in the lobby. When we tried to explain the manager that we waiting
for our parents, we have been brutally scolded and kicked out of the cinema.

After that we have to wait in the frezzing, riany,and dark streets in an unfamilar place. We felt highly
scare and one of our friends even gets sick. It was the first time we had ever been to your cinema
because we live on the other side of town. We were really disappointed on the first day by this type of

Futhermore, it was really dangerous for us teens especially females to be ourside on streets in dark but
the manager did not understand us and do this to us. If something unwilling had happens, then who
would have taken the reponsiblility for that. I demand you to make sure that this type of thing will never
happen in future because this is clearly a teen discrimination.

There is a question that I would like to ask you. Would they have done the same if we were 25 or 30
years old? Absoulutely not. So I request you to explain and scold the manager and other stuff not to do
this again.

Your faithfully,

Myo Myint Than

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